Basic Expectations s1

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Basic Expectations s1

Culture Contacts are student choice projects that are designed to place the student in contact with the Spanish culture and or the language. Basic Expectations: 1. These are term projects worth 100 points each. They should show a considerable amount of effort and learning. 2. One project must be chosen for a project/test grade. 3. A second may be done for extra credit (Extra Credit=replaces a low test grade) 4. Research projects should always list works cited. Wikipedia should never be the only source on a project. 5. All culture contacts must be typed. 6. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a grade of zero. This grade cannot be replaced.

Project Ideas List

1. Service a. Perform 3 hours or more of tutoring work in the target language. Make a 1 page typed report of your experience (in essay form; 1st person is acceptable. Include topics studied, methods used, and changes noticed as a result) and have a parent sign and comment on your work. **This is ONLY an option if you have a 90 or above in this class. This may be completed over a period of time; all 3 hours need not be completed in one session, and you may tutor different students to satisfy the time requirements.

2. Event a. Attend a quinceañera, church service (conducted in Spanish) concert, exhibit or other performance related to the Spanish culture. Scrapbook your experience. You may research online any events that may be taking place in the community. Use your lab time to type the narration portion of your scrapbook; research should be done on the event you attend (the cultural significance of a quinceañera, biographical information on the artist featured at an exhibit, the background of the denomination of the church you attend, etc.) I will be looking for in depth narrations and several pictures in your scrapbook.

3. Music a. Learn and perform a Spanish song live or on video, DVD, etc. Be sure to announce your piece and give a short (one-two paragraph) summary of the artist (where they were born, how old they are, if they’ve won any awards, etc.). The song you perform must be in Spanish. You must provide a copy of the lyrics, as well as the translation, to the teacher and all of your classmates.

b. Demonstrate examples of music in a certain style or by a certain artist. Be ready to explain in detail what you share with the class. You may use CD’s or cassette tapes or perform live. Your presentation should include a short written narrative of the research you have done on a particular artist or music type; this should be related to the culture we are studying (square dancing or the electric slide is not acceptable!)

4. Science a. Research about a famous scientist, a plant or an animal from one of the countries we have studied. Share your information with the class in a short oral presentation or a 1-2 page report. I will be looking for completion of thought, evidence of research, grammatical accuracy (if you choose to write a report rather than participate in an oral presentation, I expect standard essay format in 3rd person.) Visuals are expected and appreciated.

b. Research and present any current event item related to science from one of the countries we’ve studied. Be prepared to talk 1-2 minutes in English. A visual is expected (Power Point presentation, photos, collage, etc.)

5. History/Geography a. Create a time line of historical events in the history of a country we have studied. Be creative with the format of your time line. Do not simply print a timeline from the internet. Use the information to create your own unique project. Remember to cite your sources.

b. Research a famous historical character (person) from one of the countries we’ve studied and share what you learned with the class or write a 1-2 page report. I will be looking for completion of thought, evidence of research, grammatical accuracy (if you choose to write a report rather than participate in an oral presentation, I expect standard essay format in 3rd person.) Visuals are expected and appreciated.

c. Create a presentation program or make a travel brochure about one of the countries we have studied. Include information about where the tourists go, climate, education there, cost of living, and any other significant items of interest. d. Research the customs of families, social events, and holidays (birthdays, New Year’s, etc.) for one of the countries we’ve studied. Write a report (2-3 pages) or in some way demonstrate to the class through a skit (performed live or taped) what you learned.

6. Math a. Create a graph that illustrates some aspect of Spanish culture ie. things that impact the culture. Make sure that you include a clear explanation of what your graph represents and why that is significant. Make sure this is your own work and not just a downloaded document from a computer source. Cite your sources.

c. Make charts of populations, country sizes, money exchange rates etc. Again, this is not to be simply downloaded from the computer but should show your own effort in creating the chart with the information you find. Sources must be cited.

7. Video b. Make a video with yourself, family, friends, an interview etc. in the language you are learning. You must ask a minimum of fifteen questions about any of the topics we’ve studied. Narration may be in English for travel videos. c. Watch a movie that is set in a Spanish speaking culture (Evita, etc.). Write a 1-2 page report (standard essay format, 3rd person) detailing the cultural significance of the movie.

d. Watch a travel style video on any of the countries we’ve studied and take notes on the country shown, then write the notes into a 2-3 page report (standard essay format, 3rd person.) Be sure to list source information and get a parent’s signature.

8. Computer programs a. Work with a computer program including our textbook online for a minimum of 4 hours. Write a 1-2 page experience report and get a parent to sign. You will also be required to submit PROOF that you have completed this amount of time (page screen printouts of answers, etc.)

9. Art a. Complete a craft project- must be approved. Ideas can be found on the internet. (piñatas, maracas, traditional costumes, etc.) Be prepared to present your project to the class and discuss how you made it, where it originated, cultural significance, etc.

b. Visit an art gallery or museum. Take notes about the artists or works that relate to the Spanish culture. Write an experience report (1-2 pages) and include your notes.

c. Write a 2-3 page report on one of the artists we have studied, or another one from one of the countries we have studied (Frida Kahlo, etc.) Discuss their life, works, what they are best known for, etc. I will be looking for completion of thought, evidence of research, grammatical accuracy (if you choose to write a report rather than participate in an oral presentation, I expect standard essay format in 3rd person.) Visuals are expected and appreciated.

d. Give a 4-6 minute presentation (Power Point, spoken, etc.) on one of the artists we’ve studied. See above.

10. PE a. Learn and perform/participate in a Spanish Folk Dance. Share with the class and write an experience report of 1-2 pages that includes basic steps, where the dance originated, etc. This project may be performed with a partner, but the reports should be invidially done.

b. Study and present information about the national activities you are studying ( ie. soccer, unique games etc.) Write a 1-2 page report or be prepared to give a 4-6 minute presentation about the significance of the sport, origins, rules of play, significant players, and accomplishments of athletes from one of the countries we have studied.

11. Food a. Make a dish/ meal from one of the Spanish countries for your class. You must make enough for the entire class and bring a copy of the recipe in Spanish. Scrapbook your experience, including photos, the recipe (in Spanish), and narratives. Note: Your dish/meal must be approved prior to cooking it. I am looking for authentic, unique recipes, not bowls of chips and salsa.

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