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Desktop Publishing Mrs. Bunka August 2002
General Rules 1. Anyone not in the room when the bell rings will be marked tardy. You know when you are tardy. Make it a point to check with me to see how many tardies you have accumulated. 2. Courtesy and good manners are required at all times. 3. No eating or sleeping in class. 4. No talking in class when the PA is on. 5. Stay seated until the bell rings. Do not pack up early. This is a major pet peeve of mine. 6. Respect all people and property. 7. All computers and equipment are new. Treat them with care. 8. Do not tamper with other students’ documents. Until we receive further notice, you will save your materials in your own folder in the “My Documents” folder. Students caught tampering with other students’ files will be dealt with according to the AUP and the addendum. 9. This is not an Internet, e-mail or games class. 10. Follow the AUP. Your card MUST be displayed whenever you are using your computer. No card, no computer. 11. Never, ever, place anything on my desk unless you are instructed to do so. There is a basket for you to place homework assignments. 12. Purchase a three-ring binder to keep your handouts, notes organized. 13. Remember that some time after school or during SRT may be required to meet deadlines.
Grades REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADE: Mastery Level—60 % A+ 97-100 B- 80-82 D 63-66 A 93-96 C+ 77-79 D- 60-62 A- 90-93 C 73-76 E 59 or below B+ 87-89 C- 70-72 B 83-86 D+ 67-69 Grades will be rounded up at .5
Final Semester Grade First marking period ...... 2/5 of final grade Second marking period ...... 2/5 of final grade The final exam...... 1/5 of final grade All students MUST take the final exam during first semester. Students MAY be exempt from the second semester exam according to the school’s exemption policy. If the student is exempt from the final exam, the two marking period percentages will be averaged together to determine his/her final grade.
1. All work is due on the assigned date. If the assignment relates to an outside project that must meet a deadline, the student(s) will be expected to come in during SRT or after school to see that the deadline is met. No late work will be accepted, except in compliance with the attendance policy. Students must make up missed tests after school on the day they return from their absence/absences or arrange a time during SRT. 2. Us ink for all written assignments. It should go without saying that all handwriting must be legible. If not, consider typing assignments. 3. Proper use of standard written and spoken English will affect grades. This is an English class. 4. All assignments must have our name, the class and hour, the date and the assignment name in the upper right hand corner of the paper. If they do not, NO CREDIT will be given or points will be deducted. 5. Grades are based on points earned. It is the total at the end of the semester that determines the final grade. While there is no averaging of grades, the person with the highest total will “set” the top of the A’s. 6. Extra credit not available. 7. Grades may include some or all of the following: Unit tests Final project Daily work Quizzes Homework Journal/learning log Notebook Deadline work Final exam 8. Make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work and to see that it is turned in on time. NO EXTENSIONS will be given for unscheduled vacations. Make-up work must be arranged IN ADVANCE in the case of a pre-arranged absence. Due dates for the make-up work will be determined by the teacher on an individual basis. Make-up tests will be given at the discretion of the teacher. Alternative work may be assigned. 9. Students who are in school for part of the day are responsible for acquiring that day’s homework and/or turning in the previous day’s assignment. 10. Because this is a lab class, most work must be completed in the classroom. Students who are absent should use SRT time or plan to stay after school or come in early to stay on top of assignments.
11. IMPORTANT. While traditional Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place in the fall, student led conferences will be conducted in the spring. Your student will be required to attend conferences with you and they will guide you through their portfolio of work.
------Parents/Guardians Please fill out and sign the bottom portion of this page to indicate that you have read the class rules. Have your student return it to me NO LATER THAN Sept. 6. This assignment is worth 10 points.
Your Child’s Name:______
Your Name:______
Home Phone:______
E-mail Address:______
If you work outside of the home, are you available to receive calls at work? If yes, please provide me with your work number.
Are there any concerns or problems that I should be aware of at this time?
Your signature:______Date:______