Minutes of Regular Meeting of Council for the Rural Municipality of Reynolds Held in The

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Minutes of Regular Meeting of Council for the Rural Municipality of Reynolds Held in The


PRESENT: REEVE: David Turchyn COUNCILLORS: Garry Gaetz (Ward 1) Curtis Buley (Ward 2) John Miscavitch (Ward 3) Michael Turchyn (Ward 4) Maurice Yaremchuk (Ward 5) Florence Campbell (Ward 6) Jim Colbert (Ward 7)


Res. 130 BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda be hereby adopted as presented with additions. Agenda Carried. Reading & Confirmation of Minutes:

Res. 131 BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of the minutes of the March 24th, 2011 Regular Read Minutes Council Meeting be waived and adopted as written. Carried.

Unfinished Business carried over from March 24th, 2011 meeting:

a.) Performance Appraisal – Shannon Amos – wages – Refer to Res. 132 to 135/11 b.) Subd. Application 10-5415 SW 26-10-14E – Refer to Res. 136/11 & Comm. Reports c.) Fire Department By-law review – cc: Council d.) Molson Subd. – Drainage Plan – see delegations e.) RM of Tache Fire Services Agreement – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 117/11

Res. 132 BE IT RESOLVED that Council do now move into a Committee of the Whole in camera to In Camera discuss: an employee, including the employee’s salary, duties and benefits and any appraisal of the employee’s performance. Carried.

Res. 133 BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole be adjourned and the Council resume Resume Mtg former order of business. Carried.

Res. 134 WHEREAS Shannon Amos started working as the casual part-time office clerk on S. Amos September 22nd, 2010; AND WHEREAS an appraisal has been completed on her job performance, at the six month probationary period; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Shannon Amos receive an additional $0.40 per hour, from January 6th to March 17th, 2011; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Shannon Amos be appointed Assistant CAO, effective March 18th, 2011, at a rate of pay of $15.00 per hour, with vacation and sick leave benefits per By-law 19/95; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there will be a further six month probationary period. Carried.

Res. 135 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the expense to change the front office door lock Locks and vault combination. Carried.

Res. 136 BE IT RESOLVED that the Proposal to Subdivide Pt. SW 26-10-14EPM (File No. 4611-10- Subdivision 5415), by 5021952 Manitoba Ltd. be hereby approved subject to the following conditions: Rennie 1. That the applicant enter into a development agreement with the RM of Reynolds, said Development Agreement to be prepared by the municipal solicitor and the expense for same to be prepaid by the applicant. 2. That, if MIT does not allow 2 points of access and egress onto PTH 44; that the applicant must apply to the RM of Reynolds for approval to construct a road on the government road allowance, to be constructed to municipal standards. 3. That there will be no parking of vehicles on the internal roadways of the condo development. 4. That the subdivision is re-designed to eliminate residential lots (units) with double road frontage. 5. That the applicant provide a concept plan, design or site plan for the proposed open space areas to show compliance with 5A3.6 of the Development Plan; the amendment of which must be brought to Council for approval. 6. That the sewage for each lot be treated through composting toilets and grey water filtration systems or an alternate system approved by Manitoba Environment and the RM of Reynolds. 7. That an engineered drainage plan be submitted to and accepted by the R.M. of Reynolds.

Unfinished Business carried over from March 24th, 2011 meeting continued: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL APRIL 7TH, 2011 PAGE 2

8. That the applicant will be responsible for providing any traffic impact study and any highway upgrades which might be requested by Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation. 9. That the applicant be responsible for obtaining any variation orders that may be required. 10. That capital cost dedication fee of $200.00 per lot created be paid to the RM of Reynolds. 11. That any outstanding property taxes on said subdivision lands be paid in full. 12. That if survey monuments are missing and are required for the Plan of Subdivision, the owner is responsible for paying the municipality the amount in excess of funds approved by the Property Registry, Winnipeg Land Titles Office. 13. That any new driveway or modification to an existing driveway may require approval from the RM of Reynolds and Manitoba Water Stewardship. Carried.


a.) December 31st, 2010 Year-end statement – copy to Council – Refer to Res. 137/11 b.) February 2011 Financial Statement – copied to Council at March 24th meeting – Refer to Res. 138/11 c.) Payment of Accounts – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 139/11 d.) Payment of Account – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 140/11

Res. 137 WHEREAS Council has reviewed the Financial Statement for the month of December 2010; December THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 2010 year end unaudited financial statement be Fin. Statement accepted as presented. Carried.

Res. 138 BE IT RESOLVED that the financial statement for the month of February 2011 be hereby Feb. Fin. Stat. accepted as presented. Carried.

Res. 139 WHEREAS the accounts for The Rural Municipality of Reynolds for the period ending Accounts April 15th, 2011 have been examined and found to be in order; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that cheques numbered 11999 to 12052 (excluding cheque number 12012)the amount of $42,427.44 be approved for payment. Carried. Prior to the following resolution, Councillor Turchyn left the council chambers and took no part in the discussion.

Res.140 BE IT RESOLVED that cheque number 12012 in the amount of $1,100.00 be approved Account for payment Carried.

Councillor Turchyn returned to the council chamber and resumed his seat.

Committee Reports:

- Reeve Turchyn and Councillor Turchyn reported on inspection of subdivision proposal near Rennie on April 2nd

- Reeve Turchyn reported on Fire Committee review of Fire Dept. by-law on March 23/24, 2011


11:00 a.m. Len Bergen, Riverbend Realty, and Bob Schinkel, Schinkel Properties, attended the meeting to put forward ideas to Council for the development of the Molson subdivision. Suggestions were made regarding size and style of houses; lot sizes; number of lots; accesses to lots; marketability; drainage plan preparation; and how to go about inviting developers to bid on the property. Reeve Turchyn thanked Messrs. Bergen and Schinkel for attending the meeting.

12:15 p.m. Council recessed for lunch then resumed the meeting at 1:20 p.m.


a.) By-law No. 5/11 Appoint Shannon Amos as a designated officer – Refer to Res. 141 & 142/11

Res. 141 BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 5/11, being a by-law providing for the remuneration and By-Law 5/11 benefits for the Assistant CAO, be read a first time. Carried.

Res, 142 BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 5/11, being a by-law providing for the remuneration and By-Law 5/11 benefits for the Assistant CAO, be read a second time. Carried.

Unfinished Business:

a) Steinbach RCMP Annual Performance Plan – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 143/11 b.) RM of Ste. Anne Fire Services Agreement renewal – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 144/11 c.) RM of Springfield Fire Services Agreement renewal – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 145/11 d.) M. Prosser request to meet with Council – cc: Council e.) Financial Plan Hearing – April 27th – Refer to Res. 146/11 Unfinished Business Continued: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL APRIL 7TH, 2011 PAGE 3

Res. 143 BE IT RESOLVED that Council authorize the Reeve to sign the Steinbach RCMP annual RCMP Performance Plan as presented. Carried.

Res. 144 BE IT RESOLVED the Reeve and CAO be hereby authorized to sign the RM of Ste. Anne Ste. Anne FD Fire Services Agreement Carried.

Res 145 BE IT RESOLVED the Reeve and CAO be hereby authorized to sign the RM of Springfield Springfield FD Fire Services Agreement. Carried.

Res. 146 BE IT RESOLVED that Council hold a Public Hearing to present the 2011 Financial Plan Financial Plan on April 27th, 2011 at the Hadashville Community Hall at 7:00 pm. Carried. Hearing

General Business:

a.) March attendance reports – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 147/11 b.) WRPD report on Franny’s in Rennie – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 148/11 c.) Cemetery signs for East Braintree – Councillor Colbert to report – Refer to Res 149/11 d.) Subd. 10-5421 NW 17-8-9E – cc: Council - e.) MB NetSet Ltd. construction of 2 internet towers – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 150/11 f.) Regional Municipal Forum – CAO to report – Refer to Res. 151/11 g.) CN Request for Dangerous Commodities – cc: Council h.) Emergency Response Guidebooks – CAO to report i.) Memorandum of Understanding for emergencies – CAO to report – Refer to Res. 152/11 j.) Fire Protection: Incident Reports – FC 40/11

Res. 147 BE IT RESOLVED that the March attendance sheet for CAO, Trudy Turchyn; and Office Attendance Clerks Shannon Amos and Pat Panych be accepted as presented. Carried.

Res. 148 WHEREAS a demolition permit has been issued for the building on Roll 19900 on NW 24-10-14E; Franny’s bldg AND WHEREAS the structure is in an unsafe state and is located in an area that is open to the public; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a deadline for removal of the building be set for April 30th, 2011, after which time, the municipality will hire a contractor to remove the building and the expense will be charged to the property taxes. Carried.

Res. 149 WHEREAS there are no directional signs for the East Braintree Community Cemetery; Cemetery THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the expense for 2 cemetery signs and two arrows be Signs hereby approved. Carried.

Res 150 WHEREAS Manitoba NetSet Ltd. will be constructing two 250’ guyed internet towers; one on Internet River lot 75-9-12E and one on SW 36-12-10E; Towers AND WHEREAS internet service is a public utility under Zoning By-law 11/03 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council supports the construction of the internet towers to provide high speed internet service to areas that currently have no service. Carried.

Res 151 BE IT RESOLVED that the Reeve, or his delegate, and CAO be hereby authorized to attend Municipal the April 18th, 2011 Regional Municipal Forum in Beausejour; Forum AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all expenses be approved. Carried.

Res. 152 BE IT RESOLVED that Council authorizes the Reeve and CAO to sign a Memorandum of MOU Understanding for each of the following organizations: RM of La Broquerie RM of Tache Seine River School Division North Eastman Health Association Sunrise School Division RM of Springfield Town of Beausejour/RM of Brokenhead RM of Ste. Anne Carried.



Min. Local Govt. 2011 General Assistance Grant File: B24

G & N Bargenda Flooding Issue RL 20-8-12E Refer to Hwys.

K Boznianin Flooding Issue NW 4-11-9E Reply

CFIB Congratulations on BizPal launch File: BizPaL

Birch River Cemetery Request for Donation Reply

Agenda Additions:

a.) Office renovation estimates – Refer to Res. 153 & 154/11 b.) Toupin Rd. drainage - abey c.) Minutes from Brokenhead meeting – not yet received d.) Clean culverts on Pommer Rd & Christmas Tree Rd. – Refer to Res. 155/11 e.) Newsletter – cc: Council

Res. 153 BE IT RESOLVED that TyToe Construction be hired to relocate walls within the Office Reno RM of Reynolds office as per quoted price of $2553.70 plus taxes. Carried.

Res. 154 BE IT RESOLVED that Full Power Electric be hired at a rate of $55.00 per hour to re-wire Re-Wire some electrical outlets due to removal/relocation of some walls in the RM office. Carried.

Res. 155 BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves the expense for Polar Enterprises to clean the snow Ditches from the ditches along Pommer Road and Christmas Tree Road. Carried.

Notice of Motion:

Councillor Campbell gave written notice to introduce a motion to rescind Resolution No. 104/11.

General Discussion:

a.) Increase in Education Property Tax Assistance to $700. – info b.) Well Water Testing by SRRCD – post on bulletin board c.) Rennie Cemetery access – obtain price for culvert d.) Public Hearing re: Proposed Park Model Trailer Park RL 52-8-13E


Res. 156 BE IT RESOLVED that this meeting of Council does now adjourn, the time being 3:26 p.m. Adjourn Carried.

______Reeve David Turchyn Trudy Turchyn, Chief Administrative Officer (Subject to errors & omissions)

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