2017 U.S. History Fall Semester Exam Review 60 Questions Eras - Gilded Age, Progressive Era, WWI, Roaring Twenties, Great Depression, WWII, Post – War America

Gilded Age Great Plains  Homestead Act –  What was life like for farmers on the Great Plains? Third Party Politics  How can they impact an election?  Populist Party – what did they want (platform)? Laissez-Faire  What does it mean?  Who would support/oppose it? Robber Barons and Captains of Industry  Describe each one.  What is philanthropy? Monopolies  Define.  Describe the following: o Vertical Integration - o Horizontal Integration - Transcontinental Railroad  Describe a national economy – What is it? How did the RR lead to its creation?  What does it mean to close the Frontier? How did the RR lead to this? Labor Unions  What were the goals of labor unions?  How did they go about trying to achieve those goals?  Know the following: o Knights of Labor – o American Federation of Labor – Chinese Exclusion Act  What did it do?  Why was it create? Immigrants  Push and pull factors for immigration?  What are nativists?  What is assimilation and Americanization? Urbanization  What is it?  Why were people being pulled to the cities?

Progressive Era Goals of the Progressive Era  What were they?  Who did the Progressives adopt them from? Anti-Trust Legislation  What are the goals?  What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?  Who were the “Trust-Busting Presidents”? Define the following Progressive Era political reforms:  Referendum –  Recall –  Initiative – Amendments  16th -  17th -  18th -  19th - Muckrakers  What were the goals for them as a whole?  Know the following and their work: o Jane Addams o Jacob Riis o Upton Sinclair o Ida Tarbell o Ida B. Wells

Progressive Era-WWI Expansionist vs Isolationist  What are the beliefs of each? Open Door Policy  What is it?  Why did the U.S. want access to China? Foreign Policy in Latin America  Describe the following: o Dollar Diplomacy o Big Stick Policy o Roosevelt Corollary o Panama Canal Spanish American War  How did it start?  What were the new territorial acquisitions?  What is Yellow Journalism? Annexation of Hawaii  Who are Sanford B. Dole and Queen Liliuokalani?  Did the Hawaiians want to be annexed into the U.S.?

WW I MAIN Causes  M  A  I  N Reasons for American Entry  Describe the following: o Freedom of the Seas – o Lusitania – o Unrestricted Submarine Warfare – o Zimmerman Telegram – Wilson’s Fourteen Points Plan (Parts of the plan)  Freedom of the Seas –  Self-determination –  Creation of the League of Nations – Treaty of Versailles  What was it?  Why did the U.S. oppose it?  Who was it harshest on?  How does it lead to the rise of Dictators? Civil Liberties/First Amendment Issues:  Espionage Act –  Sedition Act – o What do these new laws say about our Constitution/personal freedoms? Roaring Twenties National Origins Act  What is it? Red Scare  What is it? What are Americans afraid of?  What happened during the Palmer Raids? Teapot Dome Scandal  What happened?  How do scandals like this effect the relationship between the people and the government? Hawley-Smoot Tariff  What was it created to do?  What happened because of it? Great Migration  What is it?  Why were people being pulled north? Harlem Renaissance  What is it?  How did it begin? Prohibition  18th Amendment –  Why did people call for prohibition?  Why was it seen as a failure?  21st Amendment – Scopes Trial  What happened?  Describe modernism vs. traditionalism in the case. Social Darwinism  What is it?

Great Depression Great Depression  Describe the following causes: o Bad banking practices – o Over speculation in the stock market – o Overproduction/Under consumption –  What were the characteristics of the Depression? (What was life like?) Dust Bowl  Describe what happened.  What were the causes? Bonus Army  Who were they? New Deal Programs  Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) o What is it? o Why was it forced to be stopped? o What Amendment did it violate?  Social Security o What is it? o What is it meant to do? New Deal  What were the goals of the programs?  Why were some people opposed to it?  What does this tell us about the government’s responsibility for the American people? Court Packing  What did he want to do?  Why did FDR attempt it? WW II Vernon Baker  What is his significance? U.S. Entry  Describe the following: o Neutrality Acts - o Cash and Carry - o Lend – Lease Act -  December 7, 1941 – What happened? o How does this even influence American opinion about the war? Tuskegee Airmen  Who were they?  What does their success lead to? WWII Homefront  Who was Rosie the Riveter?  What was Executive Order 9066?  Describe why people were rationing.

Post-War America-Cold War Truman Doctrine  What did it do?  What was its goal? Marshall Plan  What did it do?  What was its goal? McCarthyism  Definition –  What did Senator Joseph McCarthy do?  How did this effect the lives of American civilians? Sputnik  What was it?  What did this start?  How did this lead to educational reforms in the U.S.? Truman and Civil Rights  What was the result of Plessy v. Ferguson?  What is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)? Jackie Robinson  Who is he? Why was he significant to the Civil Rights Movement? “In God we Trust”  Why did we adopt this motto? The 22nd Amendment  What does it say?  Who was it response to?