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Marlboro Central School District


Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 4

Title or Topics Social Studies Concepts Skills State Standards Content and Literacy Major Time (Unit (Inquiry Questions) (What students Vocabulary Connections Assessments Frame organizing idea) actually do) (Vocabulary is (Tests, (Number found at the projects, etc.) of beginning of each weeks) lesson in text.)

Colonial & Colonial & Revolutionary Periods Students will: Standard 1.1 Life in colonial New York: For media materials: Test, quizzes 2-3 weeks Dutch, English, & French influences in -identify Dutch, English & French influence in • Roles of Men, Women and 1. www.marlboroscho (identify Revolutionary New York State New York State Standard 1.2 Children Periods & The Lifestyles in the colonies – comparisons -compare/contrast lifestyles in the colonies Standard 1.3 vocabulary, during different time periods -identify different types of daily activities & • Food, Clothing and Shelter 2. Select your school concepts, events, New Nation Different types of daily activities cultural contributions Standard 1.4 3. Go to “Library” tab important people including social/cultural, political, -understand how the government of the colonies Standard 5.1 Dutch and English settlements 4. Select “Search and places in the economic, worked Colonial & scientific/technological, or religious -understand the organization of the colonial Standard 5.2 Influential Individuals Library Catalog” history of New Revolutionary Ways that colonists depended on & economy – e.g., British taxes, ways of making a Standard 5.3 icon York) modified their physical environments living British take control of New York Periods 5. Follow the direction Cultural similarities & differences, -identify social, political, & economic causes of Colony Chapter Tests including folklore, ideas, & other war cultural -discuss significance of New York’s geography & For videos: Why do people contributions that helped shape our location in relation to the war 1. www.marlboroscho Theme Projects move? community, local region, & State -understand the role of New York State in the war Colonial governments (Native Americans, leaders, battles) Colonial societies were organized to -understand values, practices, and traditions that 2. Select “Tools” tab Research Report answer three fundamental economic unite all Americans 3. Select “United questions: What goods & services do we -identify the effects of the war Streaming Video How do people produce? How do we produce them? -understand the ideals of American democracy Connection” adapt and For whom do we produce them? -understand the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Ways of making a living in our local Rights 4. Username & assimilate to a new region & State -identify individuals & groups who helped Password are the culture? Causes for revolution: social, political, strengthen democracy same as your school economic -discuss reasons for immigration and migration to email Important accomplishments of New York State individuals & groups living in our -identify important contributions of immigrants to 5. Put keyword in the community New York State Search bar & region The Revolutionary Novels/Trade Books The Revolutionary War in New York War in New York State 1. George Washington State Location of New York State Socks The significance of New York State’s 2. Crossing the location & its relationship to the Delaware What reasons locations of other people & places Geographic features that influenced the 3. Tolliver’s Secret 4. Drums of Saratoga would cause War • Causes of unrest in the groups to go to Native American Indians in New York colonies 5. A Very Important State influenced the War Social Studies 4 New 2010 war? (power, land, The war strategy: Saratoga & other local • Colonists organized and Day battles revolted against England 6. I Have Heard of a resources) Loyalists & patriots in New York State • New York as a key location for Leaders of the Revolution England Land Effects of the Revolutionary War • Loyalists and Patriots in NYS How does war • Ways in which Native change history? The new nation Americans in NYS influenced Foundations for a new government and the war the ideas of American democracy as • Important individuals who Web Sites expressed in the Mayflower Compact, influenced the war including the the Declaration of Independence, and Leaders of the Revolution ************************ The new nation the Constitutions of the State of New • Effects of the war on NYS How does the past York and the United States of America t/pub/ssisr4.pdf The importance of the Bill of Rights ************************ influence the Individuals & groups who helped to establishment of a strengthen democracy in the United States new nation? The roots of American culture, how it Documents of Freedom: developed from many different traditions, & the ways many people • Mayflower Compact / from a variety of groups & backgrounds • Constitution of New York How are new played a role in creating it State Those values, practices, & traditions that • Declaration of Independence governments unite all Americans • Constitution of the U.S. formed? • Bill of Rights Influential Individuals: • Framers of the Constitution • Political, Economic and Social /index.asp Leaders http://kids.nationalgeographic .com/kids/

Industrial Industrial growth and expansion Students will: Standard 1.3 • Steamboats, Canals and For media materials: Test, quizzes 2-3 weeks Transportation, inventions, -understand how transportation, inventions, Railroads 1. www.marlboroscho (identify Growth & communication, and technology communication, and technology, helped the Standard 4.1 Expansion (e.g., 1800’s – Erie Canal, railroads, industry of New York State • Important Figures in vocabulary, steamboats, turnpikes, telegraph, cable; -understand how economy and geography factors development of transportation 2. Select your school concepts, events, 1900’s – automobiles, subways, air influence industry and expansion and industrial growth in NYS 3. Go to “Library” tab important people travel, seaways, telephones, radios and -identify reasons behind migration from rural to 4. Select “Search and places in the televisions, computer) urban to suburban • Important Inventions Why did people -understand the concept of economic Library Catalog” history of New want to settle in Urbanization: economic, political, and interdependence based on state and local needs icon York) social impacts -discuss public education in New York State – Western New 5. Follow the direction Rural to urban to suburban migration communities and state Chapter Tests York State? Economic interdependence (e.g., -understand causes and effects of labor movement resource use; from farm to market) and child labor For videos: Ways of learning and public education in 1. www.marlboroscho Theme Projects How did new our community and State The labor movement and child labor forms of 2. Select “Tools” tab Research Report transportation 3. Select “United Streaming Video change New York Connection” State? 4. Username & Password are the Social Studies 4 New 2010 same as your school email 5. Put keyword in the Search bar

Novels/Trade Books 1. Snow Treasure 2. War Comes to Willy Freeman 3. Sarah, Plain and Tall 4. Garden of Happiness 5. The Kids’ Invention Book 6. Blue Willow 7. The Gold Rush

Web Sites

************************ t/pub/ssisr4.pdf ************************ /index.asp

http://kids.nationalgeographic .com/kids/

Oceans/continents Students will: 2-3 weeks Geography •geographic vocabulary For media materials: Test, quizzes Landforms/regions of New York -identify oceans/continents Standard 3.1 1. www.marlboroscho (identify Where are New Latitude/longitude -identify landforms and regions of New York Standard 3.2 Compass rose -use latitude/longitude to find locations •location of New York and its vocabulary, York State and its Scale -use a compass rose, scale, legend, symbols and regions, landforms and 2. Select your school concepts, events, important waterways geological features Legend grids on a map 3. Go to “Library” tab important people Symbols -make a map of NY & locate places 4. Select “Search and places in the located? Grids •illustrate maps of New York State Library Catalog” history of New icon York) 5. Follow the direction Chapter Tests For videos: Social Studies 4 New 2010 1. www.marlboroscho Theme Projects 2. Select “Tools” tab 3. Select “United Streaming Video Connection” 4. Username & Password are the same as your school email 5. Put keyword in the Search bar

Novels/Trade Books 1. Maps & Globes 2. As the Crow Flies

Web Sites

************************ t/pub/ssisr4.pdf ************************ /index.asp

http://kids.nationalgeographic .com/kids/

Government Government Students will: Standard 1.1 Responsibilities that come with For media materials: Test, quizzes 2-3 weeks Basic democratic vales (Taken from: -understand basic democratic values – e.g., rights citizenship 1. www.marlboroscho (identify National Standards for Civics and to life, justice and diversity Standard 1.4 Why is Government) -understand that these values are expressed in Standard 5.1 Federal/State Branches of vocabulary, The fundamental values of American important documents Government 2. Select your school concepts, events, government democracy include an understanding of -identify the purposes of government Standard 5.2 • Executive 3. Go to “Library” tab important people necessary? the following concepts: individual rights -understand the consequences of the absence of a Standard 5.3 • Legislative 4. Select “Search and places in the to life, liberty, property and the local government • Judicial pursuit of happiness; the public or -identify the branches of state and local Standard 5.4 • Checks and balances Library Catalog” history of New common good; justice; equality of government and the function of each icon York) opportunity; diversity; truth; and -know the meanings of key terms related to 5. Follow the direction Social Studies 4 New 2010 How would patriotism government Chapter Tests -understand the purpose of the New York State For videos: society function Purposes of government Constitution without a The basic purposes of government in the -know the state and local representative 1. www.marlboroscho Theme Projects United States are to protect the rights -understand the election process government? of individuals and to promote the -know our responsibilities as citizens 2. Select “Tools” tab Research Report common good. (Taken from: National 3. Select “United Standards for Civics and Government) Streaming Video Morning Meeting, Local and State governments Connection” Responsive An introduction to the probable 4. Username & Classroom Format consequences of the absence of Password are the is used to teach government The structure and function of the same as your school citizenship, rights branches of government of New York email and State 5. Put keyword in the responsibilities. and local governments, including Components of local executive, legislative, and judicial government Search bar branches 6. School House Rock The meaning of key terms and concepts Videos related to government, including democracy, power, and citizenship The United States Constitution and the Novels/Trade Books Constitution of the State of New York 1. George and their respective Bills of Rights were developed as written plans for Web Sites organizing the functions of government and safeguarding individual liberties ************************ Representatives in the legislative, executive and judicial branches at the t/pub/ssisr4.pdf local, ************************ State and national levels of government and how they are elected or appointed to office People elect and/or appoint leaders who make, enforce and interpret laws Citizenship and the rules and responsibilities of citizenship in the classroom, school, home and local community /index.asp Citizenship includes an awareness of the holidays, celebrations, and symbols of http://kids.nationalgeographic our nation, including the flag of the .com/kids/ United States of America, its proper display and use Effective, informed citizenship involves duties such as voting, jury service and other service to the local community Citizens can participate in political decision making and problem solving at the local, State and national levels Native Americans Native American Indians of New York Students will: Standard 1.1 • First inhabitants of New For media materials: Test, quizzes 2-3 weeks State -identify tribes indigenous to New York York State. 1. www.marlboroscho (identify of New York Native American Indians were the first -compare/contrast tribes and cultures Standard 1.2 • Utilize natural resources to State/Europeans inhabitants of our local region and State -read and write legends to explain Native American Standard 1.3 meet basic needs and wants. vocabulary, The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee - People explanation of natural occurrences • People of the Eastern 2. Select your school concepts, events, Meet in the of the Longhouse) and the Algonquian -understand how Native Americans used the Standard 1.4 Woodlands 3. Go to “Library” tab important people were the early inhabitants of our State environment to meet their basic needs • Iroquois Confederacy Social Studies 4 New 2010 Americas Meeting basic needs – food, clothes and -identify contributions of Native Americans to our Standard 4.1 4. Select “Search and places in the shelter culture Library Catalog” history of New Uses of the environment and how Native -identify major explorers of New York State Standard 5.1 American Indian settlements were (Henry Hudson, Verrazano, Champlain) icon York) Influenced by environmental and -describe the impacts of exploration 5. Follow the direction What is the impact geographic factors -understand the slave trade and its impact on the Common Task of a new culture on Important accomplishments and colonies For videos: contributions of Native American -identify groups who migrated to our region an existing Indians who -understand how they depended on and modified 1. www.marlboroscho Chapter Tests culture? Lived in our community and State the environment League of Five Nations - Government 2. Select “Tools” tab Theme Projects 3. Select “United Three worlds (Europe, the Americas, Africa) meet in the Americas Streaming Video Research Report Major explorers of New York State Connection” Impacts of exploration – social/cultural, 4. Username & economic, political and geographic The slave trade and slavery in the Password are the colonies European Explorers: same as your school Groups of people who migrated to our • Columbus email local region and into our State • Verrazano 5. Put keyword in the Ways that people depended on and • Cartier modified their physical environments • Champlain Search bar • Hudson Novels/Trade Books 1. Voyage of the Half- Moon 2. Indian in the Cupboard 3. Sign of the Beaver

Web Sites ************************ t/pub/ssisr4.pdf ************************

http://www.native- /index.asp

http://kids.nationalgeographic .com/kids/

Social Studies 4 New 2010

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