2017 U.S. History Fall Semester Exam Review
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2017 U.S. History Fall Semester Exam Review 60 Questions Eras - Gilded Age, Progressive Era, WWI, Roaring Twenties, Great Depression, WWII, Post – War America
Gilded Age Great Plains Homestead Act – What was life like for farmers on the Great Plains? Third Party Politics How can they impact an election? Populist Party – what did they want (platform)? Laissez-Faire What does it mean? Who would support/oppose it? Robber Barons and Captains of Industry Describe each one. What is philanthropy? Monopolies Define. Describe the following: o Vertical Integration - o Horizontal Integration - Transcontinental Railroad Describe a national economy – What is it? How did the RR lead to its creation? What does it mean to close the Frontier? How did the RR lead to this? Labor Unions What were the goals of labor unions? How did they go about trying to achieve those goals? Know the following: o Knights of Labor – o American Federation of Labor – Chinese Exclusion Act What did it do? Why was it create? Immigrants Push and pull factors for immigration? What are nativists? What is assimilation and Americanization? Urbanization What is it? Why were people being pulled to the cities?
Progressive Era Goals of the Progressive Era What were they? Who did the Progressives adopt them from? Anti-Trust Legislation What are the goals? What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? Who were the “Trust-Busting Presidents”? Define the following Progressive Era political reforms: Referendum – Recall – Initiative – Amendments 16th - 17th - 18th - 19th - Muckrakers What were the goals for them as a whole? Know the following and their work: o Jane Addams o Jacob Riis o Upton Sinclair o Ida Tarbell o Ida B. Wells
Progressive Era-WWI Expansionist vs Isolationist What are the beliefs of each? Open Door Policy What is it? Why did the U.S. want access to China? Foreign Policy in Latin America Describe the following: o Dollar Diplomacy o Big Stick Policy o Roosevelt Corollary o Panama Canal Spanish American War How did it start? What were the new territorial acquisitions? What is Yellow Journalism? Annexation of Hawaii Who are Sanford B. Dole and Queen Liliuokalani? Did the Hawaiians want to be annexed into the U.S.?
WW I MAIN Causes M A I N Reasons for American Entry Describe the following: o Freedom of the Seas – o Lusitania – o Unrestricted Submarine Warfare – o Zimmerman Telegram – Wilson’s Fourteen Points Plan (Parts of the plan) Freedom of the Seas – Self-determination – Creation of the League of Nations – Treaty of Versailles What was it? Why did the U.S. oppose it? Who was it harshest on? How does it lead to the rise of Dictators? Civil Liberties/First Amendment Issues: Espionage Act – Sedition Act – o What do these new laws say about our Constitution/personal freedoms? Roaring Twenties National Origins Act What is it? Red Scare What is it? What are Americans afraid of? What happened during the Palmer Raids? Teapot Dome Scandal What happened? How do scandals like this effect the relationship between the people and the government? Hawley-Smoot Tariff What was it created to do? What happened because of it? Great Migration What is it? Why were people being pulled north? Harlem Renaissance What is it? How did it begin? Prohibition 18th Amendment – Why did people call for prohibition? Why was it seen as a failure? 21st Amendment – Scopes Trial What happened? Describe modernism vs. traditionalism in the case. Social Darwinism What is it?
Great Depression Great Depression Describe the following causes: o Bad banking practices – o Over speculation in the stock market – o Overproduction/Under consumption – What were the characteristics of the Depression? (What was life like?) Dust Bowl Describe what happened. What were the causes? Bonus Army Who were they? New Deal Programs Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) o What is it? o Why was it forced to be stopped? o What Amendment did it violate? Social Security o What is it? o What is it meant to do? New Deal What were the goals of the programs? Why were some people opposed to it? What does this tell us about the government’s responsibility for the American people? Court Packing What did he want to do? Why did FDR attempt it? WW II Vernon Baker What is his significance? U.S. Entry Describe the following: o Neutrality Acts - o Cash and Carry - o Lend – Lease Act - December 7, 1941 – What happened? o How does this even influence American opinion about the war? Tuskegee Airmen Who were they? What does their success lead to? WWII Homefront Who was Rosie the Riveter? What was Executive Order 9066? Describe why people were rationing.
Post-War America-Cold War Truman Doctrine What did it do? What was its goal? Marshall Plan What did it do? What was its goal? McCarthyism Definition – What did Senator Joseph McCarthy do? How did this effect the lives of American civilians? Sputnik What was it? What did this start? How did this lead to educational reforms in the U.S.? Truman and Civil Rights What was the result of Plessy v. Ferguson? What is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)? Jackie Robinson Who is he? Why was he significant to the Civil Rights Movement? “In God we Trust” Why did we adopt this motto? The 22nd Amendment What does it say? Who was it response to?