Conoy Township Board of Supervisors

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Conoy Township Board of Supervisors


A meeting of the Conoy Township Board of Supervisors was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 11, 2015, at 211 Falmouth Road. In attendance were Supervisors Stephen Mohr, Kevin McKain, John Shearer, Clyde Pickel and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Kathy Hipple. Also in attendance was Solicitor Matthew Crème of Nikolaus and Hohenadel.


1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Mohr at 7 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.

2. Motion by Shearer to approve Minutes of May 14, 2015 BOS Meeting; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

3. Chairman – Announcements and additional agenda items: (i) Clean Water Counts Campaign placed under New Business; (ii) Executive Session to follow public session of BOS meeting to discuss personnel and possibly real estate.

4. Public Participation: (i) Mr. Wells, Rettew Associates presented a lot add-on plan for Mr. Joseph Ulrich who would like to grant approximately 3/10 of an acre to Joseph & Holly Tennis but it has come to everyone’s attention that no property markers are set. The cost to survey and set the markers is estimated to be $7,500.00 so a waiver of that process is being requested. It was explained to Mr. Wells that this information had to be reviewed by the Township Engineer first and then addressed by the Township PC and then the BOS. The LCPC meeting date is July 13, 2015. Hipple to follow-up with Steve Dellinger, Hanover Engineering, for plan review.

5. Secretary- Treasurer - Correspondence received – (i) 6/3/15 Letter from LCCD to William Pettitt, Perdue Agribusiness Inc, re: inspection of earthmoving activity at Soybean Processing Facility; (ii) Invitations from LCATS: - DA Craig Stedman to meet with all municipalities to explain the Drug Task Force (DTF) and the importance of supporting DTF at 9 a.m. on July 1, Rapho Twp; July 15 – Ephrata Twp; July 21st Providence Twp. and LCATS Golf Outing & Dinner Thursday, July 30 at Four Seasons Four Seasons Golf Course, Landisville, Appetizers at 4:30; Dinner at 5:30. RSVP required for both invitations; BOS to respond to Hipple who will respond to LCATS. (iii) 2014 NWEMS Annual Report and Audit received.

6. Report of Committees / Officers: a. Emergency Management – No report. Have not yet received report on emergency drill. b. Bainbridge Fire Company – Report submitted by Chief David A Stoner - 20 calls in May – 9 in Conoy Township; 2 in Elizabethtown Borough; 4 in West Donegal Township; 2 in East Donegal Township; 2 in Marietta Borough; 1 in Londonderry Township; (ii) Shearer reported Bainbridge Fire Company Fun Run raised $2,800.00. c. NW Emergency Medical Services – 20 calls in April in Conoy Township; total of 93 calls to date in 2015. d. Police – (i) Report is available. e. TMI – (i) Received notification of siren testing for June 4, 2015. f. Waste to Energy Plant (Incinerator) – (i) Host fee for April 2015 $72,899.90; 40,054.89 Tons processed; (ii) 2014 – 2015 Comparison is available; (iii) For 2015 Spring Clean-up Days LCSWMA provided $6,150.00 to the Township for disposal and transportation services. g. Roads – (i) verbal report by Chairman Mohr; installed new signs for ones that were faded or involved in accidents in Bainbridge, Falmouth and out in the country; did patching; did road mowing on same cycle as the State mowing; h. Sewage Enforcement Officer – (i) Report is available. Permit issued to Steve Strickland, 1966 Stonemill Drive. i. Sanitary Sewer – Mohr reported no major glitches this past month. j. Solicitor – (i) Haldeman Mansion Preservation Society request of 5/5/15 re: interest in integrating the Haldeman Mansion and its Locust Grove property into the Conoy Township park system. Discussion had taken place regarding forming a committee of the HMPS and the Township. Consensus was there was not enough information available upon which to act. Shearer recommended Haldeman Mansion looking into potential grants; McKain recommended asking Haldeman Mansion for additional information before forming a committee; Hipple to prepare letter to HMPS. (ii) In a May 27, 2015 interview with Lancaster newspaper, President Judge Reinaker expressed interest in streamlining DUI cases which BOS Members and SRPD are of the opinion this would cause inconvenience and cost overtime monies to implement. BOS directed Solicitor to prepare letter in opposition. (iii) Perdue Agribusiness site work has started and expected to last a couple of months before construction. LCPC approved site-layout revision request. Solicitor is working with next set of development documents and financial security. LCCD continues with the inspection process. Hanover Engineering will have inspector on site as well. (iv) York Electric Hydroelectric project has been in discussion at the municipal level for about a year for a natural Fishway located in Londonderry Township. There is a small area in Conoy Township designated for boulder retrieval of leftover weir construction boulders. Plans have been received. Solicitor Page 1 of 2 advised that according to Zoning Ordinance this is not a regulated activity. Zoning Officer will need to respond as part of DEP permitting process. Zoning Officer will also need to respond to correspondence just received as to Flood Plain and Stormwater Management. Solicitor will work with Zoning Officer. k. Zoning Officer – (i) Report is available; (ii) FYI Only - Notice is hereby given that the Conoy Township Zoning Hearing Board shall conduct a public meeting on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., prevailing time, at the Conoy Township Municipal Building, 211 Falmouth Road, Bainbridge, Pennsylvania, to consider, deliberate, discuss and/or take official action on any matter which may lawfully come before the Zoning Hearing Board and to consider the following applications: Case No. HB06-15. Appeal of Tina and Tim Baughman from the denial of an application for a permit to demolish the dwelling at 2635 Bainbridge Road, tax parcel 130-89748-0-0000m Conoy Township, said denial based on the Demolition Review Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1-8-14-2008, amending the Zoning Ordinance. The property is located in the Village Center (VC) Zone. JANET HARDMAN, ZONING OFFICER. l. Buildings – No report. m. Personnel – No discussion. n. Parks and Recreation – (i) Report on June 6th Susquehanna Riverlands National Trails Day Celebration held at East Donegal Riverfront Park; Mohr and Hipple and residents from Conoy Township were in attendance. Conoy Township portion of trail paved from Shock’s Mill Bridge to the White Cliffs. The Trail is paved from Race Street in Bainbridge to Decatur Street in Marietta. Trail was heavily used on the 6th. (ii) Motion by Shearer to hire Grace Benitez and Gabriel W. Fuhrman as Summer Playground helpers at $9.18 Hour; Second by Pickel; Motion carried. (iii) Bainbridge Band requested Township donation towards purchase of trailer in lieu of stoning parking lot. Item postponed until more information can be gathered. (iv) Township is sponsoring a free concert by the Bainbridge Band at 5:30 p.m. at Conoy Park West on Sunday, June 21, 2015. o. Planning, Subdivision and Development – (i) Ag Security Area petition received from County Ag Preserve Board for Kunkle/Hamon asking Township to decide Standard or 180-day Procedure. Solicitor explained Standard procedure incurs costs which would need to be paid by the applicant. A no-cost procedure would be the 180-day Procedure. At the end of the 180-day period the Ag Preserve Board would accept the petition as a deemed decision and the property would be listed in the Ag Security Zone. Motion by Shearer for BOS to opt for 180-day Procedure; Second by Pickel; Motion carried. Solicitor to inform Ag Preserve Board.

7. Financial Reports – FYI – See General Fund Deposit Detail, General Check Detail and Payroll Summary reports and Sewer Fund Deposit and General Check Detail reports for May 2015.

8. Motion by McKain to pay bills (See Unpaid Bills Detail Reports for General Fund for 5/19/15; 5/28/15; 6/4/15 and 6/11/15; and Sewer Fund for 5/28/15 and 6/11/15; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

9. Old Business: None.

10. New Business: (i) PA Growing Greener Coalition looking for municipalities to join their Clean Water Counts Campaign trying to add water restrictions / requirements and put them into law resulting in more unfunded liabilities down from the State. BOS decided to send letter of opposition. Hipple to prepare letter with copy to Legislators. Shearer requested letter be sent to all Supervisors for approval before sending.

11. Other Items and Public Participation: None.

12. Adjournment: BOS Meeting ended at 7:45 p.m.; Chairman Mohr announced the BOS will adjourn from the Executive Session.

Respectfully submitted,

John L. Shearer Secretary-Treasurer

Executive Session followed.

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