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King City Unified School District

King City Unified School District Greenfield High School


I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Grade level: 9-12 Course description: French 1 is a combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 (as per California State standards) course in French language and culture. The emphasis will be given to communicative activities focusing on listening and speaking skills. The student will gain an appreciation of French culture through readings, media, speakers and geography. Formative skills in reading and writing will also be introduced. Textbook: Discovering French, Bleu (1st year) by Jean-Paul Valette & Rebecca M Valette, 2000, DC Heath Discovering French Activity Book, Bleu (1st year)

II. GOALS  to develop an ability to create with the language on a beginning communicative skills level  to develop French I competency in listening comprehension  to develop an understanding of major cultural differences between America and French- speaking regions throughout the world  to perform basic reading and writing skills at French I competency  to develop critical thinking skills (analysis, analogy, inference, etc.) French 1 Standards Stage 1 (1st quarter) Standards Content 1.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other disciplines. 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: a. Greetings and introductions b. Family and friends; pets d. Home and neighborhood e. Celebrations, holidays, and rites of passage f. Calendar, seasons, and weather g. Leisure, hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports h. Vacations and travel, maps, destinations, and geography i. School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time, directions j. Important dates in the target culture k. Food, meals, restaurants l. Shopping, clothes, colors, and sizes m. Parts of the body, illness n. Technology Communication 1.0 Students use formulaic language (learned words, and phrases). 1.1 Engage in oral, written, conversations. 1.2 Interpret written, spoken, language. 1.3 Present to an audience of listeners, readers.

Cultures 1.0 Students use appropriate responses to rehearsed cultural situations 1.1 Associate products, practices, and perspectives with the target culture. 1.2 Recognize similarities and differences in the target cultures and between students’ own cultures. 1.3 Identify cultural borrowings.

Structures 1.0 Students use orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters to understand words and phrases in context. 1.1 Use orthography, phonology, to produce words and phrases in context. 1.2 Identify similarities and differences in the orthography, phonology of the languages the students know.

Settings 1.0 Students use language in highly predictable common daily settings 1.1 Recognize age-appropriate cultural or language-use opportunities outside the classroom. French 1

Stage 2 (2nd–4th quarter) Standards Content 2.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other disciplines. 2.1 Students address topics related to self and the immediate environment, including: a. Social relationships b. People in the community c. Zoo and farm animals, fables d. Care of the home, interacting with people in the community e. Holiday customs and transition points in life f. Climate g. Cultural and leisure-time activities, outdoor, recreational activities, music h. Transportation, lodging, itineraries, geographic features and landmarks i. Curricular and extracurricular interests and events j. Significant historical figures k. Professions and the working world l. Cuisine and recipes m. Clothing and fashion n. Health, medical care o. Technological advances and innovation Communication, 2.0 Students use created language (sentences and strings of sentences). 2.1 Engage in oral, written conversations. 2.2 Interpret written, spoken language. 2.3 Present to an audience of listeners, readers. French 1

Cultures 2.0 Students choose an appropriate response to a variety of situations. 2.1 Demonstrate understanding of the roles that products, practices, and perspectives play in the culture. 2.2 State similarities and differences in the target cultures and between students’ own cultures 2.3 State reasons for cultural borrowings.

Structures 2.0 Students use sentence-level elements (morphology or syntax or both) to understand concrete and factual topics. 2.1 Use sentence-level elements (morphology or syntax or both) to produce informal communications. 2.2 Identify similarities and differences in the sentence-level elements (morphology or syntax or both) of the languages the students know.

Settings, 2.0 Students use language in interpersonal settings. 2.1 Participate in age-appropriate cultural or language-use opportunities outside the classroom. Essential School Learning Results ESRL # 1: Academic achiever with effective technology and communication skills: 1. meet and exceed California State standards 2. listen actively and speak, read and write effectively ESRL # 2: Collaborative workers who are self-directed learners and creative thinkers who 1. work successfully both in groups and individually to establish and accomplish goals 2. understand essential concepts, facts taught in French 3. discover, develop and pursue individual passions and goals ESRL # 3: Responsible and active community contributors 1. demonstrate positive, responsible, productive citizenship 2. contribute their energy to improve quality of life in our school, community, nation and world 3. possess the skills to succeed in secondary education, workplace and life Measurable indicators: class-work, home-work, essays, quizzes, oral interraction, benchmark exams, common finals, grades, teacher generated tests French 1


Receptive Skills Description Goal Standards ESRL Listening Given material which have been practiced  Demonstrate recognition of Content: 1.0, 1.1; 2.0, 2.1 1.2 comprehension and learned (high frequency), students will vocabulary in context of 800-1,600 Comm.:1.0-1.3; 2.0, 2.3 2.2 demonstrate listening comprehension by: words determined by familiar topics Ability to Cultures: 1.0-1.3 3.3 understand high-  following a series of basic oral  Demonstrate knowledge of a 300- frequency, instructions requiring non-verbal 600 active vocabulary, with a 300 Struct.: 1.0, 1.2; 2.0, 2.2 learned material response (Total Physical Response core vocabulary Settings: 1.0,2.0 behavior)  following a series of basic oral instructions requiring a verbal and/or written response.

Receptive Skills Description Goal Standards ESRL Reading Given language restricted to vocabulary and Demonstrate recognition of Content: 1.0-1.2; 2.0-2.2 1.2 Comprehension structures practiced in the classroom, vocabulary in context of 600-1000 student will demonstrate reading words determined by familiar topics Comm.:1.0,1.1,1.2 2.2 Ability to understand comprehension by: Standard written messages in Cultures: 1.0,1.1,1.3, 2.1- 3.3 learned material  reading printed versions of any oral situations of basic needs: 2.3 and derive material learned  informational signs Struct.: 1.2-1.2, 2.0,2.1 meaning from it,  common items on menus  reading sentences, connected Settings: 1.0, 2.0 supported by the  timetables situational passages, standardized messages, phrases and expressions.  traffic signs context  calendars  European time  topical and semantic areas French 1

Productive Description Goal Standards ESRL skills Conversational Communication based on Demonstrate basic ability with an Content: 1.0, 1.1; 2.0,2.1 1.2 skills active vocabulary of at least 500 a. Interrogatives (Quand, Où, Qu'est-ce Comm.:1.0-1.2; 2.0-2.2 2.1, 2.2 Ability to que, Comment, )A quelle heure) words and phrases. Cultures: 1.0,1.1,1.3; 3.3 communicate b. Future plans: usage of verb aller + Given core vocabulary phrases, minimally with infinitive students will demonstrate ability to 2.1-2.3 learned material create with the language by: c. Simple commands: formation of Struct.: 1.2-1.2; 2.0,2.1 the imperative  producing simple questions, statements and descriptions Settings: 1.0; 2.0 d. d.Limited forms of past tense: formation of the past tense: subject +  responding orally to basic avoir or être + past participe questions and/or visual prompts.  grammatical accuracy by asking questions using interrogatives, talking about future plans, giving simple commands and using limited forms of past tense. French 1

Productive Description Goal Content ESRL skills Writing skills High-frequency and learned material Students will demonstrate Content: 1.0, 1.1; 2.0,2.1 1.1,1.2 containing grammatical accuracy by composing Ability to copy Comm.: 1.0-1.2; 2.0-2.2 2.2,2.3 or transcribe a Topical or semantic areas noted under the following: a list, personal data familiar words or listening comprehension sheet and a simple note. Cultures: 1.0,1.1,1.3; 3.1,3.3 b. Elements; complete sentence, spelling, a. Topical and Semantic Areas (see phrases and write 2.1-2.3 simple high- punctuation, accent marks, capitalization, “Vocabulary Control”) frequency grammar b. List: Composing a list from Struct.: 1.0-1.2; 2.0,2.1 material read or heard expressions and Settings: 1.0; 2.0 learned material c. Personal data sheet: filling in a form with specific biographical information d. Simple note ( messages, notes, phone messages, short letters/cards)

Productive skills Description Goal Standards ESRL Cultural Major cultural patterns: Student will demonstrate cultural Content: 1.1, 2.1 2.1,2.2 Awareness a. Stereotypes in cross-cultural awareness by recognizing differences 2.3 perceptions in major cultural patterns between Comm.: 1.2,1.3; 2.2,2.3 Developing 3.3 awareness of b. Examples of non-stereotypical their own culture and the target Cultures: 1.1-1.3; 2.1-2.3 representatives of the culture culture. French-speaking Struct.: 1.0-1.2; 2.0,2.1 cultures c. Awareness of cultural values in a variety of situations, e.g., gestures, the Settings: 1.0,1.1; 2.0,2.1 use of tu and vous d. Situations in which cultural misunderstanding may arise e. Specific patterns: Greetings, Leave- taking; Clothing/Fashion; Food; Personal relationships; Religion; Hygiene; Holidays; Geography; History; Music; Customs; Entertainment; Art; Sports French 1

Productive skills Description Goal Standards ESRL Vocabulary Familiar topics: Demonstrate recognition of Content: 1.1,2.1 1.1,1.2 Control a. Time concepts (days, weather, months, vocabulary in context of 600-1,000 seasons) words determined by familiar topics. Cultures: 1.2,1.3; 2.2 b. numbers to 100 2.2,2.3 3.3 c. Family (father, mother, sister, brother, grandparents, daughter (grand~), son (grand~), aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin) d. Descriptions (color, size, shape, feelings and emotions) e. Descriptive vocabulary (good – bad; pretty – ugly; hard – easy, big – little, sad – glad) f. Verbs (Have, Do, Be, Wash, Sleep, Write, Read, Work, Play, Learn, Know, Speak, Talk, Want, Like, Take, Study, Eat, Open) g. Forms of greeting (everyday expressions, introducing, directions) h. Basic objects (semantic categories): in the classroom: pencil, desk, chair, blackboard, door, lights, floor, ceiling i. At home: house, garage, room(s), furniture, utensils, article of clothing, car j. Immediate environment: school and neighborhood k. Food: high-frequency items for breakfast, lunch and dinner French 1

Productive skills Description Goal Content ESRL Basic Grammatical Concepts and Student will demonstrate Language Content: 1.1,2.1 1.1,1.2 Accuracy Relationships understanding of the most basic a. Gender distinctions (including definite grammatical concepts and Struct: 1.0-1.2; 2.0-2.2 2.2 Usable and indefinite articles) relationships by correcting 3.3 Knowledge of b. Forming questions grammatical errors. Grammar c. Formation of present tense d. Using commands e. Formation of the future (aller + infinitive) f. Verbs ending in -er, -ir, -re g. Passe compose of verbs (verbs ending in –er; avoir and être, faire, mettre and avoir; verbs with être and verbs with avoir) h. Pronouns (subjects, independent, indirect object, direct object) i. Adjectives: descriptive, possessive and demonstrative; agreement of gender and number; comparatives and superlatives j. Accent rule French 1

IV. METHODS OF INSTRUCTIONS A. Thematic instruction B. Communicative activities C. Direct instruction D. Cooperative learning groups E. Audio and visual materials F. Speakers G. Field trips H. Reading assignments I. Discussion J. Role – play K. Oral presentations L. Projects M. Questioning techniques N. Practice (guided, independent and distributed) O. Simulations P. Computer-assisted instruction Q. Music V. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT A. Class participation B. Tests C. Quizzes D. Teacher designed tests/quizzes E. Benchmark exams F. Final exam G. Written assignment H. Dictations I. Vocabulary tests J. Oral presentations K. Projects L. Homework M. Group work VI. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS A. Basic material 1. Textbook: Discovering French, Bleu (1st year) by Jean-Paul Valette & Rebecca M Valette, 1993, DC Heath 2. Activity Book: Discovering French, Bleu (1st year) B. Supplemental 1. Films/Video  Discovering French video-clips  School in France  French Family  French Marriage  Ca me plait!  Young People in France  Paris  Body parts French 1  Un repos français 2. Songs  Dur, dur d’être bébé (Jordy)  Alyson (Jordy)  La chanson des animaux  Alouette  Grammar songs 2. Games  Bingo

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