PBDE Courses in Educational Administration
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The Certificate in School Leadership and the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Education Program (PBDE) at the University of Manitoba.
PBDE Courses in Educational Administration Students enroll in Educational Administration courses in the Faculty of Education’s PBDE program for a variety of different purposes.
Some students enroll in Educational Administration courses as a part of their Master of Education (MEd) program. Some include one or two Educational Administration courses in a PBDE program to supplement other areas of study selected to meet their unique educational needs and interests.
Some students enroll seeking to complete a full complement of Educational Administration courses that will meet the requirements of the Certificate in School Leadership issued by the government of Manitoba. This document is designed to assist these students.
The Certificate in School Leadership and the University of Manitoba’s PBDE Program The Certificate in School Leadership and the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE) are two separate but overlapping credentials. The Certificate in School Leadership is a provincial specialist credential issued by the Government of Manitoba. The PBDE is a University of Manitoba diploma.
The Certificate Guidelines state that:
A person may be issued a Certificate in School Leadership where the person a) holds a valid Manitoba Permanent Professional Teaching Certificate b) has three years or more of approved teaching experience while holding a valid Manitoba Permanent Professional Teaching Certificate or an approved teaching certificate issued by a jurisdiction outside Manitoba and satisfies one of the following requirements:
(i) completes an approved 30 credit hour post-baccalaureate program1 with a focus in educational administration offered by a faculty of education that includes:
15 core credit hours linked to all of the five Domains of Knowledge and Skill
6 credit hours of Field-led courses linked to one or more of the five Domains of Knowledge and Skill
9 credit hours of elective courses, or
(ii) completes an approved Master of Education degree with a specialization in educational
1 administration that is a minimum of 30 credit hours. http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/profcert/certificates/othercertificates/leadership.html
In collaboration with its educational partners the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba offers a full range of courses that align with these certificate requirements and allow for a student to meet these certification requirements at the same time as they complete their PBDE. [Information about the University’s Master of Education program and educational administration specialization can be found at: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/future/med-specializations.html]
Organization of PBDE Courses 1. Core Courses for the Certificate in School Leadership. The Certificate Guidelines identify five domains of knowledge and skills that frame the core leadership development requirements. The Faculty of Education offers five PBDE/5000 level courses that align with and meet the requirements of each of these domains. [Core courses offered by other Manitoba Faculties of Education are listed in Appendix B of the Provincial Guidelines.]
Provincial Certificate Domain University of Manitoba Course Domain #1 Cultural and Educational EDUA 5010 Introduction to Educational Context Administration Domain #2 Educational Leadership EDUA 5080 Topics in Educational Administration: Educational Leadership Domain #3 Instructional Leadership EDUA 5060 Principles of Instructional Supervision Domain #4 Personnel Administration EDUA 5040 Personnel Administration Domain #5 School Administration EDUA 5030 Management of Educational Institutions.
These courses are offered regularly within the Faculty of Education. [A schedule of all upcoming courses is available on the University’s AURORA system at: https://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched]
Field Led Courses Field-led courses are approved courses that have been developed by one or more of the four educational partner organizations identified in the certificate regulations – Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, Manitoba School Boards Association, Manitoba Teachers Society and the Council of School Leaders. These courses have to be approved by the Certificate in School Leadership Review Committee, and will then be accepted as external transfer credit in the PBDE by the University of Manitoba.
These courses are designed to emphasize the professional knowledge base of experienced school leaders examined through reflections on professional dialogue and relevant practitioner scholarship, with attention to administrative practice in the context of Manitoba schools
These courses are listed in Appendix B of the Manitoba Education and Advanced
2 Learning Certificate in School Leadership Guidelines.
In 2015-16 these will include: The Council on School Leadership (COSL) Clear Lake Summer Institute entitled, “Professional Perspectives: Implementing Ethical Leadership”. A Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS) course entitled; “Professional Perspectives: Personnel Leadership Practices”. More information on these courses can be obtained at http://www.cosl.mb.ca/ and http://www.mbteach.org/.
More field-led courses will be developed and delivered across the province in the upcoming years.
Elective Courses The Faculty of Education at the University of Education offers a large number of PBDE/5000 level courses each year across a broad range of subject areas including courses in Inclusive Education, Cross-Cultural, Sociological and Philosophical Foundations in Education, Counselling Psychology, Adult and Post-Secondary Education, and Curriculum, Teaching and Learning.
Elective courses are intended to be selected according to individual needs and interests, subject to the regulations of the PBDE Program. A full list of course offerings is available at the University of Manitoba AURORA website https://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched.
Useful Links PBDE Program. Information about the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Education is available at: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/future/future-pbde.html
The Master of Education Program Specialization in Educational Administration. http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/future/med-specializations.html
Educational Administration Faculty. Information about faculty members in the Educational Administration program area and other faculty in the Faculty of Education is available at: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/directory/faculty-directory- index.html
Certificate in School Leadership Guidelines. http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/profcert/certificates/othercertificates/leadership.html
3 Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can PBDE students who do not plan to meet the requirements of the Certificate in School Leadership still include field-led courses in their PBDE program? Yes. Up to six credit hours of approved field-led courses will normally be accepted at the University of Manitoba for inclusion in a PBDE program.
2. I completed a COSL course in 2013, would I be able to use it toward the Certificate? No. You must be registered in a PBDE prior to enrolling in a Field-led Course and the first approved COSOL field-led course was offered in Summer 2015.
3. Can the field-led courses be used for credit toward my M.Ed. in Educational Administration? No. These are only acceptable for the PBDE and the Certificate in School Leadership.
4. I completed some of the core courses through my completed PBDE, can I use these toward the Certificate? No. If you have completed a PBDE, you have until September 2017 to apply for the Level 1 or 2 Certificates.
5. Can I transfer credits in from other institutions? Yes. Subject to certain conditions a maximum of 12 credit hours may be transferred in from another recognized university. [This would be six credit hours in addition to the field-led credits.]