Book of Proverbs s1

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Book of Proverbs s1

Book of Proverbs Chapter 6:20-35

The High Cost of Low Living

Since today is Leap Day and this is a Leap Year, we could describe this chapter in the words of a well known proverb: “Look before you leap.” The Book of Proverbs has many warnings about sexual immorality. Sexual immorality is off limits for at least two reasons: it is sinful and it is costly. The greener grass of premarital and extramarital sex is always a tragic disappointment. We need God’s warnings about immorality now more than ever. Let’s begin by exposing a few popular lies about sexual immorality:

Lie #1 – Sexual immorality is not a sin – The world doesn’t condemn adultery and fornication as sin anymore. Every person has a right to choose what is right for him or her. This is called moral relativism. People ask, “Who are you to judge me?’ God is the judge and His Word is the standard by which He judges. See Gen. 39:1-9. Joseph said, “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”

Lie #2 – Everybody’s doing it – That’s just not true, and even if it were, that wouldn’t make it right.

Lie #3 – It’s ok as long as nobody gets hurt – The fact is that somebody always gets hurt. Husbands and wives are devastated. Children are emotionally scarred. Careers are wrecked. Lives are destroyed.

Lie #4 – God will overlook it – The fact is that God will judge sin. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge (see Prov. 14:9; Eccl. 8:11). Just because God doesn’t judge sin immediately doesn’t mean He won’t judge it eventually. God’s laws may be broken, but the price is high. A person may decide to break the law of gravity by jumping off a high building, but the law will break him. A person may choose to ignore God’s moral law, but that doesn’t change it. The law is still in force and all lawbreakers will be judged. The Bible says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Ex. 20:14). That’s a command, not a suggestion. The Bible says, “Flee fornication” (1 Cor. 6:18). That’s a command, not just good advice.

1. The Source of Godly Instruction (vs. 20-23) First we have the warning and then we learn the reason for the warning, the inescapable consequences of immorality. For parallel verses see Prov. 1:8-9; 3:1-4.

A. Accept your parents’ guidance (vs. 20-21) – The wisdom of both parents is so valuable and therefore should become a part of your life (heart and neck, vs. 21). Don’t resent or reject their teaching.

B. Appreciate your parents’ guidance (vs. 22-23) – Such wisdom will provide direction, protection, and meditation.

2. The Force of Ungodly Seduction (vs. 24-35) The passage reveals how a seductive woman lures a man and then describes the horrible consequences of this immoral relationship.

A. The deception: how she hooks a man (vs. 24-25) – Through her flattery she appeals to his male ego. Through her physical beauty she appeals to his lust. Through her charm she appeals to his affections. She has some very attractive bait.

B. The danger: how she hunts a man (vs. 26) – She is on the prowl just like Satan (1 Peter 5:8). This reminds us that Satan uses people to accomplish his deceptive and deadly work. Satan hunts for the weak and the young, but even the strong person is not safe from his attack (7:26).

C. The damage: how she hurts a man (vs. 26-35) – Wisdom is the most valuable thing in the world and sin is the most costly. There is a high price to pay. Sin thrills and then it kills. It fascinates and then it assassinates. Sin will take you farther than you want to go. It will keep you longer than you want to stay. It will cost you more than you want to pay. These are things the devil doesn’t want you to know.

The Truth about Adultery:

1) It will lead to poverty (vs. 26) – This is a small piece of bread which symbolizes just how low sin can take you.

2) It will inflict punishment and pain (vs. 27-28) – What a vivid picture of the consequences of sin. We have a saying, “You can’t play with fire and not get burned.”

3) It creates a situation for which there is no pity (vs. 29-31) – All sin is bad and has its consequences, but some is more tolerable and understandable in the eyes of society. The example is given of a thief who in desperation steals food because he is hungry. If he gets caught he will have to make restitution, but people will understand and offer him some measure of pity. After all, he was starving. But not so with the sin of adultery.

4) It causes a person to destroy his own soul (vs. 32) – Adultery, like all sexual immorality is self-destructive. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

5) It forces a person to live in disgrace (vs. 33) – A man will experience a sense of shame that can never be overcome or removed.

6) It may lead to angry retaliation (vs. 34-35) – A man would then live the rest of his days in fear that another man wants to beat him up or kill him.

We need to remember: a moment of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of misery and regret. Book of Proverbs Chapter 6:20-35

The High Cost of Low Living

The Book of Proverbs has many warnings about sexual immorality. Sexual immorality is off limits for at least two reasons: it is sinful and it is costly. The greener grass of premarital and extramarital sex is always a tragic disappointment. We need God’s warnings about immorality now more than ever. Let’s begin by exposing a few popular lies about sexual immorality:

Lie #1 – ______

Lie #2 – ______

Lie #3 – ______

Lie #4 – ______

1. The Source of______(vs. 20-23) First we have the warning and then we learn the reason for the warning, the inescapable consequences of immorality. For parallel verses see Prov. 1:8-9; 3:1-4.

A. ______your parents’ guidance (vs. 20-21)

B. ______your parents’ guidance (vs. 22-23)

2. The Force of______(vs. 24-35) The passage reveals how a seductive woman lures a man and then describes the horrible consequences of this immoral relationship.

A. ______(vs. 24-25)

B. ______(vs. 26)

C. ______(vs. 26-35)

The Truth about Adultery:

1) It will lead to______(vs. 26)

2) It will inflict______(vs. 27-28)

3) It creates a situation for which______(vs. 29-31)

4) It causes a person to______(vs. 32)

5) It forces a person to______(vs. 33)

6) It may lead to______(vs. 34-35) .

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