Agenda: Stennack Surgery Patient Participation Group | Inaugural Meeting

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Agenda: Stennack Surgery Patient Participation Group | Inaugural Meeting

Meeting Minutes : Stennack Surgery Patient Participation Group

6:30pm Monday 7 September 2015

Attendees: Linda Petzing, Fiona Vinnicombe, Will Webb, Rupert Manley, Kate Stuart , Laura Kinsey, Marion Mundy, Chris Parker, Pam Stevens, Oonagh Wooton, Roy Brookes, Isabel Miller

Apologies for absence: Jane Parker, Jeremy Preedy, Marilyn & Fred Richards, Jim Thomson, Chris Gendall, Anita Howard, Jenna Oliver

Approval and adoption of pre-circulated minutes of 18 May 2015


New members Roy Brookes & Isabel Miller

Matters Arising Update

List of Research Projects – A general discussion about the research work took place. LP gave out RCHT “Research in Cornwall” flyers. Completed and returned forms will keep patients informed about research projects in Cornwall.

Action: CG to supply up to date list/FV to add to website. LP/FV Organise display area/LP to discuss with MM re the display area

Newsletter Progress -LP advised that another one is planned shortly. Any offers of help appreciated.

Volunteer Agreement- Amendments were circulated and approved. Hard copies given to members present for them to sign and return. Action: For those still requiring an induction LP to contact.

Increasing membership /Chair – LP mentioned the need to still increase membership of the group. Actions from last meeting - LP placed an ad in the Cornishman. Thank you to RB for responding. FV contacted the Virtual Group about timings of the Consultation Group (no response).

Door signage – Now in place – members who had seen the new door signs approved. In conjunction with the new calling system, patients are able to find the correct room and clinician more easily.

Hearing loop Unfortunately we haven’t been able to get hold of the person who was going to lend a hearing loop. LP asked if anyone else could bring one in to trial. Action: Members to keep a look out and let LP know

Student Nurse Project – Laura explained how she had set up a display in the surgery waiting room based on mental health support and resources available. Handouts were available. LP thanked her for her time and the support of the Working Group. Laura is now in year 3 of her nursing degree and is waiting to hear what the link to PPGs will be.

Dr Freegard’s Retirement/Fundraising Concert – Several members were at the fundraising concert. Thoroughly enjoyed by all. They raised £1570 for “Echo in Africa”. His trip over was very successful. £1570 was also raised for Kids R Us and additional funds were raised by the Friends of Stennack Surgery (FOSS) through a raffle.

Microtest – We welcomed Matthew and Tristan to the meeting. They had offered to come down to answer any questions about the IT system the Practice uses.  “The Waiting Room” (TWR) – the on-line system for booking appointments and ordering repeat medication - LP raised an issue with the confirmation email received for medication requests. Not all items requested were noted as being processed (although they had been). Microtest are aware of problem. This will be rectified in the next version update. Due 2016 as there have been some hold ups with changes required by the Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), who work under the direction of the Dept of Health.

Members asked about booking nurse appointments on-line. Nurses appointments vary in length depending on the type of appointment. From 10 mins for bloods/BPs to 30 minutes for some chronic disease reviews. Different nurses have different skill sets which would not be obvious to the patients looking on-line. FV said that we could look at having basic blood tests and blood pressures bookable on-line with the health care assistants.

 “ Arrivee” – touch screen booking in. The “OK” is often missed at the end of the booking in process and so the patient believes that the machine does not work. This will be rectified in the new version. The Practice has signed up to have two new screens and to also relocate the one in the foyer and to put the waiting room one on a stand. FOSS has agreed to fund this. OW asked about having the two screens on either side of the entrance to make them more useful. Microtest will look at the cabling for this.

 “ Appel” – electronic calling system – Now fully installed after the PPG’s feedback and FOSS kindly agreeing to fund. Members are pleased with the information on the screens. Discussion around the “bing-bong” sound. SM said that she found it very intrusive and it sounded too frequently. PS advised that it was ideal for the hard of hearing. LP/FV explained that the sound had been altered after initial feedback. Further discussion around sound and frequency of it. Microtest to help configure it to the majority’s liking. It was also agreed to look at fonts and colours used for those with impaired sight. However LP reminded the group that patients can always ask to be called by the clinician and a note can be added to the patient record.

 “Mjog” – text reminder – The new version of this is to be implemented shortly, however there are a few possible problems which we are trying to get answers to before we go ahead. JO has done the initial training. There is concern around messages being sent to patients when there is no appointment booked, but only a telephone message on the system for the clinician to contact the patient. Microtest explained how to prevent this. Once installed, patients will receive confirmation of their appointment booking, a text before their appointment and a text with the Friends and Family Test (the new on-going national GP survey) afterwards. Action: FV to clarify

 There were also discussions around appointment types and clinic templates raised by FV, as well as current difficulties with freezing and crashing PCs. Microtest to look into the queries.

Action Plan Areas -

 Reducing DNAs for nurse appointments – On-going concerns discussed re DNA of nurse appointments. There are no specific clinics, but a tendency for non-attendance of chronic disease reviews. Anecdotal feedback from the nursing team suggests that many patients do not realise the importance of these reviews. Action – LP to look for information/leaflets which could be distributed and also added to the PPG newsletter. To be discussed with AH.

 Engaging with care home/housebound patients – FV confirmed that the newsletters are being distributed to the Care Homes, Edward Hain Hospital and the Community Matron, inviting those patients and staff to feedback to the PPG.

 GPs running late/queues at reception – Usage of the Arrivee screen – see Microtest section. LP mentioned the fact that the volume of visitors coming to the Practice add to the queues. These patients have to be registered as temporary patients by Reception. Often up to 30 per day in the summer. She also mentioned the fact the Practice is not proportionately remunerated for this additional workload which puts added pressure on existing staff.

 Sensory Impairment - New signage in place. Appel colours and sounds to be reviewed in line with ease of use for most patients. Discussed that a message can be added to patient notes for the clinician to still call them if required and also to let Reception know.

Action: The Working Group will continue to monitor and progress the above action plan

Carbis Bay update – Unfortunately CG has been off work for several weeks due to an accident which has delayed the progress. There has also been some delays in exchanging contracts. Internal building work is still required to make the area fit for purpose. Quotes are in hand. During this period FOSS have agreed to fund the equipment needed. IT to be installed.

Action – LP liaising with CG to progress this

Flu Clinics – Flyers and posters were given to all members present to display and distribute within their community networks. PS has already offered to assist at all the clinics. Other members were asked if they could also help with “crowd control”. MM/OW/RB/LP also offered to help. FV explained that there will be a dedicated phone line for information about the flu clinics. All general letters being sent to patients will have the number printed on it. JO will be promoting on the website and on the Appel screen.

Flu information line number is 01736 390039

Action – FV to organise dates for help

GP Update – Will Webb/Rupert Manley RM updated everyone on the “Dose of Nature” project and thanked the PPG for helping with an initial focus Group. Further information to follow.

PPG Surgery lead update Fiona Vinnicombe

Membership figures – Consultation Group 28 (22 patients & 6 Practice Staff/Clinicians). Virtual Group 55.

NHS Kernow Patient Reference Group & Penwith Umbrella Group - LP

LP and Jeremy Preedy are currently members.

Report from LP re Patient Reference Group - The Group has recently expanded and recruited patient members from PPGs in the North and East of Cornwall. The main areas currently unrepresented are in Mid Cornwall (Kerrier/Truro). The long term plan is to build links between and across the County through umbrella group clusters of PPGs. This will take time. Members would eventually like to see a County wide patient focused/led annual summit/conference with an open two-way dialogue with health, health and wellbeing and social care. We have recently been looking at the Devolution for Cornwall agenda (aligning health and social care) and broadly the financial and operational challenges facing Cornwall. Last month details of a local diabetes project were shared which aims to improve outcomes for diabetic patients. For example, Cornwall has one of the worst diabetes related amputation rates in the UK. We were able to contribute to the project as a Group and we will be kept updated on progress.

Date of next meeting - Monday 30th November

Communicating with Your PPG

 Website link to Facebook

 Email: [email protected] (Note New Email Address)

 Face to Face via Reception

PPG Information Point in waiting room

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