Sibley Christian Reformed Church s2

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Sibley Christian Reformed Church s2

SIBLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Third Sunday of Advent – December 14, 2014 *God’s Greeting Pastor Roger Bouwman *We Greet One Another Welcome to the Sibley Christian Reformed Church … A place to gather, worship, and praise the Lord! Ministry in Music “It Came upon the Midnight Clear” Jeff Vande Griend WE REFLECT AND PREPARE FOR THE LORD’S SUPPER Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. Leader: As we prepare to celebrate Holy Communion next Sunday, let us remember Prelude that Scripture calls us to examine ourselves before God. Let us therefore ask God for the proper spirit in which to celebrate the sacrament. Welcome/Announcements Almighty God, before whom can be neither secret thought nor hidden deed, grant us your Spirit that we may know our hearts, our lives, and our inmost thoughts as you Lighting of the Advent Wreath by Carol & Tiffany Ling know them. Grant us your grace that we may repent sincerely of all sin, find peace with you through our Lord Jesus Christ, and grow in assurance of salvation in him. May the Reading: Isaiah 12:2-6 (NIV) celebration of our Savior’s infinite love in his redeeming death bring joy to us and glory to “’Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my you. strength and my song; he has become my salvation.’ With joy you will draw water from All: We thank you, heavenly Father, for the atoning power of our Savior’s death the wells of salvation. In that day you will say: ‘Give thanks to the Lord, call on his and for our share in his victory over sin. Open our hearts as we prepare for this name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is celebration, that it may strengthen us in our faith, establish us in our hope, and exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the confirm us in our love. In his name, Amen. world. Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.’” Leader: Brothers and sisters, let us first examine our faith. We all confess the truth of God as taught by Scripture and summarized in the creeds of the church. By this faith we Lighting of the pink candle. take to ourselves Christ and all his benefits, so that for us to live is Christ. With this candle we think of Joy. We invite God’s people to rejoice over the present reign of our Lord Jesus and joyfully anticipate his certain return. [light two purple, and All: Lord God, author and finisher of all true believing, confirm our faith as we the pink candle last] prepare for the holy sacrament. Prayer Leader: Let us, further, examine our hope. All Christian hope rests upon the finished Reader: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever faithful to your promises and ever close to work of Christ as Savior. The holy gospel teaches that all our righteousness is in him your church: the earth rejoices in hope of the Savior’s coming and looks forward with alone. God’s children rely wholly upon the merits of Christ, find in him their strength and longing to his return at the end of time. Prepare our hearts and remove the sadness that victory, and confidently expect his return in glory. They look forward to celebrating this hinders us from feeling the joy and hope that his presence will bestow, for he is Lord for holy supper anew with him in the kingdom. They will surely be received by God at his ever and ever. table. Everyone: Amen All: Most merciful Father, fill us with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the *Advent Song [announce] power of the Holy Spirit we may abound in hope. And now let us stand and sing “Joy to the World” Red # 125:1-3 Leader: Let us also examine our love, both for God and our neighbors. Remember the WE GATHER AROUND THE WORD OF GOD great and first commandment to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Let us consciously determine to live a life of loving service to him, through *Song of Preparation: “O Little Town of Bethlehem” Red # 141:3 & 4 Christ our Lord. Let us also search ourselves to determine whether we love our *Prayer for Illumination neighbors as Christ commands. Do we unselfishly live for the welfare of others? Do our lives reflect the godly virtues of obedience, fidelity, integrity, justice, humility, and Scripture: Luke 1:39-58 (page 1588) contentment? Do we seek reconciliation with our neighbors in all cases of offense? Sermon: “How They Were, and We Too Are, Blessed on Purpose” All: Dear Father, daily increase in us the greatest gift of all, our Christian love. Prayer for Application Leader: If these marks of spiritual life are not evident in us, we may not presume to approach his table. Those, therefore, who live in self-righteousness, who hope in works *Song of Application: “O Holy Night!” Red # 148:2 & 3 or virtues of their own, and who do not show love to God and neighbor, have no true place at the Lord’s Supper. Yet we should not be deterred by any sin lingering within WE LEAVE TO SERVE GOD WITH THANKFUL HEARTS against our will. As we find faith, hope, and love within us, we ought gladly to obey our *Benediction: Lord’s command and come with full expectation to God’s open house of mercy. *Doxology: “Joy to the World!” Red # 125:4 All: Gracious God, we love and adore you in Christ our Lord. We thank you for reconciling us to yourself in him. We rejoice in being received as your children. *Moment of Reflection Prepare us by your Holy Spirit for the sacrament. Help us to come in the assurance that by it we shall be spiritually revived, and strengthened in faith, Postlude hope, and love, through Christ our Lord. Amen *please stand if able * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Song of Praise: “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” Red #133: all A warm welcome on this third Sunday of Advent. May the joy of Christ’s coming lift the hearts of all of us as we worship God and share our love with one another. WE BRING OUR PRAYERS AND OFFERINGS Joy! Joy! Joy! Pastoral Prayer TODAY is PREPARATORY SUNDAY. The Lord willing, we hope to celebrate the Lord’s Supper next Sunday morning. Therefore, God’s word instructs us to examine our lives Offering 1st blue bag – General Budget prior to partaking of the sacrament. 2nd red bag – Osceola Love Bank There will be a Vespers Communion service held in the Council room next Sunday at 4:30 p.m. for anyone who is not able to attend the service in the morning. We welcome Pastor Roger Bouwman to our pulpit as he leads us in our morning worship service. May the Lord bless the proclamation of His Holy Word. This afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The Cornerstone Quartet from Leota, MN will be giving a concert. Invite your friends to join you and come to listen to the message they will be giving. Next Sunday Pastor Roger Bouwman will lead our worship services. Everyone is invited to stay for coffee fellowship following the morning service. CHURCH CALENDAR: Coffee servers will be Larry & Lavonne Andringa and Lois Haverkamp TODAY 8:45 a.m. Praise Singers practice Next Sunday coffee servers will be Keith & Lois Boersma and Cliff & Karen Wynia 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service 10:50 a.m. Youth Church School class CHURCH FAMILY 3:00 p.m. Cornerstone Quartet concert Keep Keith and Lois Boersma in prayer as they mourn and adjust to the death of Lois' 4:30 p.m. Council meeting; devotions-Clarence Jilderda father, Nelson Post, this past week. The memorial service was Friday in Edgerton. WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Pray for Lois' Mother and their family. THURSDAY 7:00 p.m. Youth Class Christmas program practice NEXT SUNDAY 8:45 a.m. Praise Singers practice Kathy Zylstra has received another of the chemo treatments this past week. Keep her 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service in your prayers as she soldiers on in her battle with cancer. 10:50 a.m. Youth Church School class Lift up our members who become more homebound as the cold winter weather sets in. 4:30 p.m. Vespers Communion service Lift up Mary Davelaar and Alice Offringa. 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service Pastor's brother, Denny begins a week of chemo treatments on Monday. Pray he may Offerings next Sunday will be for General Budget and Focus on the Family be given that which his body needs to absorb this assault. All articles for The Messenger should be given to the editor or put in The Messenger THANK YOU! box by TODAY, December 14th. On behalf of Back to God Ministries International, thank you for your prayers and Anyone making fudge for the Sioux Falls Prison please have your fudge at church on support over the last 75 years. Please continue to pray for us as we share the gospel Wednesday, December 17th. Darrell will be taking it to Sioux Falls on Thursday, and carry out discipleship through media. We’ve been so blessed by your faithfulness, December 18th. and countless others around the world have been touched by your efforts. If you’d like more information about our 75 years of media ministry, check out our website at Osceola Love Bank is asking for monetary donations to help fill food boxes this year. Thanks again, and we look forward to your continued The cost to fill each box is about $50. Any amount is appreciated! Donations can be partnership in the coming years. mailed to Osceola Love Bank, 402 6th St., Sibley, IA 51249. Call 754-3784 with Kurt Selles, Director Back to God Ministries International questions or to request a food box for yourself or others. PRAYER LIST of our servicemen: The S-O Elementary guidance counselor has asked the churches to help with supplying Dylan Johnson (nephew of Lori and Loren Bosma) items for the weekend back pack program. Our church is asked to supply the pudding Patrick Kyle Whitley (grandson of Irene Timmerman) packs & Jell-O cups. Please bring your items to our church kitchen. Cash donations can James Frangenberg (grandson of Charles and Joyce Bosma) be made out to the school. They will be used to purchase fruit or perishable items as Preston Smidt (grandson of Ed and Mary Ellen Smidt) needed. Dan Fisher (nephew of Cliff & Karen Wynia) Luke Bootsma (grandson of Garrold Bootsma) The Sibley Presbyterian Relay for Life Teams sponsors a Baked Potato Dinner fundraiser on Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014, serving from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m., in the fellowship OUR SHUT INS hall. Come and enjoy the excellent food and at the same time help the American Cancer Remember our shut ins in your prayers and with your visits: Society with your freewill offering donations. Sibley Nursing & Rehab Center: Judy Eekhoff, Richard Starkenburg, Josie Vogel Whispering Heights, Rock Valley: Alfred Vogel In her own home: Alice Offringa "Celebrate Christmas by attending the Western Christian High School Choral and Instrumental Christmas Concert on Monday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the B.J. Haan Auditorium at Dordt College. All the choral and instrumental groups at Western Christian will be performing and celebrating in music the birth of our Lord and Savior." The regular monthly Fishes & Loaves Kitchen outreach meal to the community is being held on Saturday, Dec. 20, at 6 p.m., in the Sibley First Presbyterian Church fellowship hall. Homemade soups, bread, and Christmas cookies will be served. All are welcome! No charge or freewill offering. ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS Justice For All is planning the 2015 Jan-Feb ‘Serving & Learning’ Opportunities and would love to have you join one of the teams! These weeks are wonderful opportunities to serve others but also to experience and understand God’s Kingdom in new and important ways! Projects are being planned in Mexico, Mississippi, & Haiti throughout the months of January & February. For specific locations and dates, you can check out our website – www.jfa- nwiowa .org; call Pat or Lauren at 712-476-2804; or email [email protected] There will be an informational meeting on Monday evening, Jan 5, 2015 at JFA Ministry Center, 1335 Valley Dr, Rock Valley, IA at 7PM. You can also come by JFA at any time to visit about the trips. Sign up is possible by picking up an application at JFA, or by email. If you are interested in the Mexico trip, please contact Pat by the end of December. Ride for Tim for the month of December is Jeff Vande Griend POWER POINT TODAY: Dylan Runia Next Sunday: Dreycen Foiles USHERS TODAY Duane Runia, Scott Arneson Next Sunday Jeff Vande Griend, Scott Arneson LIBRARIANS TODAY Pearl Vander Pol Next Sunday Dee Jilderda GREETERS TODAY A.M. Darrell Teerink’s & Gene Wietzema’s Next Sunday A.M. Larry Andringa’s & Wilma Bootsma, Murt Vogel NURSERY TODAY A.M. Kaileen Runia & Nate Runia Next Sunday A.M. Loren & Lori Bosma

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