Mrs. Biedron’s Classroom Expectations

Classroom Materials:

Spiral Writing Utensil iPad/Calculator

Electronic Device Classroom Policy:

An electronic device (cell phone, iPad, iPod) MAY be allowed during independent work time, at the teacher’s discretion, for music only. Students will need their own headphones and music must be kept at a reasonable volume that does not interfere with others. iPads will be used for instructional use in class. Playing games, messaging, taking photos/videos, facetime, and phone calls on an electronic device will NOT be permitted during class. Disciplinary action will take place when this policy is not followed.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be on time for class

2. Be prepared and complete work on time

3. Be respectful of others

4. Participate and ask questions

5. Follow directions

6. Remain seated

7. Follow all school and district policies

8. Mrs. Biedron dismisses you


1. Strike 1: Verbal warning

2. Strike 2: Conference with student after class

3. Strike 3: Detention and contact home

4. Counseling referral

5. Dean referral

I have read and discussed the following expectations. I understand that at any point, if an infraction is severe enough, steps may be skipped.

______Student’s Name Student’s Signature

______Parent/Guardian’s Name Parent/Guardian’s Signature

______Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number Parent/Guardian’s E-mail Address