94 Years of History in About Five Minutes, Also Cool to Watch Keegan Bradley Watch 94

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94 Years of History in About Five Minutes, Also Cool to Watch Keegan Bradley Watch 94

March 22, 2012

it's almost here and we are proud of that. Proud of the golf course and proud of the support of the State of South Carolina. Charleston County, City MEDIA DAY of Charleston, town of Kiawah Island, the support we have been getting is just wonderful and we look forward to welcoming the world to this event in JULIUS MASON: Good afternoon, August. everyone. I'm The PGA of America's Julius Mason We want to talk, also, that as many of you and I would like to welcome you to the 94th PGA know, we have sold out tickets on Friday, Saturday Championship Media Day here at The Ocean and Sunday, and the Wannamaker, but we do Course on Kiawah Island. Before we kick things have tickets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, off, I would like to turn your attention to the TV and Thursday, and we want to assure people know monitors for the history and tradition that is the that and can get involved with those tickets. We PGA Championship. don't want anybody have to talk about the fact that (Video played). this great event happened and they couldn't get 94 years of history in about five minutes, here. We want to make sure that people have the also cool to watch Keegan Bradley watch 94 years opportunity to get those tickets. of history. The Ocean Course has been recognized Like to recognize a few guests in as the toughest golf course in the United States. attendance, if I could, ladies and gentlemen. First We are looking forward to having the greatest the mayor of Kiawah Island, the mayor, Steve players in the world play this golf course, and be Orban. Thanks for joining us today. From the able to demonstrate -- Mr. Dye, you can't complain Carolinas PGA section, president, Michael Casto, about who put those bunkers there, and we kept and Executive Director, Ron Schmid. From The telling you, you did. At 86 years old, Mr. Dye hit Ocean Course at Kiawah Island, PGA Director of the ball right down the middle on just about every Golf, Brian Gerard. tee shot and played well. Several members of the 2012 PGA It's a great golf course. Every level of Championship executive committee are also player can play it, and we are looking forward to joining us. PGA head golf professional, Stephen the challenge that it will be to these great players, Younger; superintendent Jeff Stone; from the PGA and we know that we will have another great of America Vice President, Ted Bishop; Chief champion of the same caliber of as Keegan, and Executive Officer and PGA Honorary Member, Joe we thank you for being here and we thank all of Steranka; Senior Director of Championships, David you for being here and we look forward to the 94th Charles; and the Director of the 94th PGA PGA Championship in August. Championship, Brett Sterba. Thank you, Julius. And now let's hear from former PGA of JULIUS MASON: It seems appropriate America President and the general chairman of the that we recognize two individuals. These two 94th PGA Championship, ladies and gentlemen, individuals played the golf course today, and they Roger Warren. are closest to the hole on No. 8 and No. 17. On ROGER WARREN: Thank you, Julius. No. 8, nine feet zero inches, closest to the hole, First of all, Keegan, congratulations on your win Tom Carapoli (ph). Tom, stand up and wave to last year and we are happy to have you here today everybody. You have 25 years free membership at to get a first look and opportunity to play The The Ocean Course. (Laughter). Ocean Course and hope it's a good first-time On No. 17, ten feet, right on the dot, Tim experience. I know you'll talk about it in a bit. Dominic. You get front row at news conferences. It's hard to believe it's almost here. We Now, ladies and gentlemen, from Delray have been talking about it a long time and spent a Beach, Florida, someone who knows virtually lot of time with the experience of getting there, and

3.22.12 1 visit our archives at asapsports.com every inch of the property that we played today and Our talent, which we humbly consider our someone that is going to get a reception close to golf talent the best in the business, will include what Jeff stone got today I'm guessing. He was Peter Kostis and David Feherty walking the the 2004 PGA Distinguished Service Award grounds here. Peter Oosterhuis, Ian Baker-Finch, recipient and 2008 inductee into the World Golf Gary McCord. We have so many, I have to look at Hall of Fame. notes. Verne Lundquist, Bill Macatee and of Ladies and gentlemen, Pete Dye. course Jim Nantz and Nick Faldo anchoring the PETE DYE: I had a nice time and I got a 18th hole. ham sandwich. Our production will be led by our producer JULIUS MASON: Ladies and gentlemen, Lance Barrow and our director Steve Milton. Bill welcome to the Pete Dye Show. Macatee and David Feherty will do the late night Pete is 86 years old today, plus 77 days. highlight show. We are really looking forward to it. He parred ten holes today and shot below his age. It is absolutely one of the biggest events CBS has, Am I right? So Pete, I guess some people are and we look forward to it every year. This year thinking out there, what in the heck were you should be no different. It's going to be terrific. thinking when you designed this golf course, and JULIUS MASON: Speaking of Turner, you've seen some major championships come ladies and gentlemen, from downtown Atlanta, our through here already; what's your anticipation of television and digital media partner Turner Sports, what it will be like this August? it's their senior director, business operations, Gary PETE DYE: It's great to be here and great Turner. to see the golf course, the ambiance and GARY TURNER: Thank you, Julius, good everything. I have no idea what will happen in to be here. Just to add a few comments to what August. Hope it's good, though. Rob mentioned. Do you know what's going to happen here This is our 22nd consecutive year of in August? (Laughter). televising the PGA Championship, and we have JULIUS MASON: Ladies and gentlemen, enjoyed two great partnerships throughout that we are going to come back at the end for Q&A, so time. The one with PGA of America is one that we load up for questions that you might have for the truly, truly treasure at Turner Sports. And special diabolical Mr. Dye himself. thanks to Allen, Joe Steranka and his staff, David Now, ladies and gentlemen, all the way Charles, Julius, Una Jones, Casey Morton, all of from New York City, the executive vice president of the staff at The PGA of America that frankly make programming for CBS Sports, Mr. Rob Correa. our job that much easier. ROB CORREA: Thank you, Julius and And of course our friends at CBS with Joe, Ted, Allen, Roger, Keegan, Pete, Kerry. This whom we have collaborated all these years, and will be CBS's 22nd consecutive year of coverage special thanks to Rob and Harold Bryant and all of the PGA Championship since 1991, and we the team at CBS Sports. We really enjoy working have seen, really, unbelievable golf history made. with them. We have seen John Daly come out of Last year, we broadcast 19 hours of live nowhere; Tiger's four PGAs, including his coverage on TNT, primarily on Thursday and incredible bat well Bob May in Valhalla; we've seen Friday, as well as morning coverage on the rainbows with Davis; shadows with Rich Beem; weekend leading up to the CBS broadcast. Again, Keegan's terrific come back last year. And those we expect our expert announce team of Ernie are just a few of the highlights. It's really been an Johnson, Ian Baker-Finch and Billy Kratzert to be incredible, incredible golf championship for CBS. back and to bring all the action to our viewers. Over 25 million people watched all or part Of course, we will miss our colleague and of the PGA last year on CBS, which really, that's a good friend, Jim Huber, who passed away in lot of people. Great way to exhibit your sport. We January. Jim was a fixture on our telecast. He have had a terrific partnership with Turner who, entertained fans for years with his eloquent story joined us -- who joined them in 1991; thank you, telling and essays of the championship and he will Gary, and all of the terrific people you work with. truly be missed. We will be on the air at two o'clock on August 11 Finally, we look forward to, again, and 12. Hopefully we will not be on the air August providing a very comprehensive multi-platform 13, but if we have to, we will be. coverage of the PGA Championship here at this spectacular event. In addition to our broadcast, we

3.22.12 2 visit our archives at asapsports.com also partner with the PGA to operate PGA.COM, Top-100 world-ranked players. Last year we also the official online home of The PGA of America set a championship record with 73 players and destination for the PGA Championship. representing 22 countries, the most of any U.S. So, whether viewers are viewing the major. broadcast, watching live, streaming video on It's the only championship to also have 20 PGA.COM in the office, using one of our mobile PGA club professionals. Those individuals will be apps to catch up on all of the action while they are determined this June 27th on the Monterey on the go, or even here at the event, or within the Peninsula for the 45th PGA Professional National last couple of years now a new thing, using their Championship at the Bayonet and Black Horse tablet to enjoy a multi-screen experience; fans will Golf Courses in California. be able to enjoy the event wherever and whichever The excitement of the PGA Championship device they choose. commands not only a national audience but a So really excited about coming back for global audience. In addition to the millions of the 22nd year. Look forward to seeing everybody viewers who watched some 28 hours of in August. high-definition coverage by CBS and Turner, the JULIUS MASON: From Hillendale Country presentation will be in more than 200 countries and Club in Phoenix, Maryland, it's the 37th president territories with a household reach of more than 450 of The PGA of America, Mr. Allen Wronowski. million people who will be able to tune in to the ALLEN WRONOWSKI: Thank you, Julius, season's final major, Glory's Last Shot. and thank you everyone for taking time to be with PGA Championship has been fortunate to us today. produce some of the greatest drama in It's exciting to be here at Kiawah Island championship history, and it will be exciting to see and return, and it's certainly an incredible setting who captures the Wanamaker Trophy. We and majestic golf course and set up for world-class certainly can remember some of the greatest play. highlights as we move forward through our To me personally it means an awful lot championship season. because in 2006, this is actually where I began my Last year was no doubt one of the greatest journey as an officer of The PGA of America and I finishes that we have seen, and certainly added to was elected secretary at that time to serve the those magic moments in history. As you recall our Association. defending champion made a rally Sunday late in So it is my privilege now to return as the evening at Atlanta Athletic Club, and in the president and represent the thousands of men and process, became the third person in nearly a women professionals around the country who go to century to capture his major in his first appearance work each and every day not only to grow the in a championship, which is pretty incredible. participation in the game of golf, but to really work He's also the sixth PGA Champion to have hard to enhance the experience of those that play a father who is a PGA member, and one of those the game. professionals I talked about at the beginning that Certainly, Kiawah has had other chapters works so hard and dedicates himself to the with our association and has been incredible promotion of the game of golf. through history when you think about, I'm sure a He had a near disaster during the final Ryder Cup that most of us will never forget in round when he made one of the most remarkable 1991; our Professional Championship in 2005; and and incredible comebacks to win, and won in you think about the Senior PGA Championship that certainly a dramatic playoff fashion. Playing with was played here in 2007. We know that this will be him today, it was easier for me to understand, another exciting and dramatic chapter that we'll because we know you learn an awful lot about a add coming this August. person when you spend time with them on a golf Certainly we know that The Ocean Course course. I know he's got every one of the tools that will provide not only an outstanding test of golf, but is needed to win major championships and golf the scenery and the beauty around it, it's just a tournaments, great striker of the ball, amazing majestic island and fun to be here. around the greens and great putter. We certainly know that our championship But beyond that if you look up class and has the strongest field in championship golf, character in a dictionary, you might see a picture of according to the Official World Golf Rankings last Keegan. He's one of the finest gentlemen that I've year at the Atlanta Athletic Club. We had 98 of the

3.22.12 3 visit our archives at asapsports.com ever been around and a great representative of the KEEGAN BRADLEY: 13, let's see, long PGA Championship and The PGA of America. par 4 with the water. I hit driver, 9-iron to two feet So if anybody is a little fuzzy, and I'm sure and picked it up. you're probably not, but somebody might be of JULIUS MASON: In August, I don't think what happened last August, please watch this you're going to be able to do that. But ladies and video. gentlemen, Keegan Bradley and the rest of the (Video played). head table are happy to answer any questions you KEEGAN BRADLEY: Thank you very might have. much. I just want to thank The PGA of America for having me out today. I got to play with this guy Q. Watching the video with all of the here and Joe and Rob, and they showed me some champions that this tournament has, and what places not to hit it during the PGA. So that was it means to be one of those champions. the biggest help of the day so far (laughter). KEEGAN BRADLEY: It's an unbelievable But thanks to all for coming, and that was feeling. It kind of hits home what I've done really, a cool video. It still gives me a panic attack is times like this. At the Grand Slam, also. watching that stuff, but thanks a lot. But you know, seeing those names and JULIUS MASON: Let's talk about what knowing that these guys have held this trophy -- happened on the golf course today. My count is the first thing I did was go over and check to see one, two, three, four, five birdies out there today. my name on that thing. And it kind of let's you Let's talk about each one. know what you've done; that you're part of history; First birdie on No. 2, what did you hit? seeing Tiger, Ben Hogan. Sometimes, it kind of KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, the second sounds cliché, but it seems like a dream that it hole is a nice par 5. I hit it right up in front. Pin happened and it's awesome to see it in real life like was tucked front left. I got it up-and-down. In the that. Because I can't watch highlights. I literally tournament, I don't think that will be possible. The have a borderline panic attack. You guys forced greens will be a little faster. But I was able to get me to watch it there and I enjoyed it. that up-and-down for a birdie. JULIUS MASON: No. 7. Q. This is a big deal in this area and in KEEGAN BRADLEY: No. 7, another par this state that one of golf's four major 5. Kiawah has amazing par 5s, and 7 is a good championships is coming here. I guess your one. I hit it up pin-high, right, and chipped it up thoughts on coming to South Carolina in there to three feet and picked it up. Didn't putt it. August and I guess what it's going to take to The guys gave it to me. (Laughter). win here. JULIUS MASON: No. 11. KEEGAN BRADLEY: I love this area, KEEGAN BRADLEY: No. 11, let's see, South Carolina. This golf course is going to be another par 5. That's another one where my spectacular. If the wind blows, I think that the length is helpful on this course and I was able to hit winning score could be over par. I'm not sure what it up right near the green and chipped it up. They the greens are going to be like, what the rough is might have given me that one, too. I tried to tell my going to be like, but it's going to be challenging no playing partners on my off-weeks, I don't like to matter what the weather. But if the weather is putt 4-footers, so they probably gave it to me. tough, I think the winning score could be over par. JULIUS MASON: No. 12 for birdie. But I know talking to a lot of the players, KEEGAN BRADLEY: No. 12, that's the everybody loves this area. Everybody loves drivable -- yeah. I did the play-up/lay-up. I hit coming down here. We are looking forward to driver over in the back bunker and got it coming to South Carolina for this tournament. up-and-down for birdie. That's going to be a crucial hole in the tournament, and I love how the Q. What kind of a player do you think PGA is doing something like that. will have an advantage on this course come They did it on Sunday at Atlanta, too, and August? it's just going to be a really exciting hole and it's KEEGAN BRADLEY: I think that it's going going to be probably where the winner is going to to be a complete player that wins this tournament. pull ahead or hit it in the water. It's going to be a I think you need to drive it well. And also, you great hole. need to hit it in the correct area on the greens and JULIUS MASON: And 13?

3.22.12 4 visit our archives at asapsports.com stay away from these collection areas that my boy but this is what I hear, they are all really tough. over here put it in. (Chuckles from top table). (Laughter). I think you need to be an all around good We are all expecting a tough test, which I player. It's going to take every ounce of your think is going to happen. game, because if you do miss a green, you're going to be chipping up or in a tight lie, and it's Q. I was wondering if you could talk a going to be very important. So obviously any little about the rising controversy over the belly major you have to drive it well and hit the ball well putter, and what you think the PGA's role is in but it's going to take a complete game. controlling development of technology. KEEGAN BRADLEY: I get that question a Q. How has life changed for you since lot. I think, you know, my job is to follow the rules. August, or has it changed? I can't make the rules. So if they tell me I can't put KEEGAN BRADLEY: It's changed. It's all with a belly putter, obviously I'm not going to. been a lot of fun. I've been able to do a lot of really There is part of me that I've put years and years of special things. I'm a big Boston sports fan. I've my life in practicing and playing with the belly been able to throw out the first pitch at a Red putter; it would be disappointing. Sox/Yankee game. I've been able to drop the puck But if somebody told me I couldn't use it at a Bruins came. I got to flip the coin at a Patriots anymore, I'd be fine with it. Like I said before, my game. Still waiting for the Celtics. job is to follow the rules, and unfortunately I don't I've just been able to do a lot of stuff that, make them. Whatever the PGA or USGA or seriously, you dream about as a kid. Some of the whoever makes the decision makes, I'll be fine with stuff that I've had to deal with is a little more media, it. a little more attention, which I'm getting used to now and I think it's the reason why I'm playing Q. Phil has been really good about better this year than I did at the end of last year. showing you around and using his yardage It's just an adjustment. book and Augusta and stuff; are you going to But now it's becoming normal, and you play with Phil at Augusta and show him what know, it makes me appreciate what guys like Phil you learned today out here? Mickelson and Tiger Woods have done because KEEGAN BRADLEY: I'm going to see Phil of the attention they have gotten, shows what type soon. I'm sure he'll be asking me about this place. of players they are. I know we were talking about it the last time we played. You know, he's very meticulous in his Q. What had you heard about The preparation for majors, which is something that I Ocean Course before coming here today and admire about him and that I'm trying to copy as how has what you heard about it compare to much as I can. what you saw out there? You know, he's very good around the KEEGAN BRADLEY: I heard it was really greens, charting them, which I think will benefit him hard, and they were right. It's brutal. It's a good at this course. I'm sure we'll sit down and talk test. It's very fair, which is nice, but it's going to be about it. He'll be really interested. tough. You can play as many practice rounds as Q. Let's talk about the length of the you want around here but if the wind switches course for just a moment. 7,600 yards, around -- today, if the wind switches to where it's championship tees, seems these majors are with on the last couple of holes, it's a different golf getting longer and longer. Do you think that's course. I think that your tee time, you could get a fair for the game? good and bad wave on the tee times. That's just KEEGAN BRADLEY: I do think it's fair for luck of the draw. the game, as long as it's a fair setup. You know, if But I think that it's as hard as they say it is, we are playing a hole that's 250 yards par 3 and and I think during the tournament, I was talking the wind switches around, that's going to be brutal. about how high the rough's going to be -- there's But the PGA has done an unbelievable job of not much rough, so it's going to be a definite setting the course up. challenge. On Sunday at Atlanta, they set the course I know when you come to a Major up unbelievably. I know as players, we don't have Championship, I have only played in one of them, any worries. The PGA does a great job. The

3.22.12 5 visit our archives at asapsports.com courses are getting longer because the players are And then 18 today played into the wind, getting longer, but this course I don't think needs to and I hit driver, 3-iron, hybrid short. So I know be that long to be tough. there will be a lot of guys on TOUR today that So whether it's 7,000 or 7,600, it's a hard would have hit driver, 3-wood and probably come golf course. up short of the green. It's going to be a good last MAYOR STEVE ORBAN: I just wanted to few finishing holes, nine holes, really. thank the PGA for selecting Kiawah and the Ocean Course as this year's tournament venue. We are Q. You're going to hit balls off the very -- at Kiawah here, we are really looking Yorktown this afternoon; can you talk about forward to it. Most of our residents, as you know, what you expect that experience to be like? we have seven golf courses here, so we are a KEEGAN BRADLEY: I'm so excited. As golfing community. We are really looking forward soon as I found out that I was going to get to do to it. that, I was really pumped. I love being out there Also wants to thank Bill Goodwin and with the guys. It's going to be an interesting -- they Roger Warren for bringing the tournament here didn't give me an easy shot. From what I hear, it's and Bill making the financial commitment to bring it 20 yards over water, buoys, fish jumping out. So, here. So we do appreciate that. we'll see. Keegan, you never said how many bogeys But I'm looking forward to it a lot, and you got today. I know you got five birdies but did looking forward to getting near Charleston and you get any bogeys? seeing the city and all that stuff. KEEGAN BRADLEY: They only asked me about the birdies. I definitely made some bogeys. Q. How does a Boston guy go to St. I definitely made some bogeys. But I was happy John's? with the way the course set up, and I know the KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I honestly, it players are so thankful that Kiawah is on the was weird how it worked out. It just seemed to be schedule. I know a lot of the guys -- talking to a good fit for me. Coach Darby at St. John's is a some of the older guys that have been out here, great coach. The team was a great bunch of guys. they love this place, and we are all thrilled and I We got to play, they still play some of the best know the PGA is. courses in the country there in Long Island, MAYOR STEVE ORBAN: Well, good. I Westchester, Hamptons. do have a question, though, probably to the And I'm so thankful that I went to St. broadcasting folks. Are we going to have the blimp John's, because there's no guys out here from St. here so we can show off our ten-million beach and John's, it sticks me out from everybody; and my homes along the ocean front and so forth? teammates that I went there with are still my best ROB CORREA: Yes, we will. friends today. They basically all sleep on my MAYOR STEVE ORBAN: I think we all couch back in Jupiter. appreciate that. So it was a great decision for me to go there, and I'm just so thankful that I ended up Q. Can you talk to us about No. 17 and there. 18? KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yes, you know, 17 Q. Can you talk a little about some of is like Atlanta, but harder. It's a brutal hole and I the changes that you made to the course, think that -- it seems like in all of these tough specifically for this championship? I noticed a courses that we play, 17 and 18 are always lot of those tees are way back, but is there difficult; whether it's Doral or PLAYERS anything that you can tell us about the changes Championship, and it's no different with this you've made? course. PETE DYE: Very little change. 17 is going to be -- it's just like Atlanta (Laughter.) where I was four back, five back with four to play, and came back to win; the same thing could Q. Can you elaborate a little? happen here with 17. It's a brutal hole. If you bail PETE DYE: Well, there's a few small out left, you've got a really tough chip or bunker changes but very modest. Mr. Goodwin, when he shot. came here, Roger and all of us, he just told us not to make it any easier, that's all, and left. I think

3.22.12 6 visit our archives at asapsports.com we -- I don't know if we made it any easier or any harder. We'll find out. Q. I know there were issues with But the players are playing so great today, plugging during the Senior PGA. It looked like they will get around. They will find a way to get there's been some grass grown in around the home somehow or another. I don't think the bunkers. Can you talk about how the changes made much difference to tell you the configuration of the bunkers may have truth. changed in the last four years? ROGER WARREN: Well two, things. At Q. This tournament, would your father the Senior PGA Championship, we did have some ever play in the PGA? Did he ever try to qualify issues with balls plugging high in places that as a club professional? looked basically unplayable. KEEGAN BRADLEY: He never played in In consultation with Pete and talking about the PGA Championship. He never got to play in it, we determined that it was an unfair playing the club pro, either. But he's more proud of his condition frankly. So we did alter those faces, and PGA Class A status than anybody I've ever met. we have sodded them with paspalum; and the So winning this Wannamaker, I got to have him intent to be that if you hit it in that area, it will go hold it recently and take pictures with it. It's pretty down to the bottom of waste area or the bunker special for him and me. But you know, it's kind of and play there. Although today I hit one in the face fitting that this was my first one, and makes it even and it plugged, so we'll have to talk to Jeff about better. that before we get to the event. But there have been some changes on Q. I remember reading where he had a some of the bunkers on the golf course, on 2, the bag tag saying, "I'm Pat's brother." Does he complexes were changed a little bit; on 5 they were have a new bag tag saying, "I'm Keegan's changed; on 12 they were changed; on 13 there father"? were bunkers added around the fairway and KEEGAN BRADLEY: We joke around around the green the configuration was changed. because my uncles and my dad used to have a But all of it was done to define the bag tag saying "Pat's brother" and now they say bunkers, also, and to make sure that when a ball "Keegan's uncle". We are going to get one for Pat hit into that area, that it would wear down the face saying "Keegan's aunt." It will be a good joke. It is and then the sand, and not get embedded up in the funny how things change, but Pat is still my biggest face. fan of anybody and we are having a great time I think that's some of the changes that together. Pete made when he came back and I think it's really enhanced the quality of the golf course Q. Here at Kiawah, there are no without changing the challenge that I think the bunkers, they are waste areas, and I don't know players face there. if there's any major championships that have that. Do you have any thoughts on how that Q. You've been here a long time. Any will affect the championship in any way? thoughts, concerns about logistics, getting ROGER WARREN: There has not been a people out here, getting people back? It seems determination at this point as to how all of the sand like a difficult in and out. areas on the golf course are going to be played ROGER WARREN: I think that we have a that will be done in the next few months. good plan. I think the logistical challenges we face It has in the past for the Senior PGA and getting people to and from the course, we have for the Club Professional Championship that was known from the beginning that it was a challenge. here been played as all waste area. But there is And I think in conjunction with the county, the some consideration in consultation with Pete to sheriff's department, fire department, Charleston, look at some of the closed-in natural bunkers Town of Kiawah, we have come up with a very around the green complexes to make some of effective plan to get people to and from the island those bunkers, and then the rest of it will be waste. and once they get to the island, how to get from But that will be determined and will be the general parking area at front of the island back clearly defined for all the players as they go out down to the Ocean Course, and a bus system both and play during this event, which I know they will internal on the islands and one external off the appreciate. islands.

3.22.12 7 visit our archives at asapsports.com We are going to be able to park between 10,0000 and 12,000 cars on the front of the island on acreage we have cleared and prepared there. I would tell people, wherever you're coming from, coming out to Kiawah, you are going to have to add ten or 15 or 20 minutes to get out here, because there's going to be traffic between 7:00 and 11:00 in the morning when we anticipate the highest traffic congestion. We will have a very effective method to direct people where they should go and get them in and get them out. We also have a system that we believe all of the players will be staying on the island, so we can make sure that they at least don't miss a tee time, which is important. So we have gone through a lot of planning, and I think we have a great plan and we'll execute it. We want the story of this event to be the great play of the players and nothing else. JULIUS MASON: Just adding on that, ladies and gentlemen, the plan is really, really good, and managing spectator expectations is a part of that plan. So for you, for your viewers, for your readers, thank you for helping us communicate that logistical plan to all of the ticket holders. FastScripts by ASAP Sports ...

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