Carers Individual Budget

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Carers Individual Budget

Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected]


It is important that Care Managers read the following before completing an application for a Carers Individual Budget.

Manchester City Council provides a non-means tested Carers Individual Budget (CIB) of up to £500 to support carers to take a break and to help alleviate some of the stresses that can arise when caring for someone. An application may be made once every financial year (e.g. April 2009 - March 2010)

A) Eligibility

Carers are eligible for their own Individual Budget:

 If they are an unpaid carer*;  If they care for a Manchester resident;  If the person they care for is over 18**;  If they have not already been approved for a Carers Individual Budget within the same financial year;  Even if the person/s they care for is not in receipt of services or funding from Adult Social Care.

* Carers are still considered as ‘unpaid’ even if they receive Carers Allowance or manage the cared-for person’s Individual Budget

** Carers of under 18’s should apply to Manchester Carers Centre’s ‘Time For Me Fund’ – please call 0161 835 4090 for further information

B) Carers Individual Budget Panel & Criteria

A Carers Individual Budget Panel meets every month to go through applications. The CIB Panel is made up of representatives from Adult Social Care, the Voluntary Sector and carers. The criteria for funding has been set by the Panel and states:

 A Carers Individual Budget is designed to provide the carer with opportunities for breaks and/or to help alleviate some of the pressures that caring can entail. Funding is from the Carers Grant and is therefore intended for the carer only. Funding or care requirements for the cared-for person will need to be discussed as part of their Core Assessment.

 The Carers Individual Budget is not a hardship fund, therefore cannot be used to cover utility bills, repayment of debt, rent, relocation costs, clothing, beds, bedding, furniture, transport costs or domestic appliances which do not necessarily assist the carer in their caring role. Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected]

 A Carers Individual Budget should not be used to purchase something that could bring Manchester City Council into disrepute.

 A Carers Individual Budget cannot be used to purchase or pay for something retrospectively, such as a holiday already taken.

 A Carers Individual Budget can only be awarded to a single caring unit or per cared- for person. For example, if two parents are caring for one child then they will only be eligible for one payment between them. Likewise, if a person cares for more than one person they will only be entitled to one payment.

 Respite or sitting services for the cared-for cannot be funded through the Carers Individual Budget.

 Funding decisions are made by the Panel alone and depend on the information given in the application and how much funding is available.

As a guide, carers have in the past used their Carers Individual Budget to fund the following:

. A holiday . Day trips or short breaks . Educational courses . Driving lessons/test . Computer . Domestic appliances* . Decorating costs** . Gardening assistance . Gym membership . Pampering/therapies/spa treatment . Games consoles (for young carers under the age of 18)

In accordance with the above criteria, a Carers Individual Budget cannot be used to fund:

. Utility bills . Holidays or breaks that have already been taken . Debt . Relocation costs . DVDs or CDs . TVs or audio equipment . Clothing . Day to day transport costs such as taxis, buses etc. . Gambling (including bingo) . Furniture or soft furniture (i.e. curtains, cushions) . Beds or bedding (the CIB is not a hardship fund therefore cannot fund these) Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected]

*Where domestic appliances are requested, the Care Manager must demonstrate how this will give the carer a break or reduce some of the stress of caring. **This includes the cost of labour, wallpaper and paint etc but not for soft furnishings such as furniture, curtains etc.

C) How much the carer can apply for

Carers are eligible for up to £250 or £500, depending on the number of hours of care they provide and whether they live with the person/s they care for:

. Up to £250; if the carer provides 10-40 hours of care per week . Up to £500; if the carer provides over 40 hours of care per week and lives with the person/s they care for

While the Panel aims to approve either £250 or £500 for every carer who applies, this is dependent on how much funding is available and may not be guaranteed.

D) Carers Individual Budget Support Plan

Care Managers need to select from the options available in Section 5a how the carer will spend their Carers Individual Budget.

If the Panel approves the application, the carer will be sent a copy of their CIB Support Plan, so it is important that the plan is jointly agreed between the Care Manager and carer before it is submitted. The Support Plan should make it clear how the IB will meet the needs identified in the Carers Assessment.

E) Gaddum Centre Grant for Carers

Where items under £100 have been requested, the Carers Individual Budget Panel may refer the Care Manager to the Gaddum Centre’s Grant for Carers. Carers can access up to £100 for items that will alleviate or support them in their caring role, or for additional costs that a carer incurs as a consequence of caring. Some items that carers have claimed for include mobile phones and travel costs. This can be requested in addition to the Carers Individual Budget or Time For Me, and is not means tested. The need for this grant must be identified as part of a Carer's Assessment and the application form attached must be completed, signed and returned to the Gaddum Centre by post or fax. For an application form please contact the Gaddum Centre on 0161 839 0421.

F) Completing the Carers Assessment on Amigos

The Carers Assessment needs to be completed on Amigos before the Panel can consider an application for a Carers Individual Budget.

G) Payment of Carers Individual Budget & Receipts

Carers who are approved for a Carers Individual Budget will be notified by letter. They will also be sent an Acceptance Form to sign and return, in which they must agree to spend their Carers Individual Budget as outlined in their Support Plan. Once we have received Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected] the Acceptance Form we will arrange payment. This will be sent by Cheque. Carers are expected to keep a Record of Spend as well as any copies of receipts, as proof of expenditure. These should be returned to the Carers Strategy Team after the Carers Individual Budget has been spent – we will not consider any future applications until receipts have been received.

Please note that it may take 4-6 weeks after the Panel has met for payment to be received and carers should be made aware of this.

For more information about the Carers Individual Budget please contact the Carers Strategy Team on 0161 234 3938. Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected]

Carers Individual Budget Application Form

To be completed by the Care Manager or professional completing the Carers Assessment

1. Carer details

Surname First name Address

Post Code Telephone Number Date of Birth or Age Amigos No

White British Asian Chinese White Irish Asian Vietnamese White Other Asian Other Mixed White & Black Black Carribean Carribean Ethnicity Mixed White & Black African Black African Mixed White & Asian Black Somali Mixed Other Black British Asian Indian Black Other Asian Pakistan Middle East Asian Bangladeshi Any other ethnic group

What is the carer’s relationship to the person they care for? (i.e. mother, husband) Has the carer received a CIB within the Yes No current financial year? (April ’09 – Mar ’10) Has the carer received an award from Yes No Manchester Carers Centre’s ‘Time For Me’ Fund in the current financial year? (For example, if they also care for someone under 18 years of age)

2. Cared-for person details

Surname First name Address Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected]

Post Code Telephone Number Date of Birth or Age Amigos No

Service User Mental Health Drugs & Alcohol Category Older People HIV/AIDS Physical Disabilities Learning Disabilities

Has the cared-for person had a Core Assessment? Yes No Does the cared-for person receive services? (e.g. Yes No Individual Budgets, Reablement, Day Care, Home Care etc)

3. Care Manager/Social Worker Details

Please provide us with accurate information as we will need to inform you of the Panel’s decision.

Name Job Title Workplace Address

Telephone Number Email

4. Caring Role

Please select from the below options which band (A or B) best describes the nature of the caring role. This will determine the level of Individual Budget the carer is eligible for (please see Section C of the Guidance for further information).

A The carer provides 10 – 40 hours of care per week

The carer provides over 40 hours of care per week and lives with the B person/s they care for Adult Social Care – Manchester City Council CARERS INDIVIDUAL BUDGET Please email to kate.o’[email protected]

5. Support Plan

Please complete all sections a) How does the carer plan to spend their Carers Individual Budget?

A holiday Day trips or short breaks Gym membership Washing Machine/washer dryer Computer Pampering/therapies Educational course Decorating (see Guidance) Gardening Driving lessons Games consoles (for young carers Domestic Support (e.g. a cleaner) under 18 only) Other (please provide details below)

b) How will the CIB help the carer meet the needs identified in their Carers Assessment? (For example, will it enable them to take a break? Will it improve health and wellbeing?)

c) If the carer plans to use their CIB for a holiday or to take a break, how will the cared-for person be looked after in their absence?

This information will be sent to the CIB Panel for consideration. If approved the carer will be sent a copy of this plan for their records.

Does the carer agree to this CIB Support Plan? Yes No

Does the carer agree to spend their CIB as outlined above and return copies of receipts? Yes No

Are you able to help the carer with receipts if necessary? Yes No

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