TASA 04 LOC Meeting No 1, 5-6February 2004 Page 5

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TASA 04 LOC Meeting No 1, 5-6February 2004 Page 5

TASA ’04 LOC meeting no 1, 5-6February 2004 page 1

TASA ’04 LOC Meetings on 5-6 February 2004 Present: Wodonga Katy Richmond (Convenor), Eileen Clark, Brian Furze, Pauline Savy, Pam Wallace, Evan Willis Beechworth: Katy Richmond (Convenor), Eileen Clark, Evan Wills, Ian Burke (Manager, LTU Beechworth Campus), Sharon Wilson (Conference Manager LTU Beechworth Campus), Eric Fisher (Hotel Manager LTU Beechworth Campus) Notes 1. Minutes of three meetings over two days have been combined. 2. For convenience, minutes have been divided into two categories, non-academic and academic, and non- academic has been further divided into overall responsibilities and management details. 1. Non-academic matters: overall responsibilities a. Allocation of responsibilities Katy is Convener and will be in charge of all academic and non-academic matters except finance and accounting, sponsorship, IT and web matters. b. Financial arrangements Evan will be in charge of financial arrangements. He will arrange an account and arrange to get the TASA seeding grant and sponsorship. c. Web-based registration system & IT matters generally Evan will be in charge of web-matters. He will confer with Ian Burke and Sharon as to use of LTU Beechworth web- based system (which is – so it appears - as good as the TASA registration system) and will bring Malcolm Alexander down from Brisbane (perhaps around Easter) to provide expert advice on this and on IT matters generally. Evan will confer with LTU’s IT services, known as COMET, especially on CD and website matters. Website is to be up by end of March. This is to be further discussed, as LTU Beechworth may not be willing to do the registration – for a fee – if they can’t use their software – and their software cost $85,000 !!! d. Sponsorship Evan will explore sponsorship including promises by the LTU DVC of some free accommodation. Evan will also explore possible wine sponsorship from Chambers vineyard, and this may include a wine tasting which might cost $4 a head. Sponsorship could be used for postgraduate scholarships. e. Distribution of surplus/loss Katy and Evan with confer with David de Vaus about surplus/loss arrangements, and David has agreed to accept the possibility of loss which we hope will be very remote. TASA will not accept responsibilities for any loss. f. TASA liaison Katy is to confer with John Germov, Zlatko Skrbis (TASA conference liaison officer) and Peter Corrigan on conference management matters. g. TASA ’04 LOC’s contact with TASA Katy to circulate TASA contract prior to March meeting with a view to checking all aspects of the contract to ensure that we fully comply with it. 2. Non-Academic Matters: details a. Residential Accommodation Residential accommodation is to be discussed further with Sharon and Eric with a view to simplifying things. Sharon and Eric at LTU Beechworth have booked a range of other local accommodation including all local motels and B&Bs within 15 minutes’ drive of Beechworth campus. The registration form will include bookings for LTU Beechworth campus accommodation. Details of other local accommodation will be provided to enable conference-goers to make their own arrangements. Breakfast is provided as part of hotel room accommodation. The numerous cottages have self-catering facilities, comfortable lounges with TVs, and some have videos. b. Facilities for residents on LTU Beechworth campus An Internet Café is available in the Education block. What other facilities are available for conference residents will be further explored - including public telephones, photocopying facilities, internet café access after hours, etc. Bar fridges are apparently available on payment but we must ask how many fridges are available and how many rooms TASA ’04 LOC meeting no 1, 5-6February 2004 page 2 need them (since many rooms have fridges already). Disability access is to be fully explored but present indications are that venues have disabled access. c. LTU Beechworth Conference Facilities Plenary sessions will be held at the International Hotel – this excellent light modern venue holds 300 people. Smaller plenaries will be held at the Convention Centre (2 big rooms, holding easily 100 each) and possibly the Bijou Theatre (holds 200). There are more than 5 breakout rooms, including one in the International Hotel (which can be used independently of the large plenary room there) and four in the Education area, plus the plenary areas when they are not in use for plenaries. Each of these breakout rooms would hold 50+ each. TASA executive meetings could be held in the L-shaped room in the Administration Building which could be comfortably set up to provide a small buffet lunch and on-going tea and coffee (there are two smaller alternatives for the TASA executive meetings). d. Child care (Tuesday to Saturday) A childcare centre is available on site and places will be booked and paid for independently by conference goers, and will not be the responsibility of conference organizers apart from ascertaining that the facilities are suitable and are available at the advertised times and that the fees are appropriate. After-hours babysitting can be arranged and this will be further explored and will be advertised to conference participants. e. Travel arrangements (Tuesday to Saturday) Transport needs to be further explored. Train Sydney train will arrive at Albury before dawn and people will be bussed to Beechworth, arriving in time for breakfast. Melbourne train will arrive at Wangaratta about 11am and people will take commercial bus to Beechworth and will be bussed from Beechworth bus depot to Beechworth campus, arriving around lunch-time. Plane Rex planes fly in to Albury and could be asked to fly a group from (say) Adelaide or Newcastle or Brisbane if the numbers were sufficient. The current fee for flexible fares 14 days in advance is $63 Melbourne to Albury. It is expected that Rex will be able to provide flexible fares at the cheap rate for conference goers. Bus A set of buses will be booked for conference goers. Bus transport will be arranged to and from the Albury airport to meet arriving flights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and departing flights on Friday and Saturday, the Albury train station (ditto, trains), and the local Beechworth bus depot (ditto, the bus from Wangaratta train station). Preliminary quotes for bus transport have been obtained. f. Conference Dinner (Thursday night) The choice is between an expensive but memorable dinner at Brown Brothers for $95 (including bus, all wines provided) or a cheaper option locally which will be trialed by the LOC on March 18. John Walker, an excellent local comedian, has tentatively been booked for the conference dinner at a cost of $1200 approx. This will add $10 per head to the cost of the conference dinner. Alternatively he could be booked for an opening function for the conference. It has been suggested that the conference provide transport to the local Stanley pub on the night of the conference dinner – so that there is an alternative for those who do not wish to go to the conference dinner. To be further discussed. g. Pre and Post tours (Tuesday, Saturday and possibly one on Wednesday) Four tours at least will be costed for before the conference, and possibly one or two after the conference.  Tour 1 will be to the high country – Mt Hotham or Falls Creek, Wallace Hut (Mt. Buffalo too far). Geoff Savy interested in running this.  Tour 2 will be Rutherglen wine with Pickle Sisters for lunch  Tour 3 will be food and organic wine around Milawa – cheese, olives, mustard and Pennyweight Wines (organic)  Tour 4 will be an historical tour of the Albury/Wodonga region . Professor Bruce Pennay will be asked to organize this h. Conference insurance Evan will confer with previous conference organizers and Barry Blight, the LTU Bundoora insurance person. It may be a matter of a small extension to the university policy. Present indications suggest insurance of this sort will cost $1500 approx. Conference will be insured for such things as pilots’ strike and bushfires. Evan will also confer with Armidale organizers. i. Registration and paper submission Katy to confer with TASA secretariat re system of registration, abstracts, paper submission, secure payments etc used at last conference plus appropriate dates and wording on the registration form. TASA ’04 LOC meeting no 1, 5-6February 2004 page 3 j. Conference food Registration will include morning and afternoon teas, lunch for Thursday and Friday, Saturday morning tea and a BBQ on Wednesday or Friday night. Lunch on Saturday is to be booked separately. Plentiful vegetarian options will be available. k. Airconditioning for session rooms Air-conditioning is available for the main plenary room in the International Hotel. l. AV facilities Beechworth campus has white boards, 2 fixed data projectors and one portable, and some overhead projectors. Katy to ask where the 2 fixed data projectors are located. Evan to explore what can be transported from A/W campus, and at what cost. m. Conference secretariat Sociology office staff from the A/W campus will be asked to attend conference registration desk. Postgraduate students will be employed at reduced rates with free conference registration to act as gophers. Adelaide Coulter has offered to help (for nothing). All staff must be covered by LTU liability insurance. n. Bar There will be a conference bar open, hours to be arranged. Bill Chambers will be consulted for a good wine deal if Sharon Wilson is in agreement. Wine can possibly be sold to conference goers at a reduced rate. There could also be a wine tasting. o. Mobile unit to do T-shirts and Sweat shirts Katy to explore this possibility with Sharon and Evan. p. Conference bag Simple cotton bag, Katy has prototype from TASA ’93. Sharon will be asked if she can arrange this. q. Preliminary Publicity Katy to write with conference dates to BSA, ASA, SAA(NZ), and ISA r. Letters to Heads of Departments Katy to write to Heads of Sociology and Social Sciences Departments and Faculties with conference dates etc. s. Media publicity at the time of the conference To be arranged t. Poster No poster u. Brochure No printed brochure but a brochure to be downloaded from the web. Evan to confer with Comet. v. TASA Website Evan to confer with Malcolm and John Germov. Rex airlines and wine sponsorship and other commercial arrangements cannot be put on university-based websites, so we have to find another arrangement w. Registration fee to include  Food  Conference facilities  Doing registration and accommodation booking – Sharon to be consulted  Conference insurance  IT technician  IT hire and transport from LTU A/W  Media publicity person at time of conference  Conference bags  BBQ function(s)  Wine tasting? x. Registration form to include extra boxes for additional items  Health Day  Postgraduate function  Women’s function  Conference dinner (bus to and from included)  Bus from Albury airport or train station on arrival  Bus to Albury airport or train station on departure  Bus from Beechworth bus depot on arrival of bus from Wangaratta railway station TASA ’04 LOC meeting no 1, 5-6February 2004 page 4

 Tours 1-4 y. Protocols for Powerpoint Presentations A/W IT person has set up protocols for Powerpoint slides, to be further explored by Evan. Powerpoint slides must be delivered in advance on a disc. z. Local musicians The possibility of local musicians commencing some of the plenary sessions will be explored

C. Academic and associated matters a. Conference Dates Dec 9-11 2004 Tuesday will be ‘minitour day’; Wednesday will be Health Day, with Women’s cocktail party event 5-7pm and an evening function, probably a BBQ. Postgraduate event to be arranged. Conference itself will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning Dec 9-11. Saturday morning may be excellent for some local people to attend and this may be the public forum occasion. Initial plans are that there will be an opening plenary 9-10.30 on Thursday, papers 11-12, papers 12-1 and papers 2.15-5.15. Friday will be similar, with a TASA AGM first thing in the morning. Saturday morning will have a plenary and papers to 1pm. b. Conference theme(s) TASA wants an Asian theme, but LOC regard this as less appropriate in a regional setting. One theme which seems reasonable is ‘revisioning the institution’. c. Section convenors Eileen Clark has agreed Health Rural/Regional health Brian Furze has agreed Rural/Environment (Brian will be on leave September through to November) Pam Wallace has agreed Work, Class Johanna Wyn has agreed Youth John Carroll has agreed Theory Katy to ask Kerreen Gender ? Yola? Ian Gray? Wendy Mee has agreed Section to be arranged Kathleen Farelly Education ? David de Vaus has agreed Family ? Methodology ? Helen Marshall ? Deviance ? d. Aboriginal welcome Eddie Kneebone is a local. To be further discussed. e. Speakers for plenaries  Rosemary Pringle is to be consulted by Katy.  Evan has consulted Bob Connell – has agreed  Deborah Lupton?  Ivan Szelenyi – Katy to confer with Janeen Baxter, Bill Martin  Jan Pakulski ?  Bryan Turner – possibly visiting?  Bob Holton?  Mark Western on class? f. Timetable TASA AGM will be first thing in the morning – Friday? g. Paper deadlines Paper deadline will be 15 August. Katy to confer with Peter Corrigan on issues relating to paper submissions h. Issues concerning CD Editors and papers submitted for CD get DEST points, so there is anxiety about getting accepted. Criteria for acceptance should be: professional presentation, competent discussion of issues; sociological framework. Katy will be TASA ’04 LOC meeting no 1, 5-6February 2004 page 5 in charge of final editing of CD; Evan will be in charge of technical liaison. Section conveners will vet papers in generous terms, and will use a variety of people as referees. There is an issue of privacy concerning names of referees. i. Social events/entertainment BBQ on Wednesday night? Amulet on Friday night if not used for Conference Dinner? j. Publishers’ displays and Book openings Book openings have wine and cheese. Allen and Unwin, Sage, OUP are all possibilities. Eileen has several other suggestions about publishers k. Health Day Pauline and Evan will run the health day together. This will be on the theme of deinstitutionalization and there will be a ‘Nurse Ratchet’ tour since Pauline knows the Mayday Hills site very well. l. Women’s Day/Event Wednesday 5-7pm. This will be a cocktail party – outside on the Bandstand? Inside near the Bijou Theatre if raining. m. Postgraduate Day/Event/Lunchtime meeting An LTU Bundoora postgraduate will be asked to run this and related postgraduate matters including postgraduate scholarships, transport and accommodation. A postgraduate committee is needed. Katy to explore. n. TASA AGM Need to ask TASA Executive if it is OK to have it on Friday 9am. Also what are the times for the two TASA Executive meetings? o. List of participants and their email addresses This will be prepared by Sharon as part of the registration process and put in people’s conference bags. p. Map of venues In satchels there will be map of LTU Beechworth grounds and venues. q. Chairs of sessions Chair people of sessions to be given instructions. If a paper-giver cancels or doesn’t turn up, important that there be a gap in the program because others like to move from room to room to hear papers at particular times

Next meeting Friday 19 March at Wodonga

Vetting Amulet Facilities Thursday 18 March Pauline to book - everyone invited

Bus quote from Beechworth Bus Lines For the conference dinner transport quote is $10 per person For shuttle, from Albury, Wodonga or Wangaratta to Beechworth the quotes are as follows:

Cost per head Up to 5 passengers $27.50 per head Up to 10 passengers $22 per head Up to 20 passengers $16.50 per head Above 20 passengers $ 11 per head

Katy Richmond 23 February 2004

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