Showing Diverse and Progressive Planning

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Showing Diverse and Progressive Planning

Showing diverse and progressive planning

Health and Wellbeing Planning

P4 Outcomes Skills for Key Skills to develop/ Activities Method of with Learning assessment Assessment and Life focus Mental and emotional wellbeing Social wellbeing Physical wellbeing Planning for choices and changes I am Can combine and repeat with Self-assessment developing control a variety of Physical skills and Applying throwing/catching/passing Peer-assessment Education, techniques techniques and footwork skills. physical activity and improving Video/photographs and sport my level of Can move/dodge into space to performance receive a pass. Observations and fitness. Can play a small sided game HWB 1-22a showing awareness of space, force, speed and direction. Within and beyond my Evaluating Can evaluate the performance of place of themselves and others through learning I am observation/evaluations enjoying daily opportunities to participate in physical activities and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor space.

HWB 1-25a

I can recognise progress and achievement by discussing my thoughts and feelings and giving and accepting feedback. HWB 1-24a

Food and Health Substance misuse Relationships, sexual health and parenthood Evaluation/ next steps:

Health and Wellbeing Planning

P5 Outcomes Skills for Key Skills to develop/ Activities Method of with Learning and assessment Assessment Life focus Mental and emotional wellbeing Social wellbeing Physical wellbeing Planning for choices and changes As I encounter Can identify/discuss safety and Self-assessment new Remembering etiquette through the context of golf Physical challenges Peer-assessment Education, and contexts Understanding Can strike the ball with control and physical activity for learning, I accuracy using a variety of Video/photographs and sport am Applying techniques and equipment which encouraged are appropriate for the shot. Observations and supported Evaluating to Can demonstrate an understanding demonstrate of force and accuracy my ability to select, adapt Can evaluate the performance of and apply themselves and others through movement observation/evaluations skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 2-21a

I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 2-22a Showing diverse and progressive planning

By reflecting on my own and others’ work and evaluating it against shared criteria, I can recognise improvement and achievement and use this to progress further. HWB 2-24a

Food and Health Substance misuse Relationships, sexual health and parenthood

Evaluation/ next steps:

Health and Wellbeing Planning

P4 Outcomes Skills for Key Skills to develop/ Activities Method of with Learning assessment Assessment and Life focus Mental and emotional wellbeing Social wellbeing

Physical wellbeing Planning for choices and changes I am discovering Show control, tension and body Self-assessment Physical ways that I Applying awareness in the five basic body Education, can link actions- rolling, balance, jumping, Peer-assessment physical activity actions and weight on hands, and sport skills to create hanging/swinging/climbing with Video/photographs movement change of shape and direction on patterns and floor and apparatus Observations sequences. Creating This has Can combine actions in a sequence motivated me with increased fluency and to practise confidence showing an awareness and improve of force speed and space my skills to develop Can apply simple movement control and sequences to apparatus work flow. Can express ideas and design a HWB 1-21a sequence of three actions e.g. a jump a roll and a balance with good I am starting and finishing positions in developing response to a task skills and techniques and improving Applying my level of performance and fitness.

HWB 1-22a

I can recognise progress and achievement Evaluating Can evaluate the performance of by discussing themselves and others through my thoughts observation/evaluations and feelings and giving and accepting feedback. HWB 1-24a Food and Health Substance misuse Relationships, sexual health and parenthood Evaluation/ next steps:

Health and Wellbeing Planning

P6 Outcomes Skills for Key Skills to develop/ Activities Method of with Learning and assessment Assessment Life focus Mental and emotional wellbeing Social wellbeing

Physical wellbeing Planning for choices and changes As I encounter Can demonstrate an improved Self-assessment new Remembering variety of skills from the five action Physical challenges categories-rolling, balance, Peer-assessment Education, and contexts Understanding jumping, weight on hands, Showing diverse and progressive planning physical activity for learning, I hanging/swinging/climbing with Video/photographs and sport am Applying good control, tension and body encouraged awareness showing an Observations and supported Evaluating understanding of force, speed and to space demonstrate my ability to Can show vaulting onto and off the select, adapt apparatus and apply movement Can use and adapt skills in skills and sequences incorporating the strategies, supporting concepts of pathway, creatively, direction and level; linking the skills accurately together with improved quality and with control. Can evaluate the performance of HWB 2-21a themselves and others through observation/evaluations I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 2-22a

By reflecting on my own and others’ work and evaluating it against shared criteria, I can recognise improvement and achievement and use this to progress further. HWB 2-24a

Food and Health Substance misuse Relationships, sexual health and parenthood Evaluation/ next steps: Health and Wellbeing Planning

P7 Outcomes with Skills for Key Skills to develop/ Activities Method of Assessment Learning and assessment focus Life Mental and emotional wellbeing Social wellbeing Physical wellbeing Planning for choices and changes Learn/Revise skip change, pas de Self-assessment I practise, Remembering basque, cast off, doh-si-doh Physical consolidate Peer-assessment Education, and refine my Understanding Step and formation practices with physical activity skills to and without music Video/photographs and sport improve my Applying performance. I Gradual build-up of dance steps Observations am developing leading to whole dance and sustaining my levels of Learning simple Scottish Country fitness. Dances such as: HWB 2-22a Flying Scotsman, Circassian Circle, Gay Gordons, Virginia Reel I have taken and Simon’s Dance part in dance from a range Use of dances from other of styles and countries (link to class work if cultures, appropriate) demonstrating my awareness of the dance features.

EXA 2-10a

Food and Health Substance misuse Relationships, sexual health and parenthood Evaluation/ next steps:

P 5a Golf END OF BLOCK STATEMENTS RECORDING SHEET Term 1 Showing diverse and progressive planning


Name Demonstrates Uses the Can Can aim Additional an awareness correct hold/swing accurately Comments of safety and stance the golf club and use etiquette when correctly appropriate when playing addressing force for golf the ball the shot

Katie N/P N/P N/P N/P Anderson

Rahan Green Green Amber Green Asghar

Jaden Green Green Green Green Bambury

Scott Birrell Green Green Green Green

Kristofer Green Green Green Amber Bruce

Madison Green Green Green Green Cameron

Dylan Green Green Green Green Chalmers

Margarete Green Green Green Green Costa

Nairn Dailly Green Green Green Green

Charlotte Green Green Green Amber Davidson

Heloise Green Green Green Green Deporte

Leah Gibson Green Green Green Green

Eve Harper Green Green Green Green

Paige Hay Green Green Green Green

Hollie Green Green Amber Green Johnstone Kenzie Green Green Green Green McDermott

Sean McNeil Left Left Left Left

Glenn Millar Green Green Green Green

Amelia Nicol Green Green Green Green

Amber N/P N/P N/P N/P Paterson

Rebecca Green Green Green Green Paterson

Leah Robson Green Green Amber Green

Tayyeb Green Green Amber Green Shakeel

Beth Skelly Green Green Green Green

Jude Green Green Green Green Sommerville

Leith Green Green Green Green Very good stance Spalding and swing

Kirsty Swan Green Green Green Green Listening and following instructions was an issue

Millie Green Green Green Green Turnbull

Loui Green Green Green Green Valentine

P 3b Game Skills END OF BLOCK STATEMENTS RECORDING SHEET Term 1 2014/15 Showing diverse and progressive planning

Name Can combine Can Can pass with Additional Comments two actions hopscotch some accuracy with combining showing an confidence e.g. feet apart awareness of basketball with feet force speed and dribble and together space, e.g. pass shoot, football movements hockey ball to dribble and with some partner, throw pass, dribbling control a rugby ball to with one hand partner’s hands, then the other kick a football to partner

Ali Ahmed Amber Green Green

Adam Bagdu N/P N/P N/P

Katie Green Green Green Caithness

Jasmine Green Green Green Cerven

Connor Coombs Green Green Green

Baria Elkhtash Green Green Green

Mia Haden Green Green Green

Calum Hater Green Green Green Good coordination and footwork with basketball dribble

Cameron Hill Green Green Green

Carly Kerrigan Green Green Green

Wiktor Green Green Green Kotusiewicz

Karley Ledger Green Green Green

Finlay Green Green Green Good control with football McCallum dribble

Katie McCallum Green Green Green

Cerys Green Green Green McKinnon Christopher Green Amber Green Mudie

Zack Rice Amber Green Green

Oshun Ross Green Green Green

Malaikah Amber Amber Amber Sarwar

Georgie Scott Green Green Green

Ella Green Green Green Scrimgeour

Craig Smith Amber Amber Green Struggled with hopscotch and fine motor control for dribbling

Tyler Smith Green Green Green

Shannon Green Green Green Watson

Billie Wilkinson Green Green Green

Jason Wu N/P N/P N/P


Name Can show a wide Can show Can use and adapt Additional Comments repertoire of vaulting skills of increased skills from the onto and difficulty in four action off the sequences categories- apparatus incorporating the rolling, balance, supporting concepts jumping, and of pathway, weight on hands direction, and level with good linking the skills control, tension together with and body improved quality awareness. Showing diverse and progressive planning

Awais Ahmed Amber Green Amber

Honey Borland Green Green Green

Lennon Green Green Amber Campbell

Catalina Carr Green Green Green

Cara Christie Green Green Green

Kieran Crossan Green Green Green

Evelina Amber Green Amber Davidenko

Kyeris Dodds Amber Green Green

Ciara Green Green Amber Excellent control and Donaldson took leadership role with younger classes

Beth Fechlie- Green Green Green Thomson

Paddy Green Green Green Fitzsimons

Abdul Khan Green Green Green

Kacey Ledger Amber Green Amber

Kacey McCabe Green Green Green

Chloe Green Green Green McCunnie

Lee Paterson Green Green Green

Justin Piggot Amber Green Amber

Lee Price Amber Green Amber

Jack Reekie Green Green Green

Risa Sadek Green Green Green

Adam Shaffi Green Green Green

Hasan Green Green Green Shahzad Mustafa Green Green Green Sheikh

Zeeshan Tahir Green Green Green

Sahil Taj Amber Green Green

Daniel Taylor N/P Green N/P

Kacey Green Green Green Thomson

Jack Tippet Green Green Green

Amy Green Green Green Westwater

Chelsea Wilson Green Green Green


Name Can confidently Shows an Shows an Additional Comments combine actions awareness of awareness of of travelling, general and rhythmic beats jumping, personal and can perform turning, space set dance steps gesturing and in time to the stillness with music. good control, balance and body awareness, performing dances showing contrasts of force, speed and space.

Emily Bar Green Green Green

Millie Barham Green Green Amber

Khye Boyd Green Green Green Showing diverse and progressive planning

AJ Brown Green Amber Green

Zulaikha Carim Green Green Green

Maison Cree Green Green Green

Stuart Deporte Green Green Green

Mirren Gaffney Green Green Green

Mubeen Hasan Green Green Green

Ankita Islam Amber Green Green

Jamal Jobe Green Green Amber

Rhys McHardie Green Green Green Green

Rhys Monaghan Green Amber Green

Jack Page Amber Green Green

Keira Reid Green Green Green

Andrew N/P N/P N/P Roadnight

Hasan Shakeel Green Green Green

Maryam Sheikh Green Green Green

Daiyna Smith Green Amber Green (Purves)

Jacob N/P N/P N/P Sutherland

Alisha Thomson Green Green Green

Archie Turnbull Green Green Green

Baily Turner Green Green Green

Logan Whyte Green Green Green

Abdul Green Green Green

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