Technology Support Services Division
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Technology Support Services 2006-2007 Annual Report
General Answered faculty, student, and MSU staff questions regarding remote access to Library databases, as well as problems related to database usage. Handled technical questions from patrons related to the use of public computers and laptops in the Library, use of databases, wireless and network printing. General (PC & related) equipment maintenance as needed. Disposed of old hardware including printers and computers. Produced signage for various locations within Library and brochures detailing library services and policies for different departments (Circulation, Multimedia, etc.) as well as guides to library collections. Supervised and trained student workers to work on web projects (link checking, ejournal lists, etc.), collect reviews and information on bibliographic databases, update computer inventories, and assist with routine maintenance of network printers, public workstations, and citrix stations. Reviewed the Library’s technology needs and recommended the purchase of hardware, software, and office equipment to satisfy those needs. This included new computers, printers, and office supplies (bulbs, cartridges, etc.). Continued to manage several Library listservs including Library News and SpragueSpeak. Created forms for Library departments as needed. Produced and printed brochures for off-campus and in-house use (e.g. VALE, Sokol program, presentations, Library Hours). Configured, setup, and tested presentation equipment for meetings and presentations when required. .
Library Home Page Conducted, with a taskforce consisting of Laura Levy, Mei-Ling Chow, and Steven Shapiro, a Web Usability Study of 20 students (undergraduate and graduate), staff, and faculty in the fall, spring, and summer. The full report should be completed by Fall of 2007. Redesigned interface of Articles & More page to be more user friendly. Created new Book and Media Request forms for the Acquisitions and Multimedia Departments. Updated or removed inactive website links. Worked with Ed Gil, Periodicals Dept. Head, and Librarians to improve the Article Linker Interface and check for faulty links. Worked with a number of Librarians to update Database page and various Guides pages. Continue to add URLs to EZProxy (proxy server) config file to allow off-campus access to databases and ejournals. With the help of Marie Cardella, created Events/Hours Calendar for Sprague Library. Created Sitemap for Library website.
Electronic Resources
Worked with Dean Hunt and Database Review Committee to expand the number of electronic resources available on the home page (Anthrosource, Ebsco Education Research Complete, SportDiscus, Mergent Online, the London Times Digital Archive, Faulkner FAITS, Westlaw, Encyclopedia Judaica, and Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems). Added all new databases to our Articles & More page. Worked with Marie Cardella to add new databases to our Ezproxy config file so as to enable remote access to databases. Setup trials for many different databases so members of Database Review Committee could review resources before our meetings. Contacted vendors and consortia to get pricing and licensing information. Assisted Ed Gil, Periodicals Librarian, as well as Acquisitions and Administrative staff with processing invoices.
Highlights of Website Usage Statistics 7/1/05 to 6/30/06 (Webtrends) Library started using Webtrends Tracking Service on all webpages, again, in the Spring of 2006 after being notified by IT that the service is still operational. As a result, the statistics included here are not reflective of our true annual usage. If IT decides to discontinue its subscription to Webtrends then the Library would need to consider subscribing to Webtrends or some comparable service on its own.
Visits: 49,679 Average Visit Duration: 3:46 Visits of Unknown Origin: 63.4% Visits from U.S.: 35% Visitors: 30,746 Page Views: 124,361 Most Active Day of the Week: Tuesday Most Active Hour of the Day: 3pm to 3:59pm Least Active Day of the Week: Saturday Least Active Hour of the Day: 3am to 3:59am Total Hits Weekdays: 103,005 Total Visits Weeksdays: 40,403 Average number of visits on Weekdays:154 Average number of hits on Weekdays: 394 Total Hits Weekends: 21356 Total Visits Weekends: 9276 Average number of visits on Weekends: 178 Average number of hits on Weekends: 410 Referring Sites (Top 6): 1. Direct (36% of visits) 2. (29% of visits) 3. (9.5% of visits) 4. (6.4% of visits) 5. (4.8% of visits) 6. (3.5% of visits)
Top-level domain names: Unknown: 45% of visits Network (.net): 22% of visits) Commercial (.com): 7% of visits Educational (.edu): 5% of visits Country specific: 2% of visits
Most viewed pages: 1. Library Homepage ( 28,258 visits 2. Articles & More Page ( 9036 visits 3. Remote Access page ( 3771 visits 4. Hours page ( 1337 visits 5. ILL Photocopy Request Form ( 1270 visits 6. ILL Book Request Form ( 1215 visits
Most popular browsers used to view website: 1. Internet Explorer: 76% of visits 2. Firefox: 11% of visits 3. Netscape: 6% of visits 4. Mozilla: 4% of visits 5. Safari: 2.5% of visits
Languages (of browsers): 1. English: 87% of visits 2. Unknown: 10% of visits 3. Chinese: less than 1%
Screen Resolutions (of desktop): 1. 1024x768: 42% of visits 2. 800x600: 26% of visits 3. 1280x1024: 10% of visits 4. Unknown: 9.4% of visits 5. 1280x800: 4.4% of visits 6. 1152x864: 1.6% of visits 7. 1280x768: 1% of visits
Local Area Network and Public Workstations Maintained and Troubleshot iTeam Print Management System. Load S&P Compustats data files on public workstations in Reference Dept. on a quarterly basis. Serviced network printers as needed. Ordered toner cartridges and other accessories for network printers on a regular basis. Continue to update of the Library inventory of computer related equipment. Recommended changes to Citrix profile on an as needed basis. Maintained Citrix workstations and referred problems to IT. Resolved wireless network issues in Library (e.g. Special Collections and Periodicals Reading Room). Arranged with Comweb to repair Plasma Screen connection to Teacher’s Station in Room 203 (May 2007). Assisted Bill Vincenti with maintenance of teacher and student workstations as well as A/V equipment in Room 203. Provided technical support to Multimedia Project Room in 029 as well as order supplies. Contacted OIT for essential network services and other needs (e.g. Activation of network ports).
Staff Computers/Equipment Arranged with IT to allow Cataloging Librarians to swap their desktop pcs for laptops. Loaded Filemaker 7.0 on staff pcs that were replaced and upgraded staff pcs with Filemaker 6.0. Installed Campus licensed software on staff computers and setup and customized applications. Provided software and hardware support for 45 staff/admin.( approx. 75 total) pcs throughout the year. Removed virus and related malicious software from staff pcs. Installed or upgraded Workflows software as well as troubleshoot problems in conjunction with Brian Hancock, Systems Librarian. Assisted staff with utilizing the following application software more productively: o MS Word o MS Excel o MS Access o MS Power Point o Netscape and email related o Other software when needed Troubleshoot and maintain Ariel and Clio workstations. Signed Maintenance Contract with 1st Run Scanners to perform periodic maintenance on our scanners in ILL, STRR, and the Circulation Department. Scheduled several service calls this year. Upgraded and configured operating system on staff and public pcs for Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Instituted New Online Technical Support System for Library (including Technical Assistance Form) which is accessible via the new Staff Page. Purchased a high speed laser printer to allow for more cost-efficient and effective color printing of Library brochures and other documents.
As more and more class content is hosted on Blackboard, the Library will need to continue to provide more services and information guides on Blackboard. A challenging budget situation makes it difficult to replace aging computer equipment. Need to reassess our commitment to Citrix if technical problems continue to be an issue. Need to monitor need for new computers to replace the Dell GX115s and GX150s. There are currently 38 in operation , including 32 in the McKenzie Online Library Classroom (Room 203), three in use by staff, two in use on service counters, and two used by Interlibrary Loan. The GX 115s and 150s are reaching the end of their lifecycle and we should develop a plan to replace them, particularly the ones used by staff and by Interlibrary Loan. More and more users are viewing webpages at higher resolutions. According to our web statistics, many of our patrons are using resolutions of 1024x768 or more (over 59%) to display websites. We will need to design our webpages to be compatible with these higher resolutions. .
Objectives for 2007-2008
Redesign the format for Articles & More page based on input from the Home Page Committee. Web Usability Taskforce compiles report by the end of the fall semester. Introduce more database-driven webpages. Integrate RSS technology into Library Website. Continue to make more Library resources and services available from within Blackboard. Update computer hardware/software inventory Explore web technologies like Content Management Systems to allow us to manage our website workflow better. Make more multimedia lists available on the Filemaker server. Update the Library-wide technology inventory. Create a more comprehensive image library for Library systems.
Professional Activities
Steven Shapiro
Membership and Offices Held Academic Computing Committee, Webmaster ALA NJLA, College and University Section/ACRL-NJ, Chair – Nominations Committee Organizations and Committees VALE, Electronic Resources Committee ACRL-NJ, Technology Committee
Conferences ALA Preconference on Electronic Resource Librarianship (Summer 2007) NJLA Annual Conference (ACRL/NJ Luncheon – April 2007)
Randall Cain
Committees Attended Technology Coordinators Committee every other week
With adequate support and funding for technology the Library can continue to offer the very best in electronic information to the faculty, students, and staff of Montclair State University.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven Shapiro Electronic Resources Librarian Harry A. Sprague Library Montclair State University