Grade 11 Biology Review (Mix of SBI3U and SBI3C)

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Grade 11 Biology Review (Mix of SBI3U and SBI3C)

Grade 11 Biology Review (mix of SBI3U and SBI3C) Part A:

1. In the process of meiosis, the 2n chromosomes are referred to as a) the haploid chromosome number b) the diploid chromosome number c) homologues chromosome d) mitosis

2.Classify the following statement: Chromosomes undergo synapsis. a) mitosis b) both mitosis and meiosis c) meiosis d) neither mitosis nor meiosis e) interphase

3.How many chromosomes would occur in each body cell of a person who has combined Down/Klinefelter syndrome? a. 23 d. 47 b. 45 e. 48 c. 46

4.The gene makeup of an organism for a particular trait is its a. genotype. c. recessiveness. b. pedigree. d. phenotype.

5. In the cross of Tt  Tt, the proportion of the offspring that will have the same genotype as the parents is a. 25%. c. 100%. b. 50%. d. 75%

6.To determine if an organism with a dominant phenotype is heterozygous, the organism is mated to an individual that is a. heterozygous for the trait in question. b. homozygous recessive for the trait in question. c. homozygous dominant for the trait in question. d. of the same genotype as the organism being tested. e. opposite to the genotype as the organism being tested.

10.In Tibetan yaks, the heterozygous condition of the alleles for brown hair (b) and white hair (w) is expressed as a bluish coat. This situation best demonstrates a. linkage. d. dominant–recessive traits. b. crossing over. e. incomplete dominance. c. codominance.

12. Colourblindness is a sex-linked characteristic because the gene is a. dominant. d. carried on a sex chromosome. b. recessive. e. homozygous. c. carried on an autosome. Grade 11 Biology Review (mix of SBI3U and SBI3C)

13. In which of the following lists are the events listed in the sequence in which they actually occur? a. ingestion, absorption, digestion, egestion b. ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion c. absorption, ingestion, egestion, digestion d. absorption, digestion, ingestion, egestion e. digestion, ingestion, absorption, egestion

14. Which of the following is not a function of the liver? a. production of bile salts b. manufacture of blood proteins from amino acids c. removal of toxic ammonia group from amino acids d. glucose conversion into glycogen and vice versa e. neutralization of the acids released by the stomach

15.When patients have their gall bladders removed, they should initially be placed on a diet that is low in which of the following? a. starch d. vitamins b. proteins e. carbohydrates c. fats

16.The food selection that is the best source of carbohydrates is: a) vegetables and fruit b) pasta and breads c) dairy products d) seafood

17.Which of the following is not a function of the large intestine? a. absorption of water d. absorption of vitamins b. absorption of alcohol e. temporary storage of wastes c. absorption of minerals

18.Which one of the following is not secreted by the pancreas or small intestine? a. trypsinogen d. maltase b. lipase e. hydrochloric acid c. erepsin

19.Which of the following is not true of veins? a. The walls of the veins allow materials to diffuse in and out easily. b. They have thinner walls than arteries. c. They have one-way valves to prevent the backflow of blood. d. They rely on the activity of the skeletal muscles to help move blood back to the heart.

20.The highest blood pressure occurs in the a. veins. d. venules. b. capillary beds. e. arteries. c. arterioles. Grade 11 Biology Review (mix of SBI3U and SBI3C)

21.The normal blood pressure for a young adult is a. 150/50. d. 100/100. b. 130/60. e. 60/130. c. 120/80.

22.Which of the following statements is not true? a. During inspiration the pressure within the chest cavity is greater than the atmospheric pressure. b. During inspiration the pressure within the chest cavity is less than the atmospheric pressure. c. The pressure within the chest cavity decreases when the diaphragm contracts. d. The pressure within the chest cavity increases when the rib cage moves downward. e. The pressure within the chest cavity increases as the diaphragm moves up.

23.Which of the following leads to inspiration? a. The diaphragm moves upward and the ribs move upward. b. The diaphragm moves upward and the ribs move downward. c. The diaphragm moves upward and ribs remain stationary. d. The diaphragm moves downward and the ribs move upward. e. The diaphragm moves downward and the ribs move downward.

Part B:

1. a) Given that hemophilia is a sex linked trait list the genotypes for the following cross.

A normal man marries a normal woman who is a carrier for hemophilia .

Genotypes______X ______b) Use a punnett square to show the probability that their sons will be a hemophiliac.

Probability of having a hemophiliac son is ______. Grade 11 Biology Review (mix of SBI3U and SBI3C)

3. In dogs, brown hair ( B) is dominant over golden hair ( b) and short hair ( S ) is dominant over long hair (s). Determine the phenotypes and genotypes that would be present in the pups if a female dog heterozygous for both traits was mated with a golden heterozygous short haired male dog.

a) List dominant and recessive traits

b) State who is mating along with their genotypes.

c) Show punnett square below.

d) State phenotypes

4. Explain the difference between physical breakdown of food and chemical breakdown. ( 4 marks )

5. Explain why the human heart is referred to as a double pump. ( 3 marks ) Grade 11 Biology Review (mix of SBI3U and SBI3C) 6. Describe the main function of the circulatory system. ( 3 marks )

Part C: 1. ___All living things are made up of cells. 2. ___The three types of lipids are triglycerides, phospholipids, and polysaccharides. 3. ___All somatic cells contain a diploid number of chromosomes. 4. ___Most cells spend the majority of their lives in interphase. 5. ___Crossing-over occurs during prophase I. 6. ___During telophase II sister chromatids of each chromosome separate and move to opposite poles of the cell. 7. ___Trisomy 21 is an example of a nondisjunction disorder. 8. ___Two parents with type A blood cannot produce a child with type O blood. 9. ___Genetic variability is good for the survival of a species.

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