Leadership Council Face-To-Face, 2011

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Leadership Council Face-To-Face, 2011


Leadership Council Face-to-Face, 2011 Minutes

Agenda and Action Items:

I. Welcome and Introductions – Dr. Fox opened the meeting at 10:00 AM and welcomed all members and non-members to the meeting. Members Present- Andy Behrman, Phillip Bilger, Frank Catalanotto, Claude Earl Fox, Micaela Gibbs, Sean Isaac , Anna Karina Mascarenhas, Tami Miller, Mary Pelletier, Elizabeth Orr, Jan Siegel, Richard Stevenson, Shannon Starace, Nancy Zinser. Non- Members Present- Cathy Cabanzon, Debora Kerr, Roderick King.

II. Old Business- a. Adopt SOHIP Recommendation #3and 4 Dr. Fox presented SOHIP recommendation #3 that was previously adopted by the LC for review. A recommendation was made to add a Media Kit to strategy 1, action steps. Tami Miller motioned to adopt recommendation #3 and Jan Siegel second the motion, all members approved. The membership agreed that further activities will be developed and added to the plan throughout the coming year. Tami Miller presented SOHIP recommendation #4. This plan is a strategy for future implantation on moving forward to collect and analyze data and prioritize what data will be utilized. It was requested that the LC send any recommendations for future initiatives regarding data collection. Dr. Fox mentioned an expansion on the ER data to analyze hospital admissions regarding oral health. Nancy Zinser motioned to approve SOHIP recommendation #4, Rick Stevenson second the motion, all members approved. b. Leadership Council Committee Development- Tami Miller recommended the LC develop a membership and meeting governance committee. Frank Catalanotto motioned to accept the recommendation, Jan Siegel second the motion, all members approved. Rick Stevenson will chair the members committee and Anna Karina Mascarenhas will chair the meetings committee. c. Messaging Strategic Plan- Dr. Fox reviewed the messaging strategic plan that was developed in 2011. The group agreed the

1 Oral Health Florida Coalition Administrated by The Florida Public Health Institute ORAL HEALTH FLORIDA

plan needs to be updated by the LC membership to reflect future initiatives for the upcoming three years.

III. Operating Principles Procedures a. Term Limits for Members-at-Large- as stated in the Operating Procedure sec 3.2 five of the seven members-at-large not appointed to represent a local coalition shall serve terms which are staggered from one another. The members of the LC are to designate which of these five members shall serve one and two year terms. The LC recognized that Frank Catalanotto must serve a two year term as he is the Vice-Chair of the LC. The remaining four members drew term numbers to identify their term limit. Elizabeth Orr, Jan Siegel and Frank Catalanotto shall serve two year terms. Shannon Starace and Amy Barnes will serve a one year term. b. Establish and Approve Operating Procedures for all Committees, Action Groups and Sub-Committees- Tami Miller asked the LC to review the proposed recommendation from the October LC conference call regarding committee procedures. All members agreed that these procedures were working at this time and no changes needed at this time. Tami further requested the LC review the frequency of OHF general meetings and considers having them quarterly instead of every other month. Dr. Fox suggested we send a survey to all OHF members regarding frequency of meetings. Cathy Cabanzon will send out the survey to all OHF members.

IV. DentaQuest 2014 Grant Dr. Fox reviewed the hand out regarding the three year project workplan that the Florida Public Health Institute developed (see attached) Dr. Fox requested suggestions from the LC regarding the activities on the plan.

V. New Business- a. Advocacy Issues- 1. Dr. Catalanotto requested to remove item a, 1 from the agenda. 2. Dr. Catalanotto informed the

2 Oral Health Florida Coalition Administrated by The Florida Public Health Institute ORAL HEALTH FLORIDA

group that legislation 1319 that was signed by into law on May 2011 cannot be fully implemented due to AHCA legislation 409. Tami Miller supplied the members with background on this issue and informed the group that FDA and FDHA met with AHCA regarding making changes to 409 so health access settings can be reimbursed for preventive services by a dental hygienist. Frank Catalanotto made a motion for the LC to draft a letter of support to AHCA, Jan Siegel second the motion, Rick Stevenson stated FDA does not support this motion; Sean Isaac and Philip Bilger abstain from voting. Nine of the 13 voting members voted to move forward with this motion. Nancy Zinser requested the minutes reflect that FDA is opposing a revision to 409. A letter will be drafted and sent to all LC membership for input. b. Bringing other Advocacy Groups as Active Members of OHF- Frank Catalanotto suggested the LC work on recruiting additional partners to OHF. The group agreed to add to the next LC agenda a strategy to increase partnership of key groups and

3 Oral Health Florida Coalition Administrated by The Florida Public Health Institute ORAL HEALTH FLORIDA

organizations. Frank Catalanotto will reach out to other state coalitions for ideas regarding what other organizations could be added to OHF. c. AHCA Physician Reimbursement of ECC Procedures- Frank Catalanotto informed the group that he is working on the present issue of physician reimbursement and will keep the LC informed. d. Oral Health Florida Annual Conference- Dr. Fox announced that FPHI will sponsor an annual conference in August. A survey will be sent to all members regarding dates, speaker, topics etc. The LC will then work on producing an agenda for the conference.

VI. Upcoming Initiatives a. ER Data- Dr. Fox reviewed the existing ER data and suggested all advocacy groups start to use this data. Frank Catalanotto would like OHF to expand on this to include hospital admissions. b. Develop PR/Communications Activities around the PBS Frontline Broadcast. Dr. Catalanotto informed the group that the Frontline show will air in the spring of 2012. Once he has been given dates this will be send to all OHF members.

4 Oral Health Florida Coalition Administrated by The Florida Public Health Institute ORAL HEALTH FLORIDA

c. Partnership with Tobacco Free Florida- Nancy Zinser proposed the LC and OHF partner with AHEC funded Tobacco Free initiatives and future summits as there are no oral health components being addressed. Nancy will Chair a new subcommittee and present initiatives to the LC council. d. Senior Populations Initiatives- Nancy Zinser would like the group to work on initiatives regarding senior data, as well as how are facilities meeting compliance with mandatory dental exams. The group will hand over this recommendation to the Senior Affinity group. e. Letter of Support to the Governor Requesting a State Dental Director- Nancy Zinser proposed the LC send a letter of support to the Governor similar to the letter FDA sent the Florida Surgeon General requesting a state dental director. All members agreed a letter should be send from OHF and Rick Stevenson will send Dr. Fox FDA’s letter so the LC may draft a similar support letter.

Adjourned- Meeting adjourned at 2:30 VII. PM.

5 Oral Health Florida Coalition Administrated by The Florida Public Health Institute

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