Tennis Steps to Success

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Tennis Steps to Success

Bowling: Steps to Success Test Questions and Answers

The Sport of Bowling MULTIPLE CHOICE Pins are _____ inches tall. a. 15 b. 12 c. 10 d. 20

The maximum weight of a bowling ball is _____ pounds. a. 10 b. 20 c. 16 d. 25

Which of these is not considered good lane etiquette? a. Leave house balls on the lane when finished. b. Make sure the lanes to the right and left are empty before stepping onto the approach. c. Do not use another bowler’s ball unless you ask permission first. d. Stand off the end of the lane while waiting your turn.

TRUE OR FALSE Dead wood (pins knocked over but missed by the sweep) should be cleared off the lane or out of the gutter before the next ball is bowled. True.

A bowler bowls three balls in each frame. False: A bowler bowls two balls in each frame unless the bowler gets a strike or a spare in the 10th frame.

A bowler who gets a strike gets 10 pins for the frame plus the scores for the next two throws. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK Bowlers sometimes are referred to as keglers, from the German word kegeln, which means ______. (to bowl)

The ______line is at the end of the approach. (foul)

A game has ______frames. (10)

SHORT ANSWER Briefly describe the bowling lane, including lane markings. A bowling lane is made of wood or a hard synthetic material. The approach is 16 to 17 feet and has three sets of guide dots. From the foul line to the head pin is 60 feet. Target arrows are marked on the

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. lane, pointing to the head pin. The lane is 41 to 42 inches wide. A gutter or channel is on either side of the lane. The pit is where the pins are. The sweep is used to clear the pins or set them up.

EXTRA CREDIT Research local leagues and tournaments. Write a summary of your findings.

Step 1 Gripping the Ball for Comfort and Control MULTIPLE CHOICE Almost all house balls are drilled with a(n) ______pitch. a. left b. open c. closed d. zero

In a(n) ______pitch, the fingers and thumb move away from the palm. a. open b. closed c. left d. right

Which of these are drawbacks of the two-finger (thumbless) grip? a. Its use could damage lightweight balls. b. Its use prevents a smooth pendulum swing. c. Its use increases the risk of back, shoulder, and knee injuries. d. all of the above

TRUE OR FALSE When inserting the fingers and thumb into the ball, insert the ring and middle fingers first and then the thumb. True.

The fingertip grip is the best grip for beginners. False: It is a grip for more-advanced bowlers.

The pencil test is used to check for proper ball weight. False: It is used to check for correct span.

FILL IN THE BLANK In a conventional grip, the fingers are inserted up to the ______joint. (second)

When the span is correct, the ball will sit comfortably in the ______of the hand. (palm)

In a fingertip grip, the fingers are inserted up to the ______joint. (first)


© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. List and briefly define the four essentials of proper ball fit. 1. Weight: how heavy or light the ball is. 2. Hole size: how the fingers fit in the finger holes of the ball. 3. Span: the distance between the cut of the finger holes and the cut of the thumbhole. 4. Pitch: the angle at which the finger holes are drilled.

EXTRA CREDIT Experiment with the five types of grips described in the text: the conventional, semifingertip, fingertip, claw, and two-finger (thumbless) grips. Summarize your results, addressing the pros and cons of each type of grip.

Step 2 Developing a Bowling Mind-Set MULTIPLE CHOICE Which of the following are characteristics of good goals? a. They are specific. b. They are based on the bowler’s own ambitions. c. They are meaningful and practical. d. all of the above

Where is the refocus zone? a. on the approach b. in the settee area c. just in front of the approach d. none of the above

Which of the following is not a positive affirmation? a. Don’t pull the ball. b. Drop and drive. c. Stay behind the ball. d. Swing free.

TRUE OR FALSE Visualization should be done only on the lanes. False: Visualization can be done at any time and in any place.

On the approach, use a positive affirmation to eliminate distractions and focus. True.

Professional bowlers are perfect bowlers. False: There is no such thing as a perfect bowler, but it’s OK to be imperfect.

FILL IN THE BLANK A ______statement concerns how something is done, while a ______statement focuses on the outcome. (process; product)

How the body learns a movement is referred to as ______learning. (motor)

Some bowlers claim that the game is ______percent mental. (90)

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. SHORT ANSWER Name and define the three zones of the preshot routine. 1. The decompression zone, the settee area off the approach, is a place to relax and think about the last shot. 2. The refocus zone, just in front of the approach, is the place to think about what adjustments to make and visualize the next shot. 3. The energy zone, the approach, is the place to use the preshot routine and focus on the coming shot.

EXTRA CREDIT Write out your preshot checklist.

Step 3 Beginning the Approach With a Solid Stance MULTIPLE CHOICE The arrows on the lane are about ______feet from the foul line. a. 10 b. 20 c. 15 d. 5

In bowling, the word approach means a. the physical act of walking and swinging the ball until it is released b. the playing surface on which the bowler walks c. both of the above d. neither of the above

Shadow bowling is a. bowling in the dark b. a way to practice a new skill without a ball c. a tournament format d. none of the above

TRUE OR FALSE In a good stance, the feet are exactly side by side. False: The feet are slightly staggered.

In the finish position, the bowler is balanced on one foot. True.

In the stance, both of the bowler’s hands should be underneath and supporting the weight of the ball. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK A right-handed bowler who is determining left-to-right positioning puts the slide foot on the ______. (center dot)

If the swing is going to follow the target line, aim must come from the ______, not the eyes. (shoulders)

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. In the stance, turning the shoulders toward the throwing hand is called ______the shoulders. (opening)

SHORT ANSWER Describe how to determine starting distance from the foul line. Walk up to the foul line and turn your back to the pins. Heels are 4 to 6 inches from the foul line. With normal steps, pace off the number of steps used in the approach footwork. Add an extra half step for the slide. Turn around to see where you are on the approach. Repeat three or four times.

EXTRA CREDIT On your own, perform Stance Drill 1 and Stance Drill 2 (pages 37 and 38). Write a summary of your observations of your stance. Use the success checks to determine the quality of your stance.

Step 4 Moving Your Feet With Timing and Efficiency MULTIPLE CHOICE A bowler should walk in a ______line toward the target. a. straight b. curved c. angled d. dotted

Which is an advantage of the five-step approach? a. The initial step gets the body moving. b. It is easier to remember. c. It uses crossover steps. d. It begins with the throwing-side leg taking the first step.

The ______step is the next-to-the-last step in the approach. a. slide b. balance c. power d. straddle

TRUE OR FALSE Knees stay slightly flexed throughout the approach. True.

The feet cross over during the approach. False: Feet stay side by side on the approach.

The slide foot is the base of support for the body weight at the release. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK The leg on the ______side moves first on the first step of the four- step approach. (throwing)

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. The leg on the ______side moves first on the first step of the five-step approach. (nonthrowing)

The ______is the distance from the slide foot to the swing line. (lay- down point)

SHORT ANSWER List the six characteristics of footwork. 1. direction; 2. speed; 3. number of steps; 4. stride length; 5. rhythm; 6. contact angle.

EXTRA CREDIT Have a coach or experienced bowler evaluate your footwork using the criteria listed in Footwork Drill 4. Summarize the feedback.

Step 5 Swinging for Power and Accuracy MULTIPLE CHOICE The first motion of the full swing is the a. downswing b. pushaway c. backswing d. none of the above

When a bowler angles the arm away from the target line during the pushaway, the result is a(n) ______swing. a. straight b. outside c. inside d. down

The height of the swing determines the swing’s ______. a. final velocity b. duration c. angle d. inaccuracy

TRUE OR FALSE The follow-through is the movement of the arm upward after the release of the ball. True.

The height of the swing determines how long the swing takes. False: The length of the bowler’s arm determines how long the swing takes.

Shoulder movement doesn’t affect the release. False: Movement of the upper body will change the swing and affect the release.

FILL IN THE BLANK The synchronization of the steps with the swing is referred to as ______.

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. (timing)

The pendulum swing is powered by ______. (gravity)

The ______is the movement of the ball after the pushaway to its highest point behind the bowler. (backswing)

SHORT ANSWER Explain why it is important to focus on a target in front of the swing shoulder. If you focus on a target straight in front of you and swing to that target, the swing will cross in front of the body. Focus on a target in front of the swing shoulder to keep the swing straight to the target.

EXTRA CREDIT Have a coach or experienced bowler evaluate your swing. Summarize the feedback.

Step 6 Finishing the Approach in Balance MULTIPLE CHOICE A ______step helps move the glide foot under the center of the body, promoting a balanced finish position. a. crossover b. shuffle c. skip d. backward

Which of the following can cause imbalance in the finish position? a. The slide foot is not brought under the body. b. The swing is offline. c. Approach steps veer from a centered position. d. all of the above

An image of reference against which you can compare positioning is referred to as ______. a. a visual template b. bowling against the glass wall c. muscle memory d. timing

TRUE OR FALSE A basic visual template includes a static balance line and a force–counterforce line. True.

The kick of the back leg in the finish position counteracts the force of the swing. True.

Use a shuffle step to move the slide foot under the center of the body at the finish. False: Use a slight crossover step.

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. FILL IN THE BLANK The main difference between the starting and finishing positions is the ______. (knee bend)

Using the clock analogy, for a right-handed bowler the throwing hand follows through to ______o’clock and the balance leg is at ______o’clock. (1, 7)

Using the clock analogy, for a left-handed bowler the throwing hand follows through to ______o’clock and the balance leg is at ______o’clock. (11, 5)

SHORT ANSWER Describe the characteristics of a stable finish position. The upper body tilts forward slightly. The front knee is flexed about 45 degrees with the body centered over the slide foot. The follow-through extends from the throwing shoulder in the direction of the target while the nonthrowing hand extends straight out to the side. The line of the shoulders and the line of the swing make a 90-degree angle.

EXTRA CREDIT Have a coach or experienced bowler evaluate your follow-through. Summarize the feedback.

Step 7 Coordinating the Steps and the Swing MULTIPLE CHOICE The strike pocket is _____ feet from the foul line. a. 30 b. 15 c. 40 d. 60

Which of the following are characteristics of a good four-step approach? a. short, long, short, long walking pattern b. step rhythm—one, two, one two—matching rhythm of pendulum swing c. flexed knees and flat feet d. all of the above

The approach is slowed by the braking action of the ______step. a. pushaway b. backward c. slide d. angled

TRUE OR FALSE A way to fix early timing is to extend the pushaway. True.

In a five-step approach, the swing starts before the first step. False: In the five-step approach, the extra step begins the body movement before the start of the swing.

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. The foot opposite the throwing hand takes the slide step. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK The coordination of the swing and footwork is referred to as ______. (timing)

In every step of the approach, the body is ______over the feet. (centered)

The goal of good coordination of the steps and swing is the conservation of ______. (momentum)

SHORT ANSWER List and briefly describe signs of early timing. Ball reaches release point before footwork is finished, preventing the transfer of momentum from the footwork to the ball. Body is not in a balanced, stable finish position, leading to an ineffective release. Bowler may drop the ball. Bowler may need to step after the release to keep balanced. Stroke will be inaccurate.

EXTRA CREDIT Have a coach or experienced bowler evaluate your approach and swing. Summarize the feedback.

Step 8 Creating an Effective Release MULTIPLE CHOICE Which of the following are ways to create angle? a. Change position on the lane. b. Create side roll. c. both of the above

The ______release is the simplest active release. a. rolling b. straight c. pendulum d. backup

Point to the target with the ______, not the thumb. a. pinkie finger b. ring finger c. index finger d. middle finger

TRUE OR FALSE Increasing the entry angle of the ball into the pins increases the size of the strike pocket. True.

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. A hook can be created only with an active release. False: Either an active or a passive release can create hook.

For a release to be effective, the wrist should break back. False: The most effective release is created when the wrist stays straight.

FILL IN THE BLANK During a ______release, there is no movement at the release point. (passive)

The best release for a spare shot is a ______release. (straight)

In a hook release, the fingers are in a _____ o’clock and _____ o’clock position. (10, 4)

SHORT ANSWER List and briefly describe the five phases of the release. 1. Drive phase: ball falls through downswing, hand pressing against back of ball. 2. Thumb release phase: ball starts to slide off thumb near bottom of swing, thumb does not squeeze the ball, ball weight begins to transfer to the fingers and front of the hand. 3. Turn phase: forearm rotates as ball enters bottom of downswing, ball weight completely transfers onto fingers, finger pressure begins to work up side of ball. 4. Extension phase: Forearm rotation is completed, swing passes lowest point, fingers drive through. 5. Finger release, or lift, phase: fingers lift up side of ball as pendulum of swing begins to move upward, ball is driven into the lane at a shallow angle.

EXTRA CREDIT Have a coach or experienced swimmer evaluate your release. Summarize the feedback.

Step 9 Adjusting the Stance, Swing, and Release MULTIPLE CHOICE The most versatile wrist position is the a. cupped wrist position b. straight wrist position c. bent wrist position d. none of the above

A bowler who throws a strong hook and notices the lanes are beginning to dry out should try a. playing the outside line b. playing the inside line c. throwing a backup ball d. none of the above

Which of the following are advantages of the loop, or inside-out, swing? a. It is a continuous, fluid stroke. b. Hand is in a better position behind the ball to provide leverage. c. The swing is less stressful than a true pendulum swing.

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. d. all of the above

TRUE OR FALSE Power players prefer to use the loop, or inside-out, swing. True.

The oil on the left side of the lane breaks down faster than the oil on the right side of the lane. False: The oil on the right side of the lane breaks down faster.

Moving away from the center of the lane creates a better angle to the strike pocket. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK The three basic arc shapes of the swing are ______, ______, and ______. (pendulum, flattened, V-shape)

When adjusting to play the outside line, the throwing-side foot is ______with the foot on the nonthrowing side. (even)

The hand stays ______the ball through the pendulum swing. (behind)

SHORT ANSWER What conditions might require a change in the stance, swing, or release? Lane conditions change constantly. Oil distribution is altered as the ball travels down the lane. A bowler needs to be able to make alterations based on lane conditions.

EXTRA CREDIT Experiment with the flattened swing, V-swing, and loop (or inside-out) swing. Observe the difference the swing makes in the delivery of the ball and summarize your findings.

Step 10 Adjusting the Line to the Strike Pocket MULTIPLE CHOICE A ______system changes the ball location by adjusting the starting position on the approach. a. pivot b. angle shift c. hook angle d. block

The distance from the center of one pin to the center of the next pin is _____ inches. a. 3 b. 6 c. 5 d. 4

A ball that hits more toward the middle of the headpin is ______. a. a heavy, or high, hit b. a light, or low, hit

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. c. an ideal strike shot d. a parallel shot

TRUE OR FALSE The secondary targets are the starting and finish position. False: The secondary targets are the finish position and the point of contact with the pins.

A bowler who throws a large hook may need to do more than simply change the angle on the lane. True.

To adjust after a high hit, a bowler should move in the direction of the mistake. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK The two primary targets are the ______position and the ______on the lanes. (starting position; target arrows or visual target)

The space between two adjacent pins is the ______. (pocket)

The line from the headpin to the 7 pin is the ______line. (accuracy)

SHORT ANSWER Describe the ball path of a perfect strike. The ball hits four pins: 1, 3, 5, and 9. The other pins fall as a result of pin-to-pin contact. The headpin takes out 2, 4, and 7. The 3 pin takes out 6 and 10. The 5 pin takes out 8.

EXTRA CREDIT With a few classmates, perform Accuracy Drill 3, the Swedish National Team Drill, on page 157. Keep track of your score.

Step 11 Using a Spare-Shooting System MULTIPLE CHOICE There are ______basic adjustments that can be made for spare shots. a. six b. seven c. three d. eight

A right-handed bowler should move ______boards when going to the right but ______boards when moving to the left. a. two; three b. four; one c. four; three d. three; four

If sectioning the pin setup is your spare-shooting strategy, when you have a left-corner spare, find a line to the _____ pin.

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. a. 7 b. 4 c. 1 d. 10

TRUE OR FALSE Elite bowlers who have high averages may have to shoot spares only about 10 percent of the time. False: Even bowlers with high averages have to shoot spares 40 to 45 percent of the time.

In a pivot spare-shooting system, no adjustment from the strike line is needed for spares in the center. True.

Sectioning the pin setup is a spare-shooting system that works independently of the strike line. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK When confronted with a split, a bowler may choose to focus on knocking down at least one pin instead of attempting to convert the spare. This strategy is called ______. (saving count)

The ______pin is the focus of the spare shot. (key)

The margin of ______is much greater for a spare than for a strike. (error)

SHORT ANSWER Describe a few strategies you can use to prepare for a spare shot. Relax. Let go of the frustration of the previous shot. Visualize making the spare. Focus on spare-shooting strategy. Identify the key pin. Breathe deeply. Make adjustments based on spare-shooting strategy.

EXTRA CREDIT Play a game of bowling golf with some of your classmates. (See Spare-Shooting Drill 2 on page 169.) Keep track of your score.

Step 12 Adjusting to Lane Conditions MULTIPLE CHOICE Which of the following strategies can be used if there is too much skid? a. Move away from center, reduce ball speed, and change your release b. Move toward center of lane, increase speed or loft, and use a drive release. c. Switch to a ball with a smoother surface. d. none of the above

The ball should be in the ______phase just before it hits the pins. a. skid b. roll

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. c. hook d. directional

The lane phase just after the lane machine puts down fresh oil is called the ______phase. a. fresh shot b. breakdown c. carrydown d. hook

TRUE OR FALSE The oil pattern on a lane stays the same as bowlers use the lane. False: The ball picks up some of the oil and redistributes it on the lane.

As the ball rolls down the lane, it goes through three phases: skid, hook, and roll. True.

The more oil there is on the lane, the less traction the ball will have. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK The three sections of the lane are the ______, ______, and ______. (head; midlane; back end)

The lane phase created when bowling balls pick up oil at the head of the lane and deposit it farther down the lane is the ______phase. (carrydown)

The dry area of the lane just outside your intended target is called the ______. (wall)

SHORT ANSWER List and briefly describe the three basic types of lane oil patterns. 1. Crown pattern: more oil near middle of lane, gradual tapering toward edges. 2. Block pattern: large block of oil in middle of lane, very dry away from the block. 3. Reverse, or reverse block, pattern: less oil in middle of lane, more oil toward the sides of the lane.

EXTRA CREDIT Research the various oil patterns used in professional events and write a report of your findings.

Step 13 Bowling Competitively MULTIPLE CHOICE In the ______format, all bowlers combine for one game; each bowler bowls a frame and then rotates. a. handicap b. Baker c. WIBC d. jackpot

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc. Which of the following are benefits of bowling? a. It offers opportunities for socializing and competing with other bowlers. b. Bowling is a lifelong physical activity. c. Bowling can relieve stress and develop physical fitness. d. all of the above

Which of the following statements describe(s) the alternate scoring method called scotch doubles? a. In scotch doubles, players alternate throwing the ball in a frame, with one partner throwing the initial ball and the second partner attempting to pick up the spare. b. Scotch doubles is popular social format although it isn’t often used in tournaments or leagues. c. both of the above d. neither of the above

TRUE OR FALSE Some leagues set limits on player averages, referred as an average cap. True.

It isn’t necessary to have an established average to figure a bowler’s handicap. False: A handicap uses the bowler’s established average to calculate the bowler’s handicap.

If a tournament requires a sanctioned average from the previous year but you don’t have one, you may be assigned one. True.

FILL IN THE BLANK A tournament format in which each bowler or team bowls every other bowler or team at least once is called a(n) ______tournament. (round-robin)

A tournament format in which players are seeded into brackets is called a(n) ______tournament. (elimination)

A(n) ______system allows bowlers of different skill levels to compete against each other. (handicap)

SHORT ANSWER List some of the penalties a league bowler may experience if he fails to pay his league fee. May not be allowed to bowl again until he pays his fee. Forced to forfeit any prize money or awards. Captain may remove him from the team. May be sued by the league. May be barred from USBC-sanctioned competitions.

EXTRA CREDIT Research some bowling leagues in your area and summarize your findings. What is the level of competition in each league? What is the required makeup of the teams (male-to- female ratio, age range, average cap)?

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc.

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