Grade 6 Final Review Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Giovagnoni Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 1. ______means to deliberately hurt other people with words or actions; it can be physical, verbal or social.

2. What should you do when you see someone being bullied? ______

3. ______are drugs that you need a written note from a doctor. 4. Name 2 every day household products that are poisonous; these are considered inhalants: ______5. Name the mind altering drug in marijuana? ______6. What gas takes the place of oxygen in your blood when you smoke tobacco? ______7. Name the addictive drug in tobacco products? ______8. True or False? ______Tobacco is a stimulant (speeds up your central nervous system). 9. The ______is the organ that holds urine before it is released from the body. 10. The only way to make a drunk person sober (not drunk) is? ______

11. Name the group an alcoholic can attend to help them stop drinking alcohol? ______12. True or False? ______Alcohol is a depressant drug (slows down your body). ______13. What is the legal drinking age? ______14. True or False? ______Ethyl is the addictive drug in alcohol. 15. Name one way to get a communicable or contagious disease? ______16. Name one way to get a non-communicable disease? ______17. List the 4 contagious body fluids that transmit HIV/AIDS? ______18. True or False? ______Air pollution can cause lung cancer. 19. Name the organ that controls all body functions? ______20. Where is most blood made? ______21. Name the part of the blood that fights germs? ______22. What are the smallest blood vessels called? ______23. Name the part of your blood that carries oxygen around the body? ______24. What organ pumps your blood around your body? ______25. A period of time during adolescence when a child’s body undergoes physical and emotional changes eventually leading to maturity and “growing up” is called: ______26. Name the organ that is like a blender and breaks down food for digestion and adds gastric juices? ______27. This is our largest organ; it protects everything inside our body, regulates body temperature and lets us feel? ______28. The bone that protects your brain is? ______29. Name the bones that protect your spinal cord? ______30. List the 2 organs the rib cage protects? ______31. What are the 2 respiratory organs that help you breathe? ______32. Name the organs in the male body that produce sperm? ______33. What organ in the female’s body produces eggs? ______34. List the 3 parts of the nervous system? ______35. What muscle makes up the muscles that cover your bones? ______36. When you communicate by talking and using words; this is called? ______37. When you communicate by actions, body language, facial expressions, posture and sign-language; this is called? ______38. Define mental illness? ______39. What word means when you judge a group or person based on what they look like? ______40. What word means ways to deal with your anger, stress, frustration, sadness, emotions (doing something you like to feel better)? ______41. A choice you make is also a ______42. Your personal beliefs about what is right and wrong are called? ______43. A lesson you learn, a set of beliefs that society teaches us about what is right and wrong is? ______

44. When someone your age tries to get you to do something you don’t want to do; this is called? ______45. Define Self Esteem. ______46. How many chambers (rooms) does our heart have? ______47. What body system is our frame and gives us structure, support and shape? ______

TRUE or FALSE: ______The food plate is our guide to how to eat healthy. ______It is ok to share your prescription medication with your friend if you both have the same symptoms. ______Water is the most important nutrient we cannot live without. ______The bladder is the organ that holds urine before it is released from the body. 6 th Grade Vocabulary Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Prescription drugs (from a doctor) Self-esteem Bullying Values Food Plate Morals Water - nutrient Peer pressure Bladder Decision = choice Coping skills Stereotyping Mental illness Smooth Skeletal/striated Brain, spinal cord and nerves Ovaries Testes/testicles Lungs Heart (4 chambers) Skeletal system (structure, shape, support, frame) Rib cage Vertebra Cranium Skin Stomach Puberty Communicable disease (sneezing) Non communicable disease (inheriting it) Environmental issues (types of pollution such as air pollution) Brain Bone marrow White blood cells Red blood cells Capillaries Heart HIV/AIDS (4 fluids: blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk) Alcohol = depressant 21 years old Ethyl Alcoholics anonymous Time passing (sober) Tobacco= stimulant Nicotine Carbon monoxide Marijuana= THC Inhalants= everyday household products; poisonous Gas is one example