2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch
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© 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
Real World Task Listen to and understand a Present the problem of a Read and understand Fill in a moderately complex Goal presentation on an aspect work-related injury or “near- brochures or booklets from work-related injury of workplace safety miss” to a supervisor, WRHA or individual form/report information related to following company protocol workplaces on workplace workplace problems, for reporting injuries solutions, personal needs, experiences and preferences from an Occupational Health and Safety representative in the Ss workplace
Context Importance and types of Workplace/company Confidentiality and privacy Who is responsible for filling Information Focus safety equipment and culture: of information in each section of a report importance of following Section I: to be completed Reporting an injury: Personal application of prescribed safety by employee; Sections II information gained from procedures Awareness and and III : to be completed by printed or online materials understanding of company employee or designated “in- Safety orientation: safe use or workplace policy Living standards: health and charge” person of equipment, etc. safety training/awareness Protocol for reporting Conventions: formalities I Labels, symbols Workplace safety Honesty in reporting submitting incident reports Awareness of hierarchy in requirements for staff to Major values: reports should OH&S office Importance of brief, have first-aid training pertinent information related be accurate Receptionist does not Work ethic to an incident; no blaming Brevity in descriptions provide information, only or embellishing guidance as to who S Honesty in reporting should see, depending on Objectivity in reporting
1 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
situation or concern Objectivity Make an appointment: Who to give the report to clearly and briefly state concerns to receptionist on phone or in person; listen to her instructions State problem to person directly involved and elaborate; listen to advice
CLB I. Social Interaction III. Suasion III. Business/service texts III. Business/service Competency/ies messages Identify stated and Request a word (need to Identify factual details, unspecified details and talk to someone). Ask for some inferred meanings Fill out moderately facts about a situation and respond to advice in moderately-complex complex forms and recommendations. prose containing II. Instructions Write two or three assessments and Make an extended paragraphs to narrate a Understand sets of evaluations suggestion on how to familiar sequence of instructions related to solve an immediate Locate 3-4 pieces of events from the past… simple technical and non- problem of make an information in moderately technical tasks improvement complex formatted texts IV. Information IV. Information IV. Informational texts Demonstrate Ask for and provide Demonstrate comprehension of mostly detailed information comprehension of a factual details and some relative to …work moderately complex … inferred meanings in an
2 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
extended description report on a familiar topic Identify rhetorical signals Access and locate 3-4 of chronological order, pieces of information comparison and contrast, online cause and effect in the discourse
Genre Presentation Warning/ recommendations Workplace safety or An accident report workplace injuries Discourse brochures
Text Sequencing of information: Text structure/ Features: Purpose/Text type: warning; Text Type: recount structure/Features most to least important; Orientation(who were the information; procedural Features: Orientation(who steps in prevention or participants, when and Organizational patterns: were the participants, when solving a problem where did it occur, what sets of instructions where and where did it occur, what were the circumstances); they are not always were the circumstances); Description of events, presented step-by-step Description of events, Features Evaluation Evaluation (optional) (optional) Selection of format: instructions where steps are Tone: neutral, factual Indirect requests not always presented Tone: semi-formal; polite sequentially (note status of speaker and supervisor)
Language Focus Ss are adequately briefed Functions for Vocabulary related to topic: Vocabulary related to for focused listening stating/describing a specific concepts/events (Possible examples Nouns: safety equipment
3 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
given in italics) Vocabulary related to topic: problem, discuss and give Verbs: apply (knowledge), (body parts, accidents, details handle, wear, make sure, injuries, tools/machines, Nouns: goggles, helmet, read (labels), enforce locations, etc.) safety glasses, face shield, Vocabulary related to topic ergonomics, danger, Imperatives: positive and Expressions: Nouns: details, supervisor, poison, flammability, negative be of assistance manager, status, incident, corrosion, biohazard, acid, tried to help rotation, damage, witness Modals (you should, you workplace safety, safety laceration, puncture, ought to) periphrastic Word formation – prefixes, standards; toxic abrasion, foreign body, modals (be supposed to,, suffixes: effects/immediate toxic sprain, strain, dislocation, have to, etc.) and modal- misunderstood, unable, effects concussion like phrases (had better): painful, difficulty Grammar Verbs: remained at work, Passive Voice: Abbreviations, symbols: Verbs: imperatives, positive report to, abraded, notify Safety equipment is worn R/L (right/left), n/a, e.g., and negative when on the plant floor. F/T, P/T Participles: *; # identify, ensure/insure, pushing, pulling, reaching, Adjectives: provide, wear, avoid, lowering, transferring appropriate, necessary, Grammar prepare, dispose of, handle, health-related Phrases: region of body Simple, compound and inform supervisor, fill in, injured shift start/end time Comparatives: more complex sentence forms (I report multiple injuries effectively than couldn’t fill in the report Whatever you do, don’t occupational right away because….) Superlatives: most panic; just follow these hazard/exposure, allergic important/ly Simple past and past instructions:… Call for help reaction, protective perfect tenses (I had just immediately. equipment, safety device Adverb clauses: safety finished waxing the floor with protocol, corrective equipment must be worn Pronouns/Demonstrative when I slipped and fell.) action whenever you are on the adjectives: plant floor Passive voice: Time off This facemask will prevent Collocations: Hazardous
4 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
you from… substances, toxic Collocations: to result in, to might be needed These safety gloves are substances stand by Additive (in addition, thicker than those… occupational hazard Abbreviations: furthermore) and temporal critical incident Adjectives: effective, WCB, WRHA, OH&S, F/T, (then, after that) linking allergic reaction poisonous, corrosive, P/T words foreign body reactive, explosive, toxic near-miss injury Modals: Comparatives: Water work-related injury should have/shouldn’t have makes a grease fire bigger lost-time injury Conditionals: and worse. Compounds: If I return to work… Adverbs: quickly, slowly, workshop, understaffed If I had worn better thoroughly, carefully gloves… Formulaic chunks: I was Ellipsis: Those gloves are wondering if… Nouns/gerunds: good, but these are better I’d just like to know… injuries, assistance [than those gloves]. I have a problem. overstretching, swelling Conditionals: Cause and Grammar: Reported speech: effect The doctor said that… Polite requests/suggestions: If/When you [do this], [X] It would be, it might be a Adjectives: will happen. good idea to… difficult, better, painful, swollen, broken, severe, If you splash corrosive Hedges: maybe, kind of, minor material on your skin, it will basically, etc. burn. Adverbs: Adverbs: sequence in strictly, effectively, always, If you have a fire at your reporting: first, then, next, usually workstation, don’t panic. after that, finally If there is an accident, Ellipsis:
5 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
check the MSDS. Frequency: always, rarely, Machine wasn’t set sometimes, usually correctly. Recognizing acronyms used orally, abbreviations Capitalization, punctuation, related to workplace safety spelling organizations: OH&S, WHMIS, MSDS Phrases: catch on fire; cause cancer
Language and Focused listening Clarifying directions by Skim for gist Careful reading of Learning Strategies repeating or restating instructions for filling in a Replay video clip for Scan to find specific report (some may be in comprehension Non-verbal means: information caps or boldface): Predict what you might hear Point to area of injury Use EAL dictionary for Fill in based on topic accuracy Draw a picture Circle Listen for repetition, Reread to clarify meaning Gesture to where event definition of unfamiliar Please print clearly occurred Read slowly for meaning words as spoken Use an X Comprehension checks: Highlight new and difficult Listen for context to words Record relevant facts in determine meaning Do you see what I mean? point form prior to the formal Derive meaning of words Associate Do you know what I’m report (may be in L1) from context visuals/graphics/written text saying? Literal translation from L1 in with spoken words Self-correcting: rephrasing, rough draft of notes Repeat information or repeating, use Non-linguistic means: advice circumlocution
6 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
Ask other Ss for help in Interactional strategies: draw pictures in initial drafts understanding direct appeals for help Approximations: about, close to, almost, nearly Use dictionary to compensate for gaps and errors Sufficient vocabulary to develop the topic Check for spelling and legibility Rewriting
Essential Skill Reading Text, Writing, Oral Communication, Working With Others, Thinking – Problem Solving Focus ES-focused instructional Speaking – Listening – Group work: Brainstorm, recalling real-life scenarios of injuries (alternatively, use scenario activities cards). Develop break-time conversations with workplace peers, describing an injury sustained at work, with appropriate empathetic responses from listeners
Teaching Occupational Health and Scenario cards Work-related company or Scenario cards. Resources & Safety speaker WRHA brochures on injury Photos of equipment T-made simplified accident Materials prevention Visual clips (DVD, video, report form YouTube, public library, Clips from newspapers or Authentic injury report internet downloads) hard copies from internet
7 © 2008 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch Developed by G. Foote Leylek and L. McCarthy
THEME: On the Job
Module: Safety in the Workplace
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7 CLB 7
news websites form/s
Outcome In small groups, choose one Use scenarios for Read clippings from Provide students with a Assessment Task from a list of 3 or 4 workplace injury situations newspapers on workplace narrative description of an Occupational Health and to role-play dialogues injuries accident, including dialogue Safety visual resources. between In small groups, students Have students use the story View independently as supervisor/manager and discuss the various to complete an accident many times as needed for injured party accidents and explain how report comprehension. Make brief they would solve the notes on the presentation. problems Include clarification questions for the small group who watched the same tape. T rotates to offer assistance where needed to each group as they talk about what they heard and understood