2001-2002 Bill 4519: Motor Vehicle License Plates, Issuance of Special to Nonprofit

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2001-2002 Bill 4519: Motor Vehicle License Plates, Issuance of Special to Nonprofit

1 BIL: 4519 2 TYP: General Bill GB 3 INB: House 4 IND: 20020116 5 PSP: Easterday 6 SPO: Easterday, Campsen 7 DDN: l:\council\bills\ggs\22243cm02.doc 8 RBY: Senate 9 COM: Transportation Committee 15 ST 10 LAD: 20020307 11 SUB: Motor vehicle license plates, issuance of special to nonprofit 12 organizations certified under 501(C)(8) of Internal Revenue Code 13 14 15 HST: 16 17 Body Date Action Description Com Leg Involved 18 ______19 Senate 20020312 Introduced, read first time, 15 ST 20 referred to Committee 21 ------20020308 Scrivener's error corrected 22 House 20020308 Read third time, sent to Senate 23 House 20020307 Amended, read second time, 24 unanimous consent for third reading 25 on Friday, 20020308 26 House 20020306 Co-Sponsor added (Rule 5.2) by Rep. Campsen 27 House 20020305 Committee report: Favorable with 21 HEPW 28 amendment 29 House 20020116 Introduced, read first time, 21 HEPW 30 referred to Committee 31 32 33 Versions of This Bill 34 35 36 Revised on 20020305 37 Revised on 20020307 38 Revised on 20020308 39 40 41 TXT: 1 Indicates Matter Stricken 2 Indicates New Matter 3 4 AMENDED 5 March 7, 2002 6 7 H. 4519 8 9 Introduced by Reps. Easterday and Campsen 10 11 S. Printed 3/7/02--H. [SEC 3/8/02 1:48 PM] 12 Read the first time January 16, 2002. 13

1 [4519-1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A BILL 10 11 TO AMEND SECTION 56-3-8000, AS AMENDED, CODE OF 12 LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE 13 ISSUANCE OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION SPECIAL 14 LICENSE PLATES BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 15 SAFETY, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT UNDER CERTAIN 16 CIRCUMSTANCES THE DEPARTMENT MAY ISSUE A 17 SPECIAL LICENSE PLATE WHICH HAS IMPRINTED ON IT 18 THE EMBLEM, SEAL, OR ANOTHER SYMBOL OF AN 19 ORGANIZATION WHICH HAS OBTAINED CERTIFICATION 20 PURSUANT TO SECTION 501(C)(8) OF THE FEDERAL 21 INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. 22 Amend Title To Conform 23 24 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South 25 Carolina: 26 27 SECTION 1. Section 56-3-8000(A) of the 1976 Code, as last 28 amended by Act 286 of 2000, is further amended to read: 29 30 “(A) The department may issue special motor vehicle license 31 plates to owners of private passenger-carrying motor vehicles or 32 light pickups having an empty weight of six thousand pounds or 33 less and a gross weight of nine thousand pounds or less registered 34 in their names which may have imprinted on the plate the emblem, 35 a seal, or other symbol the department considers appropriate of an 36 organization which has obtained certification pursuant to either 37 Section 501(C)(3), or 501(C)(7), or 501(C)(8) of the Federal 38 Internal Revenue Code. The fee for this special license plate is the 39 fee contained in Section 56-3-2020. 40 The special license plate must be issued or revalidated for a 41 biennial period which expires twenty-four months from the month 42 it is issued.”

1 [4519] 1 1 2 SECTION 2. Section 56-3-8100 of the 1976 Code, as added by 3 Act 63 of 1999, is amended by adding at the end: 4 5 / “(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the fees 6 collected for the special license plate, the Comptroller General 7 shall place sufficient funds into a special restricted account to be 8 used by the Department of Public Safety to defray the expenses of 9 the Motor Vehicle Division in producing and administering the 10 special plate.” 11 12 SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the 13 Governor. 14 ----XX----

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