Stories: Who Works Here?, the Big Circle, and Life in the Forest

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Stories: Who Works Here?, the Big Circle, and Life in the Forest

We hope the holiday season is off to a wonderful start for you and your family! Thank you for all your positive feedback from our Family Learning Night! Report cards will soon be distributed. These provide a snapshot of where your child is at the close of our first trimester. Hopefully this report card helps us recognize and enrich areas of strength while bolstering areas that are still developing. We are so proud of all students in our classroom for all that they have accomplished so far in first grade. Way to go! 

Literacy Highlights Stories: “Who Works Here?,” “The Big Circle,” and “Life in the Forest” Genres: Expository Nonfiction, Fiction

Phonics Skills: Long I (CVCe) and Digraphs wh, ch, tch, Long o (CVCe pattern) and Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll, Long u (CVCe) and inflected endings -ed Comprehension Skills: Author’s Purpose, Sequence Comprehension Strategies: Ask Questions, Monitor and Fix up, Preview Writing Focus: “If I Were President,” Writing questions, Adding more detail sentences to journal writing, Responding to prompts by restating the question

Math Highlights Topic 3 – Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies Skills: Make 10 to Add, Explain Addition Strategies, Solve Addition Word Problems with Facts 20, Math Practices and Problem Solving: Critique Reasoning

Topic 4- Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies Skills: Count to Subtract, Make 10 to Subtract, Fact Families, Use Addition to Subtract Math Facts- Addition ( Plus 0, 1, and 2 and Sums to 10) Subtraction (Minus 0, 1, 2 and Differences to 10)

Social Studies and Science Highlights Topics: Thanksgiving; Balance and Motion

Final thoughts …

 Please feel free to help your child refresh his/ her book box by sending in new books to swap out.

 We could always use sets of playing cards for math games if you have any that you are looking to get rid of.

 Holiday Party information will be shared next week.

 I will be sending home Term 2 Math facts to focus on as well as a focused sight word list for the year. Please note those and practice with your child daily. Thanks! 

 Always feel free to be in touch with any questions or concerns. 

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