The University of Texas Elementary School

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The University of Texas Elementary School

The University of Texas Elementary School

2015-2016 Campus Improvement Plan

1 Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Texas Elementary School is three-fold: develop students into lifelong learners through rigorous research-based curricula delivered in a nurturing environment that includes parental and community involvement; provide opportunities for professional development and outreach for the University’s academic units; and serve as a model of an exemplary program for diverse learners.

Process of Developing the Education Plan

This plan was developed through a multi-step series of activities. Throughout the school year a variety of data points were monitored and input from parents, students and staff was maintained. In April of 2015, UTES parents and staff were asked to complete satisfaction surveys. These surveys asked a range of questions and were meant to evaluate our current programming and inform future programming. Additionally, the staff and Education Council members were asked to provide input into the 2015-16 Campus Improvement Plan where they were asked to review each section of the current education plan, to review old goals and identify any new goals connected to strategic planning, campus data or input from staff. Key categories in planning were core operations, Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS), Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Response to Intervention (RtI), and the Healthy Families Initiative (HFI). This Campus Improvement Plan was informed by campus data (EOY DIBELS, TPRI, STAAR, CIRCLE), recommendations from 2014-15 Education Council members, & 2014-15 campus staff. This Campus Improvement Plan was drafted and presented to members of the Education Council for feedback on September 24, 2015.

Given the uncertain status of school funding at the time of this writing, it is important to note that final decisions on Education Plan priorities, particularly those that have budgetary implications, rest with the Executive Director and the Management Council.

The University of Texas Elementary School Education Goals

Goal I – Maintain and develop student performance and academic excellence through our core operations. Strategies: A. Staff will receive training to ensure instruction is appropriate to meet the needs of all students (ELL, GT, and Special Education). B. Staff will receive materials to ensure instruction is appropriate to meet the needs of all students. C. Staff will provide and evaluate programs and services to ensure instruction is appropriate to meet the needs of all students.

Goal II - The UTES special initiatives of PBIS/SEL, RtI and HFI will be carried out at high levels of performance and with fidelity to research-backed practices Strategies: A. Action steps related to PBIS/SEL B. Action steps related to RtI C. Action steps related to HFI

2 Goal III - UTES will provide a safe and nurturing school environment for all children, parents, staff and teachers. Strategies: A. Take steps to increase school safety. B. Take steps to increase environmental quality. C. Take steps to increase staff, student, and family satisfaction

Use of State Compensatory and External Funds for Improvement of Student Achievement In accordance with our school’s mission for high academic achievement for all students, our campus improvement plan addresses the school’s performance goals specifically targeting the needs of students performing below potential and students with special needs. On this campus students identified as “at-risk” primarily include student who did not achieve on grade level on the TPRI, DIBELs, campus benchmarks or state assessments (STAAR) or are identified as limited English Proficient (LEP). We provide programs and support on campus, during the day and before/after school for students that are having difficulty. This CIP (campus improvement plan) contains action plans addressing the major areas of concern identified by campus stakeholders. The CIP contains key strategies with incremental activities designed to address student needs and to achieve the outlined objectives and student outcomes. We evaluate all campus programs to determine their effectiveness in serving students with special needs and those funded by State Compensatory Education funds for federal title funds at the end of each school year. Programs and services currently being implemented on this campus that are partially or fully supported though State Compensatory Education or federal funding include the following:

Program/Service: Services/Allocations Amount State Compensatory Education Payroll Costs: Speech, Occupational Therapy, IDEA-B Special Education Vision Therapy, Special Education Assistants IDEA-B Preschool Speech Services for PK Students ADA Transportation Durham Bus Services Contract NCLB Federal Funds Payroll Cost: Certification Stipends, Bilingual, Title II- Part A- Eisenhower Funds Special Education, ESL certifications Full Time Reading Specialist/Interventionist Title I- Part A Part Time Math Specialist/Interventionist

3 The University of Texas Elementary School 2015-2016 Teams, Committees, Councils & Boards

PLC Teams Math/Science Language Arts/Social Studies Campus Projects for Vertical Teams PRIMARY INTERMEDIATE PRIMARY INTERMEDIATE *Garcia *Rojo *Figueroa *Tannous TEMI/Early Childhood. Math Assessments Guerra Wakim Tanco Hernandez Campus Math Programming/Intervention Jones Tharps Vasquez Roark Arts and STEAM Programming and Alignment Mangelsdorf Calvin Kelly Green STEAM Week and Science Fair/Alignment Amrani Evans Bain Raffone Coordinated Wellness and Intervention (HFI) Adams Lawson Flores Campus Writing Programming HFI *Hurley Knipe Dominguez Vore Alvarado Wilson

T-TESS Evaluator King Ledbetter Garcia Tanco Guerra Vazquez Kelly Jones Mangelsdorf Bains Wakim Hernandez Tharps Roark Calvin Green Dominguez Flores Alvarado Raffone Wilson Lawson Amrani Vore Knipe Adams Tannous Rojo Hurley Figueroa 4 Cohort Leaders PK Garcia K-1st Jones 2nd -3rd Wakim 4th -5th Calvin Student Dominguez Services Special Vore Areas Office King Kitchen Alvarado

L3 Social Education SHAC Team HFI Team Representatives Committee Council Kerin Hurley Mary Ledbetter Megan Rojo Tonya King Bob Knipe Bob Knipe Eunice Tanco Scarlett Calvin Mays Tannous Rebecca Vore Mario Alvarado Juanita Vazquez Brittany Bain Kerin Hurley Rebecca Vore Noura Wakim Rashid Amrani Mario Alvarado Kimberly Wilson Noura Wakim Kimberly Wilson Lily Dominguez Arlis Flores Lily Dominguez Felicia Adams Maria Figueroa

*** Tonya King is an active member of each committee/team. ***

5 The University of Texas Elementary School 2015-2016 Teams, Committees, Councils & Boards

Education Council Management Board Tonya King Dr. Ed Sharpe – Chair Nina Kalina Mr. Randy Ramirez- Vice Chair Suzanne Gieger Ms. Suzon Kemp Jenn Golech Dr. Dolly Lambdin Yasmin Turk Ms. Josephina Casati Arlis Flores Dr. Bill Lasher Mays Tannous Dr. Pamela Powell Arlis Flores Ms. Kathleen Armenta Mays Tannous Ms. Candice Young Brittany Bain Dr. Anthony Brown Felicia Adams Dr. Brian Bryant Rashid Amrani Dr. Melissa Chavez Corina Watts Dr. Ed Emmer Kathryn Tackett Mr. Gregory Perrin Shobie Partos Ms. Candice Young Karen LaShelle

6 Goal I – Maintain and develop student performance and academic excellence through our core operations. Key Strategy A: Professional Development & Conversations Staff will receive training to ensure instruction is appropriate to meet the needs of all students. Action Step Persons/Groups Resources needed Timeline Evidence of Completion / Responsible Evaluation / Follow-up 1. Provision of opportunities Admin. to Organize and CAST- $1,800 Ongoing Back to School PD Agendas to attend professional Publicize Opportunities CAMT- $2,200 PLC Agendas development or provide pending availability of NCTM- $2,200 Faculty Meeting Agendas professional development out funding SXSW Edu- $1,335 List of outside opportunities of house Texas Regional Collaborations $500 Math: $6,000 Other- $3,000 Total: $17,035 *some funding has been requested through grants and donations 2. PLC Early Release Days will Administration Prof. Development plans & resources September -May PLC and Prof. Dev. be used for work on campus PLC Leaders PLC Guidelines Products & Reflections projects and shared learning. Active Research Guidelines

3. Staff PD on PLCs and team Admin August PD Agenda & PLC Group collaboration, monthly Work agendas, school-wide Cost – subscription procedures, & expectations

4. Provide funding for new staff Teachers Region 13 credits to cover costs August -August Teacher Certifications to complete GT certification Business Manager Campus Documentation PD Agenda with Region 13 5. Provide 6-hr. GT update for Admin Book Study or on-line webinar August - July Book study presentations or teachers with Core GT Tannous (previously $600 dedicated for book product/plans for Rojo study) implementation

6. Focus on Math school-wide: Admin Math PD & PLC work August-May Improved math performance Instruction, alignment, math PLCs Progress monitoring tools & positive attitudes in & facts & mathematical Rojo Fluency tools about Math reasoning Teachers Friday Assessments Parents 7. Focus on school wide Admin Campus data August-May Fewer behavior referral academics & behavior Counselor Progress monitoring Improved performance on Tannous Discipline referrals assessments & daily grades 7 Rojo Parent communication Figueroa Parents Community 8. Funding for memberships to Administration $410 x 3 for TEPSA - $1,230 August –July CPE hours recorded professional organizations Budget Manager NCTM- $336 (4 members) NSTA- $300 (4 members) TX Charter School Assoc. $1,525 Other- $300 Total: $3,691 *some funding has been requested through grants and donations DMAC resources

9. SAMA training Admin $600 PD Budget (Region 13 credits) August - October SAMA trained staff required/yearly update Business Manager complete required yearly Teachers update

Goal I – Maintain and develop student performance and academic excellence through our core operations. Strategy B: Staff will receive materials to ensure instruction is appropriate to meet the needs of all students.

Action Item Persons responsible Resources Timeline Evidence of completion / Evaluation / Follow-up 1. DMAC subscription Admin $2,400 for subscription June -May Receipts of budget items renewal Budget Manager $250 for TAG feature $200 for second scanner 2. Provide instructional Admin $300/class from L3 Spend all available funds by Receipts and balanced accounts materials aligned with Cohort Leaders Science consumables: $500 total April curriculum planning Intervention Team Instructional Funds guides and campus Budget Manager resources including consumables 3. Purchase books and Admin Library budget $1,000 books Purchases completed and Library Inventory DVDs for library and Librarian Library budget $300 software inventoried by April increase teacher resources Business Manager in library 4. Fund one reading Admin $1,500-Instructional Budget August Materials provided to students subscription for campus Business Manager (Scholastic or Time for Kids) 5. Fund subscriptions to Business Manager General budget August -May Teacher and Student use reports 8 Brain Pop, Brain Pop Jr., Administration $1,000 Brain Pop and teacher feedback & math fluency & Teachers $1,400 Brain Pop Jr. blended learning & $4,300 Dreambox Gr. PK-2 gaming programs to $0 Think Through Math Gr.3-5 support instruction $1600 Fast Math $3500 Lexia – grant proposal $0 Mine Craft 6. Copy campus Administration Instructional Budget Each benchmark session (Aug., Cost analysis benchmarks with UT Intervention Team $1,000 Dec., April) Copying Teachers 7. Purchase TEKS & Administration Kamico Diagnostic Series $208 September Resources provided to each STAAR aligned math Rojo/Math PLC STAAR Ready $125.00 grade resources AIMS Curriculum $435 PD for implementation Mentoring Minds Ass. $208.50 Funds for new resources $800 Total: $3,796 *funds included in grant proposal and donor requests 8. Purchase primary Administration Project READ- Cost TBD September Updated Resources Tier 2 intervention Business Manager resources & related Tannous training Figueroa 9. Renew copier and Administration General budget Annually Cost analysis and service reports service agreement; work Business Manager $8,400 copier with staff for alternatives Front Office $5,000 paper to copying Teachers 10. Rebuild UT Administration UTES & UT Opportunities to August-May Increased collaboration between Partnerships with PLCs build partnerships UT College of Ed & UTES communication between Staff/Faculty Revisit Urban Ed cohort model UTES & UT College of Education departments -

9 Goal I – Maintain and develop student performance and academic excellence through core operations. Strategy C: Staff will provide and evaluate core services to ensure quality instruction that meets the needs of all students

Action Item Persons responsible Resources Timeline Evidence of completion / Evaluation / Follow-up 1. School-wide tutoring Administration $60,000 Donor Sept-Dec Academic Data program, summer Teachers Summer Program Jan-April Tutoring Documentation enrichment program and After School Coordinator Tutoring Summer School Documentation provide stipend for after After School Coordinator After School Rosters/Schedule school program coordinator responsible for communication and student safety. 2. Host student program Administration State Farm Grant Funds through Aug - May Campus Master Calendar in fall and spring lead by Special Areas Teachers Special Areas Special Areas Staff to Parent Organization – L3 Volunteers showcase student learning, including family multicultural fair event in connection to parent group, & HFI showcase AND combine with existing events like Bevo Bash & Health Fest 3. Host Career Day Development Officer Volunteers to present Sept. - May Occurrence of Scheduled Event Administration Free/Cost Teachers 4. Investigate Administration Volunteers from UT Spring Event Proposal development of college Teachers Buses to visit UT $600 Potentially Scheduled Event exhibition activity 5. Participation in Administration Funds provided by Blanton September - May Completion of MVP Program Blanton MVP program MCA Teacher Parent volunteers for grades 3-5 with Classroom Teachers singular visit for 2nd grade 6. Host STEAM Month Math/Science Vertical Team STEAM Week August -January STEAM events calendar to fit needed time frame- Special Areas Teachers Instructional Funds $1,000 UTES Science Fair investigate timing of Parent Organization Boards, ribbons, family event STEAM Family Night science fair 7. Host Dr. Seuss’ Development Officer $300 Development Budget March Student, Teacher and Volunteer Birthday and invite new Administration participation and feedback partners

10 8. Fund an equal Administration Donations: August-May Budget and field trips aligned to nd number of buses per Business Manager $1200 2 Grade Zoo Trip curriculum/grade level needs grade level (excluding $10,000 5th Outdoor School/Sea grant-funded trips) for Camp trips aligned to annual $5,200 GT Program plans $8000- Seeking Funding/Instructional Budget 9. Continue work to Executive Director Dell Grant August - May Working, well maintained locate funding sources to Administration EMAT Funds technology on campus replace old technology Development Officer Other grant or funding and maintain technology Campus Technologists opportunities Business Manager 10. Art Supplies Business Office $450- materials for art projects August - May Quality Arts Instruction & purchased student products Goal II - The UTES special initiatives of PBIS, SEL, RtI, and HFI will be carried out at high levels of performance and with fidelity to research-backed practices A: Action steps related to PBIS/SEL

Actions steps Persons responsible Resources Needed Timeline Evidence of accomplishment / evaluation / Follow-up 1. Provide Creative Administration Donors- $4, 800 August - May Student learn curriculum from Action program to all Development Officer Week long workshops 1st-5th theater program that teaches students grades PK-5 as Counselor Day presentations PK & K character education part of SEL and character Business Manager (appreciation of diversity, education programming leadership, bullies and bystanders, etc.) 2. Responsive Classroom Counselor Responsive Classroom Institute Interested staff need to request Completion of Responsive Training opportunities for Administration Funding- always opportunity by January Classroom training staff with donors 3. Provide Counselor SEL lessons, books, puppets, & August - May Student participation in weekly/monthly SEL resources counselor guided lessons lessons related to monthly character ed. And/or specific class or grade level needs 4. Provide Counselor Counseling resources August – May Student participation in small weekly/monthly Scheduled groups & parent groups & parent permission counseling groups & permission lunch bunch to meet needs of students with service plan counseling needs. Goal II - The UTES special initiatives of PBIS, SEL, RtI, and HFI will be carried out at high levels of performance and with fidelity to research-backed practices B: Action steps related to. RtI 11 Action steps Persons responsible Resources needed Timeline Evidence of accomplishment / evaluation / follow-up 1. Campus will continue RtI Reading Interventionist RtI Meeting Agenda Meetings beginning September Meeting Agendas meetings with classroom Reading Coach Student Data Student Data teachers, support staff and Math Interventionist Updated Service Plan form to administration using a Classroom Teachers track student service including standard agenda every six Special Education Teacher behavior strategies & progress weeks – Tasks will include Administration from year to year review of student progress & documentation on Service Plans (1-page doc. to follow student services & progress from year to year at UTES) 2. Staff will review SST Administration Updated SST Process August – May SST Process is clear process and Teachers Documents Clear communication between documentation of Student Student Services Letters school and home regarding Services Student Services D Student Services Compliance Documentation Complete

*see additional resources listed in Section Goal B

C: Action Steps Related to HFI

Action Steps Persons Responsible Resources Needed Timeline Evidence of accomplishment / evaluation / follow-up 1. HFI Program will HFI Team DMAC August - May Outline of goals and objectives work on strategic Administration Health Data for strategic work and campus planning targeted at Registrar Discipline Data processes wellness intervention and Psychological Services data collection Attendance Data 2. Develop educational Chef and Sous Chef Monthly Menu June -August Café Introduction lessons plan for welcoming Wellness Teacher Promotion of colorful, balanced, Menu students and families to SHAC healthy foods. Café Events Health Horns Hall menu, healthy eating habits, and dining at no cost. 12 3. Cover 1/3 cost for Special Areas Teachers Master Calendar Dates March Wellness Events attended by coach to attend HFI Team SHAC/HFI Budget $1,253 school community AAPHERD Administration Teacher of teachers 4. Maintain and build Wellness Teacher Funds – State Farm Grant Seasonal planting and harvesting Current lesson plans reflect upon school gardening Parents/Students opportunities in current spaces program and community and plans are in place to garden plan in both continue to seek support for current and future spaces future garden spaces 5. Integrate Wellness Administration DMAC, Fitness Gram, Health September - May Developed Data Reports data into data Coach K Data, Attendance Data, management system Discipline Data through DMAC 6. Host quarterly Administration Plan and host events using August - May Planned and hosted events with Healthy Horns events HFI Team already provided materials community members in which will serve to engage attendance community around wellness topics, support HFI and inform parents of after school/weekend classes and opportunities provided 7. Request funding for HFI Coordinator $200 for bus Fall & Spring Increased community bus to transport families Business Office engagement to Marathon Kids kick Students off in connection to Healthy Horns event with Beautification Day 8. Involve students in Wellness Teacher Student surveys September - May Increased consumption of menu feedback and Chefs Connect to Wellness curriculum healthy food during meals planning through surveys and other projects through wellness class 9. Canopy for improved HFI L3 support - Funds for purchase August - May More use of outdoor learning outdoor learning center Administration & installment area Business Office/Exec. Dir. 10. Investigate Executive Director Funding August-May Increased safe play space for expanding fence around Administration students playscape for additional Business Office playspace for organized play 11. Class L3 Funds from L3 fundraisers August - May Teacher budgets for class supplies 13 Budgets

Goal III UTES will provide a safe and nurturing school environment for all children, parents, staff and teachers. A. Take steps to increase school safety.

Action Persons responsible Resources needed Timeline Evidence of outcomes / evaluation / follow-up steps 1. Provide Staff CPR and RN Master calendar Fall List of currently certified first aid training to bring $25 per teacher / staff employees in First Aid and CPR all staff up-to-date 2. Replenish classroom RN $500 Nurse Budget August Kits present in each room and first aid kits and train replenished as needed teachers on proper use; create disaster kits for each classroom 3. Replenish sand and Custodian Maintenance and Landscape Each 9 week period Playground inspection mulch on a semester basis Business Manager Funds or as often as needed- $400 measure each 9 weeks 4. Maintain parent SHAC City support or parent volunteers August - May Crossing guards provided volunteers as crossing Parent Organization – L3 guards- see if we need to add new parents and have them attend training 5. Repaint crosswalk as Business Office UT Systems Job Request Summer Freshly painted crosswalks indicated by Austin Police UT Systems traffic evaluation 6. Ensure new building Executive Director Capital Campaign- funding for On-going Appropriate locks and plans have locking Administration new building functioning intercom system mechanisms and intercom Business Office (both out and inside) systems which support campus safety needs 7. Investigate purchase Executive Director Seeking Funding Ongoing in connection to Security system set up at front of front gate security Administration $11,000 Capital Campaign gate system-camera/intercom/ Business Office buzz in system 8. Landscaping needs to Executive Director Funding July-August Improved safety & appearance include covering exposed Administration PVC pipes near green Business Office 14 space & a water run-off plan/system, 9. Investigate wrapping Executive Director Funding July-August Improved safety poles & gutters with Administration padding surrounding Business Office green space for safety from running students. 10. Purchase Administration Funding August Improved safety class door stops, possibly Business Office sandbags for ease & safety 11. Ensure that Administration Service request August Improved safety all exterior gates swing Front Office closed automatically & add signs (DO NOT prop open) 12. Bus Safety – Administration Student training plan with clear August Improved safety student training, student consequences for inappropriate contracts when needed bus behavior

B. Take steps to increase environmental quality.

Action steps Persons responsible Resources needed Timeline Evidence of completion / evaluation / 1. Beautification Day(s) Wellness Teacher $1000 (Parent Organization or Dates tentative per funding and Parent, student and community organized and hosted to Green Team Requested Funds) needs involvement help clean up campus and HFI Improved school appearance address outdoor spaces 2. Develop & promote Wellness Teacher Recycling option with Dept. of September - May More recycling, less trash school recycling program SHAC Sustainability disposal

3. Investigate Administration Funds August-July Safe place for student exercise improvement to green Exec. Dir. space. Business Office 4. Investigate covered Administration Funds August-July Safe place for student exercise play space (blue court) Exec. Dir. Business Office 5. No-idling signs and SHAC Signs made for drive through September - May Cars not idling will help air parent education *or organize as classroom areas $100 Maintenance and quality around campus and Operations Funds supports ecology lessons 15 6. Address flooding areas Executive Director Capital Campaign Summer - Summer Sustainable landscaping and on current campus in Potential Funding Requests usable outdoor spaces plans for new building, including green space improvement 7. Address issues of Administration Teachers to turn in August - July Cleaner and more sanitary classroom cleanliness- Business Office concerns/requests consistently classrooms staff must report to Sufficient funds to hire a FT business office regularly, custodian. including consideration of replacing Varsity contract with a full-time custodian on campus. 8. Maintain deck during Business Office Funds to repair deck Summer & on-going Safe decks summer Custodian $200 Maintenance and maintenance Operations 9. Develop plan for Business Office Cost of custodial with Summer Clear plan implemented quarterly dusting of gym Custodian appropriate lift or cost of heavy ledge duty extension ladder. 10. Improved Café Menu options Fall Improved vegetarian options options for vegetarian SHAC Menu recommendations for lunches including on field families trips 11. Consider HFI Parent communication via August-May Improved healthy eating and weekly healthy living SHAC Thursday communications exercise habits school-wide habits school-wide like: Staff Meatless Mondays, Students Walking Wednesdays, etc. 12. Provisions of Café a lost or late student breakfast option like cereal and fruit. 13. Investigate Executive Director Funding and information on August Shades for windows in gym and shades for café and gym Development Officer costs café so projectors can be used to use projector Administration for presentations

C. Take steps to increase staff, student, and family belonging, satisfaction, and growth.

Action steps Persons responsible Resources needed Timeline Evidence of outcomes / evaluation / follow-up 1. Expand Parent L3: Parent Forum/Org. Officers Recruitment activities to August Increased attendance of Parent 16 Organization to become Administration encourage parent involvement Forum meetings more inclusive and to Teachers Greater Diversity in L3 deepen connections to Ed Ed. Council Members Council and initiatives- parent organization members should represent campus diversity 2. Continue recognition Administration Lists of key supports to Early May – Events publicized, Completion Ceremony of volunteers, mentors, Development Officer classrooms and students invitations go out attendance and donors through Business Manager Master Calendar Late May – Events occur completion ceremonies Funds for certificates and flowers 3. Plan and fund 5th Administration Graduation: October (TOS) & March Event occurs, key donors and grade graduation & Executive Director WAYA $3,000 (GRAD)– Planning begins guests invited in addition to balance of Outdoor Development Officer Local funds UTES staff, 5th grade students th School after Horn Raiser 5 grade teachers Outdoor School – remaining and families Business Office costs after Horn Raiser TBD

4. Recruitment continues Administration Advertising copy and costs Ongoing Ads placed for future UTES students- Front Office $600 Interest in UTES from diverse media campaign and La Business Office populations Feria/George Washington Presence at La Feria/George Carver event Washington Carver Event 5. Investigate opening Registrar Gradebook training for staff by August Increased communication home Gradebook Parent Portal Teachers registrar and for parents by Administration teachers at Back to School Night 6. Update homework & Administration Staff dialogue & collaboration August grading policies and Teachers Homework & grading guides clearly communicate to Staff & parent surveys parents 7. Translate school Administration Funding for stipend? September -May Increased parent engagement events and meetings into Counselor and communication Spanish 8. Awards for MOY and Administration $400 for materials Dec. & May Increased family engagement EOY Assemblies- Business Office Promotion of SEL skills certificates, medals, Front Office flowers and special awards 9. Parent Volunteer Administration $450 for food and serving Spring Increased parent engagement Appreciation Event Business Office materials and awards 10. Staff Awards Administration $600 for awards, treats, August - May Staff Satisfaction and Retention and Recognition- Service Office Staff celebrations 17 Awards, Holiday Celebrations, Teacher Appreciation 11. Funds for Business Office $7,000 August - May Staff Wellness and Satisfaction Substitute Coverage for *3 teachers will be out with Illness, Personal Days and maternity leave in fall Professional Development


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