Åsa Abelin, Publications

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Åsa Abelin, Publications

Åsa Abelin, publications

Abelin, Å. (2015) Phonaesthemes and sound symbolism in Swedish brand names, Ampersand, 2, 19-29. ISSN: 2215-0390

Abelin, Å. (2013) Emotional prosody in interjections: a case of non-arbitrariness in language, The Public Journal of Semiotics, vol. 5 (1), 63–76. ISSN: 1918–9907

Abelin, Å. (2013) Durations and F0-variation of Swedish emotional interjections in relation to perception, i E. L. Asu & P. Lippus (Eds.), Nordic Prosody – Proceedings of XIth conference, Tartu 2012, Peter Lang, 49–58. ISBN: 978-3-631- 64427-0

Abelin, Å. (2013) Emotional McGurk effect and gender difference – A Swedish study, in S. Hancil & D. Hirst (Eds.) Prosody and Iconicity. Iconicity in Language and Literature 13. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 978-90-272-4349-2

Proceedings from Fonetik 2012 (Ed. with Anders Eriksson) (2012) ISBN: 978-91- 637-0985-2

Abelin, Å. (2012) Relative frequency and semantic relations as organizing principles for the psychological reality of phonaesthemes, Selected articles from UK-CLA meetings, vol 1, 128–145. ISSN: 2046-9144

Abelin, Å. (2011) Perception of emotional interjections, International Journal of Cognitive Linguistics vol. 2 (2), 127–142. ISSN:1949-4971

Abelin, Å. (2011) Imitation of bird song in folklore – onomatopoeia or not? i Proceedings of Fonetik 2011, KTH, Stockholm, 13–16. ISSN 1104-5787

Abelin, Å. (2010) Expression of emotions in Spoken Swedish – a corpus study, i Proceedings of Fonetik 2010, Lund, 1–5. ISSN 0280-526X

Abelin, Å. (2008) Seeing glee but hearing fear? Emotional Mc Gurk effect in Swedish, i Proceedings of Speech prosody 2008, Campinas, Brazil, 713–716.

1 Abelin, Å. (2008) Anger or Fear? – Crosscultural multimodal interpretations of emotional expressions, i K. Izdebski (Ed.) Emotions in the human voice, Vol. 1, Plural Publ. Co. San Diego, 65–73. ISBN 978-1-59756-073-3

Axelsson, AS, Abelin, Å, Schroeder, R. (2007) Anyone speak Swedish? Tolerance for language shifting in graphical multi-user virtual environments, i B. Danet & S. Herring (Eds.), The multilingual Internet: Language, culture and communication online. New York, N. Y.: Oxford University press, 362–381. ISBN 978-0-19-530480-0

Communication – Action – Meaning A Festschrift to Jens Allwood, Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University, 1–15. (Ed. with Ahlsén, E., Henrichsen, P., J., Hirsch, R., Nivre, J., Strömqvist, S., Nicholson, S., Dorriots, B. (2007) ISBN 978-91-975752-9-45

Abelin, Å. (2007) What counts as an emotion? Some empirical observations in the semantic pastures of emotion, i Ahlsén, E., Henrichsen, P., J., Hirsch, R., Nivre, J., Abelin, Å., Strömqvist, S., Nicholson, S., Dorriots, B. (Eds.) Communication – Action – Meaning A Festschrift to Jens Allwood, Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University, 1–15. ISBN/ISSN 978-91-975752-9-45

Abelin, Å. (2007) Emotional McGurk effect in Swedish, i Proceedings of Fonetik 2007, TMH-QPSR, 50 (1), Stockholm, 73–76. ISSN 1104-5787

Abelin, Å. (2006) Experiments in investigating sound symbolism and onomatopoeia, i A. Botinis (Ed.) Proceedings of ISCA International workshop on experimental linguistics, Athens, 61–64. ISBN 960-6608-57-3

MISS 56 Från urindoeuropeiska till ndengereko, nio uppsatser om fonologi och morfologi, Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet (Ed. with Roger Källström) (2006) ISSN 1102-4518

2 Abelin, Å. (2004) Cross-cultural multimodal interpretation of emotional expressions – an experimental study of Spanish and Swedish, i Proceedings of Speech prosody 2004, Nara, Japan, 647–650. ISBN 2-9518233-1-2

Abelin, Å. (2004) Spanish and Swedish interpretations of Spanish and Swedish emotions – the influence of facial expressions i Proceedings of Fonetik 2004, Stockholm, 108–111. ISBN 91-7265-901-7

Abelin Å. (2003) Interpretation of Emotions in Natural Speech – a Comparison between Written, Auditive and Gestural Information i Proceedings of XV International Conference of Phonetic Sciences, augusti 2003, Barcelona, Spanien, 837–840. (Okänd ISSN, ISBN)

Axelsson, A-S, Abelin, Å, Schroeder, R. (2003) Anyone speak Spanish? Language encounters in Multi-User Virtual Environments and the Influence of Technology, New media and society, vol. 5(4) SAGE Publications, 475–498. ISSN: 1461-4448

Abelin, Å., Allwood, J. (2003) Cross Linguistic Interpretation of Expressions of Emotions i Proceedings of VIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social, 20-24 januari, Santiago de Cuba, Kuba, 387–393.

Axelsson, A-S., Abelin, Å., Schroeder, R. (2003) Communication in Virtual environments: Establishing common ground for a collaborative spatial task, presented at the 6th International Workshop on Presence, Aalborg, Denmark, October 6-8. Available online at http://www.presence-research.org 5 sidor

Abelin, Å., Allwood, J. (2002) Cross Linguistic Interpretation of Emotional Prosody, Gothenburg papers in Theoretical Linguistics 87, Göteborg, 18 sid. ISSN 0349-1021

Axelsson, AS., Abelin, Å., Heldal, I., Schroeder, R., Wideström, J. (2001). Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of a Puzzle-Soving Task in a Virtual and a Real Environment CyberPsychology & Behavior vol. 4 (2) April, 279–286. ISSN 1094- 9313

3 Schroeder, R., Steed, A., Axelsson, AS., Heldal, I., Abelin, Å., Wideström, J., Nilsson, A., and Slater, M. (2001). Collaborating in networked immersive spaces: as good as being there together? Computers & Graphics vol. 25, 781–788. ISSN 0097-8493

Abelin, Å, Axelsson, A-S, Schroeder, R. (2001) Anyone speak Spanish – Language encounters in Multi-User Virtual Environments and the Influence of Technology, i Proceedings of VII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social, Santiago de Cuba, Kuba, 403–409. ISBN 84-7496-848-8

Wideström, J., Axelsson, A.-S., Schroeder, R., Nilsson, A., Heldal, I. and Abelin, Å. (2000) Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments. Proceedings of Presence 2000, 3rd International Workshop on Presence, Delft, Netherlands. (Okänd ISSN/ISBN)

Abelin Å., Allwood J. (2000) Cross linguistic interpretation of emotional prosody i Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion, Newcastle, Northern Ireland, 110–113. ISBN 085-389-772-7

Abelin, Å. Boyd, S. (2000) Voice quality, foreign accent and attitudes to speakers i Proceedings of FONETIK 2000, Inst för språk, Högskolan i Skövde, 21–24. ISBN 91-630-9647-1

Wideström, J., Axelsson, A-S., Schroeder, R., Nilsson, A, Abelin, Å. (2000) The collaborative Cube Puzzle: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments: A comparison of Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality Systems for Molecular Visualization i Proceedings of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE), San Francisco, USA, 10-12 September, 165–171. ACM ISBN 1-58113-303-0

Abelin, Å. (1999) Studies in Sound Symbolism Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 17. Göteborg, 279 sid. ISBN 91-972408-9-3

Abelin, Å. (1999) Phonesthemes in Swedish, i Proceedings of XIV International Conference of Phonetic Sciences 99, University of California, Berkeley, 1333– 1336.

4 Proceedings från Fonetik 1999 (Ed. with Robert Andersson, Jens Allwood, Per Lindblad) (1999) ISSN 0349-1021 Axelsson, A-S, Abelin, Å., Heldal, I., Nilsson, A., Schroeder, R., Wideström, J. (1999) Collaboration and Communication in Multi-User Virtual Environments i Terence Fernando (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth UKVRSIG Conference, Salford University, UK, 14 september, 107–117. ISBN-10: 0953694208

Boyd S., Abelin, Å., Dorriots, B. (1999) Attitudes to foreign accent i Proceedings of FONETIK 99, Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University, 31–35. ISSN- 0349-1021

Abelin, Å. (1998) Swedish Phonesthemes i Proceedings of FONETIK 98, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, 110–114. ISBN 91-89192-03-6

Abelin, Å., Suomi, K. (1997) Swedish word accents and speech segmentation, i PHONUM 4. Umeå, 161–164. ISBN 97-7191-332-7

Abelin, Å. (1996) A lexical decision experiment with onomatopoeic, sound symbolic and arbitrary words i Speech, Music and Hearing, TMH-QPSR 2/1996. Stockholm, 151–153. ISSN 1104-5787

Abelin, Å. (1989) Färgordssammansättningar Gothenburg papers in Theoretical Linguistics 14. Göteborg, 24 sid. ISSN 0281-2847

Abelin, Å. (1988) Patterns of synaesthesia in the Swedish vocabulary i M. Gellerstam (Ed.) Studies in Computer-Aided Lexicology, Almqvist & Wiksell International. Stockholm, 17–34. ISSN 0347-948X

Abelin, Å. (1986) Ljudsymbolism eller varför säger kossan muu i J. Allwood (Ed.) Mänsklig kommunikation, Guling 14, Göteborg, 112–115. ISSN 0349-1218

Co-author of Svensk Ordbok (1985), Esselte. Stockholm, ISBN 91-24-34694-2

5 Abelin, Å. (1985) Om uttalsmarkering och uttalsregler i Svensk Ordbok, Rapporter från Språkdata 21. Göteborg, 14 sid. ISSN 0347-9218

Abelin, Å., Gadelii, E. Löfström, J. (1981) Om modalitet i talspråk, Rapporter från Språkdata 16. Göteborg, 27 sid. ISSN 0347-9218

Abelin, Å., Landberg, I., Persson, L (1980) A study of anticipatory labial coarticulation in the speech of children i PERILUS II. Stockholm, 2–18.


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