Request for Proposal s61
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1. Introduction:
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a flagship programme of the Government and it is implemented by the Programme Officers at Block level under the supervision of the District Programme Co-ordinator (DPC).The Deputy Commissioner of a district is designated as DPC. Interlocking Paver Block Roads will be constructed under MGNREGA in Kamrup district on need base. The office of the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) Kamrup is the nodal office for implementation of the Schemes under MGNREGA.
2. Request for Proposal Definitions:
Throughout this Request for Proposal, the following definitions are used:
“Agency” means District Rural Development Agency, Kamrup, Assam.
“ Bidder” means a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 or a Firm that submits, or intends to submit, a proposal in response to this “Request for Proposal”.
“Vendor” means the empanelled Firm / company selected through technical bid issued by this RFP.
“ Contract” means the agreement formed between the Agency and the empanelled firm / company selected on the basis of commercial / price bid.
“Contract Documents” means the Agreement, the Bidders proposal document, the RFP, the price bid and such other documents as listed in the Agreement, including all amendments or addenda agreed between the parties.
“Programme Officer” (PO) means Block Development Officers implementing MGNREGS.
“ RFP” means this Request for Proposal including any amendments, attachments, and/or clarifications pertaining to this RFP that may be issued prior to the closing date.
3. Purpose:
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to empanel company/firms for supply and delivery of Interlocking Paver Blocks to different Dev. Blocks of Kamrup district for a period of 1(one) year from the date of empanelment. The empanelled company/firms will be given price-bid from time to time by the Project Director, DRDA as per requirement against a sanctioned Interlocking Paver Block road construction scheme for selecting the preferred bidder and placement of work order for supply of paver blocks against a particular sanction work.
Notwithstanding any other provision herein, Bidder’s participation in this process is voluntary and at Bidder's sole discretion. Agency reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids from a specific or multiple Bidders for any reason at any time. Agency also reserves the right at its sole discretion to select or reject any or all Bidder(s) in this process and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect costs incurred by the Bidders in this process. 4. WORK-SPECIFICATION:
80 mm thick paver blocks of 30 mpa strength.
B. Materials:
The Concrete Paving Block shall conform to the relevant IS standard.
C. Dimension and Tolerance:
The dimension and tolerance of paving blocks shall conform to the Specifications given in the Table below. Aspect ratio is the ratio of length to thickness of blocks. Chamfer is the beveled edge, provided on the top surface of a block. Plan area is the horizontal area bounded by the vertical faces. Wearing surface area is the horizontal area bounded by the vertical faces, minus the area reduced due to the presence of chamfer.
Sl. Dimension Recommended Tolerance Limit No. 1. Width W To be specified by Manufacturer ± 2 mm 2. Length L To be specified by Manufacturer ± 2 mm 3. Thickness T 60 to 80 mm ± 3 mm 4. Aspect Ratio L/T Maximum: 4.0 + 0.2 5. Chamfer (Arris) Minimum: 5 mm ± 1 mm Maximum: 7 mm 6. Plan Area Maximum: 0.03 m2 +0.001 m2 7. Wearing Face Area Maximum 75% of plan Area -1 % 8. Squareness NIL ± 2 mm
D. Compressive Strength:
The average 28 days compressive strength of 8 blocks shall be 30 mpa and strength of individual block shall not be less than 26 mpa.
The 28 days compressive strength of paving blocks will be tested as per relevant IS specification.
Other technical specifications will be as per Assam PWD norms.
5. General Instructions to the Bidders:
1. Bidders are advised to carefully study the RFP Documents before submitting the proposal. 2. Before submitting RFP, each page is to be signed. 3. The bidder must be a registered firm/company and must have up-to date Trade License, VAT, Service Tax, Income Tax registration along with valid TIN & PAN. 4. The Bidder shall have to submit all necessary documents as laid down in the eligibility conditions. 5. The bidder is requested to voluntarily disclose at the time of bidding if any of its sister concerns/group/companies/relatives are directly or indirectly participating in this RFP. 6. Agency reserves the right to terminate the Agreement/Contract in case Bidder / Vendor gets blacklisted by any other organization/Department of Government of India or State Government during the course of supply of material or services and if Bidder / Vendor is convicted in a legal/tax evasion case or on account of any other legal misconduct of the Bidder / Vendor, unsatisfactory past performance, corrupt or fraudulent practices, any other unethical business practices.
6. Bidder’s Eligibility:
The bidder must fulfil the following eligibility conditions and must also submit documentary evidence in support of fulfilling these conditions while submitting the Technical bid.
1. The firm/company should be registered. Documentary proof needs to be submitted for the same.
2. The firm must have valid VAT, Income TAX, Service Tax registration up to date clearance certificate and furnish TIN and PAN.
3. The firm/company should have office in Assam.
4. The firm/company should be in the business of supply of Interlocking Paver Blocks for at least 3 years on the date of bidding for this RFP.
5. The firm / company should have clients on their list to whom Interlocking Paver Blocks have been supplied.
6. The firm / company should have a minimum of turnover above Rs.10 Lacs.
7. The firm / company should have technical person to ensure quality.
8. The firm / company should be capable to supply material on urgent basis.
7. RFP Schedule:
Date of issue of RFP on 11th December’ 2014. All inquiries regarding RFP due by close of business on 19th December’ 2014. Bidders’ deadline for submitting responses to RFP is before 2:00 PM of 20th December’ 2014. Evaluation of bids will take place on 3:00 PM of 20th December’ 2014 in the office of the Project Director, DRDA, Kamrup.
8. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
Each RFP should be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand) only by way of crossed demand draft in favour of the Project Director, District Rural Development Agency, Kamrup. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned after the finalization of the RFP within a reasonable time consistent with the rules and regulations in this behalf. The above EMD amount held by the Project Director, DRDA, Kamrup till it is returned will not earn any interest thereof.
Offers received without Earnest Money Deposit shall be rejected.
9. Security Deposit:
The Vendor will have to deposit 2% of the total value of the work order within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of supply order and sign a contract failing which supply order will be cancelled. If a Vendor fails to remit the security deposit, the EMD remitted by the Vendor will be forfeited. The Vendor may adjust the EMD with security deposit. The security deposit furnished by the empanelled firm / company in respect of his bid will be returned to firm / company at the end of the contract period subject to the satisfaction of District Project Coordinator/ Project Director, DRDA, Kamrup. If the successful Vendor fails to sign the contract or after signing the contract fails to perform any contractual obligation, his security deposit mentioned above will be forfeited, supply order will be cancelled without notice and necessary steps will be taken to backlist the Vendor.
10. Submission of RFP:
1. The RFP document contains technical bid only. 2. The technical bid prescribed should be filled in original and should be sealed in an envelope containing all information as prescribed in the RFP document. 3. The bid must be unconditional and in the format given in the RPF document. 4. If the envelope is not sealed and marked as required above, Project Director, DRDA, Kamrup, Assam will not assume any responsibility for bid’s misplacement or premature opening. 5. The firm / company should attach a brief note on the formation and functioning of the firm / company.
11. Acknowledgement:
Agency is going to release the RFP for Empanelment of firm / company for supply of Paver Block with the sole aim of making the process free, fair & transparent. The Bid (as per attached formats) duly sealed and super scribed “RFP for Empanelment of suppliers should be addressed to –Project Director, District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Kamrup, Guwahati-Hajo Road, Amingaon, Guwahati-31. Agency is not responsible for non-receipt of bids by the specified date and time due to any reason including holidays. All questions / clarifications should be communicated only on email id [email protected]. Last date for receipt of any query is 19 th December’ 2014. Documents received after the stipulated time or the Due date or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
12. Agency’s Obligations:
The submission and receipt of proposals does not obligate the Agency in any way. Agency shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Bidders in the preparation, presentation or any other aspect of the proposals received by reason of this request, nor is the Agency obligated to negotiate separately with any sources whatsoever in any manner necessary to serve Bidder's best interests. The Agency makes no representation, implied or express, that it will accept and approve any proposal submitted. Any and all Contracts which result from this RFP shall be non- exclusive, non-commitment, as-ordered agreements. 13. Hold Harmless: In submitting a proposal, Bidder understands that the Agency will determine at its sole discretion which proposal, if any, is accepted. Bidder waives any right to claim damages of any nature whatsoever based on the selection process, final selection, and any communications associated with the selection. The Agency reserves the right to empanel the Bidder(s) whose proposal is deemed to be the most advantageous in meeting the specifications of the RFP. In addition, the Agency reserves the right to add or waive any requirements contained in this RFP at its sole discretion with regard to proposals submitted. Agency’s decision on award of empanelment shall be final and binding on all the Bidders. The Agency shall be at liberty to cancel the RFP at any time, before ordering, without assigning any reason.
14. Evaluation Process: The following evaluation criteria shall be adopted with respect to the evaluation of Technical bids submitted by the bidder:
Sl. Parameter Maximum No. Points 1. Past experience of the bidder in executing similar assignment in 35 Government and allied organizations. The points will be awarded on pro-rata basis i.e. the most experienced firm / company will get the highest point and rest will get points on pro-rata basis. 2. Financial Capability based on last three years financial 35 transaction i.e. 2013-14, 2012-13 and 2011-12. The points will be awarded on pro-rata basis i.e. the most experienced firm / company will get the highest point and rest will get points on pro-rata basis. 3. Past experience of firm / company having supplied Paver Blocks 20 to DRDA / Dev. Block / GPs 4. Local presence (Kamrup & Kamrup (Metro)) for timely delivery 10 of items. Total = 100
Notes: A minimum of 60 marks will have to be obtained by the bidder(s) to qualify the technical evaluation. DRDA, Kamrup, Assam reserves the right to reduce the minimum qualifying marks based on any exigencies that may arise post-evaluation of all the bids.
15. Changes to Proposed RFP:
The Bidder will not be permitted to change the RFP after submission to the Agency. No words or comments will be added to the general conditions or detailed specifications unless requested by the Agency for the purposes of clarification.
16. Bidder’s Expenses:
Bidders are solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing and submitting a proposal to the Agency, if any. 17. Price Bid
1. Price bids shall have to be quoted by the empanelled bidders as per requirement of the Programme officer in due course of time. 2. Bidders should transport the Paver Blocks to the destination as fixed by the POs. 3. The price quoted by the bidders should be firm rate inclusive of all taxes (Excise Duty, Sales Tax, transportation, insurance, packing and any incidental charges) 4. The price quoted by the bidder shall remain fixed during the entire period of agreement. 5. Work order will be placed to the bidder quoting the lowest rate (L-1). In case, the L-1 bidder, to whom work order is placed, fails to supply the goods in timely manner (the prescribed time limit) or refuses to supply due to any other reason, this office deserves the right to place order to the L-2 bidder at the rate of L-1 and so on and it shall be binding to all bidders.
18. Validity of empanelment:
The empanelment will be valid for 1 (one) year from the date of empanelment notification. However, the agency deserves the right to extend the validity.
19. Delivery Point/Destination:
The Paver Blocks shall be delivered at the destinations as fixed by the POs.
20. Penalty:
In the event of successful bidder fails to: a) Observe or perform any of the conditions of the work as set out herein; or b) Execute the work in good and workmen- like manner and to the satisfaction of the Agency, then
It shall be lawful for the Agency in its discretion in the former event to remove or withhold any part of the work until such times as it may think proper.
21. Sub-Contracting:
The services offered to be undertaken in response to this RFP shall be undertaken to be provided by the Bidder directly and there shall not be any sub-contracting, franchisee, contract to hire etc. arrangement done by the Bidder.
22. Alternative Purchase:
If the successful Bidder fails to execute the order within the stipulated time, the Agency will be at liberty to make alternative arrangements for purchase of the Paver Blocks from any other source or from other market, at the risk and cost of the supplier.
23. Quality Testing:
The Paver Blocks will be verified and approved by the Technical Wing of DRDA headed by the Executive Engineer as and when necessary.
24. Payment: Payments towards the supply of Paver Blocks will be made strictly as per MGNREGA Guidelines. On completion of supplies of ordered materials, Challan/quantities bills/Invoices should be raised in triplicate to the Programme Office for payment.
It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder for any shortage/damages at the time of receipt.
25. Acceptance of Terms:
All the terms and conditions of this RFP shall be deemed to be accepted by the Bidder and incorporated in its proposal unless specifically notified otherwise.
26. Notification of Changes:
The changes if any in regards to this RFP will be uploaded in the website and it will be the sole responsibility of the bidder to check the website on regular basis and respond accordingly. The Agency will have no obligation if the bidder has not responded according to the changed requirements.
27. Breach of Terms and Conditions:
In case of breach of any terms and conditions mentioned above, the DPC / PD, DRDA /PO will have the right to cancel the work order without assigning any reason therefore and nothing will be payable by the DPC / PD, DRDA /Agency /PO in that event and the security deposit shall also stand forfeited.
28. Liability for Errors:
The information contained in this RFP is supplied as a guideline for Bidders. The information is not guaranteed or warranted accurate by the Agency, nor is it necessarily comprehensive or exhaustive. Nothing in this RFP is intended to restrict the Bidders from forming their own opinions and conclusions with respect to the matters addressed in this RFP. The Agency shall have the right irrespective of the fact whether it has already received proposals from intending bidders or not, to effect such changes and enter into negotiations with one or more Bidders at its sole discretion for such changed/modified processes.
29. Authorisation:
The Project Director, DRDA, Kamrup is authorised to receive the RFPs on behalf of the Deputy Commissioner cum District Project Coordinator, MGNREGA. An Evaluation Committee to be constituted will have the authority to evaluate the technical bids.
Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup cum District Project Coordinator, MGNREGA, Guwahati, Amingaon-31 ANNEXURE I
Project Director, DRDA, Kamrup, Assam
Sub: Application for supply of Paver Blocks.
We are pleased to submit our application for Empanelment in the Agency list of DRDA, Kamrup, Assam. All documents as required in your instructions are provided and enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.
I/We have carefully perused the instructions to applicants that DRDA, Kamrup reserves the right to withhold my application for Empanelment, issue enquiry and annul the Empanelment process without assigning any reason whatsoever.
I/We shall submit additional documents wherever necessary if asked DRDA, Kamrup, Assam. I also declare hereby that all documents and information hereby are true to the best of my knowledge.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
Name & Signature of the authorized person
Date: ……………….. ANNEXURE II
1 Name of the Company/Firm/Agency.
2 Registration No. and Date.
3 Permanent Address with Communication details. (Phone No., e-mail id etc.)
4 Correspondence Address with Phone No. and e-mail id etc.
5 Whether the Organization is Income Tax payee? If yes give PAN No. 6 Name of the Bank and Account No. of the Organization
7 Was your Organization ever blacklisted by any State/Central Govt. or Board/Corporation? If yes, give details. 8 Whether any penal action was taken against your Organization under Civil or Criminal law? If yes, give details. 9 Attach Documentary proof of approved vendor and engagement in to similar kind of projects.
Date: …………………. ( )
Place: ………………… Name in capital letters Address with stamp of Organization ANNEXURE III
(Please use supporting documents where required)
Sl. Name and Address of Specification of Quantity Value Support Documents No. the Client Paver Block supplied supplied
Name & Designation:
Name & Address of the Company/Firm/Agency:
The Annual Turnover of M/S……………………………….…………………for the past three years and concurrent commitment for the current financial year are given below and certified that the statement are true and correct.
Sl. Year Turnover in Lakhs No. 1 2011-12 2 2012-13 3 2013-14 Total Average 4 Concurrent Commitment for the current financial year
Name & signature of Chartered Accountant REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)
Request for proposal (RFP) is issued by the office of the District Programme Coordinator, MGNREGA, Kamrup to empanel firms / companies to supply concrete Interlocking Paver Blocks to be used by different Development Blocks of the district under MGNREGA. Details of the RFP may be seen and downloaded from by the interested parties or can be obtained from the office of the PD, DRDA, Kamrup, Amingaon on all working days during office hour upto 19th December, 2014. Last date of submission of duly filled up RFP is 20 th December, 2014 till 2:00 PM. Opening of all proposals will be on same day at 3:00 PM.
Sd/- Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup Cum District Programme Coordinator, MGNREGA, Kamrup