Industry-Academia Research Seed Grant Program 2018
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![Industry-Academia Research Seed Grant Program 2018](
U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Water
Application Form for Industry-Academia Research Seed Grant Program 2018
A1. Title of the Project:
Project duration (months):
Starting date (proposed):
Total Project Cost (PKR):
A2. Name of Principal Investigator (Academia): Designation: Department/ Section:
Name of Organization/Institution:
Email: Cell Phone: CNIC/Passport No.
Postal Address:
A3. Name of Principal Investigator (Industry): Designation: Department/ Section:
Name of Organization/Institution:
Email: Cell Phone: CNIC/Passport No.
Postal Address:
B. Research Themes / Domain
B1. Research themes Relevance (check as applicable): Overcoming water scarcity Developing and maintaining water infrastructure Improving water quality Improving water use efficiency and agricultural productivity Enhancing access to drinking water and sanitation Reversing groundwater depletion
1 | P a g e Reclaiming degraded lands Strengthening water governance Improving water management Managing wastewater for productive uses Adapting to climate change Improving performance of water utilities Protecting water ecosystems B2. Research Domain Sciences Engineering & Technology Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
It is hereby solemnly certified that:
1. The PI is a Full Time Staff Member of the University / Organization. 2. Equipment items requested are required for this project and that these are not available in the Organization/Department. 3. No portion of the project has been submitted to and /or funded by any other funding agency in the past. 4. The subject project is genuinely novel and that there is no plagiarized material.
Signature of Signature of Signature with Stamp of Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Head of Institution/ Organization Date: Date: Date:
D.1 Project Summary. Describe the proposed research and its benefits for Pakistan, with special reference to the theme and topic of this study. Not to exceed 300 words.
D2. Project Objectives
2 | P a g e a. Hypothesis of Research b Objectives. Please describe research objectives, including their relationship to the selected theme and the title of this study.
D3. Project Description. No t t o e xc ee d t w o p a ge s. a. Project Rationale: This section should provide the importance, interest, and originality of research project. It should begin with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, articulate the current state of the issue based on patterns within the literature, including the works done locally.
b: The Project: This section should describe the unresolved research issues or questions to which this project will target. In doing so, innovative nature of the proposed research should be highlighted.
D4. Research Plan/Methodology. Describe methodology and study procedures for carrying out the research
D5. References. Cite all references consulted/used in developing the technical proposal using standard bibliographic format. References could also be cited in the footnotes format.
D6. Work Plan: Scheduling/Phasing. Use logical framework to describe: outputs to be produced (key deliverables), activities to be implemented to achieve each output, scheduling of activities, and important OVIs, milestones and intermediate results. Also describe the scheduling of activities on a timeline using the Gantt chart.
3 | P a g e . Describe anticipated project impact in terms of the following: Not to D7. Anticipated Project Impact exceed 2 pages—one succinct paragraph on each of the element. a) Benefits to Pakistan economy and society b) Contributions in improving gender equity and empowerment c) Value added to existing knowledge d) Contribution towards meeting water SDG
D8. Sustainability and Commercialization plan. Not to exceed 2 pages—one succinct paragraph on each of the element. a) Market potential and feasibility of research idea: b) Strengths of team and technology and venture commercialization experience c) Plan for sustainable partnership including identifying funding potential from sales, venture capital, etc d) Plan for capacity building through training, student involvement, and gender equity e) Plan for leveraging additional resources
D9. Collaborating/Partner Organizations. Please provide competency statement of each participating organization/entity. In this regard, include a letter from the collaborating institution expressing willingness to collaborate, including cost-sharing arrangements (Pak Rupees).
E1. Facilities: List all equipment and research facilities required for this project and those available in the host institution/ department/ organization.
Facilities required Availabl Applied in this project e
E2. Scientific Personnel: List staffing requirements for the project vis-à-vis availability at the host institution/organization. Describe how the staffing gaps, if any, will be bridged.
E3. Other Funding: Please mention if funding from other sources will be available to support part of this research project. Indicate amount, funding source, and part of the research covered under this funding.
F1. CV and Related Experience. Please attach a detailed CV indicating academic and professional qualifications, employment record, research projects completed, and publications. Use this block to provide a narrative of experience related to the proposed research. Not to exceed 250 words.
F2. Resume of Relevant Research. Provide resume of research completed by the PI during the last five years relevant to the proposed research using the following format. Not to exceed 250 words per project.
5 | P a g e Title of research project:
Funding source(s):
Resume of research:
List publications, if any:
F3. Research Projects Completed. Provide list of research projects completed/on-going/under review/submitted. Add additional rows as required.
S# Research Project Title Duration/Perio Budget Funding Source d
G1. CV and Related Experience. Please attach a detailed CV indicating academic and professional qualifications, employment record, research projects completed, and publications. Use this block to provide a narrative of experience related to the proposed research. Not to exceed 250 words.
G2. Resume of Relevant Research. Provide resume of research completed by the PI during the last five years relevant to the proposed research using the following format. Not to exceed 250 words per project.
Title of research project:
Funding source(s):
Resume of research:
List publications, if any:
6 | P a g e H. ESTIMATED BUDGET: Please provide the project budget (total not to exceed Rs. 3.00 million) using the following format. Mention lump sum amount where establishing units/quantity is not possible. Also, provide details of cost sharing amount, if any (cash or kind). Break the budget yearly for projects longer than one year. Also, indicate the schedule for purchase of necessary items for the project along with the amount needed for each item.
Budget Item Units/Quantity Rate/Unit (Rs) Total Budget (Rs)
Expendable equipment/ supplies
Non-expendable equipment
Local travel costs
Total (requested under the research grant)
Cost sharing amount (if any, cash or kind—provide details)
Total (project budget)
I1. Personnel/Honorarium. Provide full justification of the: (i) honorarium proposed for the PI/CO-PI, and (ii) staff to be hired in addition to PI and CO-PI, including their salaries.
I2. Expendable equipment/ supplies. Provide list of items and quantity.
I3. Non-expendable equipment. Provide list of equipment to be procured under the project exceeding the cost of Rs. 25,000, including their justification.
7 | P a g e I4. Local travel costs. Provide justification of the local travel costs, including number of trips, anticipated destinations, and reasons for these trips.
I5. Seminars/Workshops. Provide list of workshops or other capacity building events included in the proposal, if any, including their justification, participation, and schedule.
Name, email address and phone Titles Signatures and date number
Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator (if any)
Head of the Organization
(Stamp/Seal of the Organization)
No. Required Documentation Yes/No
1 Have you filled all fields of the research proposal as described in this form?
Have you followed the guidelines provided to prepare the research proposal, 2 especially those mentioned under different heads of this form?
Has the proposal been signed by the PI and CO-PI (if applicable) and 3 endorsed by the Head of the Organization?
4 Have you attached the following:
Certification that the PI is a full time staff member of the organization.
8 | P a g e CV of PI. Certification that equipment requested under the project is not available in the organization. Letter from the collaborating/partner institution, if applicable. List of extra professional staff, other than the PI/Co-PI. Gantt chart elaborating work plan on a timeline. Have you attached original invoice/quotation for non-expendable equipment 5 to be procured under the project?
Please submit soft copy of the proposal together with all attachments by email to Deputy Director (Academics & Research) at: [email protected]. Deadline for submission of proposals is 8th January 2018.
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