Regular Called City Council Meeting
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REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 19, 2016 – 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa
The second regular City Council Meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour; Mayor Leinen called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present: BONNER, CURNYN, DESY, LOESCHEN Absent: MAHRT
Motion Loeschen/Desy to approve the agenda. Ayes: 4 Motion carried.
Motion Bonner/Curnyn to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 7/5/2016; b) approve the bills as presented; c) approve budget, cash & activity reports for June 2016; d) approve liquor license(s) for El Patron Bar, LLC, Tienda El Mexicano, & Memories (formerly Teaser’s Tap); e) approve EDSA draw #2 for Quality Foods Project. Ayes: 4 Motion carried.
Dept. Head Reports: Nemitz and Wiebers reported they are patching Ridge Road, spraying for Code Enforcement, sweeping wash outs, and cleaning up trees. They are done painting lines and will do crosswalks before school starts. Crawford reported that Avenue C and Highway 39 is done. There are still problems with the traffic lights on Highway 30. Snowgren was unable to attend so Crawford gave an update on his behalf. The 3rd $25,000.00 payment was received from the County for the Fire Training Facility. On Thursday, the Dive Team will be going to the Aquatic Center to replace the check valves on the water slides. They are hoping this will fix the problem.
Resolution #2016-28 was introduced Approving Grant Agreement for Federal Aid for Federal Aviation Administration Program Funding for 2016 Phase 2, Stage 1 Crosswind Runway Grading Project. This is a $90,000.00 grant for the preliminary grading at the airport. Motion Bonner/Desy that Resolution #2016- 28 is adopted. Ayes: 4 Motion carried.
Resolution #2016-29 was introduced Approving Preliminary Official Statement for General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds. Motion Bonner/Loeschen that resolution #2016-29 is adopted. Ayes: 4 Motion carried.
Resolution #2016-30 was introduced Approving Contract and Bond for 2016 6th Avenue North Project. Motion Curnyn/Loeschen that Resolution #2016-30 is adopted. Ayes: 4 Motion carried.
Mayor Report: Mayor Leinen reported that he has been in contact with Jeff Cayler and he will keep the Council updated on the Police Chief search. As of yesterday, 24 applicants have applied. Leinen has been speaking and promoting Denison and has been fielding complaints on the Avenue C/Highway 39 paving.
City Manager Report: Crawford reported Ten Point Construction is making progress on the 2016 Street Improvements. The Housing Board met today. They are working on low interest loans and Region XII will be attending their next meeting to help them with the process. They are also looking at Growth Development Annexation to annex areas by Yellowsmoke and north of Highway 39 into city limits. Crawford will contact Mahrt, Reis, and D.M.U. about their connection policies.
Public Forum: None.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Signed ______
Dan Leinen, Mayor
______Jodie Flaherty, Deputy Clerk