Film Agency for Wales

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Film Agency for Wales



Education Application

April 2011 2.

Project Number: (for Agency use only) Application Form for Education Funding

1. Date of application: 26/05/11

2. Project name: Future Directors of Wrexham

3. Name of applicant: Colin Heron

4. Name of Organisation: Calon Communications Ltd.

5. Proposed Venue Glyndwr University / On Location Filming

6. Address: Calon Communications Ltd.

Mold Road,


LL11 2AW

7. Telephone number: 01978 293393

8. E-mail address: [email protected]

9. Project Start/End Date (Please note: Applications should be made at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the project.) 01/08/11 - 30/05/12

10. Type of Project Formal Education

Informal Education 3.

11. Please provide a short description of your project including the number and age range of participants:

The project, overseen by highly trained staff of Calon Communications Ltd. and Glyndwr University, will deliver an informal film education course resulting in the delivery of media to all schools in the Wrexham County Bourough area, the International Eisteddfod, Wrexh am Museum, Wrexham Library, and Wrexham Civic Society.

This will be achieved through a succession of seminars that engage with secondary school students (aged 11-16) teaching the practicalities and techniques involved in the process of making documentaries. In these sessions an understanding and appreciation of the art of visual storytelling will be encouraged ahead of a series of practical recording sessions resulting in the output of culturally insightful documentaries on the Wrexham County Borough area.

Examples of critically acclaimed documentary material will frequently be used in session to form the basis for discussion and a reference for the usage of narrative, visual, and audio elements prior to filming on completion of the ‘theory’.

The number of participants total 81 secondary school pupils. These students will be representative of every secondary school in the Wrexham County Borough area and limited to a maximum of 9 students per school. The selection process for students will appeal to those with a dedicated interest in film making and other aspects of the visual arts. 4.

12. Project Outline: (Please include intended programme, schedule, aims and objectives, details of who will deliver the film education (including CVs) and how the project will be evaluated.)

The primary objective is to provide a rare opportunity to secondary school pupils interested in film making to further their understanding of technique, storytelling, and all aspects of pre and post-production by participating in a series of seminars.

On achieving this, the students will be invited to create a series of documentaries on the c hanging cultural and social history of Wrexham. In achieving this objective Calon Commun ications Ltd. aims to provide an online resource showcasing the work of the students, as well as distribute physical copies of the work to all 72 primary and secondary schools in the area.

Topics for the students to engage with for their documentaries have been specifically chos en to provide scope for the exploration of heritage and diversity amongst the inhabitants o f Wrexham over many generations.

Sessions led for secondary school pupils will focus on providing insight and experience in aspects of pre-production, camera technique, and appreciation for the logistics of filming referencing at all times existing documentaries.

Shortly before the commencement of filming, sessions will focus on aspects of post- production and cover additional topics beyond those of the confines of the students impending documentary productions. For example, these will include guidance on the use of sound and music within film, foley sound work, and delivering scripted audio to visuals.

Students will benefit from contact time to discuss the issues raised within the example films used during seminar sessions and to discuss ideas arising from their own documentaries.

An additional objective of the project, as well as directly benefitting young individuals, edu cational, and civic bodies throughout Wrexham County Borough, is to generate excellent c ontent to form the basis of a vast online multimedia resource of national interest. This will be funded externally and pursued only upon successful completion of works detailed in thi s application. 5.


August 1st - Additional research commences.

September 26th - Seminar course to begin for the 9 participating secondary schools.

November 21st - Seminar sessions conclude.

February 20th - Filming schedules finalised with schools and interviewees.

March 12th - Filming commences.

April 11th - Narration recorded.

May 30th - Final projects delivered in DVD format and online, and promoted through schools. 6.

Educational Seminar Schedule (week beginning) October 3rd - What Makes A Great Documentary? Introduces the students to all aspects of film making citing a multitude of acclaimed documentary material.

October 10th - The Ethics Behind Media Explores good practices and ethical requirements of broadcast media.

October 17th - The Use of Light and Colour Encourages students to develop solutions to lighting and colour based challenges that are commonly presented during aspects of filming.

October 24th - The Use of Visual Effects Explores the development and use of effects within cinema and television.

October 31st - The Use of Sound within Film Details the use of foley, diagetic and non-diagetic sound.

November 7th - The Use of Music within Film Students will consider the effect of how music manipulates visuals and vice versa.

November 14th - Modern Media Delivery Visual editing techniques will be taught utilising footage shot by the pupils whilst detailing the knowledge they have acquired.

November 21st - Self-Evaluation Students will produce guerrilla media that encompasses all aspects of the seminars to date. 7.

Staff Responsible for the Delivery of Film Education




For complete academic CV see supporting document attached.

Holds Valid CRB




For complete academic CV see supporting document attached.

Holds Valid CRB

Project Support Staff



Academic and professional CV available on request Holds Valid CRB




Academic and professional CV available on request Holds Valid CRB



Academic and professional CV available on request CRB Pending 8.

13. Please outline how this project fulfils the Film Agency for Wales’s strategic objectives to promote film literacy, and demonstrates both of the film literacy criteria as laid out in the Film Agency’s Education Guidelines.

The project will encourage children to engage with aspects of the creative and technical pr ocesses of film making, and to effectively explore and communicate on screen the implicat ions of issues encountered within the subject matter. Issues to be explored include; bilingu alism in the Wrexham area, multi-culturalism, religious diversity, and the personal histories behind employment trends within the area.

Film literacy will be achieved within the participants by engaging them in a dual purpose project that provides:

a) Information, educational discussion, and guidance on good practices, followed by; b) Practical advancement resulting in the creation of media.

Seminar group sizes will not exceed 18, led by either of the designated education providers and always supported by a bilingual technician.

Once the theory behind critical decision making within film projects has been detailed and understood by students a second phase of hands on documentary making will reinforce learning and solidify interest in the film making process.

The pupils involved in the filming process will be invited to express their understanding an d points of view on the topics raised within the content of the media. The media will be de livered from the perspective of the school pupils. During the filming process and final narr ation scripting phase all students involved with the project will be invited to discuss their f eelings on the content. These points of view and any questions raised will form the narrati ve thread of the media project.

Challenging secondary students to explore the diversity of Wrexham's multi-cultural histor y in this manner, whilst working in tandem with highly experienced staff, will result in a bo dy of work to be made available online and in DVD format to all schools throughout Wrexh am County Borough, as well as the organisations named as beneficiaries above. 9.

14. Please outline how this project will be marketed to maximise potential audience:

The project will be promoted via a number of outlets to achieve maximum coverage. Glyn dwr University and Calon FM will host the material online in tandem with their efforts to sh owcase the work and creative actions of the local community. Crucially, by marketing direc tly to schools the project will engage with audiences comprising both parents and students wishing to learn more about their community's cultural and social background.

Work completed during the project is tabled to form the basis of a national multimedia res ource that archives and showcases areas of cultural and historical significance to the regio n. Community radio content will be generated by the pupils involved with the project. In t urn, this content will be used for a number of community media awards submissions. 10.

15. Please provide a detailed project budget, on a separate sheet if needed.

Calon Communications Ltd. = CCL / Film Agency Wales = FAW


Teaching 60 hours @£42.75 p/h £2,565 CCL

Administration 75 hours @ £10 p/h £750 CCL

Studio Recording 72 hours @ £15 p/h £1,080 CCL

Web Design 50 hours @ £12 p/h £600 CCL

Total £4,995 (Funding 34%)

Location Recording 72 hours @ £30 p/h £2,160 FAW

Film/Audio Editing 120 hours @ £25 p/h £3,000 FAW

Research/Scripting 160 hours @ £12 p/h £1,920 FAW

Bilingual Support 162 hours @ £10 p/h £1,620 FAW

DVD Production 1000 units £1,000 FAW

Total £9,700 (Funding 66%)

Project Total £14,695 11.

16. Please provide details of project funding (noting that the Agency can only contribute up to 75%/£12000 per project with a ceiling of £20,000 to any one provider in any given year) indicating the amount you require from the Film Agency and whether funding is confirmed or pending. Use a separate page if necessary.

 Calon Communications Ltd. is able to contribute towards the overall value of the project to the value of £4,995 in the form of teaching, studio recording support, web design, and administration.

 This comprises 34% of the overall project budget.

 These monies will be drawn down from existing secured revenue throughout the duration of the project.

 Calon Communications Ltd. seeks an additional £9,700 to offer young learners the chance to produce their own media (thereby heavily reinforcing their learning to date), as well as provide a complimentary practical approach to the classroom environment.

 Proposed FAW funding comprises 66% of the project budget.

17. Application Checklist: 12.

a) Completed Application Form b) Project Budget c) Details of Funding d) CVs of individuals who will deliver film education e) Additional Information f) Marketing Plans (If Separate) g) Child Protection Policy, evidence of recruitment and selection process for individuals working with children and vulnerable adults, project staffing plan including numbers of children per supervisor (if Applicable Please note: evidence of CRB checks will be required where individuals will be working with children and vulnerable adults unsupervised.)

18. Signatures & Declarations

Please note:

The information you supply may be held on computer. It may be used to process applications, awards and to prepare statistics.

Freedom of Information: Please note that the Film Agency may be obliged to share information within your application under the Freedom of Information Act requirements and/or in the interests of co-ordinating efforts with like-minded organisations.

The Film Agency reserves the right to cancel any application and require repayment of funds if false or incomplete information is supplied.

Please sign to confirm the following (n.b. The signatory must be the same individual named in Question 3 of the application form):

I confirm that all information provided on this application, and in any material submitted in support of it, is truthful and accurate. I undertake to inform the Film Agency fully and immediately of any changes affecting this application or related materials.

I confirm I have the authority to make this application on behalf of the applicant organisation.

Name: Colin Heron


Position: Senior Lecturer Audio Visual Media, Glyndwr University Date: 26/05/11 13.

Contact Details If you have any queries, or if you would like to discuss any aspect of your project prior to application, please contact:

Hana Lewis Exhibition and Education Executive

E-mail: [email protected]

The Film Agency for Wales 33-35 West Bute Street Cardiff CF10 5LH

02920 467 693

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