Affiliated to the South of England Athletic Association

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Affiliated to the South of England Athletic Association




TEL: 01733 553767 TEL: 01733 898281 TEL: 01733 361026

E MAIL: [email protected] ______

Dear Club/School,

This year Cambridgeshire AA will hold Sports-hall athletics championships and county team selection competition on Saturday December 5th 2015 at The Cambridge University Indoor Sports Centre,, The Sports centre is located on the University West site which is off Madingley Road. Turn off Madingley Road into JJ Thompson Ave or into High Cross – both connect to Charles Babbage Drive. Philippa Fawcett Drive is a turning off Charles Babbage drive. The sports centre is behind a large building under construction.

The address is University of Cambridge Sports Centre Philippa Fawcett Drive (off Charles Babbage Drive) Cambridge CB3 0AS.

Google maps will pin-point Phillpa Fawcett Drive from the postcode. Link to Google maps -,0.0854236,17z?hl=en Note – there is no exit from the M11 southbound onto Madingley Road.

The event will run from 11.00 until 16:45 but is split into Under 11s first and then under 13’s/under 15’s as shown in the attached timetable.

Under 11 teams should aim to arrive at the Sports centre and assemble in the foyer at ca 10.45.

Under 13 and under 15 teams should aim to arrive at the Sports centre at ca 13.00

You are invited to submit teams – you can submit more than one team in any age-group if you have sufficient athletes. Athletes will be charged £1.50 competition fee at the match, in order to help cover costs of the sportshall hire and the team entry fee to the Regional final. We ask that team managers collect this and pay form their team en-bloc at the scorers table.

The competitions involve three age groups, Under 11’s, Under 13’s and Under 15’s using age as on 31st August 2015 ( ie last summer’s T&F age-groups).

County teams of Under 13’s and Under 15’s will be selected from the results of the fixture, for a Regional Intercounty event at Garons Park Sports centre, Southend on Saturday 30th January 2016. Selection for the Regional event counts as a representative selection towards a County colours award Team selections will be distributed via clubs/team managers during December/early January.

The competitions are as follows: Under 11’s – teams of 4 boys or 4 girls (You can include additional athletes into the team if you have spares, but no mixed gender teams please). Each team member does 2 Individual events and both relays. There are four individual events and the team must nominate 2 competitors in each. Events are Circuit relay (4 runners), 4 x 1 lap relay, 2 lap race, Standing Long-jump, Sitting ball throw and Speed bounce. Each club may enter up to four teams of four in each gender. Under 13’s – teams of up to 12 boys or 12 girls. No mixed teams. Athletes may do a maximum of 3 individual events plus 2 relays. Events are 2 lap race, 4 lap race, 6 lap race, shot, standing Longjump, standing triplejump, vertical jump, speed bounce, paarlauf relay (2 athletes), 4 x 2 lap relay, circuit relay (4). Non-scorers are permitted in all events subject to the limit of 3 individual events per athlete. “B” and “C” teams or part teams can be entered.

Under 15’s – teams of up to 6 athletes – the 4 highest scoring individuals from each team are scored together with the relays to give the team score. Each athlete must do 3 individual events, one from each event group below, and may do only one relay. Teams must not have more than 3 athletes in any single event. Group A – 2 lap race or 4 lap race, Group B – shot or Speed Bounce, Group C – Standing Longjump and either Standing Triplejump (Boys) or Vertical Jump (Girls) Non-scorers are permitted in all events subject to the 3 individual event limit per athlete.

The under 11 members of a team should wear consecutive numbers as allocated below (front only). Numbers should be different for Boys and Girls teams please. Each Under 13 team member should wear a consecutive number from the series allocated below. Numbers should be different for the Boys and Girls teams, but may be the same as those used for the other age groups. The Under 15 team members should wear consecutive numbers from the series allocated below. Numbers should be different for the Boys and Girls teams, but may be the same as those used for the other age groups. Only one number is required per athlete pinned on their front

Teams are responsible for supplying their own numbers and pins.

Allocated numbers (Thick marker pen numbers on thin card are acceptable if printed numbers are not available – size 6” x 4” landscape )

C&C Numbers 1- 30 Hunts AC Numbers 31 - 60 PAC Numbers 61 – 90 Abbey school Numbers 91 – 110 Werrington Numbers 111 - 140 Cottenham primary school Numbers 141 – 200 Priory school Numbers 201 – 230 Ely Athletics Numbers 231 – 250 NVH Numbers 251 – 280 March AC Numbers 280 - 310

Other clubs/schools wishing to enter teams please agree numbers with the organisers in advance.

If any team requires additional numbers in any age-group please let the organisers know in advance

More than one team may be entered in any Age/sex category, but please ensure that the teams are wearing different numbers. All numbers must be declared on the team sheet.

Cambs AA have not yet found anyone to take on the role of Sportshall Athletics co-ordinator and som for this winter Matt Witt and Noel Moss will continue to organise the event and County teams.

It would be appreciated if all clubs and schools could confirm their intended participation as soon as possible, and indicate in which age-groups you are likely to have teams, by e-mail to both Matt Witt [email protected] and Noel Moss [email protected]. You can add other age-groups at any time (its just an indication for planning purposes).

Team declarations should be sent by e-mail to Noel Moss [email protected] in advance of the meeting (latest by Friday 4th December at 6pm) so that names can be entered into the scoring software. Please ensure that you have shown each athlete’s allocated number.

We look forward to seeing you on the day

Matt Witt and Noel Moss (on behalf of Cambs AA)

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