Arkansas State University-Beebe

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Arkansas State University-Beebe





Arkansas State University-Beebe EMT-Paramedic Program consists of 1200 hours of classroom, clinical, and ALS internship exposure to meet the1999EMT National Standards curriculum set by the Department of Transportation and the Arkansas Office of EMS & Trauma Systems requirements for paramedic training. The EMT Basic course consists of 240 hours of classroom and clinical time which exceed the Arkansas Office of EMS & Trauma Systems requirements.

Our standards are high, and students will best meet these standards through: ¢ Keen interest ¢ Enthusiasm ¢ Consistent attendance ¢ Commitment to excellence ¢ Strong communication skills


The goal of the ASU-Beebe EMT/Paramedic Program is to produce competent, entry-level paramedics and EMTs to serve in career and volunteer positions in the state of Arkansas. In accordance with the DOT National curriculum this goal will be accomplished through the following objectives involving the three domains of learning. At the completion of the course, the student will: 1. Demonstrate the cognitive ability to comprehend, apply, and evaluate the clinical information relative to his/her as an entry-level EMT/paramedic. 2. Demonstrate technical proficiency in all psychomotor skills necessary to fulfill the role as entry-level EMT/paramedics. 3. Demonstrate the affective personal behaviors consistent with professional and employer expectations for the entry-level EMT/paramedic. 4. Be able to manage a team of rescuers, supervise and perform assessment of the scene/patient and apply currently acceptable patient care protocols, given a pre- hospital emergency care scenario. 5. Contribute in a positive manner to the learning environment. Become an active participant in the teaching and learning process and seek leaning opportunities outside of the classroom. 6. Demonstrate clinical competence prior to and while assigned to patient care responsibilities. 7. Be familiar with the hospital environment, including policies, practices, equipment, and skills as they relate directly to or indirectly to the EMT/paramedic in the field. 8. Be familiar with the pre-hospital environment, including policies, practices, equipment, and skills as they relate to or indirectly to the EMT/paramedic in the field.


This handbook has been prepared for your use. It will be your responsibility to keep and copy the forms and to maintain the handbook for reference.

Professionalism is considered an integral part of the ASU-Beebe curriculum. The attributes that have been outlined in the DOT curriculum are incorporated in the learning/teaching environment and expected from the student. These include: integrity, empathy, self-motivation, appearance, and personal hygiene, self confidence, communications, time management, teamwork and diplomacy, respect, patient advocacy, and careful delivery of service.


Classroom instruction will consist of the hours necessary to meet the curriculum guidelines the first semester, the second semester, and the first summer term. Special classes will be set as needed and will be the student’s responsibility to attend. EMT classroom instruction will consist of the hours necessary to meet the guidelines for one semester either fall or spring. Appropriate dress and hygiene must be adhered to in the classroom as well and in the clinical and field internships.


Clinical hours (in hospital) will consist of 300 hours for Paramedic over two semesters & one summer term and 60 hours for EMT over one semester. Hours will be scheduled at the discretion of the course coordinator.


Field Internship hours will consist of 300 hours for paramedic and 60 hours for EMT students. The location of internship will be at the discretion of the course coordinator. Internship will consist of 12 or 24 hours on duty with an ALS service. Internship costs will be the student’s responsibility.

Failure to complete internship or practices which are unbecoming to the reputation of the program such as public intoxication; failure to arrive at an ALS service alert, appropriately dressed and ready for shift; drug involvement or any other questionable behavior will result in dismissal, removal from internship and failure of the course.

FINISH GUARANTEE (see attached) Student will be expected to sign a finish guarantee prior to starting clinical. All clinical hours, except internship, must be completed prior to the final course evaluation. Failure to finish clinical hours and internship will result in not being able to take the class final and/or state or national exam.


Students will be expected to wear an appropriate uniform while in the clinical setting. Failure to conform to the guidelines shown below will result in the student being asked to leave and will result in failure of that clinical day.

GENERAL: Little or no cologne or perfume Nails trimmed neatly No Excessive jewelry Facial hair trimmed

DRESS: ASU-Beebe (polo type) shirt Dark blue or black EMS pants (ironed) Black belt, socks, shoes (no cowboy boots) ASU-Beebe student ID

EQUIPMENT: Stethoscope Penlight Scissors Watch with second hand Black ink pen


Prior to entering the clinical setting, the student will need to obtain malpractice insurance. Proof must be maintained by the instructor. Cost of said insurance will be the student’s responsibility. Insurance must be purchased for all 3 semester/terms, (Paramedic) 1 semester (EMT).


Students will be graded as follows for classroom: Classroom 20% Tests 80% 100% LETTER GRADE PERCENT A 100 - 93% B 92 - 85% C 84 - 76% D 75 - 65% F 64 – below


Persons with previous training or experience in their vocational objective may be granted advanced standing if approved by the office of the Registrar. The student must furnish evidence, request evaluation and may be required to take proficiency examinations in order to receive this credit

Students must maintain at least a 76% to remain in the program. Grades will be evaluated every six weeks. If student’s grades (clinical or classroom) fall below 76%, the student will be given one six-week probation period to bring the grade above 76%. If the student’s grade remains below 76%, whether clinical or classroom, the student will be dropped from the program.


Students will be graded as follows for clinical setting:

Evaluations 20% of the grade (Preceptor Evaluations) Participation/Skills 80% of the grade 100%


In order to proceed, students must make a C or higher on invasive procedures.

Fall Semester

IVS 20 25 IV Bolus 12 Blood Draws 10 3-Lead ECGs 15 12-Lead ECGs 15 ETs 3 3

Spring Semester

IVS 30 ETs 5 IM/SQ/PO 40 IV Bolus, based on availability 12 12-Lead ECGs 20 Piggyback Meds 10 Updrafts 10 Blood Draws 12

Summer Terms

IVS 20 25 ETs 5 4 IM/SQ/PO 15 Piggyback Meds 3 Updrafts 5 3-Lead ECGs 35 Blood Draws 5 IV Bolus 5

The procedure will be documented on the student’s documentation sheet (see attached) and signed by the preceptor. The preceptor evaluation will count as part of the clinical grade. The student is encouraged to obtain as many procedure attempts as possible. Upon completion of student’s documentation sheet, it should be given to instructor to be kept on file.

At no time will the student be allowed to attempt any invasive procedures prior to approval of the instructor. The student will be tested on all practical procedures prior to performing any in the clinical setting. Students may expect that practical exams could include attempting procedures on fellow students where applicable.


Students will be evaluated by both the area personnel they are working with and by the instructor. Evaluations will be used as a tool to note weaknesses and strengths of the student. Evaluation sheets will be the responsibility of the student to have filled out and returned to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABILITY

During exposure in the clinical area, the student will be directly responsible to the RN, MD or EMT- P working with them. One instructor will be on-call daily during the clinical day. If the instructor is needed at any time during these hours, he or she maybe notified via pager. The number will be given at the beginning of the course.


Students may need to be notified of changes at times. Students are requested to maintain current telephone numbers of work and home with the instructors.


The student may bring any questions, opinions or problems to the instructor at any time. In the event the student may not be satisfied with the answer, he or she may discuss it with the program director. In all situations, the program director’s decision will be final.


The affiliating agency allows students to receive training and clinical experience at their location. While students are associated with said program, students will be responsible for all rules and policies of the affiliating agency. Students will be given a handbook from the affiliating agency and are expected to follow said policies. Policies include, but are not limited to, smoking and parking policies. Any student not following policies may be susceptible to termination from the ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY-Beebe’s EMT-Paramedic program.


1. Student must notify instructor before being absent from class. Student is responsible for all missed material, quizzes and exams.

2. Student has one week to make up a missed quiz or exam and is responsible for contacting the instructor and finding a mutual time for retest. The missed test cannot be made-up during classroom hours.

3. Students who do not comply with the above rules will not be allowed to retest. A “0" will be given for the test not taken.

ABSENCE POLICY FOR CLASS AND CLINICAL It is mandatory that the student attend all classes and clinicals. Students that are absent from class or clinical for three sessions per semester will be unable to meet the class/clinical criteria and will be dropped from the program. Students will be placed on probation after the second missed class or clinical and then dismissed on the third.

A family death or illness with a doctor’s excuse is considered an excused absence. All other absences will be evaluated at the discretion of the instructor. All absences must be reported to the instructor at least 30 minutes prior to clinical or class time or they will be classified as an unexcused absence.

Student will be allowed 14 days to make up any missed clinical. A clinical not done within this period will be classified as an unexcused absence.


Students withdrawing from training must report to the chair of the department and Student Services Office so that proper steps can be taken for the interruption of training. A student officially withdrawing from training due to hardship or illness may be considered for re-enrollment at the appropriate time in the curriculum with the appropriate approval. A student may re-enter training in some instances. A student may apply for re-entry into the EMT/Paramedic program a maximum of 3 times. Reentry must be within one (1) calendar year for paramedic and six (6) months for EMT or the entire program must be repeated. Students not officially withdrawing will receive a grade of “F” on their official transcript.


ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY-BEEBE and the affiliating agency will not be held accountable or responsible for any injuries or ill effects while participating in classroom and/or clinical situations as a student (i.e., needle sticks, lifting injuries, etc.). Expenses incurred as a result of injuries will be the responsibility of the injured student. Students will be expected to sign waivers of liability prior to classroom and clinical proceedings.


During the EMT-Paramedic program the student will be expected to satisfactorily complete the ACLS course. One retest will be given through the Paramedic course. If the student has not completed the class prior to internship, the student will not be able to participate in internship resulting in failure of the EMT-Paramedic program. CLASS BREAKDOWN


Classes will meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. (15 hours per week). Classes will meet at the discretion of the Instructor Spring Term to gather paperwork and evaluate performances in Field Internship. Additional hours of clinical observation will be scheduled each week. The following course sequence is proposed:

Fall Semester 2006

Course No. Course Title Clock Hrs. Credit Hrs.

EMS 11002 Preparatory 40 2 EMS 11003 Anatomy & Physiology 50 3 EMS 11004 Pre-hospital Environment 80 4 EMS 12004 Pharmacology 90 4 EMS 13003 Clinical Rotation I 140 3 EMS 13001 Field Internship I 60 1 ______Total 460 17

Spring Semester 2007

Course No. Course Title Clock Hrs. Credit Hrs.

EMS 21003 Trauma 65 3 EMS 21004 Medical Emergencies I 70 4 EMS 22003 Medical Emergencies II 60 3 EMS 22004 Cardiac Emergencies 110 4 EMS 23003 Clinical Rotation II 160 3 ______Total 465 17

Summer Term 2007

Course No. Course Title Clock Hrs. Credit Hrs EMS 24002 OB/GYN/Neonatal 35 2 EMS 24004 Field Internship II 240 4 ______Total 275 6 TOTAL HOURS FOR PROGRAM 1200 40


Spring 2007

EMS 1001 Clinicals 50 1 EMS 1005 EMT I 70 5 EMS 2205 EMT II 70 5 EMS 2304 EMT III 50 4 ______Total 240 15


Paramedic Emergency Department 180 Intensive Care 40 Surgery Department 40 OB/Newborn Nursery 40 Total 300


EMT Emergency Room 24 Field Internship 24 Total 48


Will be furnished each semester.

ACLS and National Review dates will be announced. State and national exams will be scheduled as permitted by the state EMS. ASU-Beebe will be responsible for setting up one exam for all students. Any retest will be the responsibility of the student to schedule. Any needed remediation will be the responsibility of the student.

National Registry Testing:

Successful completion of the EMT course is not a guarantee for National Registry Testing. The Student must display the ability to function as an integral member of the Ambulance crew. National Registry Testing is recognized by the program director only after you have demonstrated the abilities necessary to work on board an ambulance


Finish Guarantee

I, ______, have read and understand the policies and procedures of the Clinical Experience. I understand that failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary action or removal from the program. I understand that failure to finish my clinical hours and internship will result in me not being able to take the class final and/or state or national exams.

I, ______, have read and understand the policy regarding the class average of maintaining a “C”, 76% in the course to successfully complete the program and test National Registry Exam for certification with the recommendation of the program director.

I have read and understand the above statement.



Confirmation of EMT Status

This is to certify that I, ______, understand that for completion of the ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY-BEEBE’s EMT-Paramedic Program, I must possess and maintain a current Arkansas Emergency Medical Technician Certification prior to internship date. I further understand that failure to possess said current certification prior to internship will subject me to failure of this course and dismissal from the ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY-

BEEBE’s EMT-Paramedic Program without financial reimbursement.

I have read and understand the previous statement.




Confidential Information

Each of our patients entrusts himself or herself to the care of the staff and students at

ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY-BEEBE with the complete assurance that all personal and medical information is held in strict confidence. Employees and Students may read or overhear confidential information about a patient or employee in the course of their work and may be approached for information by a person who has no authority to ask for it. It is essential that employees and students do not discuss a patient’s, and employee’s, or a visitor’s personal affairs or medical condition with fellow employees, other patients, visitors, or anyone else.

Employees and Students should report to their supervisor or department head if anyone from outside the hospital or a fellow employee asks about the affairs of a patient or an employee.

Any employee or student who reveals confidential information without prior authorization will be subject to disciplinary action including termination or removal from the EMT/paramedic program.

Students must adhere to the same confidentiality guidelines as hospital employees.


Employee Signature: ______Date:______

Student Signature: ______Date:______

Witness Signature: ______Date: ______

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