Aiming High for Disabled Children
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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Aiming High for Disabled Children -Short breaks for disabled children and young people
Introduction Solihull Council’s small capital grants fund is to provide a one off capital investment for organisations providing short breaks for disabled children and young people aged 0 to 24 years who live in Solihull. The grant is available in 2012 with the aim to increase the volume and range of short break provision for disabled children and young people.
What is capital funding? Capital expenditure is defined as expenditure incurred on the acquisition of a tangible, productive asset, whose minimum value in this case exceeds £500 with a maximum value of £5,000. The asset is expected to be retained for a period of 5 years, as a minimum. The general rules for deciding if expenditure is capital are: 1. Will the asset last more than one year? 2. Does the asset cost more than £500 including VAT or does it enhance an existing asset? This does not include routine maintenance, which is classified as revenue expenditure. Please also note this funding is not available for revenue projects i.e. those which support staff or maintenance costs.
What can the grant support? A few considerations: Powered wheelchairs, suitable resurfacing, outdoor play, specialist equipment, providing appropriate facilities such as toilets and changing facilities, ramps and rails, alterations to enable wheelchair access and accessibility, and multi media equipment, transport, organisational capital costs etc.
What are short breaks? “Short Breaks” are any services outside school hours which give a disabled child or young person an enjoyable experience away from their family, and give the family a break from their caring responsibilities.
How to apply for Short Breaks funding? You must complete your application form clearly and fully. We cannot accept applications that are incomplete. Please check that you have worked out costs accurately. Please supply 3 “Like for Like” competitive quotes (i.e. three quotes which are exactly the same) to demonstrate best value. Successful applicants need to submit invoices/receipts or to obtain Pro-forma invoices prior to the release of the grant monies from SMBC with the grant being paid within 15 working days of receipt. How will the application be assessed? All applications will be assessed against the set criteria by the Short Breaks Project panel. It may not be possible to fund all applications.
What are the criteria? – Develop or enhance innovative and sustainable short break provision – Number of users actual and potential users – Evidence of need – Project outcomes
Important, please note: Closing date is 4pm, 15 June 2012. Late applications will not be considered. All applicants will be informed as soon as possible afterwards regarding the outcome of their grant Aiming High for Disabled Children Short Breaks for Disabled Children and Young People
1. Organisation contact details Name of organisation applying for funding
2.Main contact
Name of the main contact ______
Position within the organisation: ______
3.Address of the organisation
Ward: Postcode: 4.Contact details: Telephone number/s Daytime: Evening: Mobile: Email: Web address:
Please indicate the amount of grant you are requesting (Between £500 - £5000
Please indicate the expected total cost of venture/project £______
5.Quotes Have you enclosed a minimum of 3 like for like quotes? Yes / No
6. Building/ premises (If applicable) Does your grant relate to the building you use or will use to provide short breaks?
Yes / No If yes, please complete the following: Do you own the building? Yes / No If not who does? (Name and address)
Is the building leased? Yes / No If yes, from whom is it leased? (Name and address)
. How long is the lease for? ______When does the lease expire? ______
.Does the work require planning approval? Yes / No If yes, please attach a copy of the planning consent
7. Organisation
What is the legal status of your organisation?
Registered Charity in England
Company Ltd by Guarantee
Community enterprise,/organisation/club/society/group
Other – please specify ______
If you are a Registered Charity please provide your registration number:
If you are an Ofsted registered organisation please provide you’re EY number and outcome:
Number ______Ofsted overall outcome ______
Other registered body and registration number ______
Is your organisation a branch of, or related to a larger organisation?
Yes / No Please provide further detail ______8. Funding Are you receiving additional/match funding from other funders/sources?
Yes / No If yes, please provide further details: ______
9. Project summary
10.Frequency and times of provision (if applicable) 11.Evidence of need Please write in here any evidence you have that informs you that this project is needed (500 words maximum)
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks Please note that it is an offence for any employer to employ someone (paid or unpaid) in regulated activity when he knows the person has been barred by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).
Do all staff and volunteers working within the organisation have a current enhanced CRB check and are suitable to work with children? Yes / No
12.Risk assessment Do you have risk assessment and management in place for the projects / activities?
Yes / No
13.Financial Management The following is what we would expect your organisation to have :
Treasurer or individual responsible for financial management of the organisation Yes / No
Written set of financial management procedures Yes / No
Please enclose a copy of the following
– Employers Liability / Public Indemnity Insurance – Risk assessment documentation and Health and Safety Policy – Copies of letters from other funders confirming their contribution and commitment to the project (if appropriate) – Organisations set of rules/ constitution 14.Declaration by the ACCOUNTABLE MANAGER (Owner, Treasurer, Secretary) on behalf of applicant organisation
I, (name in capital letters) …………………………………………………………. am an
Authorised representative of …………………………………………… (name of organisation)
Role within company …………………………………………………………..
Contact address ………………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………Post code ...... …………..
Telephone ……………………………………………………………………..
Email …………………………………………………………………………..
To the best of my knowledge, all the information that I have provided in this application form is correct.
Signature …………………………………………………… Date …………………….. Terms and Conditions of Grant
Before payment can be made you must confirm your acceptance of the following terms and conditions: 1. Funding must be spent on capital items only. 2. Funding shall only be used in accordance with the details given in your application, together with the criteria and conditions detailed therein and Solihull Council's subsequent approval. 3. If there is any breach of these conditions, the funding is repayable immediately on demand, to Solihull MBC. 4. Should the proposed provision require any adaptations to an outside area or building which is hired or rented from the Local Authority, private landlord or school, then authorisation in writing must be obtained from the landlord prior to commencement of the works being carried out. 5. All necessary planning permissions, building regulations, environmental health and fire regulations approvals, must be sought and adhered to. Copies of all relevant documentation must be supplied to Solihull MBC, before any payment of grant can be released. 6. All assets purchased with the grant funding, must be adequately insured. 7. The applicant must advise Solihull MBC in advance if it proposes to dispose of, change the use of, or transfer the ownership of an asset purchased with the grant within the 5 year period. 8. If the applicant ceases to work or trade as a Short Break Provider, moves or sells premises, or the voluntary committee changes, within the 5 year period, you must notify Solihull MBC in advance. Notice should be submitted in writing as soon as the Intention is known. 9. Solihull MBC will maintain a register of all assets funded by the Short Breaks Capital Grant. 10.The applicant will obtain a minimum of three quotes to ensure Best Value, for any work that is to be undertaken, or any equipment that is purchased. 11.Successful applicants must submit copy invoices/receipts or Pro- Forma invoices and evidence that all other conditions have been met to Jackie Tongue, Solihull Council, Education and Children’s Services, Manor Square, B91 3QB. Funding will be released within 15 working days of receipt of copy invoices/receipts. 15. The applicant will support any public relations campaign or good news story, to promote Solihull MBC and childcare services. I agree to abide to the Terms and Conditions of Grant as detailed above:
Name of Provision:…………………………………………….
Name of Signatory (must be a senior officer)
Please sign and date to confirm your agreement to the terms and conditions as stated and return to: Mrs J.Tongue, SMBC, Education and Children's Services, Council House, Manor Square, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3QB