Approved Minutes s1

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Approved Minutes s1

Approval Date 3/21/2013

Approval Signature Francine Martin, Secretary

APPROVED MINUTES Woolsey Corner HOA Board Meeting Sunday, May 5, 2013, 7:00 PM 4475 N Trenton St, Portland OR 97203

Attendance: Directors Katie Steinhauer, Chair Alice Forsythe, Treasurer Francine Martin, Secretary John Brawand Rebecca Stuebe Marian Pierce Not attending Erika Huston (work conflict) Susie Meadows (no longer in residence at Woolsey)

Agenda Item #1 Meeting called to order Review/revise agenda Approval of March minutes Presenter Katie Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. Agenda revisions: - Spreadsheet prepared by Katie, showing proposed owners’ schedule for landscape maintenance, added to agenda item #2 - Proposed resolution re: a fine for late HOA dues added to agenda item #8 - Proposed Code of Conduct added to agenda item #9 March minutes: - Francine stated her position on including her written summary of the research report she prepared (results were briefly verbally summarized/presented at March meeting) as an attachment to the minutes. - Marian stated her concerns re: one statement in the report where it seemed a personal vs an objective statement was made. - Francine stated she will revise the report and make that change. - Decision was made to place approval of the March minutes on the next HOA Bd meeting agenda.

1 Agenda Item #2 Landscaping Maintenance Plan – outside contract or other options; payment options Presenter Katie/Francine Board members had received/reviewed bids from eight potential vendors. - Members discussed and agreed to use an outside landscaping service (Marian read input from Erika submitted via an email to Bd members). - Francine stated that, after looking over the approved 2013 HOA budget, a landscaping service could be hired, for a total of $650, without raising dues, using funds from the following line items: o $180 approved for a landscape contract o $320 approved for irrigation repairs (Eli Spevak agreed to pay $300 for irrigation system repairs after the 2013 budget was approved, so this line item didn’t need to be spent on such) o $150 tax refund recently received - Board members were in agreement that Rain City Gardens was their first choice of vendor. - Should Rain City decline, members agreed that Plan B would be to offer a contract to Harmonie Designs in Gardens. - Members were also in agreement that individual owners may do some landscape maintenance, particularly around weeding, if they were so inclined, but no owner is obligated to do such. MOTION: Francine moved to hire Rain City Garden Designs for a maximum of $650, to provide landscape maintenance services at Woolsey; Katie seconded; all approved. ACTION: - Francine will contact Hannah at Rain City Designs offering to accept her bid and requesting that, if accepted, she revise her contract/work plan to conform to the HOA budgeted amount of $650. - If Rain City accepts, Francine will email the revised contract/work plan to the Board prior to the next Bd Mtg. - Should Rain City decline, Francine will contact Harmonie re: providing landscaping services. - The Board will meet in 14 days or less to approve/sign the landscaping maintenance services.

Agenda Item #3 Dues increase to cover landscaping and other operations expenses – needed? If so, how much?

Presenter Katie - Discussion of a dues increase was tabled for this meeting, as it looked like both landscaping maintenance and fencing could be covered within the approved 2013 HOA budget. - Members agreed that a dues increase may need to be considered/approved later in the year should needs arise that would warrant that decision.

Agenda Item #4 Fencing – update re: installation; plan; who will oversee?

2 Presenter Katie/Erika Erika reported via email to Board members with the updated information on bids to fence in her patio area and build barriers in front of the heating/cooling units: 1. Home Depot - $1348 for installing a 6' cedar fence with a gate around the back patio area and to build protective structures similar to the one in front of John's HVAC unit; quote only included the 3 HVAC units in the back (excluding mine, which would be inside the fence), but he broke it out at $150 apiece to build and install those. 2. Lowe's quoted $990 for the same (bid had been attached to email). 3. Maintenance/builder from her employer (known to her for 5 years) quoted $506-$546 for labor and materials (she would help him, cutting down on the labor cost); quote was only for the fence. If Board is open to the idea of using a non-licensed contractor, with Erika overseeing the project, she will obtain added costs for the HVAC structures; contractor can provide references. - Erika also stated her willingness to contribute her personal funds to completion of the fencing project, in order to move it along, but Andrea Klopfenstein, Woolsey Association Manger informed the Board that was not allowed. - Francine stated the fencing costs could also be covered within the 2013 HOA budget as follows: o $200 received from Eli; o Remainder from General Repairs & Maintenance line, as this seems an appropriate expense for this work. - Board members discussed and agreed on financing the fencing using the funds Francine described. - Board members agreed that the first choice of vendor was the independent contractor who has worked for Erika’s employer. ACTION: - Katie will follow up with Erika to obtain a final quote from the independent contractor, which will include: o The cost of installing fence/barriers in front of all heating/cooling units o Fencing design . Description and graphic depiction . References . Final cost - Katie will also follow up with Andrea to confirm whether Erika could contribute financially to the cost of fencing her patio and if individual owners could contribute to the cost of fencing in front of their heating/cooling units. - Board will meet again within 14 days to review the contractor’s bid and approve the contract.

3 Agenda Item #5 Sprinkler repair/maintenance by Apogee – report – resident system training – who will be responsible for training and operation? Presenter Katie/Francine Board members had received Francine’s report re: Apogee’s maintenance/repair of the Woolsey irrigation system (attached to minutes). - Members confirmed that the irrigation system will be turned on June 1, and it will run for the season (thru September) as programmed: weekly for 60% of 25 minutes, with the percentage increased should temperatures rise above 100 degrees for more than a week. - Francine will be responsible for turning the system on beginning June 1, and making any adjustments rising temperature requires; Marian will be the back-up. - Irrigation heads located next to the building on the Woolsey St side still need to be located, so any weeds/plants blocking them can be cleared. - Members agreed to have Apogee return for an end-of-season visit to shut down the system; cost is estimated to be $40. MOTION: Katie moved to approve Apogee performing the end-of-season shutdown of the irrigation system, with the cost of this service coming out of the General Repairs & Maintenance line item; Francine seconded; all approved. ACTION: - Francine will email Apogee to confirm location of sprinkler heads next to building on Woolsey Street side, and this information will be given to the landscaping vendor. - Francine will show Marian how to turn the system on and make adjustments on the percentage of water used, if needed.

Agenda Item #6 Side Yard/City-owned land update – what has been done; plan for future maintenance; who is the responsible party to oversee ongoing maintenance? Presenter Katie Katie described progress to date: - Zones will be set up for weeding/maintenance/planting clover for each of the six owners interested in maintaining/using the city-owned land. ACTION: - Marian will be marking off the zones with ribbon. - The debris left from the initial weeding/cleanup should be removed within two weeks of this date (May 19).

Agenda Item #7 Building/common area facilities – water, electricity, other utilities, etc.

4 – information needed on locations, turn-off, any required maintenance – schedule information session? Presenter Katie Board members agreed it was a good idea to have an orientation to the utilities, as well as discussing the possibility of installing a lockbox holding a building master key or individual unit keys and proposing a meeting place for all should a fire or other disaster occur. ACTION: 1. Katie will follow up with Eli and/or the Fire Department to schedule a visit re: utilities; she will email possible dates to members. 2. Francine will follow up with Jesse at Proud Ground re: obtaining a master key for a lockbox.

Agenda Item #8 Treasurer’s Report Presenter Alice Alice reported on Woolsey financials: - Checking balance: $3+K; savings balance: $8+K - $20 credit received from missed compost pickup - $15 remaining from $300 received for irrigation repairs, as final cost was $285. Katie stated that Andrea was advising the Board to set up a late fee to be paid by any owner whose monthly dues are late (over 30 days); $21 was suggested to cover collection costs and any other legal/admin fees. ACTION: - Katie will draft a Resolution re: a late fee for adoption at the next Board meeting. - Katie will confirm the definition of “late” re: receipt of dues, i.e., received after 30 days; postmarked on the 30th day, etc.

Agenda Item #9 Announcements and Reminders Actions to be taken Presenter Katie Marian handed out a brief Code of Conduct she proposed the Board adopt; members discussed and agreed to adopt the following: 1. We will assume everyone has good intentions and will act from that. Disagree with the idea, not the person. 2. We will take responsibility for our feelings and own them. We will not blame others for our feelings. 3. We will speak in a respectful and constructive manner to each other. MOTION: Francine moved to accept these three statements as the Code of Conduct; Katie seconded; all approved.

Summary of Action Items: 1. Francine will revise her research report to be attached to the March meeting minutes.

5 2. Francine will contact Hannah at Rain City Designs re: a revised contract/work plan for $650. If Rain City accepts, Francine will email the revised contract/work plan to the Board prior to the next Bd Mtg. Should Rain City decline, Francine will contact Harmonie re: providing landscaping services.

3. Katie will follow up with Erika re: obtaining a final quote from the independent contractor, including: the cost of installing fence barriers in front of all heating/cooling units; fencing design – description and graphic depiction; references; final cost

4. Katie will follow up with Andrea to confirm if Erika may contribute financially to the cost of fencing her patio, as well as if individual owners may contribute to the cost of fencing in front of their heating/cooling units.

5. Francine will email Apogee to confirm location of sprinkler heads next to building on Woolsey Street side, and this information will be given to the landscaping vendor. Francine will show Marian how to turn the system on and make adjustments on the percentage of water used, if needed.

6. Marian will mark off the zones for individual maintenance on the city-owned land with ribbon. The debris left from the initial weeding/cleanup should be removed within two weeks of this date (May 19).

7. Katie will follow up with Eli and/or the Fire Department to schedule an orientation visit re: utilities; she will email possible dates to members. Francine will follow up with Jesse at Proud Ground re: obtaining a master key for a lockbox.

8. Katie will draft a Resolution re: a late fee for adoption at the next Board meeting. Katie will confirm the definition of “late” re: receipt of dues, i.e., received after 30 days; postmarked on the 30th day, etc. with Andrea.

Agenda Item #10 Set next meeting date, if needed Adjourn Presenter Katie Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00 PM. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 PM.


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