World War II 1939-1945 Causes of WWII: 1. Failure of the Treaty of Versailles  Resentment – Germany, Italy  Political instability created by weak new nations  League of Nations fails - militaries & alliances rebuilt 2. Global Economic Depression  Great Depression & war debts lead to decline  Capitalist nations fear communist nations  Disillusionment 3. Rise of Totalitarianism  Germany, Italy, Soviet Union, Japan fall to dictators  Extreme nationalism causes aggressive expansion 4. Policy of Appeasement  Definition = giving into demands to keep peace  Ex. Munich Conference (1938) – Europe gives Sudetenland to Germany (Hitler seen as defense against communism) Spark: Invasion of Poland Who? Germany & USSR When? September 1, 1939 Why? Germany & USSR sign Nazi-Soviet Pact (8/23/1939) because both seek return of lost land, Germany also wants lebensraum (living space) for the Third Reich How? Germany uses blitzkrieg (lightning war) heavy air & artillery bombardment  paratroop landings  infantry attacks  tanks move in

Sides: Axis v. Allied 1. Germany 1. Great Britain 2. Italy 2. France 3. Japan 3. Soviet Union (1941) 4. US (1941) Theatres of WWII: 1. Europe 2. North Africa 3. Asia/Pacific New Ways of Fighting:  Mobility because of better tanks and airplanes  Better artillery/explosives  Better communication – radio, radar, sonar  Atomic bomb (US secret until 1945) Allied Strategy:  Defend until 1941 then invade North Africa, Europe, and Asia  Depend on US economic support despite her isolationism Neutrality Acts (1937) no arms/shipments/loans/credits to nations at war Cash-and-Carry Policy nations can buy arms if pay cash & carry goods home Lend-Lease Plan lend/lease arms to any country whose defense is vital to US Atlantic Charter (8/1941) US & GB will uphold democracy – unofficial alliance Axis Strategy:  Germany – take France, GB, & USSR using blitzkreig (land) & blitz (air)  Japan – take Asian land/islands