How to Use Digital Dropbox


This demo will show you how to submit things to your instructor through the digital dropbox.

Step by Step

1. First you need to log in to Blackboard and access your course.

2. To do this, you need to go to the “tool” button in Blackboard.

a. Click on “tools”. You will see there are a number of things available.

b. Click on ”digital toolbox”.

c. Then there are two options – add a file and send a file.

3. If you added a file, it will say “posted on the date and time, but this assignment has not been sent to the instructor. You have simply added the file to the digital dropbox.

4. The second one called “assignment” has been submitted to the instructor, because it shows submitted with a date and time.

5. So I going to send you a file to show you how to send a file to your instructor because that is what you will be doing most often. I will also show you how to add a file.

6. To send a file to your instructor, you click on ”send file”.

a. You can either choose a file that is already in your digial dropbox. So I could choose one of the two assignments in this demo or I can upload one from my desktop.

b. I am going to call this Assignment 3 and enter it into the “name” box.

i. Next I will use the browser box to find my assignment, select Word document, and open it.

ii. Then in the “comment box” I will write a note to my instructor saying here is my assignment”. Then click submit. iii. Blackboard will give you a message saying “Assignment 3 has been sent to the selected user with role of instructor” and the date it was submitted. Click okay. Then it tells me that this assignment was submitted.

c. Perhaps I just want to add a file to the digital dropbox. If I am at school and I forgot my flash drive and worked on something on the computer in the lab, I just want to add the file to the digital dropbox.

i. I can click on ”add file” and name it “Assignment 4”.

ii. Next I am going to browse on my desktop to find an assignment and open the file. Then I will add a comment “Assignment 4 – don’t forget to submit by Friday”. This will be a note to yourself. Click submit.

iii. Then you will get a note from Blackboard saying, “the file has been added but not sent”. To send the file, click “send file”. Send file can be used to simultaneously add and send a file.

iv. To send the file, click “send file” and it will be sent. Click okay and submit.

v. A new message will appear saying “Assignment 4 has been added to the dropbox”. Click ok.

vi. Now you see Assignment 4 has been added and posted, along with my comment “Don’t forget to submit by Friday”.

So that is how to submit a file to your instructor and also add a file to your digital dropbox.