Liberal vs. Conservative 1790-1940

Dates Liberal Conservative 1790-1824 Thomas Jefferson spokesman Alexander Hamilton spokesman Favored farmers Favored commercial, mercantile groups Best government is the least government Government should be strong Advocated states’ rights Wanted centralized government power Opposed National Bank Favored National Bank Supported low taxes/tariffs Believed that tariffs were necessary Supported reduced army and navy Strong national defense Laissez-faire 1824-1840 Personal liberty, weak government Supported compact theory of government Free competition, egalitarian opportunity Weak presidents Anti-National Band, anit-tariffs Pro-National Bank States should fund roads, canals National government should fund roads, Supported Andrew Jackson canals Whigs-opponents of Andrew Jackson Supported Henry Clay

1840-1865 Pro-union States’ rights Antislavery Proslavery Favored national program of roads/canals Opposed national program of roads/canals Opposed westward expansion Favored westward expansion Opposed extending slavery into territories Favored extending slavery into territories Opposed secession Supported secession

1865-1900 Supported Radical Reconstruction Resisted Radical Reconstruction Wanted honesty in government Tolerated spoils system Supported Reform Darwinism Supported Social Darwinism Anti-imperialist Expansionist Expanded money supply (paper, silver) Supported gold standard Supported government regulation of Laissez-faire business High tariffs Wanted low tariffs Gospel of Wealth

1900-1940 Government intervention is society Old Guard Republicans Progressive social and labor reforms Extremely favorable to business interests Regulations and limitations of trusts Isolationism Collective security (League of Nations) Leaders: Taft, Lodge, Harding, Coolidge, Promoted consumer protection Hoover Presidents: T. Roosevelt, W. Wilson and Rugged Individualism FDR Normalcy in 1920s Direct government relief/welfare in 1930s Best government is least government Square Deal, New Deal No direct relief or welfare Low tariffs High tariffs