Osteopaths, Health Workforce Annual Survey, 2010

Introduction A health workforce survey was included with each invoice for the Annual Practising Certificates (APC) sent to osteopaths in February 2010. Of the 470 osteopaths who were sent an invoice, 281 (59.8 percent) indicated that they were working actively as osteopaths, 11 (2.3 percent) respondents indicated that they were not actively working and 178 (37.9 percent) did not respond to the survey. The 281 actively working osteopaths represent 96.2 percent of survey respondents. It is not known if the APC holders who did not respond to the survey are working in this field. The following statistics are based on the 281 active osteopaths.

List of tables Table 1: Age and gender of active osteopaths, 2010 2 Table 2: Ethnicity of active osteopaths, by gender, 2010 3 Table 3: Qualification country of active osteopaths, by gender, 2010 3 Table 4: District Health Board of employer, by average hours worked, 2010 4 Table 5: Main employment setting of active osteopaths, by gender, 2010 5 Table 6: Worktype by main employment setting for active osteopaths, 2010 6 Table 7: Worktype by gender, 2010 6

List of figures Figure 1: Age and gender of active osteopaths, percentage, 2010 2 Figure 2: Ethnicity of active osteopaths, by gender, percentage, 2010 3 Figure 3: Qualification country of active osteopaths, as a percentage, 2010 4 Figure 4: District Health Board of employer for active osteopaths, by average hours worked, 2010 5 Figure 5: Main employment setting of active osteopaths, 2010 6 Figure 6: Worktype in main employment setting for active osteopaths, by gender, percentage, 2010 7 Figure 7: Active osteopaths by year of qualification, 1964 to 2009 7 Survey results Of those respondents with a reported gender, 55.4 percent were male, as illustrated in Table 1 and Figure 1. The median age of respondents was 41 years.

Table 1: Age and gender of active osteopaths, 2010 Age group Male Female Not reported Total Percent 20–24 4 3 0 7 2.5 25–29 12 23 1 36 12.8 30–34 21 17 0 38 13.5 35–39 24 22 3 49 17.4 40–44 22 14 2 38 13.5 45–49 21 13 2 36 12.8 50–54 22 13 3 38 13.5 55–59 16 12 0 28 10.0 60+ 7 3 1 11 3.9 Total 149 120 12 281 100.0

Figure 1: Age and gender of active osteopaths, percentage, 2010

Percentage 10.0

9.0 Male

8.0 Female








0.0 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60+ Age group

2 Table 2: Ethnicity of active osteopaths, by gender, 2010 Ethnicity Male Female Not reported Total Percent NZ European 57 55 3 115 40.9 NZ Maori 2 4 1 7 2.5 Other European – British & Irish 56 31 3 90 32.0 Other European 17 14 1 32 11.4 Other European – Australian 6 8 2 16 5.7 Indian 1 3 0 4 1.4 Chinese 2 0 0 2 0.7 South East Asian 2 0 0 2 0.7 African 1 1 0 2 0.7 Cook Island Maori 0 1 0 1 0.4 Other 5 1 1 7 2.5 Not reported 0 2 1 3 1.1 Total 149 120 12 281 100.0

The majority of the active osteopaths identified themselves as belonging to a European ethnic group (see Table 2 and Figure 2). This trend is consistent with previous years.

Figure 2: Ethnicity of active osteopaths, by gender, percentage, 2010

Percentage 25.0

Male 20.0 Female




0.0 i t r d n r n n n e n s h n e n a a a o a s a i s a a h a i e a e e e i e l n t d n r r c E p p p p i n I a s

M i i n a o r I O i l o o o o I f h h a r r r r t s & a Z k A r u u u u C u A M t o h N E E E E o s o

s i r r r S u t Z i C e e e r A

N h h h B - t t t

- O O O Ethnicity

Table 3: Qualification country of active osteopaths, by gender, 2010 Qualification country Male Female Not reported Total New Zealand 48 38 4 90 United Kingdom 87 63 6 156 Australia 10 18 2 30 France 2 0 0 2 Not reported 2 1 0 3 Total 149 120 12 281

Most osteopaths (55.5 percent) became qualified in the United Kingdom and 32.0 percent became qualified in New Zealand (Table 3 and Figure 3).

3 Figure 3: Qualification country of active osteopaths, as a percentage, 2010 France Australia 1% 11%

New Zealand 32%

United Kingdom 56%

Table 4: District Health Board of employer, by average hours worked, 2010 Average hours per District health board Number week Northland 10 41.4 Waitemata 28 41.9 Auckland 36 40.9 Counties-Manukau 5 39.8 Waikato 19 42.3 Lakes 8 41.3 Bay of Plenty 17 43.1 Tairawhiti 5 40.6 Hawkes Bay 12 47.8 Taranaki 1 30.0 MidCentral 6 40.8 Whanganui 7 45.4 Capital & Coast 24 40.5 Hutt Valley 9 39.0 Wairarapa 2 36.0 Nelson Marlborough 12 40.3 Canterbury 16 42.8 Otago 4 41.0 Southland 1 33.0 Total full-time 222 41.7 Part-time 53 18.4 Hours not reported 6 – Total 281 –

Table 4 shows the District Health Board (DHB) region of employer, by average hours worked. Please note that, because the number of active practitioners in some regions is very low, the average figure must be treated with caution.

4 Figure 4: District Health Board of employer for active osteopaths, by average hours worked, 2010

Average hours worked



Total full-time 40.0




0.0 i l t i - i u o o d a s h y d k y t y a y a d s t t i u s t r r g a e g n n a a e p n a t a a h n l n u e l a k k u a i a n a n a B o l n l k t t a l e b i w r a u a l o m a o h e r k n g h C r r a a a t s n L O e V t s P e c r r l r t u n C o i a i i e t a t u f & u W o o a t e d b

a a k a n T i l o l o M h u A r N C N a T a w S W M W t y a H i a W C a p M H B a C

District Health Board of Employer

Excluding District Health Boards with less than five respondents, the highest average hours worked per week was in the Hawke’s Bay district (47.8 hours). The lowest was in the Hutt Valley district (39 hours).

Table 5: Main employment setting of active osteopaths, by gender, 2010

Not Main Employer Male Female reported Total % Private practice – self employed 119 99 10 228 81.1 – employed 22 16 2 40 14.2 Other 6 3 0 9 3.2 Not Reported 2 2 0 4 1.4 Total 149 120 12 281 100.0

Table 5 and Figure 5 show that the majority (81.1 percent) of active osteopaths are self-employed in private practice.

5 Figure 5: Main employment setting of active osteopaths, 2010

Not reported Other 1.4% 3.2%

Private practice (employed) 14.2%

Private practice (self employed) 81.1%

Table 6: Worktype by main employment setting for active osteopaths, 2010 y h t a h p c o t d r e n e a t t e e r s s o o m e p l e r / e a g r r y l a R e

e d a n t

Main employment t h n u a t o t o setting e M S O N T G Private practice – self employed 227 146 118 30 3 524 – employed 41 21 18 5 0 85 Other 4 3 4 5 0 16 Not Reported 0 0 0 0 6 6 Total 272 170 140 40 9 631

Table 6 shows the main employment setting by work type. Each osteopath had the option of specifying more than one worktype. This table shows that the 281 active osteopaths reported 631 worktypes. This is 2.2 worktypes per active osteopath. The most common combination of worktype and employment setting was general osteopathy in private practice (self-employed).

Table 7: Worktype by gender, 2010 Not Worktype Male Female reported Total General osteopathy 144 116 12 272 Management 93 72 5 170 Study/research 76 59 5 140 Other 25 13 2 40 Not Reported 5 4 0 9 Total 343 264 24 631

6 Table 7 and Figure 6 show the worktypes of active osteopaths. General osteopathy was the most common worktype.

Figure 6: Worktype in main employment setting for active osteopaths, by gender, percentage, 2010

Percentage 25.0

Male 20.0 Female




0.0 General osteopathy Managem ent Study/research Other


Figure 7: Active osteopaths by year of qualification, 1964 to 2009

Number of osteopaths 20










0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year of qualification

Figure 7 shows the years active osteopaths received their main qualification. The earliest year recorded was 1964 and the most recent 2009. The most common decade for osteopathic-related qualifications was 2000 to 2009.

The Ministry of Health would like to thank all the health care professionals who completed the 2010 workforce questionnaire. This is an annual survey which all health care professionals are encouraged to complete. If you have any comments or require further survey results please contact:

7 Analytical Services Regulation and Governance Directorate Ministry of Health PO Box 5013, Wellington 6145

Tel: (04) 816 2870 Fax: (04) 816 2898 Email: [email protected]