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Technology and Disease Identification/Treatment a Comparison of Two Different Eras
Normal Community High School Fall 2011 Michelle Byers
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University
This lesson compares mid-1800 practices and technology in the identification and treatment of common diseases to the technology used by the medical community today. Primary resources illustrate the diseases and/or instruments used by the medical practitioners of the 1800’s and the CDC website provides current day information. A timeline along with a comparison/contrast guide will be used to help structure a research paper regarding the development of disease identification and treatment. The students will gain an understanding of the development and benefits of new technologies in addressing health issues and the well fare of the general public.
Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension
Overview Back to Navigation Bar Objectives Students will: explore the LOC website to identify and select a primary resource depicting medical technology or treatment for disease. research a given topic regarding disease identification or treatment methods. develop a timeline of technological advancements regarding the practice of medicine and disease identification or treatment. write a comparison research paper regarding past practices and current methods of disease identification or treatment. Recommended time frame 5-7 days 45 minute class periods
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University Grade level 9th -12th Special Education
Curriculum fit Biology/ Social Studies
Materials Lap tops SMART board handouts notebooks pencils Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar Science: Goal 13: Understand the relationship among science, technology and society in historical and contemporary contexts. 13.A. Know and apply the accepted practices of science. 13A.4c. Students will describe how scientific Knowledge, Explanations and technological designs may change with new information over time. Procedures Back to Navigation Bar Day one and two: Project introduction – Describe the project and objectives. Handout – Selecting a topic to research including the website. Read the top of the page aloud. Log on to computers and go to American Memory (show on the SMART board). Click on War, Military and type medicine or disease into the search box. Students explore different sites and look for entries from the 1800’s regarding the given topics as a starting point for their research. Show the resource table from this lesson on the SMART board as examples. Guide students to the sites and as a group, analyze one of the entries. Discuss these questions as a group: What is shown in the script or picture? Who would be influenced by the information? What does the information show about the
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University understanding about disease in the 1800’s? Homework: select a topic and answer the given questions. Day Three: Hand out timeline guide. Explain that the guide is an example and not the actual structure for a particular path of study. Each student will adjust the timeline to fit the information they discover about their selected topic. Using a primary resource as a starting point, research the selected topic in a sequential manner. Describe what the primary resource demonstrates about the beliefs and/ or understanding of disease or technology at that time in history. Use other resources to determine how the understanding of the disease or technology changed over time. What discoveries added to the change of beliefs and practices? Other resources include: History of Medicine websites and Day 4: Research and work day. Finish timelines and begin to compare medical understanding from 1800 to today’s practices and technology. Handout - Use the comparison and contrast questions to help structure the body of the research paper. Students work on compare/contrast question sheet. Day 5: Student work day. Finish questions and begin rough draft of paper. Day 6: Work day, finish rough draft and read it to one other student to get feedback. Begin revisions. Day 7: Go over project checklist with students as they check off completed components. Finish paper revisions. Have one other different student read the paper. Take volunteers that would like to share what they have learned. Staple all together. Handout student reflection sheet and collect when completed.
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar Each assignment: notes, timeline, compare/contrast guide and the student reflection sheet will be graded on a point scale indicated on each handout. Points will accumulate for each assignment and will be recorded as daily homework as each task is due. The paper will be assessed by letter grade and rubric and will count as a chapter test. Extension Back to Navigation Bar Develop a power point presentation about a current disease and treatment. Utilize resources from the Centers for Disease Control to access how information on disease is taught/presented to the general public.
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University Primary Resources from the Library of Congress Back to Navigation Bar
Image Description citation URL Ayer's cherry pectoral, Library of Congress, http://memory.loc.g for the cure of coughs, Rare Book and ov/cgi-bin/query/r? colds, influenza, Special Collections ammem/rbpebib:@fi hoarseness, croup, Division eld(NUMBER+@ba bronchitis, incipient nd(rbpe+06001500)) consumption, and for the relief of consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease ... Prepared by James C. Ayer, druggist
X-raying mice as part Library of Congress, http://memory.loc. of work on disease Prints & gov/cgi- resistance in the Photographs bin/query/r? genetics laboratory at Division, FSA-OWI ammem/fsaall:@fi Iowa State College. Collection, eld(NUMBER+@ Ames, Iowa. Reproduction band(fsa+8d04655 number, LC-USW3- )) 002831-D DLC Good News for the Rare Book, http://memory.lo Sick !! Manuscript, and bin/query/r? Special Collections ammem/eaa:@fiel Library, Duke d(DOCID+@lit(ea University. a000331)) Digital ID: ncdeaa B0223 .award/ncdeaa.B02
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University Comparison Paper Rubric Biology
4 3 2 1
Information relates Information clearly Information relates Information has clearly to the main relates to the main to the main topic. little or nothing to Quality of topic. Report topic. Provides 1-2 No details or do with the main Information contains several Comparative comparisons topic comparative details or examples details or examples
Information is very Information is Information Information Organization organized with organized with organized, but appears to be well constructed well constructed paragraphs are not disorganized paragraphs and paragraphs well constructed subheadings
Notes or timeline Notes or timeline Notes are recorded Notes are recorded are organized in an are recorded or timeline with only with teacher orderly or legibly and are dates is present assistance or Notes or Timeline sequential manner somewhat prompts. and extremely neat organized or and orderly sequential
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University Name ______Compare and Contrast questions for research of Medicine in 2 Eras 10PTS
Use these questions to develop a comparison of medical practices between the 1800’s and the understanding or technology of today. Include your answers to these questions in the body (no pun intended!) of your paper.
1800’s Primary Resource- Include a thumbnail of your primary resource at the top of your research paper.
1. What understanding of disease and the spread of disease did doctors have in the mid 1800’s? How do you know?
2. What methods and technology did they have to identify disease or the spread of disease? Describe –
3. Which diseases were most talked about at that time? Was there treatment for the most deadly diseases?
4. How did they share medical knowledge with other doctors or with the general public?
5. Do you see evidence from your research of disease prevention?
Year 2010 –
1. What level of understanding of disease do doctors have today?
2. What methods and technologies do doctors have to identify disease or the spread of disease? Describe one.
3. Is the same disease prevalent today? Or is the same technology still in use?
4. How has treatment or technology changed over time?
5. How is information about the disease or technology shared with the public today?
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University What new treatments or technologies are being developed regarding your selected topic?
Teaching with Primary Sources Illinois State University Biology Project check List - Name ______
Use this list as a guide for your project. It will help you budget your time. Check off each task as you finish the task. 5 pts
______Day 1-2: Select a topic sheet and exploration guide.
_____ Day 3: timeline ranging from the 1800’s to modern day on the identification or treatment of a disease or technology.
_____ Day 4: Compare/Contrast notes.
_____ Day 5: Rough draft of research paper.
_____ Day 6-7: Final draft and revision days.
_____ Day 8: Hand in completed project . Staple all work together with the final draft on top.
Name ______
Selecting a topic to research- 10pts
In this project you will research a disease or technology that was/is common in both the 1800’s and in modern civilization. You will compare and contrast the methods of identification or treatment of a disease in regard to the 2 time periods. The end result of your research will be a 2 page comparison/contrast paper that highlights the advancements in treatment or identification of common diseases. First, on your lap top, And follow along as we explore the web site for primary resources regarding the 1800’s and disease. Then answer the questions below.
As you search for a topic, consider and answer the following questions:
1. Would I like to research a disease or a technology? Why?
2. Which common disease occurred in both the 1800’s and today?
3. Is information available for your topic of interest?
4. What do you already know about the disease or technology? Do you have personal experience with the topic?
5. How do you think technology or treatment has changed over time?
6. How has the understanding of the public changed towards the disease or technology over time?
Select a topic of interest from the list below and circle it. Write 2-3 sentences about why you have selected the topic. Also list some of the questions about the topic you would like to answer.
Diseases: Technology: Influenza x-rays Diseases of blood microscopes Germ theory stethoscopes Name ______
TIMELINE Technology or disease?
In the spaces below, write the information you find about your topic in relation to the given time period. Use the back of this sheet if you need more room.
1800 –
19___ -