An Object of Desire

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An Object of Desire

An Object of Desire

Chapter 1: A Morning Briefing.

Eating his breakfast in the sun-dappled shade of the vine covered patio, Andy Trevorrow runs a lustful eye over the naked body of the slave kneeling in full obeisance before him. His eyes wander from the slave's lowered head, up the broad, muscular back to the elevated ass — an ass he knows well and which he frequently enjoys — before speaking. "Good morning, Toby. Rise and stand ‘at rest’. After you give your report there is a matter I wish to discuss with you." The master commands the slave. The master gazes fondly at the naked slave standing before him. He is appreciative of the slave's magnificent body and of the pleasure the slave gave him in his bed last night. The slave was nine years old when he given to him as a present on his own tenth birthday. He remembers the thrill of owning his own slave and how important and ‘grown-up' he felt at receiving the young, slave from his father. He remembers, with a sense of shame, how cruelly he treated the slave at first. Eager for his beloved father's approval, he had treated his new slave harshly and had often enthusiastically caned him for no other reason than to prove his own worth to his father. At first his father had watched indulgently as his son asserted this ownership over his new slave but eventually felt the need to intervene on the young slave's behalf before he was irreparably damaged. The father coached the son in proper master/slave relations and showed him how to handle slaves firmly but justly. In time a strong bond developed between the young master and his slave and this strengthened and grew to such a degree that, on reaching maturity, the master had used the slave to his satisfy his own sexuality. In time Andy had taken him as his personal pleasure slave; a situation that continues up to the present time. As a sign of his affection, the master has given the slave a name, Toby. This naming of the slave is unusual in that no other of his slaves is named and, when addressed, they are simply referred to as ‘slave'. Upon the death of his father, Andy had inherited the farming estate and to assist him in its management he appointed his personal slave as his steward. The slave waits patiently as his master continues to eat. Finally Andy asks. "Well, Toby what is happening today?" "Master, as you are aware the grain crops are ripening fast and I have instructed the overseers to prepare all the machines and wagons ready for use. Master, good fortune has smiled on you this year and there should be a good harvest. Also, we have other slave gangs weeding and hoeing in the orchards and vineyards. There are also three slaves in a ‘punishment' group cleaning out the water channels as they wait for your judgment." "Excellent, Toby, as usual you're on top of everything, saving me the bother of involving myself with the more routine decisions of the farm. But tell me about the three slaves who are to be punished? Are their transgressions of a serious nature?" "Not at all, master. They can be considered as trivial; according to their overseer, the slaves were ‘skylarking' when they should have been working. You could explain it as youthful exuberance but they are here to ‘work and not to play'. Nevertheless any act of insubordination by a slave has to be punished as an example to the other slaves. For that reason I have them working in the water channels. Ordinarily, several days working in these ditches are sufficient punishments. They are working knee-deep in foul-smelling mud, shoveling out the silt and other debris clogging up the flow of water – and of course I have set an overseer over them to ensure their backs are bent to their task. I would think after twelve hours of constantly shoveling heavy mud they will think twice before upsetting an overseer in future." "Tell me about the slaves, Toby. Are they young and attractive? Do you rank them as being among my better slaves?" "Yes, master. I would place them among the best of your slaves. They are young with good, strong bodies and handsome features. Master, you mentioned there is something you want to discuss with me?" "Yes, Toby, there is but I'll delay this until I've inspected these slaves. They may have a direct bearing on our discussion. Would you return to the fields and I'll meet you there shortly to inspect these slaves?" "Certainly, master. Do you want the slaves cleaned up for your inspection?" "No. Leave them as they are and keep them working until I arrive, thank you, Toby."

Chapter 2: In the Fields.

On Andy's approach, the overseer in charge of the three slaves increases the tempo of their labors by shouting and cracking his whip over their heads. Aware of their master's presence the slaves respond by shoveling harder. Their legs are covered in stinking mud and their upper bodies shine with sheens of perspiration. They are plagued with biting, stinging insects attracted by both the smell of the mud and their sweat; their discomfort is evident. "Are these the three slaves in question?" Andy asks as he watches the three slaves toiling in the ditch. "If so, then fetch them to me?" Toby orders the three slaves out of the ditch and fearfully, they hasten to prostrate themselves at their master's feet. Andy gazes down on their naked, trembling bodies before acknowledging their obeisance by placing his right foot, in turn, on the napes of their necks. Then he raps out the order to "STAND AND DISPLAY!" The slaves scramble to their feet and display their bodies for their master's inspection. Andy looks intently at the three, young slaves before running his hands over their fronts and backs. Each is a perfect specimen, standing at about 1.9 meters in height and weighing between 78 to 80 kilograms; all three have strong, muscular bodies developed by years of hard toil. Two are blonds and the third has black curly hair. All three have a light dusting of matching hair on their chests and with delightful treasure trails leading down over their ribbed bellies to their pubic regions. Their more than adequate cocks and balls nestle in a bush of thick hair that matches their general coloring. Satisfied, he addresses Toby. "You are right. These are among my better slaves. They're prime stock. What age are they?" "Master, it is hard to say, for certain, how old they are. As you know slaves don't have the date of their births recorded; only the month and year, if at all. Usually a slave's age is determined by the condition of his body, therefore I can only give you an approximate guide to their ages. My guess is that they are somewhere between eighteen and twenty years. I base this on the fact that they were among the last batch of young slaves purchased by your father shortly before he died. As you know he preferred to buy slaves in their early teenage years so that he could work and train them in his ways. As that was six years ago; these slaves would now be within the age range I just mentioned." "Then they are the correct age for my requirements and they are in prime condition. But tell me, are they sexually active?" "Master, like all your slaves, these three are like rabbits;" Toby laughs "in that they spend all their free time in fucking one another. Although the black-haired slave at the end is more of a ‘giver' than a ‘receiver'. I understand from the overseers that he hates to have a cock thrust up him but is eager to put his own into the nearest available hole. Because of this reluctance, the overseers delight in fucking him. They enjoy his sense of outrage at being used and of his inability to prevent it happening to him." "Well I'm satisfied they meet my current requirements, Toby and they are an important part of the matter I want to discuss with you. Yesterday, while in the city, I visited the workshops of the sculptor, Antonio Varo. One of his recent works, a bronze statue of two, naked wrestlers caught my eye and I decided it was just what I need for inclusion in my remodeled courtyard garden. As you would expect of Varo, his works are quite expensive; 17,000 drachmae in fact, and at the moment, I have insufficient cash reserves to meet his price. However, I'm determined to have it, no matter what the cost and so it has become necessary for me to raise the extra money by selling one or two slaves at the next auction. I look to these three to provide me with the money I need. What do you think?" "Master, I'm sure any one of these slaves would fetch a good price at auction. Whether or not you'll need to sell all three to raise the amount of money you need, I can't say. It is some time since I last accompanied you to a slave sale, and so, I'm not up with the current price of slaves. Hopefully, it won't be necessary to part with all three, as with the promise of a good harvest, we will need every available slave to work in the fields." "I appreciate your views, Toby. However, I'm determined to have my new statue and if I have to sell all three slaves to achieve this, then so be it. With regard to the harvest, the other slaves will need to work that much harder and longer to make up for the absence of these three. I'm sure it isn't beyond the capabilities of my overseers to coax this extra effort out of my slaves." "Very well, master." Toby answers. He knows that there isn't any point in continuing the discussion now that his master has made his decision. There remain only the logistics of delivering the slaves to the auction yard. "Toby, tomorrow I will need you to help me take these three to the slave-dealer's yard for their valuations. Please ensure that they are made presentable; their hair is to be cropped, their faces clean-shaven and their bodies washed, buffed and oiled. Before we leave make sure they piss and shit; I don't want to be publicly embarrassed by any unforeseen ‘accidents' either on the way to the dealers or whilst they are being appraised. They are to be secured so that there isn't any chance of them ‘breaking free' and it goes without saying they are to be naked. You, however, have my permission to wear a loincloth to and from the sale-yards. I rely on you to have the slaves looking their best for their appraisals." "Thank you, master. I'll see that all your requirements are met. Thank you also for allowing me to wear a loincloth."

Chapter 3: The City.

Andy moves slowly through the narrow streets towards the centre of the city. Sitting in his rickshaw pulled by a naked and muscular slave, he is followed by Toby leading the three slaves on a chain. The slaves are fastened, one behind the other, by short lengths of chain attached to their neck collars and with their wrists tied behind their backs. On reaching the outer limits of the city, Andy had paused while Toby fitted the slaves with ankle chains; the effect of this is that the slaves now ‘hobble' rather than walk. Still Andy considers this restraint is necessary. Unaccustomed as the slaves are to the city, he doesn't want them taking ‘fright' and attempting to break away. Before leaving the farm, Andy had inspected the three slaves to ensure they were properly prepared for valuation. He was pleased with Toby's efforts in ensuring that his instructions had been carried out. Each slave has had his hair cropped and is cleanly shaven. Their strong, young bodies are clean and coated with oil causing their musculature to shine in the early, morning sunlight. Additionally, Toby had taken it upon himself to trim their pubes back to short stubble to better show off their genitals which are bound with thin, leather straps. This forces their cocks and balls forward into a prominent display. He also denied them food and water overnight and made sure they were ‘flushed out' to avoid any unpleasant accidents due to nervousness as they are examined by the slavers. Andy praised Toby's efforts and thanked him before moving off to the slave-dealers. Despite their fears at the prospect of being sold, the three slaves nevertheless feel a sense of excitement as Toby leads them through the streets of the small, provincial city. They were last in the city six years ago, when the ‘old master' had bought them at auction and then led them back to his estate five kilometers from the city. Since then they had been restricted, under pain of death, to the boundaries of their master's estate. So the sights, sounds and smells of the city both fascinate and intrigue them. As they are led through the streets they are the subject of much admiration and comment. Several times the master stops to allow friends and other interested bystanders to examine their bodies and to praise him on the quality of his livestock. The slaves soon became accustomed to the hands sliding over their bodies, manipulating their cocks, hefting and weighing their balls and parting their buttocks to examine and finger their assholes. Unaccustomed to so such attention, the three slaves soon sport massive erections and their piss-slits glisten with pre-cum. It is only too obvious that they enjoy the attention their bodies are receiving at the hands of such appreciative admirers. Their master, for his part, is hoping that this interest in his slaves will translate into bids when they stand on the auction block. As they move through the streets into the central square of the city, the slaves are surprised at the crowds thronging the streets. They are surrounded by people hurrying about their business. Everywhere they look they see slaves toiling and, in observing them, they perhaps catch a glimpse of their own futures. They see gangs of municipal slaves, owned by the city council, sweeping and cleaning the footpaths and gutters, whilst other slaves are employed repairing and repaving the roadways; all under the watchful eyes of impatient overseers armed with long, leather whips. And of course, there are the various methods of transport, all powered by slaves, whose role it is to ferry their masters around the city. However, for the slaves, the most disturbing sight is that of a ‘comfort station'; one of many set up and operating throughout the city. The comfort station consists of a long wooden bench, upon which ten, naked slaves are kneeling with their heads and hands locked into a stock. Their knees are spread wide and are strapped down exposing their puckering holes to public scrutiny. The bench is built at a height that places their heads and asses at a convenient height for either fucking or sucking. As they pass, the slaves see several youths enthusiastically thrusting into some of the unfortunate, straining slaves. The comfort stations are a municipal initiative that caters for the poorer citizens of the city who don't own slaves; however, the facility is also popular with the city's businessmen and merchants in need of a quick release from stress. Here, for a nominal fee, they can use a slave's body in increments of fifteen minutes. Each is carefully supervised by a council employee and two assisting slaves .To ensure hygiene, and after each use, a slave is unfastened, flushed out and re-lubed. He is then placed in a nearby, holding cage to ‘rest' until he is next required as a replacement on the bench. The three slaves, used to the sheltered environment of their master's farm are shocked by this sight and shudder at the thought that they, too, could now be subjected to such an extreme form of slavery. Andy moves out of the square and down a side street leading to the municipal sale yards. It is here that all livestock, including slaves, from the surrounding farms are sold. At this early hour, the yards are a scene of great activity with farmers delivering their sheep, goats and cattle into the holding pens. As they pass, the slaves see a caged area down one side of the yards. Locked in this cage are fifty, naked slaves due to be auctioned in the afternoon after all the other livestock is sold. They stand dejectedly, and in chains, looking out at the activity as the eager buyers peruse the penned animals on offer. Soon, it will be their turn to be inspected and these slaves will be led out and chained by the ankle to a numbered podium for inspection and examination by potential bidders. Passing through the stock market, Andy enters through tall wooden gates into a paved courtyard surrounded by high stone walls. There he gives the order for his pony to ‘stop and rest'. As they enter the courtyard, the trembling slaves pass under a sign reading: DAVID J MATHESON, SLAVE BROKER DEALER IN FINE SLAVES REMEMBER! FOR THAT SPECIAL SLAVE – TALK TO DAVE

Chapter 4: The Appraisals. Alighting from his rickshaw, Andy is approached by a middle-aged slave who bows deeply before speaking. "Good morning, sir. How may I help you?" This slave is obviously of some importance as he wears a loincloth and is, in fact, the chief steward of the establishment. "I wish to speak to your master. I have three slaves I want appraised and valued." Andy replies. "Certainly, sir. I'll take you to my master immediately. Can I tell him who is asking for him?" "Yes. My name is Andrew Trevorrow. I believe your master will remember me as I have had dealings with him in the past." "Thank you, sir. Can I ask sir; are these the slaves you wish my master to look at?" He asks pointing to the three slaves. "If so, I suggest that your overseer take them through that gate," the slave indicates a small wooden gate in set in one of the walls, "into the inspection yard. "There is a slave in the yard who will prepare them for my master's inspection." Andy nods in agreement and instructs Toby to lead the slaves into the yard and to assist in getting them ready. "Thank you, sir. Now if you will come with me," the slave invites Andy, "I'll take you to my master. I'm sure he will offer you the hospitality of his house whilst your slaves are made ready. Oh, one other thing do you want me to have your pony watered?" "Yes, please. He has traveled a long way and will have to make the return trip in the full heat of the day." "As soon as I have taken you to my master, I'll send a slave to water him and to help him piss." As Andy and the steward disappear into the building, Toby leads his charges through the gate and into a small, dusty yard. Running down the centre of the yard are a number of poles with varying lengths of heavy chains attached. He is approached by a slave who is naked accept for a heavy collar around his neck and who asks Toby "Can I help you?" "Yes, my master has brought these slaves in for pre-sale appraisals." Toby answers. "At the moment he is with your master and I was instructed to bring the slaves here and get them ready. What needs to be done?" "That's simple." The slave replies. "All that needs to be done is to unshackle them and chain each of them to one of those poles. So if you remove their ankle chains and unlock their collars from the chain, I'll take it from there. Well soon have them ready." As Toby frees the first slave from his fellows, the yard slave quickly locks the slave's wrists to the back of his neck collar and fastens his collar to one of the chains attached to a post. He then instructs the slave to kneel and assume the display position; feet together, knees apart, back held rigidly straight and his head bowed. The remaining two slaves are quickly dealt with in a similar manner and chained to their respective posts. Now the three slaves kneel in a row and await the arrival of their master and the slave-dealer. As they kneel in the dust of the courtyard the slaves are suddenly aware of the approach of their master and another, expensively but gaudily, dressed man. This man is middle-aged, squat, and fat and is sweating profusely; both his balding head and the shirt under his armpits are wet with perspiration. He speaks with a wheeze not helped by the cigar he is smoking. The slaves note the short, leather whip clipped to his belt. Wordlessly, he slowly circles the kneeling slaves, several times, before speaking to Andy. "I compliment you on the quality of your livestock, Mr. Trevorrow. Top quality slaves and they present well. With your permission I'll examine them in more detail before I give you an estimate on their worth." "Please do." Andy replies "That's why they're here." "What about the older slave?" The dealer asks indicating Toby. "Do you want him appraised too?" "No, that won't be necessary. He's my steward. He's not for sale." "I don't mind that he's not for sale. I'm happy to do him with the others. It'll be an obligation free valuation – courtesy of the house, so to speak. It'll give you some idea of his current value; something all owners need to know about their livestock." Andy notices the momentary flicker of shock in Toby's eyes at the prospect of being subjected to the dealer's examination. Frowning, he decides to accept Matheson's offer. He reflects that Toby, from time to time, needs to be reminded that he is a slave and that his special relationship with his master doesn't disqualify him from being treated as one. "Thank you, Mr. Matheson, for your generous offer and I accept." Andy responds as Toby trembles imperceptivity. "Right then, boy. Strip and kneel by that pole." The dealer instructs Toby. Toby looks imploringly at his beloved master but is ignored. He knows he hasn't any choice other than to obey. He removes his loincloth and kneels alongside an empty pole in line with the other three slaves. "Chain him up!" Matheson commands the yard slave who hastens to obey his master's order. Turning once more to Toby he barks "Assume the display position". Toby does as instructed as his collar is chained to a post. Now he is left to wait. Then, unclipping his whip, Matheson snaps it at one of the blond slaves and orders him ‘stand and display'. Fearfully the slave scrambles to his feet and submits to the dealer's scrutiny. Matheson unfastens the slave's wrists from his collar and slowly moves his hands over the slave, expertly gauging the muscle tone and strength of the young body. He notes the slave's favorable responses to the manipulation of his nipples and the inspection of the navel. Next he cups the slave's balls in one hand and ‘jiggles' them up and down as if to test their weight. With the other hand he strokes the cock. He is pleased at the slave's instant response and smiles as it begins to lengthen. Almost lovingly, he strokes the slave to a full erection. He now raps out the command to ‘turn around' and begins an examination of the slave's shoulders and back. He pays particular attention to the slave's muscular ass and squeezes both buttocks, testing them for firmness. Then his hands travel down the outside of the slave's legs and back up the inside to the thighs. Kicking the slave's ankles apart he orders ‘bend and spread'. Fearfully the slave hastens to obey. As his balls are pulled down and away from his body, the slave gasps and squirms. He is rewarded with two, loud, open- handed slaps to his buttocks with the shouted command to "STEADY! STAND STILL!" Then the slave feels a finger circling his stretched and exposed hole; he shudders at the unexpected pleasure this causes him. He feels the dealer's finger thrusting into him and soon this is joined by a second finger. The slave's cock is now rampantly hard, and looking back between his legs, he sees a thread of pre-cum slowly working its way downwards from his cock-head to the ground. Then, as suddenly as they had entered him, the fingers are withdrawn. With a slap on the ass he is ordered to ‘stand, face the front and display.' Acting under his master's instructions, the yard slave now begins to masturbate the slave. Already aroused, the slave quickly responds and is soon ejaculating into a glass container held over the tip of his cock. The dealer watches, with interest, the powerful thrusting of the slave's hips as he pumps out his sperm. Once finished the yard slave hands the glass container to his master who examines the semen by touch, smell and taste. Declaring his satisfaction he orders the slave to ‘kneel and display'. Once the slave is on his knees, Matheson runs his hands over his cropped head before examining the ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Ordered to open his mouth the slave receives a slap to the side of his head and the order to ‘open wider'. Then, as the final part of his appraisal, the slave's tongue and teeth are examined. Finally satisfied, the dealer declares. "He's in excellent condition, Mr. Trevorrow." Now he turns his attention to the black-haired slave and the order is given for him to ‘stand and display'. Soon the remaining two slaves and Toby are dealt with in a similar manner to the first slave and Matheson declares the appraisals finished and invites Andy to return to his office. "I suggest we return to my office to discuss your options. Usually, I don't discuss an impending sale in front of a slave; it can unsettle him too much. It's much better if your slaves don't overhear our discussions on their futures." Chapter 5: Decisions; Decisions. Once back in the office, the dealer asks: "Before I give you my appraisals, can I ask what prices were you hoping to get, Mr. Trevorrow?" "I was thinking of somewhere in the 8,000 to 9,000 drachmae range for each of them". "I'm afraid, given the current state of the market, those prices are too ambitious. For the three younger slaves you could expect to get 4,500 perhaps 4800 at the most. However, the older would probably fetch 8,000 to 8,500 drachmae; but then he's in a special category." "I don't understand." Andy questions. "Why are the prices so low?" "As you are aware our northern neighbors are engaged in one of interminable border disputes with each other. This has resulted in outright warfare and many captured soldiers and civilian prisoners have been enslaved. A lot of these new slaves are finding their way south and are causing a glut in our slave markets. Perhaps you noticed a pen of these new slaves on your way through the livestock yards on your way here. They're up for auction this afternoon. Of course, as they are new to slavery, they are unbroken, ‘wild' slaves and won't sell at the same prices of your tame ones; currently they are selling for about 3,000 to 3,500 drachmae. But, let's get back to your slaves. Are you prepared to sell them in such a depressed market?" Quickly Andy downs the sums in his head and is dismayed to realize that the return from his three slaves won't cover the cost of the statue. Hesitantly, he replies. "I don't know. I really did expect to get higher prices for them than the ones you quote". Sensing Andy's disappointment, Matheson decides to change tack. "Look your slaves are in superb condition. The two blonds are fine specimens but unfortunately their strength works against you. They're not suitable for sale as ‘pleasure slaves' as their bodies are too muscular. Sold individually, I would think they'll be bought by one of the big construction companies for use as heavy labor on their building sites or in their stone quarries. However, you might consider offering them as a ‘matched pair' – that way they could appeal to an owner looking for handsome, strong slaves to tend to his gardens and grounds and at the same time provide ‘eye candy' as they work. Sold as a pair, at auction, you could get an extra 500 drachmae for each of them. What do you think?" Desperate to make up the shortfall, Andy replies "Let's do it. Now what about the other slave? Do you have any suggestions?" "Well yes I do. This slave is in a different category to the other two; he has a great body but isn't as ‘bulky' as the blonds. I believe his handsome features and finely honed body would have great appeal to a special client who sometimes buys a slave by private contract. I often draw his attention to slaves I think he might be interested in and I think your slave could appeal to him. If so, I'm sure I can negotiate a higher price than you'd get at auction". "Can I ask the name of your client?" "No. I can't reveal his identity at this stage. But I can assure you he's a genuine buyer and one of our leading businessmen. In fact, he's the proprietor of one of the city's top casinos and its associated ‘pleasure palace.' He's always on the lookout for handsome, tight-assed slaves to serve his exclusive clientele. Certainly with his good looks, strong body and that tight ass-hole your slave fits the bill. Should you be interested, I'm happy to act on your behalf. Shall I contact him?" "I don't know. My steward told me yesterday that the slave doesn't like to be fucked. I wouldn't like to sell him and for your client to feel he's been cheated." Matheson laughs. "It doesn't matter what the slave likes or doesn't like – after all he's only a slave. You can take it from me that if my client buys your slave, he'll soon get used to being fucked; in fact that's all he'll being for most of his time." "I don't know." Andy demurs. "I don't feel comfortable subjecting him to such a life." "Your concern for the slave is admirable, Mr. Trevorrow. But you need to remember that he is a slave and once you sell him his future life shouldn't concern you. Look, for the next few years he'll live a life of luxury; his only role will be to satisfy his master's clients. Eventually, of course, and once he has lost his appeal, he'll be sold on. As you are no doubt aware, all casino and pleasure house licenses stipulate that the town council has first right of refusal on such slaves; they use them to staff the city's comfort stations. But that's in the future. Now, what you need to decide is whether you want me to negotiate a higher price with my client or take the risk of a lower price if he goes to auction. It's your choice." "I guess your right." Andy decides. "Please contact your client." Aware that he is still short of the money needed to buy his statue; Andy desperately considers his next option. Reluctantly he asks: "You mentioned my steward's value could be as high as 8,000 – 8,500 drachmae. Could he really be worth that much?" "Indeed, he is an exceptional slave. His attraction is in his handsome features and magnificent body. Also, he is well endowed; he has large genitals and produces a prodigious amount of semen. All these attributes qualify him as suitable for breeding. I know of several clients who would pay handsomely to own such a slave. It's even possible that you would get more than 8,500 drachmae if they were to bid against one another. Are you interested in selling him?" "Reluctantly, yes I am. But tell me more; what will happen to him?" "My guess is that he will lead the pampered life of a stud on a slave breeding farm. His new owner would ensure that he remains healthy and that his body maintains its superb condition. No doubt he would be worked hard at some heavy duty labor to maintain his fitness; but, for him, this would be offset by the pleasures of being mated with his master's female stock." "I have to be honest with you." Andy tells Matheson. "He hasn't had any sexual contact with females. Would this make a difference?" "I wouldn't think so. His mating will be carefully controlled by his owner's stud-master who'll make sure he gets over any initial shyness. If you're thinking of selling him, then I suggest I phone those clients I know would be interested in him and invite them to privately inspect him prior to auction, The idea is to, whet their appetites' and then to let them bid against one another. What do you say, Mr. Trevorrow?" "Alright go ahead with the sale of all four slaves. What needs to be done?" "All I need from you is your signature appointing me to act as your agent and allowing me to chastise your slaves if necessary." Noting the look of alarm on Andy's face, the dealer hastens to explain. "Don't worry; any punishment I need to administer to your slaves will be mild. There won't be any marking or damaging of their bodies. It's simply a requirement of all the insurance companies that slave-brokers are free to restrain a troublesome slave if the need arises" As Andy signs the necessary paperwork, the dealer re-assures him. "You can rest easy that I'll take great care of your slaves. After all, it is in my interests too; the higher the return to you, the greater the commission for me. I would prefer to sell them by private treaty, if possible, rather than see them go to auction with the wild, unbroken northern imports. They are in magnificent condition and deserve to be sold as the prime stock they undoubtedly are. Anyway, tonight, I'll cage your four slaves, together, away from my other stock. That way they'll be able to support each other. I find that the first night in the pens is always the worst for a slave being sold. No doubt, they'll fret for their familiar surroundings and the loss of their old lives. Still I find if you give them adequate food and water and clean straw for their bedding they'll soon settle down. Strangely enough most slaves are resilient. When they wake up tomorrow they'll realize that their old lives are over and new ones are about to begin." "I have one other question, Mr. Matheson. If they go to auction when will they be sold? I'd like to be present at their sale." "Well today's Wednesday. What about Saturday's sale? There are more buyers at a weekend sale than a mid-week one. Also that gives me time to phone my special clients and invite to inspect the slaves before the sale. These inspections are also good for the slaves; it takes their minds off their sale as they are forced to concentrate all their attention on the buyers examining them." The two men shake hands as the dealer hands Andy his copy of the sales authorization. "Well that's it then, Mr. Matheson. Thank you for your help. I'll see you at the sale on Saturday." "Thank you for your custom, Mr. Trevorrow. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday. I'll make sure your slaves are well presented at their pre-sale showings and on the day, should they go to auction, they will be clean, with their faces freshly shaven and their bodies oiled. I know they will do you proud." Walking back through the inspection yard, Andy looks resolutely ahead without making eye contact with the still kneeling slaves. Deliberately, he ignores Toby's questions of "Master? Master?" He enters his rickshaw and as he prepares to drive away he closes his mind to Toby's anguished shouts of "PLEASE, MASTER! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE! COME BACK, MASTER! PLEASE!" As he drives away from the slave-dealer's yard he recalls the advice given to him by his father many years ago, but which he chose to ignore; namely that you treat slaves justly and firmly but you never become emotionally attached to them. As his father had explained, slaves are, after all, just another form of livestock. He resolves to remember and practice this advice in future. He also recalls a story he'd read two or three years ago entitled "You Can't be Friends with a Slave." He reflects that this is sound advice from a wise author. Once out off the livestock market he turns his pony towards Antonio Varo's workshop. He is now in the happy position to confirm his purchase of the ‘wrestlers' and he'll still have money left over from the sale of his four slaves. Smiling to himself, he resolves to buy himself a young, newly, enslaved prisoner from the north while prices are so low.

The End

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