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Table of Contetns

Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 INTRODUCTION 1

1.0 GENERAL The Ministry of Surface Transport Specifications, IRC, Indian Standard specifications and all applicable Project or and practices provide for Quality Control and Quality Assurance of all works executed on a contract by use of a Quality Management System. The basic concept of this process is that the Contractor performs adequate testing and inspections to ensure a quality product and the Supervision Consultant verifies / performs adequate testing and inspection to ensure that the Contractor’s Quality Control test results are accurate. This system requires that both the Supervision Consultant and the Contractor to have technicians who are competent in testing and inspection of all road work. The general idea is that the Contractor has to perform the necessary tests and inspection to ensure the likelihood that all his works in road construction meets the Specifications instead of “after-the fact” testing to see if all works meet the Specifications. This approach enables the Contractor much more control over his total operations. He is responsible for his product from the beginning to the end, from the design to the construction of all his works till the final acceptance of all the works. The Supervision Consultant associates and ensure testing to make sure that what he is doing is adequate and accurate. Ensuring production of a quality work of durability and uniform performance by construction contractor is the important aspect of the construction supervision assignment of a Supervision Consultant, engaged by the Client. The Contractor’s part of this Quality Monitor System (QMS) process is referred as Quality Control (QC), while the Construction Supervision Consultant’s part of the process is referred as Quality Assurance (QA). The Contractor is responsible to mobilize competent personnel to perform his quality control as per his Quality Control Action Plan. To achieve this said objective of assessing and ensuring quality, it is essential to have a Quality Assurance Plan for the job in the initial stage itself.

1.1 TERMINOLOGY The terms used in the field of quality management have acquired specific meanings and applications, different from the generic definition found in dictionaries. Internationally accepted definitions and terminology have been given in ISO: 8402 standard.

1.1.1 Quality Quality is defined in the Quality Manual of ISO 9000, as “The totality of characteristics of an entity that bears on its ability to satisfy the stated and implied need.

1.1.2 Quality Assurance Quality assurance of a job is defined as a process which exercises various checks at different stages of a work right from its inception till its acceptance, to put it in service to ensure that the work has been properly designed and constructed as per approved designs, drawings and specifications. At times it is

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 1- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 extended to cover the prescribed Defects Liability period. Sometimes its scope is enlarged to encompass the maintenance aspect over the defect liability period of service life and operations and maintenance period.

1.1.3 Quality Control Quality Control is defined as the procedure adopted and controls exercised to ensure that the materials proposed to be used in production, processes adopted for production and workmanship of production conform to the prescribed standards and laid down acceptance criteria. The Quality control is exercised by construction agency who ensures that the defined objective is achieved through appropriate tests, checks and inspections by suitable qualified personnel. Further more, the objective evidences of all tests, checks and inspections carried out from time to time are documented in prescribed formats for reference and record.

1.1.4 Quality Audit Quality Audit is a managerial tool used for reviewing the whole or a part of the quality system by internal or external agencies not connected with the operation of the QA Plan. Quality Audit is defined to be a systematic study and examination of documents related to quality control corridor during the construction phase to establish that the inputs during construction process and the workmanship of work done conform to the prescribed specifications and are of acceptable standards. If not, to identify whether rejection and / or rectification or any remedial measures are needed.

1.1.5 Verification Testing Verification testing is defined as the sampling and testing which is carried out independent of quality control sampling and testing to verify that the contractor’s results which have been reported are correct and representative, within statistical parameters of the material being produced / processed.

1.1.6 Acceptance Acceptance is defined as those operations, inspections, sampling and accepting the tests that are conducted to determine whether the product or service will be accepted for use and payment. Acceptance is determined using a statistically based acceptance plan in combination with assurance that the contractor has fulfilled the quality control obligations. Acceptance is the responsibility of the – Supervision Consultant with a rider by NHAI on dispute.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 2- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


Quality Assurance for a job has to be distinguished from Quality Control during production of a job and the two should not be treated synonymous of each other. The aim of Quality Control during production is to ensure that the product is constructed, built in accordance with the specification prescribed in control documents. However, the quality control alone in itself does not guarantee of durability and uniform performance during its service life in case of a design deficiency unless and until it gets identified and rectified during construction. In case, it goes unnoticed, the product does not perform as visualize in the design. The responsibility of Quality construction work lies on the Contractors. However, in case of an uncertainty or shortcoming in the specification in respect to Quality of work may lead to dispute or arbitration the quality assurance plan safeguard against such specification arbitration eventually. Process controlled specifications in combination with end product requirement are best suited to Indian conditions. In addition, control exercised by the supervision consultant at each stage of road construction or its elements for dimensional correctness or accuracy meeting the laid down acceptance criteria is ideal for production of a quality work in practice. Supervision Consultant should not accept a substandard input or a substandard work at any stage. A substandard input or a work must be rejected and should not be accepted at any cost. A substandard work must be either redone or rectified by the contractor to the full satisfaction of the Supervision Consultant to conform to prescribed drawings and specifications. In light of what is stated above, it is the entire responsibility of the Supervision Consultant in implementation of a quality assurance plan. In fact, availability of a Quality Assurance Plan in the initial stages of work and its implementation at all relevant stages including maintenance alone ensure a durable and functional product over its design life period. The basic concept for production of a quality work is illustrated in the model below:

Quality Process Control Periodic Quality inputs Specifications Checks Product

The main inputs are Men, Materials, Machineries, Money and Time. The documents specify the materials, their qualities and acceptance dimension limits for their use. Process control specifications are usually incorporated in the contract documents. These specify the functional requirements of the machinery or equipment to be used in the production process. The other input i.e. the Contractor normally establishes money and time. The Client usually approves the time input factor and accordingly the Supervision Consultant recommends the technology of production. The periodic checks during construction / manufacturing process are carried out as laid down in the various codes and specifications mentioned there in both by the Contractor and the Supervision Consultations. The application of these activities would nearly assure a quality product at the end.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 3- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 2.1 QUALITY CYCLE Quality Management of a job is a cyclic process. The following diagram for a roadwork illustrates a Quality Cycle.

PRE-COMMENCEMENT ACTIVITIES OF A CONTRACTOR 1. Mobilize Men, Materials, Machineries and Money. 2. Set-up Quality Control System 3. Obtain various approvals. 4. Study and take actions on remedial measures.

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ANALYSIS OF A PROBLEM OF A CONTRACTOR BY A SUPERVISION CONSULTANT 1. Identification of Activities 1. Establish causes of defects 2. Remedial / Corrective measures suggested by 2. Suggest remedial measures Supervision Consultant. 3. Ensure implementation of remedial measures


1. Carryout periodic checks 2. Review test records 3. Certify product

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 4- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

2.2 OVERALL SCOPE OF PROJECT WORKS The objective of the Project is to widen the existing two lanes to four lanes, the existing highway between Nagaon to Dharamtul section of NH-37 in Assam. It entailed detailed analysis of the present traffic, and future projections, present soil conditions, materials available, cross drainage structures, environmental and social resettlement features etc. The widening to four lanes will be confined in- between the available right of way (ROW), avoiding additional land acquisition as far as possible, except for location it is absolutely essential from traffic engineering, environmental, social aspects and where a diversion from existing alignment is absolutely necessary. In addition to strengthening the existing carriageway the project would improve upon the following:  Geometric deficiencies  Improvement upon various intersections  Improve upon riding quality of carriageway  Improving upon vehicles speed  Reducing traffic congestion  Rehabilitate existing cross drainage structures  Provide service roads  Grade separation  Road furniture, utilities and facilities where ever required To facilitate implementation, the Contractor may divide Nagaon to Dharamtul project in sections. The improvement planned for NH-37 from Nagaon to Dharamtul project (approx. 24.5 Km) is part of program designated as East-West Corridor under Phase-II programme of NHDP. Based upon the study widening and improving a stretch of about 24.5 Km between Nagaon to Dharamtul (Km 230+500 to Km 255+000) has been covered in NH-37 contract and funded by Domestic Programs of NHAI.

2.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE NAGAON DHARAMTUL PROJECT SITE 2.3.1 Terminal Points The project road starts from Dharamtul in Dharamtul-Nagaon Section of NH-37 km 230+500 to km 255+000

2.3.2 Geographic Location Assam is the sentinel of North-East India and gateway to the North-eastern state. Bhutan & Arunachal Pradesh in the North, Tripura & Mizoram in the South, Manipur & Nagaland in the East and the states of Bihar and West Bengal in the West bound. The project road lies approximately between 26 20’ N latitude and 8990’ E to 9300’ E longitude. It runs in the South-West North-East direction, almost parallel to and East of NF Railway and traverses a length of 24.50 km through districts and in the State of Assam. This corridor lies in the district of Morigaon and Nagaon that covers an area of 1704 sq. km & 4000 sq. km (7.3% of the state) and has a population of 0.776 million & 2.30 million (11.30 % of the state) respectively. Populations are according to the provisional figures, 2001 census.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 5- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

2.3.3 Climate This area has a tropical climate with temperature varying from 29 C to 40C in the summer and 05C to 16C in the winter. Due to the presence of Bay of Bengal and extensive water-bodies, this area becomes humid in the summer. This average annual rainfall for the last seven years in the state is 3048 mm and 1778 mm respectively, of which mostly is concentrated during the months from June to September.

2.4 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The total length of road in this project is 24+5000 km and brief scope of work is as under.  4 Laning / widening approximately 24.50 km.  Provision of Major Bridge as under. 232/1, 233/1, 251/2, 253/1& 255/1. One ROB being provisioned near Thakraguri.  One Major junction at km 251+700.  One Toll Plaza @ 254+400  Thirty Four Bus Bay & Bus Shelter  Six Under Pass & Over Pass  One Truck Lay Bay @ 242+375 and  Three Minor Bridges at Km 236.425, Km 242.108, Km and Km 243.636.  Sixteen culverts  One PIU complex @ 581+425

2.5 QUALITY MANAGEMENT The road project is quite complex in nature and need the very stringent quality control measures to achieve project aim to provide quality road which last at least for more than 20 years or designed period and require least maintenance during designed life period. Hence proper structured quality management system is essential part of total integrated quality management plan.

2.6 PROJECT QUALITY POLICY The aim of quality management system is to ensure that contractor provide a product which complies with Contract Agreement requirement. With this aim in background client National Highway Authority of India has established a Project Team to fulfil its role engaged Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (LASA) as a Supervision Consultant. M/s Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. Project policy is to competently carry out its role on the project to produce products as per contract agreement, specification proposed to achieve this by:  Dedicated commitment of all Project staff to quality Consciousness.  QA plan established for the Project as documented in this QA manual. This QA Plan established for the Project Team conforms to the requirement of Quality Policy disseminated by the company at corporate level, which is restated as here under.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 6- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

“M/s Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. is committed to persistently meet the expectations and requirement of its CA by providing innovative optimal, efficient, effective and time bound good engineering practices”. “This shall be achieved through proficient human resources, state of the art technology and a creature environment aimed at developing M/s Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. as a centre of excellence”.

2.7 AIM The aim of preparing this document is to fulfil guidelines for quality assurance and quality control plan. LASA intention clearly implement of quality management assurance so that client is satisfied with the final product and make NHAI feel that fund has been utilized in most appropriate manner and services rendered is of top most quality with in restrains.

2.8 RESPONSIBILITY OF SUPERVISION CONSULTANT NHAI in its role as Client has engaged LASA consulting firm to undertake supervision of civil construction works, as the Supervision Consultant (SC). The Supervision Consultant has mobilised and established a project team. The Team leader’s team comprises of expert, on technical aspects. Supervision Consultant unit has a self-contained team of Key Professional Staff, Sub-Professional Staff and Field support staff. This set up permits the SC to carry out its role in supervising the work.

2.9 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 2.9.1 Identification Material survey of the area around the project road shall be conducted to identify the sources of suitable materials, which can be used for construction. Samples shall be collected from various sources and test for their engineering properties and assessed for their suitability to be used in new construction. Field investigations shall be performed to gather following information:  Identification of borrow areas of soil for embankment and sub-grade.  Assessment and evaluation of soil from borrow areas.  Identification of suitable sources of granular material for base course.  Testing for physical properties of collected material for granular materials.  Testing for engineering properties of stone aggregates for use in WMM, DBM, PQC and cement concrete. Sources of the material with the lead distance and their use in the construction of roads, bridges, culverts are to be described. For the proposed widening and strengthening of road, the material investigation for road construction is to be carried out to identify the potential sources of construction materials and to assess their general availability, engineering properties and quantities. This is one of the most important factors for stable, economic and successful implementation of the road program within the stipulated time. For improvement of existing carriageway as well as for new carriageway the list of materials include the following:  Granular materials for sub-base works

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 7- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Crushed stone aggregates for base, bituminous surfacing, concrete pavement and cement concrete works  Sand for bituminous, concrete pavement cement concrete works, sub-base, filter materials and filling materials etc.  Borrow earth / moorum materials for embankment, subgrade and filling  Manufactured material like cement, steel, bitumen, etc. 2.9.2 Materials Status Hard Stone Aggregates: Stone quarries viz. Pakur, Panchami, Rampurhat/Nalhati have been primarily identified as hard stone aggregate for bituminous surfacing, base layer and bridge/culvert construction. Laboratory test results on representative samples collected from the above sources reveal that aggregate from the above-mentioned sources satisfy the acceptability criteria as stipulated in MORT& H specifications. Sand: Four natural sand quarries i.e., Sadarghat, Barsul (Damodar River), Ajoy River and Shillaghat have been identified, and sands can be collected from the river and streambeds during dry periods. Medium coarse sands available from the quarries, conforming to grading Zone II / III, are recommended for use of roads and bridges/culverts construction. Moorum: Sufficient quantities of moorum are available from Kanksa near Panagarh, Gopalpur near Rajbandh, Barjora (Bankura), Suri (Birbhum) and many other regions in Birbhum and Bardhaman districts. The maximum dry unit weights and the soaked CBR of the materials satisfy the requirement of subgrade. Hence the moorum can be used as subgrade material provided that the use of these materials is economically feasible. Borrow Soils: The borrow soils are generally low to medium plastic sandy silty clay / silty sandy clay / silty clayey sand and are classified in CL and CI group according to I.S. Classification. The soils are also primarily classified in Group II according to Plasticity index. Results indicate that the soils from maximum Borrow areas are suitable for embankment construction. The recommended soaked CBR value for pavement design is considered to be 10% for subgrade. Brick: The soil available in this area is alluvial soil, which is conglomerate of silt-clay and is considered suitable for bricks making. Hence many brick kilns are operating along the road. Quality of bricks is also good for use in structure as directed in concession agreement. The size of bricks generally conform to old British nominal size i.e. 9” minimal size. 2.9.3 Materials Testing The testing frequencies set forth are desirable minimum and engineer shall carry out additional tests as frequently deemed necessary, to satisfy him self. The Technical Specification for this project is governed by relevant IRC, IS, MORT&H, AASHTO and BS codes (As applicable). 2.9.4 Materials Storage All materials shall be properly stored so as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion by foreign matter and to ensure their satisfactory quality and fitness for the work. Storage space shall also permit easy inspection, removal and re-storage of the material. All such material even though stored in covered godowns /places must be subjected to acceptance test prior to their immediate use.

A. Bricks

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 8- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Brick shall not be directly dumped at site.  Bricks shall be stacked in regular tires as they are unloaded to minimise breakage and defacement. The size of stack shall not be more than 10000 bricks in nos.  Brick supply shall be available at site at any time.  Bricks selected for use in different situation shall be stacked separately. B. Aggregate  Ground where aggregate being stockpile shall be clear of all vegetation shall be hard and well drained.  Coarse aggregate (unless agreed by Supervision Consultant) shall be supplied in separate sizes.  For 25 mm or less nominal size be supplied in two sizes.  For 32 mm or more nominal size be supplied in three sizes.  Aggregate stock piled directly on ground shall not be removed from stockpile with in 30 cm of ground until final clearing up.  The fine aggregate shall be stacked at site for mixing not less than 8 hours before use duly verified by Supervision Consultant. C. Cement  Cement shall be stored in covered space to avoid deterioration or contamination. It shall be watertight.  Cement shall be stacked on platform at least 150 mm above ground there by giving enough space for air circulation and also so that it does not come in contact with ground moisture.  The maximum height of stacks shall not be more than eight bags high  Each consignment shall be stored separately with grade, mark and date of receipt in store.  Stacked cement shall be used with in one month if stacked more than one month than all pre-requisite tests will have to be redone to ensure the quality and suitability of cement for incorporating in the work. D. Reinforcement Reinforcement bars shall be stored above the surface of ground on platform.  Reinforcement bar shall be well protected against mechanical injuries and form deterioration by expose to atmosphere.  All precaution shall be taken to prevent rusting of reinforcement steel bars. The surface is protected by anticorrosive material or by epoxy anti rust paint, as approved by engineer.  Steel reinforcement bars shall be stacked size wise and each consignment shall be stacked separately and marked for easy identification.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 9- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 E. Pre-Stressing Materials  All pre-stressing steel, sheathing, anchorage’s sleeves and coupling must be protected against mechanical damages.  All pre-stressing and other accessories must be stored under cover to protect from rain/damp ground.  Wire, strand and bar from which tendons are to be fabricated shall be stored about 300 mm above ground and suitably covered and protected against direct climatic influences and away from welding site.  Under no circumstance; should the tendon material shall be subjected to any welding operation or heat treatment at site or metallic coating such as galvanising.  Wire strand shall be stored in large diameter coil which will enable tendons to be laid straight and for a guide, 5 mm dia strand shall be coiled in about 2.0 m dia coil.  Protective wrapping for tendons shall be chemically inert and must be provided with temporary protection during storage.  All accessories shall be handled and stored to avoid any mechanical damages and deterioration to climatic influence. Only approved Corrosion preventing material as recommended by manufacturer or produce and duly approved by engineer shall be used. F. Water  Water shall be stored in clean containers with cover at top to prevent intrusions of foreign matter or growth of organic matter.  Water from muddy/marshy surface shall not be permitted for storage with a aim to incorporate in concrete mix as well as for curing concrete.  Intake pipe shall be enclosed to exclude self, mud gross and other solid material.  The water level in average tank shall not fall below 0.6 m form intake at all times.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 10- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


To execute any road project Contractor has to employ vast varieties of engineering plants and equipment. It became more important for an engineer to choose best available equipment or plant that shall be reliable and capable of executing the engineering task most proficiently, economically and last the project duration with minimum lay offs. Accordingly Contractor shall procure equipment of proven make and shall conduct trial run to establish its rated capabilities/efficiencies in order to achieve the laid down tasks as per contract specification to the satisfaction of engineer before commencement of work. All equipment/plants deployed on work shall be maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to Supervision Consultant. For guidance Contractor shall procure equipments for various item of work as under.

3.1 EARTH WORK/EMBANKMENT FILL/STRUCTURE BACK FILL To carry out this task suggested equipments and plants are as; For excavation activities: Hydraulic Excavators, Dozers, Scrapers, Hydraulic loaders, Hydraulic Rooters, Tippers, Tractors and trolleys etc. For Compaction: Water tankers, Static/Vibratory Rollers, Motor graders, Plate compactors, etc.

3.2 STONE QUARRY / METAL CRUSHING To carry out this task suggested equipments and plants are as For excavation activities: Hydraulic stonebreakers, Pneumatic equipments with accessories, Hydraulic crawling drill, Hydraulic loaders and excavators, Compressors with accessories, Generator set etc. For blasting activities: Blasting equipment and accessories, Explosive Magazine for storage. For crushing activities: Crusher with accessories as per requirements.

3.3 SUB BASES AND BASE To carry out this task suggested equipments and plants are as Mixing Plants: GSB/Wet Mix Plant, 200TPH, Generator set. For Laying: Wet mix paver (9.0/6.0 m wide), Tippers, Water tankers, Hydraulic loaders, motor graders, Shoulder paver, primer and tack coat sprayers. For Compaction: Static and Vibratory rollers of 8 to 10 Ton wt. Concrete Kerbs: Concrete Kerb casting machine, Concrete cutter, Transit mixer.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 11- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

3.4 BITUMINOUS BASES AND ASPHALT CONCRETE To carry out this task suggested equipments and plants are as: Mixing of Materials: Hot Mix Plant, Hydraulic loaders for feeding of aggregate material, Bitumen heating plant/boiler, Generator set, Field-testing Laboratory. Bitumen extractor machine to extract bitumen from milled asphalt surface. Laying of surfaces: Mechanical Broom, Air Compressor Asphalt sprayer, Asphalt-paver (9/6m wide with electronic sensors), tippers, Hand tools. Compaction of Surfaces: Tandem Roller 8 – 10 T, Pneumatic Vibratory Roller (PTR). Road Marking Equipment: Thermoplastic Paint Marking Spray Machine.

3.5 CEMENT CONCRETE To carry out this task suggested equipments and plants are as Concrete Super structure: Transit mixer, / surface vibrators of various type, Tremie, Hydraulic jacks, fully computerised concrete batching plant and concrete pumps. Concrete in situ piles: Pile Drilling rig, Bore hole rig, Bentonite pumps, Casings, Concrete mixers, Tremie, Winches, Tripods, Steel ropes, Transit mixer. Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures: Hydraulic jacks, Anchorages, Vibrators, sheathings, guide cones, bearing places, Tremie, Transit mixer, Conical pumps, Cranes.

3.6 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Various type of assorted equipments required which are common for carrying out various items of work are also proposed to be kept in reserve as under: For Miscellaneous use: Generator sets, Low Bed Trailer with prime mover, 1.0m wide static as well as vibratory roller, Mobile portable generators for night work. Communication: Wireless with base station, Radio sets, walky-talky, Cellular phone and Tele line communication with local automatic exchange or intercom. Workshop facilities: Kerb side pump, Fuel Tanker, Lath machine, Workshop accessories and applicable tools, Welding machines (gas as well as electric), Compressor, Hydraulic extractors, Pneumatic tools for tyre repairs.

3.7 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA EQUIPMENTS/PLANTS  All Engineering Equipments/plants to be incorporated in work shall be approved by IE. Any equipment/plant that is not up to desired standard and not accepted by IE shall be removed from site or parked in deadline of the workshop.  All Equipments brought to site shall have proven efficiencies / standard. No old inefficient plant, machinery or equipment is to be used which is more then three years old. o Contractor shall have adequately trained manpower employed on the work to ensure timely / efficient repair.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 12- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 o Contractor shall conduct trial to confirm the output of following equipment as per tech. catalogue.  Pavers – bituminous/non bituminous.  Asphalt spray unit  Motor grader(s)  Dozers  Hydraulic Loader and Earth moving plants.  Vibrator/Static rollers/PTR/Tandem.  Milling Machine.  Hot Mix Plant (Batch type with manimum 150 TPH capacity)  Concrete batching plants.  Mixing plant for WMM.  Concrete Vibrators needle/screed.  Crushers’ capacity and sizes.  Water pumps.  Generator set fixed/mobile.  Mechanical Compactor.  Dumpers etc.  Low bed trailer with prime- mover  Bituminous Primer and tack coat sprayers  Water tankers  Transit mixer  Air Compressor  Mechanical broomers

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 13- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


The quality of work is greatly influenced by field supervision responsible for it. The Supervision Consultant shall evaluate the capabilities of contractor proposed work force and shall ensure that only experienced and qualified personnel are engaged in the project. To achieve total quality product, EPC Contractor has to submit methodology to be adopted to carry out particular tasks. The separate detailed Methodology shall be submitted for each task specifying the machinery and its capacities and specification with detailed design. Supervision Consultant shall conduct field trials of proposed methodology and shall only approve it; if it met with the following:  Suitable to execute task in a sequence and planned manner.  Suitable of producing final product as per specification.  Facilitate the quality control testing while in program.  Easy Diagnostic and Corrective Action  Easy to rectify the defective workman ship without loss of time. EPC Contractor shall execute tasks as per approved methodologies by Independent Engineer and Supervision Consultant. Conduct quality control test as given in those manuals in succeeding chapters / paragraph. The supervision consultant should have a trial performance and ensure the work is executed as per approval methodology and planed sequence.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 14- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


Quality and finish of product basically depends upon / influenced by experience of working force deployed on the ground and organization structure evolved by the Contractor. The MAPEX as Concessionaire and supervision consultant shall carefully evaluate the capabilities of contractor / sub contractor task force based on experience, capacity and technically qualified persons individual construction engaged in the project works.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 15- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


The Supervision Consultant shall exercise control over all quality of work. The independent position of Supervision Consultant, Concessionaire and the power vested by him for certifying the quality executed and acceptability of the same with regards to the standard specifications. There are two parties involved in Quality Assurance system, i.e. Supervision Consultant and Contractor. The responsibility for different activities of project falls on each of the two parties as shown in table below.

EPC Sl.No Activity Supervision Consultant Contractor 1. Select Quality Objective J P 2. Define Activity Affecting Quality P P 3. Establish Design Criteria P 4. Specify Quality Standard P 5. Prepare QA Manual J J 6. Prepare quality Control Procedure J J 7. Select Equipment P 8. Prepare Construction Method Statement P 9. Setting Out Work A P Select Material to be Incorporated in the 10. R P Works 11. Evolve Mix Design and Job Mix Formulae R P 12. Approve Mix Design and Job Mix Formulae R P 13. Set up Lab. And testing Facilities P P 14. Specify sampling Plan J P 15. Carry out Construction Operation A P 16. Inspect Work in Progress P 17. Monitor and Evaluate Quality Trends P P 18. Accept work in Progress P 19. Reject Work in Progress P 20. Carry out Corrective Measures A P 21. Accept Completed Works J Note: J=Joint Responsibility, A=; Approval Responsibility and, P= Primary Responsibility R = Recommendation responsibility

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 16- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 PROCEDURE FOR SAMPLING AND TESTING 7

In normal course of work, all tests and sampling of material shall conform to the relevant standards specifications / code of practice for carrying out the specific tests. In normal working deviation, to establish testing and sampling procedures shall not be permitted on adhoc basis. Testing samples shall be collected as per sampling procedures described in relevant standards of code and then only testing shall commence.

7.1 SAMPLING The testing of material shall be conducted on unbiased samples collected from field or quarries or weigh batching plants and hot mix plant as per relevant standards codes / prescribed procedures. The minimum weight of sample shall be adequate to conduct test for which it has been sampled. For sampling random numbering statistical method shall be used. This method can be applied to following type of samples.  Random sampling of raw material from quarry or source.  Stocked piles.  Stacked material.  Running production line.  Finish road surface.  The random sampling procedure to be followed as given in IRC/IS/ASTM/AASHTO codes.

7.2 TESTING This section describes the type for various quality control tests. The EPC Contractor and ‘Supervision Consultants’ Material Engineer shall ensure that the test is carried out as per relevant code mentioned there in and the record of testing is maintained in laboratory. Tests which could not be conducted in field lab shall be conducted in an independent laboratory like I.I.T. Kharagpur METARCH etc. The test shall be conducted on unbiased samples, taken from field as per the relevant IRC/IS/AASHTO and BS code (as applicable). All tests shall be conducted in Engineering Testing Laboratory established by EPC Contractor under Material Engineer supervision. Test results shall be properly maintained in laboratory office. Any sub standard material going into work shall be identified immediately and Contractor will be informed in writing for removing as per concession agreement. Contractor may propose alternate method of testing provided relevant code permits. The Contractor shall carryout quality control test and sampling for various items of works as brought out in subsequent paragraphs. The various tests shall be conducted as per table given below: Brief Description / Test IS Code 1 Embankment/Structure back fill /RE soil a) Sp. Gr. Fine, Medium & Coarse grained Soil IS 2720 (Part 3/Sec2) b) Sp. Gr. Fine, grained Soil IS 2720 (Part 3/Sec1) c) Sp. Gr. of Soil Specimen and Water Content of Soil. IS 2720 (Part 2)

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 17- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

d) Grain Size Analysis (Wet Sieving) IS 2720 (Part 4) e) Atterberg limit (LL, PL, & PI) IS 2720 (Part 5) f) Shrinkage Factors SI, SL IS 2720 (Part 6) g) OMC, MDD using Heavy Proctor IS 2720 (Part 8) h) Dry density – moisture content relation by constant weight of soil method IS 2720 (Part 9) i) In-Site density by sand replacement method. IS 2720 (Part 28) j) Consolidation properties IS 2720 (Part 15) k) Lab CBR soaked and un soaked. IS 2720 (Part 16) l) Field moisture equipment IS 2720 (Part 18) m) Direct Shear Test IS 2720 (Part 13) n) Organic matter IS 2720 (Part 22) o) Free swell index of soil IS 2720 (Part 40) p) Soluble Sulphate in soil BS : 1377 (Test 10/9) 2 Sub grade a) Sp. Gr. Fine, Medium & coarse grained Soil IS: 2720 (Part 3/Sec2) b) Alterberg Limit LL, PL & PI IS 2720 (Part 5) c) Total Soluble Solids IS 2720 (Part 21) d) Organic Matter IS 2720 (Part 22) e) Calcium Carbonate IS 2720 (Part 23) f) Cation exchange capacity IS 2720 (Part 24) g) Silica sesquioxide ratio. IS 2720 (Part 25) h) PH Value. IS 2720 (Part 26) I) Total Soluble sulphate IS 2720 (Part 27) j) Sand equivalent Values of Soil IS 2720 (Part 37) k) Free Swell index of soils IS 2720 (Part 40) l) Permeability IS 2720 (Part 17) m) OMC, MDD using heavy proctor IS 2720 (Part 8) n) CBR (soaked and unsoaked) IS 2720 (Part 16) o) Insitu density test by sand replacement method IS 2720 (Part 28)

7.2.1 Granular/ Sub-Base & WMM As per design requirement a sub-base consisting of crushed aggregates, shall be provided. The well- graded crushed material shall be as per the contract specifications. Ensure that the material is used as per specification; the following tests shall be conducted as per table given below. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief Description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1. Sieve analysis IS 2386( part 1) 2. Atterberg limits i.e. LL, PL & PI IS 2720 (Part 5) 3. OMC & MDD using heavy proctor. IS 2720 (Part 8) 4. CBR (socked and un-soaked) IS 2720 (Part 16) 5. LAA IS 2386( Part 4) 6. ACV/AIV IS 2386 (Part 4) 7. Soundness Loss test IS 2386 (Part 50 8. Flakiness/Elongation test IS 2386(Part 1) 9. Water absorption IS 2386 (Part 3) 10. 10% fine value BS: 812 (Part 111) 11. Moisture content of loose material BS: 812 (Part 2) 12. Insitu density by Sand Replacement Method IS 2720 (Part 28 ) 13. Material finer than 75 micron IS:2386 (Part 1) 14. Determination of specific Gravity IS: 2386 (Part 3) 15. Determination of Organic impurities IS: 2386 (Part 2) 16. Grading

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 18- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 GSB (D/L) Table 400-2 of MORT&H GSB (U/L) Table 400-1 of MORT&H WMM Table 400-11 of MORT&H 17. Physical requirements of coarse aggregate for WMM Table 400-10 of MORT&H

7.2.2 Coarse and Fine Aggregates (For Concrete) IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief Description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1. Particle size and shape IS:2386-1963 (Part 1) 2. Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities IS:2386-1963 (Part 2) 3. Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking IS:2386-1963 (Part 3) 4. Mechanical properties IS:2386-1963 (Part 4) 5. Soundness IS:2386-1963 (Part 5) 6. Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates IS:2386-1963 (Part 6) 7. Alkali aggregate reactivity IS:2386-1963 (Part 7) 8. Petrographic examination IS:2386-1963 (Part 8) Coarse and fine aggregates from material sources for concrete IS:383-1970 9. (second revision) 10. Gradation Coarse Table 1000-1 of MORT&H Fine Table 1000-2 of MORT&H 11. Concrete mix design IS:10262-1982 / SP23:1982 12. Code of practice for PCC & RCC IS:456-2000 of BIS

7.2.3 DBM/BC IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief Description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1. Particle size and shape IS:2386-1963 (Part 1) 2. Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities IS:2386-1963 (Part 2) 3. Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking IS:2386-1963 (Part 3) 4. Mechanical properties (LAA/AIV) IS:2386-1963 (Part 4) 5. Soundness IS:2386-1963 (Part 5) 6. Sand equivalent of fine aggregates IS:2720 (Part 37) 7. Determination of stripping value of aggregates IS:6241-1971 8. Water sensitivity AASHTO T283 9. Gradation DBM Table 500-10 of MORT&H BC Table 500-18 of MORT&H 10. Physical requirements for coarse aggregate DBM Table 500-8 of MORT&H BC Table 500-17 of MORT&H 11. Sp. Gravity of coarse aggregate AASHTO T85 12. Sp. Gravity of fine aggregate AASHTO T84 13. Sp. Gravity of filler AASHTO T100 14. Stone polishing value of aggregate BS:812 Part 114

7.2.4 Water The water used for general engineering practices shall conform to following tests. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA Suitable of water for General Engineering practice. IS: 456 PH value, acidity, alkanets, organic solid should sulphates etc. IS: 3025

7.2.5 Bitumen / Bituminous mixes Bitumen used in bituminous shall be 60-70 and shall conform to following test as tabulated below.

IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA

1 Sp. Gravity at 27ºC IS 1202:1978, AASHTO T100

2 Water percent by mass IS 1211:1978

3 Flash point, closed and open temp, ºC IS 1448(P:691:1969)

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 19- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 4 Softening point ºC IS 1205:1978

5 Penetration at 25ºC, 100g, 5sec, 1/10 min IS 1203:1978

6 Penetration ratio at 4ºC & 25ºC -

7 Ductility test at 27ºC, cm IS 1208:1978

8 Paraffin wax content, % by mass IS 10512:1983

9 Frass breaking point, ºC, min IS 9381:1979

10 Loss on heating, thin film over test IS 1212:1978

11 Retained penetration at 25ºC IS 9382:1979 12 Matter soluble in trichloroethylene IS 1216:1978 13 Viscosity at a) 60ºC poises IS 1206 (Part 2):1978 b) 135ºC; cost min IS 1206 (Part 3):1978 14 Maximum specific gravity of loose paving mixture ASTM 2041 Resistance to plastic flow of bituminous mixtures using Marshall 15 D-1559 of ASTM apparatus Resistance to plastic flow of bituminous mixtures using Marshall 16 D-5581 of ASTM apparatus Bulk specific gravity of compressed bitumen mixtures using ISD ASTM D-2726 or D-1188 or AASHTO T- 17 specimen 166=00 18 Bituminous mix design MS-2 of Asphalt Institute 19 Bitumen Emulsion IS 8887

7.2.6 Cement Cement used in various grades of concrete mixes in super and substructure (concluding points) shall conform to the following test.

IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TEST In order of preference given in CA a) Cement OPC grade 33,43, 53 (Preferably 43 grade) IS: 269, IS:8112, IS:12269 b) Determination of Fineness by dry sieving IS:4031 – (Part 1) c) Determination of Fineness BAP method. IS:4031 – (Part 2) d) Soundness – Le – Chatelier IS: 4031 – (Part 3) 1 e) Determination of Consistency. IS:4031 – (Part 4) f) Initial & Final setting time. IS:4031 - (Part 5) g) Soundness Auto Clave method IS:4031 – (Part 3) i) Compressive strength 3,7 & 28 days IS:4031 – (Part 6) j) Determination of density IS:4031 – (Part 11)

7.2.7 Steel Steel for reinforcement and pre-stressing rebar and high strength steel wire to be used as reinforcement bar in RCC and pre-tensioning concrete structure shall conform to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Codes S.N Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1 Steel (Rebar’s) a) Nominal mass & Cross Section; Tensile Strength and % IS:1786,IS:1608 elongation b) Bent Test / re-bend Test IS:1599/1786 c) Chemical Analysis IS:228 d) Pull out test IS:2770(part 1) 2 Steel for Post/Pre tensioning a) Cold rolled Cold Annealed Sheathing IS:513 b) Nominal & Cross Section, tensile strength and elongations. IS:1786 (Part I & II) c) Structural Steel IS: 2062-1999 d) Welding IS: 816-1969 & IS: 1323-1982 e) Rivets IS: 1148-1982, IS: 1923-1961 & IS: 800-1984

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 20- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 f) Bolts And Nuts IS: 1363-1967 & 1367-1967 g) HTS wire strands IS: 6006 h) Elastromeric bearings IRC: 83-1987(Part-II), ASTM D-297(Sub Sec.-10), ASTM D-297 (Appendix X-Z), ASTM S-3482-78, IS: 3400 (Part-II,I,X,IV,XIV,XX,III), IS: 226 (lamination) i) Strip seal expansion joints IRC: 83 (Part-II), IS: 3400 (Part-III), IS: 226, IS:2062 k) Hume pipes IS: 458 & IS: 3597 Note: All the other component to be used in the project should be as per MORT&H, IS and other specifications approved by IE.

7.2.8 Bricks Bricks used in substructure shall conform to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA Bricks Dimension IS:1077 Determination of Efflorescence IS:3495(Part 3) 1. Determination of Absorption IS:3495(Part 2) Determination of Comp. Strength IS:3495(Part 1) Determination of Warpage. IS:3495(Part 4)

7.2.9 Admixtures Admixture used in concrete work shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA a. Chloride content IS : 6925 b. Uniformity test IS : 9103 1. i) Dry material content IS : 9103 ii) Ash content IS : 9103 iii) Relative density IS : 9103

7.2.10 Cement Concrete Cement concrete of various grade used in PCC / RCC / PSC shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S. No Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA a. Design mix of various grade of concrete SP : 23 , 1982 / IS : 10262, 1982 1 b. Consistency of concrete (slump) IS : 516 / IS : 1199 c. Cube compressive strength. IS : 516 / IS : 1199

7.2.11 RE Wall Accessories RE Wall accessories shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA BSEN: 10025:1993 / ISO: 1459:1973 / ISO: 1460: 1 Steel Lugs 1992 / ISO: 1461: 1973 / BS: 729: 1971 and Reinforced Earth Specifications.

2 Lifting Anchors Reinforced Earth Specifications.

3 EPDM Rubber Pads Reinforced Earth Specifications. BSEN: 10025:1993 / ISO: 1459:1973 / ISO: 1460: 4 Carbon Steel Reinforcing Strips (Hot Dip Galvanized) 1992 / ISO: 1461: 1973 / BS: 729: 1971 and Reinforced Earth Specifications. BS: 3692: 2001 / BS: 729: 2001 & 5 Nut & Bolts Reinforced Earth Specifications. 6 Foam Reinforced Earth Specifications

7 Geo – textile Reinforced Earth Specifications

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 21- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

7.2.12 Back Fill Materials Backfill material behind RE Wall shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA a. Angle of internal friction IS: 13326, Part-I / Technical Specification of Reinforced Earth 1 b. Gradation IS: 383, 1970 / Technical Specification of Reinforced Earth c. Proctor Density IS: 2720, Part-VIII / Technical Specification of Reinforced Earth d. Resistivity Test Technical Specification of Reinforced Earth e. Field Compaction Test IS: 2720, Part-29 / Technical Specification of Reinforced Earth

7.2.13 Elastomeric Bearings: IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1. Steel Insert IS: 226 2. Raw Elastomer Table 2000-1 of MORT&H, Chloroprene (CR) Ash Content ASTM D-297 (Sub-section 10) Adhesion Strength (Elastomer to steel plastics) IS: 3400 (part XIV) Sp. Gr. Test ASTM D-297 (Sub-section 15) Polymer content test ASTM D-297 (Sub-section 10) Identification of polymer ASTM D-297 (Sub-section 15) Shear Modulus MORT&H a) Level 1 acceptance testing Section 2005.3.1 of MORT&H b) Level 2 acceptance testing Section 2005.3.1 of MORT&H c) Any acceptance testing Section 2005.3 of MORT&H

7.2.14 Pot PTFE Bearings Pot PTEF Bearing shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code Sl. No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA a. POT i) Structural Steel IS: 226 / IS: 2062 ii) Caste Steel IS: 1030 iii) Stainless Steel AISI: 304 / AISI: 316 L 1 b. PTFE BS: 3784 c. Elastomer i) Hardness IS: 3400 (Part II) ii) Minimum tensile strength IS : 3400 (Part I) iii) Minimum elongation at break IS : 3400 (Part I)

7.2.15 Bentonite Bentonite shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA a. Density To be confirmed 1 b. PH value IS: 3025 c. Silt content IS: 2720 (Part IV) d. Liquid limit IS: 2720 (Part V) e. Mass con viscosity To be confirmed

7.2.15 Retro Reflective Road Marking Paint Retro Reflective Road Marking shall confirm to the following requirements.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 22- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA Thermoplastic Material a) Luminance AASHTO M 249 b) Drying Time AASHTO M 250 1. c) Skid Resistance BS: 6044 d) Yellow ness index AASHTO M 249 e) Cracking resistance at low temperature MORT&H f) Softening Point ASTM D 36 g) Flow resistance AASHTO M 249 Reflection of Glass Beads a) Gradation BS: 6088 2. b) Round ness BS: 3262 (Part I) c) Refractive index MORT&H d) Free Flow MORT&H 9 Thick ness MORT&H

7.2.16 Curing Compound Curing Compound shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1 Drying Time ASTM C 150 / ASTM C 156 / ASTM C 309 / BS: 7542 2 Water Retention MORT&H 3 Specific Gravity (At 28ºC) - 4 Water Loss ASTM C 150 / ASTM C 156 / ASTM C 309 / BS 7542 5 Aspect -

7.2.17 Mastic Asphalt Mastic Asphalt shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief Description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1. Particle size and shape IS:2386-1963 (Part 1) 2. Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities IS:2386-1963 (Part 2) 3. Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking IS:2386-1963 (Part 3) 4. Mechanical properties (LAA/AIV) IS:2386-1963 (Part 4) 5. Soundness IS:2386-1963 (Part 5) 6. Sand equivalent of fine aggregates IS:2720 (Part 37) 7. Determination of stripping value of aggregates IS:6241-1971 8. Water sensitivity AASHTO T283 Gradation 9. a. Coarse Aggregate Table 500-30 of MORT&H b. Fine Aggregate Table 500-31 of MORT&H 10. Physical requirements for coarse aggregate Table 500-3 of MORT&H 11. Sp. Gravity of coarse aggregate AASHTO T85 12. Sp. Gravity of fine aggregate AASHTO T84 13. Sp. Gravity of filler AASHTO T100 14. Penetration at 25ºC, 100g, 5sec, 1/10 min IS 1203:1978 15. Softening point ºC IS 1205:1978 16. Loss on heating for 5 hrs. at 163o C IS 1212:1978 17. Solubility in trichloroethylene IS 1216:1978 18. Ash (Mineral Matter) IS 1217:1978

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 23- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

7.2.18 Crash Barrier Accessories Crash Barrier Accessories shall confirm to the following requirements.

IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Codes S.N Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA G.I. Pipes a) Dimension’s IS: 1239(part 1), 1990 1 b) Tensile Strength, % elongation and Bend Test IS: 1239(part 1 & part 2), 1990 & IS: 1608, 1995 c) Galvanisation Test IS: 1239(part 1), 1990 M.S. Plate & M 16 U Bolt 2 a) Tensile Strength, % elongation and Bend Test IS: 2062, 1999 & IS: 1608, 1995 c) Chemical Analysis IS: 2062, 1999 & IS: 1608, 1995

7.2.19 Pole sulphide Sea lent and other material for filler type expansion joints Pole Sulphide Sea lent and other material for filler type expansion joints shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS CODE S.No Brief Description of Test In order of preference given in CA 1. Steel Plate Sliding Expansion Joints Section 1900 of MORT&H 2. Filler Joints Section 2605 of MORT&H / IS: 1838 Elastomeric Slab Seal Expansion Joint 3. a) Steel Inserts IS: 226 b) Elastomer IRC: 83(part II) Strip Seal Expansion Joint a) Steel (Edge Beam) Steel Grade Rst 37-2 of German Standard 4. b) Chloroprene IRC: 83(part II) / Table 2600-1 of MORT&H c) Anchorage Steel IS: 2062, 1999 d) Anchorage Loop IS: 2062, 1999

7.2.20 Retro Reflective Traffic Sign Retro Reflective Traffic sign shall confirm to the following requirements. IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code S.No. Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA Traffic Sign Post a) Reinforcing steel IS: 1786, 1985 1. b) Bolts, Nuts & Washers IS: 1364 & IS: 1367 c) Plates & Support Sections IS: 226 & IS: 2062 d) Aluminium Sheets IS: 736, Gr. 24345 / Section 1900 of MORT&H Traffic Retro-Reflective Sign Sheeting a) High Intensity grade Sheeting ASTM E: 810 / Table 801 of MORT&H 2. b) Engineering grade Sheeting ASTM E: 810 / Table 802 of MORT&H c) Colour IS: 5 / Section 800 of MORT&H 7.2.21 Pile Load Test of Board Piles Pile Load Test of Board Piles shall IRC/IS/AASHTO/BS Code confirm to the Brief description of Test In order of preference given in CA following requirements.S.No. 1 Initial Load Test IS: 2911(part IV) & Section 1113 of MORT&H 2 Routine Load Test IS: 2911(part IV) & Section 1113 of MORT&H

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 24- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 FREQUENCY OF TESTS ON VARIOUS MATERIALS 8

This section describes the types and frequencies of various quality control tests conducted on unbiased samples collected form field / quarry / source. The EPC Contractor Material Engineer and Supervision Consultant Material Engineer shall ensure that frequencies of test are maintained as brought out this section and in subsequent sections. Supervision Consultant Material Engineer shall do test sampling on unbiased basis. Tests shall be conducted as per relevant code in field Testing Laboratory established by Contractor at site camp under independent supervision of ‘Supervision Consultant’ Material Engineer. Confirmatory test if desired by IE shall be carried out at Independent Laboratory like IIT Kharagpur, METARCH. Any sub-standard material incorporated in work should be identified immediately and Supervision Consultant would inform the Contractor in writing to carryout removal from site. The frequencies of various tests to be conducted shall be as per relevant code and MORT&H specification.

8.1 BORROW AREA Borrow area shall be marked in grid fashion and demarcated & fenced. The borrow area shall be along to the proposed depth. These pits shall be logged and plotted for proper identification of source of material sampled. The mathematical model to approve the borrow area the unbiased random samples shall be taken for various test as per table given below.

Type of Test to be conducted and No. of sample and sample test size. Gradation, LL, PI, MDD & OMC (Each) 2 Tests 3000 cum soil.

Deleterious content test. Minimum one test on source or change of source or as and when required.

Moisture content test One test for every 250 cum. CBR soaked/un soaked small factor One test for every 3000 cum. Compaction control Six test each for area upto 6000 sq. m of embankment shoulder Ten test each for area upto 500 sqm of subgrade Moisture Control (field moisture equipment)


Type of Test to be conducted. No. of sample and sample test size. Gradation. One test per 200 cum. Atterberg limit One test per 200 cum. Moisture content prior to compaction 1 test per 250 Sq m per layer Density of compacted layer 1 test per 500 sq m per layer. Deleterious matter As required CBR. As required

8.3 WET MIX MACADAM Type of Test to be conducted. Frequencies Aggregate impact value. One test per 200 cum

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 25- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Gradation/OMC/Proctor One test per 100 cum Flakiness elongation index One test per 200 cum Atterberg limit test (LL/PI) One test per 100 cum Density of compacted layers One test per 500 cum

8.4 CEMENT CONCRETE Type of Test to be Frequencies conducted. Job mix design for type of concrete Prior to commencement of work or as on required basis due to charge in off gradation grade Slump Test One sample on commencement of work or as on required basis. One sample consist of 3 specimens Sample Quantity each for cube/beam 1 1-5 cum 2 6-15 cum 3 16-30 cum 4 31-50 cum 4+1 51 and above and one Additional test for every 50 cum One sample for days work. Gradation of coarse and fine One per day or on as required basis. aggregate Quality tests on aggregates On required basis or on change of source or at least once in month on stockpile not less than 3000 cum capacity

8.5 STEEL Type of Test to be conducted. Frequencies 2% proof strength test One test per tot of 10 tonne. Elongation test -do Visual Inspection On regular basis on each bar defector bars to be discarded. Quality of Geo synthetics material Once on arrival of consign must or as required basis Determination of angle of pristine between compote fill and IS 13326 (Part I) as required basis. reinforcing element.

8.6 PRIMER COATING AND TACK COATING Type of Test to be conducted. Frequencies Spray rate One test set per 500 sqm and not less than two set tests per day Quality of binder This sample per lot or as required basis Binder temperature for application During spraying or as required basis (At regular closed intervals)

8.7 DBM/BC MIX Type of Test Frequencies Quality of binder. Initially two sample per lot subsequently on as required basis. Aggregate Impact Value One test per 50 cum or at least one test for one production day. Flakiness/ Elongation Index -do- Stripping value Initially one set of 3 samples from each source and subsequently on required basis or change of source. Soundness (Magnesium and Initially one determination by each method from each source and subsequently on required Sodium Sulphate) basis or change of source. Water absorption Initially one set of 3 samples from each source and subsequently on required basis or change of source. Sand Equivalent Test As on required basis. Plasticity Index As on required basis. Mix Gradation One set of tests on individual constituents and mixed aggregates from the dryer for each 400 tones of mix subject to a minimum of two tests per plant per day. Stability of Mix A set of 3 Marshal specimens per 400 tonnes of mix production subject to a minimum of two

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 26- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 sets per plant per day. Water sensitivity of mix As on required basis Swell test on mix As on required basis for bituminous concrete. Stone polishing value As on required basis for bituminous concrete or change of source. Temp control On running of hot mix and laying by paver as on required basis. Binder Content One test @ 400 tonnes of mix subject to a minimum of two tests per day per plant. Rate of spread of mixed material Regular control on actual laying. Density of compacted layer One test @ 250 Sqm area Percentage of fractured faces When gravel is used, one test per 50 cum of aggregate.

8.8 CEMENT Type of Test Frequencies a. Physical Test i) Fineness One test per week no. for each brand of cement ii) Soundness by ‘Le-chatelier’ One test per week no. for each brand of cement method iii) Soundness by ‘Outo-clave One test per week no. for each brand of cement test’ method. iv) Initial setting time One test per week no. for each brand of cement v) Final setting time One test per week no. for each brand of cement vi) Compressive strength for 72±1 One test per week no. for each brand of cement hour vii) Compressive strength for One test per week no. for each brand of cement 168±2 hour viii) Compressive strength for One test per week no. for each brand of cement 672±4 hour ix) Consistency of standard One test per week no. for each brand of cement cement paste.

b. Chemical Test i. Ratio of percentage of lime to One test for each brand of cement. percentages of silica, alumina & iron oxide. ii. Ratio of percentage of One test for each brand of cement. alumina to that of iron oxide. iii. Insoluble residue, percent by One test for each brand of cement. mass iv. Magnesia, percent by mass One test for each brand of cement.

v. Total sulphur content, One test for each brand of cement. calculated as sulphuric anhydride (SO3), percent by mass. vi. Total loss on ignition One test for each brand of cement.

vii. Total chloride content, percent One test for each brand of cement. by mass

8.9 Water for concreting Type of Test Frequencies Water for concreting Neutralisation of 200 ml sample At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. of water using phenolphthalein as an indicator with 0.1 Na-OH. Naturalisation of 200 ml sample At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. of works using methyl orange as an indicator with 0.1 N Hcl. Organic At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. Inorganic solids At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. Sulphates (as SO3) At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. Chlorides (as Cl) At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. Suspended matter At approval of source subsequently at every change of source. 8.10 Admixture Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 27- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Type of Test Frequencies Dry material content One test per batch Ash content One test per batch Relative density One test per batch Chloride ion content One test per batch PH One test per batch 8.11 Hume Pipe Type of Test Frequencies 8 tests for lot size up to 50 a. Overall length 13 tests for lot size 51 to 100 b. Internal diameter of pipes 20 tests for lot size 101 to 300 c. Wall thickness 32 tests for lot size 301 to 500 d. Deviation from straight 50 tests for lot size 501 & above 2 tests for lot size up to 50 a. Hydrostatic test 3 tests for lot size 51 to 100 b. Three – Edge bearing test 5 tests for lot size 101 to 300 c. Absorption test 7 tests for lot size 301 to 500 10 tests for 101 size 501 and above 8.12 Bricks Type of Test Frequencies Dimensions One test for 20 bricks for each source. Compressive strength One test for each source. Water absorption One test for each source. Efflorescence One test for each source. 8.13 RE Wall Accessories Type of Test Frequencies a. Carbon Steel Reinforcing Strips (40X5 mm) (Hot Dip Galvanised) 5 tests per lot. i) Chemical compositions (Lot of 20 M.T.) 5 tests per lot. ii) Tensile strength (Lot of 20 M.T.) 5 tests per lot. iii) Yield strength (Lot of 20 M.T.) 5 tests per lot. iv) Elongation (Lot of 20 M.T.) 5 tests per lot. v) Galvanization (Lot of 20 M.T.) b. Steel Lugs

i) Chemical composition 5 tests per lot (Lot of 10 M.T.) ii) Tensile strength 5 tests per lot (Lot of 10 M.T.) iii) Yield strength 5 tests per lot (Lot of 10 M.T.) iv) Elongation 5 tests per lot (Lot of 10 M.T.) v) Galvanization 5 tests per lot (Lot of 1000 nos. )

c. Lifting Anchors Mechanical properties 5 tests per lot (Lot of 10,000 nos.) d. Nuts & Bolts

Chemical analysis 5 tests per 10,000 pieces

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 28- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Mechanical properties 5 tests per 10,000 pieces Galvanization 5 tests per 10,000 pieces e. EPDM Rubber Pads Short Hardness A tests 5 tests per lot (Lot of 1000 nos.) f. FOAM Density 1 test per lot (Lot of 2000 metre) g. Geotextile Mechanical hydraulic properties 1 test per lot (Lot of 2000 sq. metre)

8.14 RE Wall Backfill Materials: Type of Test Frequencies At approval of source a. Angle of internal friction ‘’ Subsequently at every change of source. At approval of source b. Gradation Subsequently at every change of source. At least one sample per 3000 m3 At approval of source c. Maximum Dry Density (MDD) Subsequently at every change of source. d. Physio-chemical requirement At approval of source (Resistivity tests) Subsequently at every change of source For every 500 sq. m of compacted area. e. Field Compaction Test Minimum two tests at each level of compacted layer.

8.15 H. T. Strand: Type of Test Frequencies a. Physical Tests: At approval of source Subsequently at every change of source. Nominal diameter For each reel. Breaking strength, 0.2% proof load, %age elongation, relaxation One test for each batch for every 5 nos. of coil / reel. loss. At approval of source b. Chemical test Subsequently at every change of source

8.16 Sheathing Ducts: Type of Test Frequencies Workability Test At least 3 samples for one lot of supply (not exceeding 7000 metre length). Transverse Load Rating Test At least 3 samples for one lot of supply (not exceeding 7000 metre length). Tension Load Test At least 3 samples for one lot of supply (not exceeding 7000 metre length). Water Loss Test At least 3 samples for one lot of supply (not exceeding 7000 metre length).

8.17 Elastomeric Bearings: Type of Test Frequencies Steel Insert: Two tests per lot/ Change of source

Raw Elastomer Content Two tests per lot/ Change of source Ash Content Two tests per lot/ Change of source

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 29- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Adhesion Strength (Elastomer to steel plastics) Two tests per lot/ Change of source Sp. Gr. Test Two tests per lot/ Change of source Polymer content test Two tests per lot/ Change of source Identification of polymer Two tests per lot/ Change of source Shear Modulus a) Level 1 acceptance testing Two tests per lot/ Change of source b) Level 2 acceptance testing One tests per lot/ Change of source c) Any acceptance testing

8.18 Pot Bearing: Type of Test Frequencies a. POT i) Structural Steel Two tests per lot/ Change of source ii) Caste Steel Two tests per lot/ Change of source iii) Stainless Steel Two tests per lot/ Change of source b. PTFE Two tests per lot/ Change of source c. Elastomer i) Hardness Two tests per lot/ Change of source ii) Minimum tensile strength Two tests per lot/ Change of source iii) Minimum elongation at break Two tests per lot/ Change of source

8.19 Expansion Joint (Elastomeric): Type of Test Frequencies 1. Steel Plate Sliding Expansion Joints 2. Filler Joints 3. Elastomeric Slab Seal Expansion Joint a) Steel Inserts b) Elastomer 4. Strip Seal Expansion Joint a) Steel (Edge Beam) b) Chloroprene c) Anchorage Steel d) Anchorage Loop 4. Steel Plate Sliding Expansion Joints

8.20 Bentonite: Type of Test Frequencies a) Liquid Limit (IS 2720 Part V 1965) One test for each lot b) Sand Content One test for each lot c) Relative Density One test for each lot & each activity d) Free Swell Index One test for each lot f) Density One test for each lot & each activity g) Marsh Cone Viscosity One test for each lot & each activity h) PH value One test for each lot i) Silt content One test for each lot

8.21 Road Marking Paint:

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 30- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Type of Test Frequencies I ) Daylight Luminatce Ktisk s Once for each lot

II) Daylight luminanu yellow Once for each lot

III) Drying Time Once for each lot

IV) Skid Ratid Once for each lot V) Yellowness Index Once for each lot VI) Cracking resistance at low temperature Once for each lot

VII) Softening Point Once for each lot

VIII) Plow Resistance Once for each lot IX) Reflection of Glass Beds a) Gradation b) Rouedness Once for each lot c) Refractive Index d) Free Flow X) Thickness Once for each lot

8.22 Curing Compound Type of Test Frequencies a) Density at 30oC One test per batch b) Flow time in B-4 Ford Cup One test per batch c) Flash point [Approx.] One test per batch d) Drying time [ ASTM C 156] One test per batch

8.23 Mastic Asphalt

Type of Test Frequencies Quality of binder No. of samples per lot and tests as per IS : 73 & IS : 8887 as applicable. Aggregate Impact Value One test per 50 cum or at least one test for one production day. Flakiness/ Elongation Index -do- Stripping value Initially one set of 3 samples from each source and subsequently on required basis or change of source. Water absorption -do- Grading of aggregates Two tests per day per plant both on the individual constituent and mixed aggregates from the dryer. Water sensitivity of mix Initially one set of 3 samples from each source and subsequently on required basis or change of source. Soundness (Magnesium and Initially one determination by each method from each source and subsequently on required Sodium Sulphate) basis or change of source. Percentage of fractured faces When gravel is used, one test per 50 cum of aggregate. Binder content and aggregate Periodic, subject to minimum of two tests per day per plant. grading Control of temperature of binder At regular close intervals. and aggregate for mixing and of the mix at the time of laying and rolling Rate of spread of mixed material Regular control through checks of layer thickness. Hardness number One tests for each 400 tonnes of mix subject to a minimum of two tests per day.

8.24 Crash Barrier handrail accessories Type Of Tests Frequencies Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 31- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 G.I. Pipes a) Dimension’s IS: 1239(part 1), 1990 b) Tensile Strength, % elongation and Bend Test IS: 1239(part 1 & part 2), 1990 & IS: 1608, 1995 c) Galvanisation Test IS: 1239(part 1), 1990 M.S. Plate & M 16 U Bolt a) Tensile Strength, % elongation and Bend Test IS: 2062, 1999 & IS: 1608, 1995 c) Chemical Analysis IS: 2062, 1999 & IS: 1608, 1995

8.25 Pole sulphide Sea lent and other material for filler type expansion joints

Type Of Tests Frequencies Steel Plate Sliding Expansion Joints Section 1900 of MORT&H Filler Joints Section 2605 of MORT&H / IS: 1838 Elastomeric Slab Seal Expansion Joint a) Steel Inserts IS: 226 b) Elastomer IRC: 83(part II) Strip Seal Expansion Joint a) Steel (Edge Beam) Steel Grade Rst 37-2 of German Standard b) Chloroprene IRC: 83(part II) / Table 2600-1 of MORT&H c) Anchorage Steel IS: 2062, 1999 d) Anchorage Loop IS: 2062, 1999

8.26 Retro Reflective Traffic Sign

Type Of Tests Frequencies

Traffic Sign Post a) Reinforcing steel IS: 1786, 1985 b) Bolts, Nuts & Washers IS: 1364 & IS: 1367 c) Plates & Support Sections IS: 226 & IS: 2062 d) Aluminium Sheets IS: 736, Gr. 24345 / Section 1900 of MORT&H Traffic Retro-Reflective Sign Sheeting a) High Intensity grade Sheeting ASTM E: 810 / Table 801 of MORT&H b) Engineering grade Sheeting ASTM E: 810 / Table 802 of MORT&H c) Colour IS: 5 / Section 800 of MORT&H

8.27 Pile load test (bored piles) Type of Test Frequencies


The material to be incorporated in work shall be subjected to passing of various tests as brought out in earlier section. The detailed acceptance criteria for approval of material and finish item of work have been dealt in this section. To make the acceptance criteria more apprehensive and also to facilitate Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 32- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Supervision Consultant (SC), a checklist has also been added as guidance so that ME can implement QAS in the most pragmatic manner on ground. This checklist would help ME in ensuring that work on ground has been executed and tested as per good engineering practice.

9.1 ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION CRITERIA Since Quality Control has been exercised on statistical / probability method, hence Supervision Consultant shall evolve a mathematical model to satisfy the degree of satisfaction to be achieved. This is most effective and widely accepted model and yield very satisfactory result to obtain excellent Quality Control and more than 95% satisfaction level.

9.2 EMBANKMENT/STRUCTURE BACK FILLS The following type of material shall be considered unsuitable.  Material from swamps, marshes and bogs.  Peat, log, stump and perishable material.  Soil classified as OL, OI, OH or Pt in accordance with IS: 1498.  Material susceptible to spontaneous combustion.  Material in frozen condition.  Clay having LL exceeding 70 and PI exceeding 45.  Material with salts resulting in leaching in the embankment.  Soils having free swelling index more than 50% shall not be used as filled material.  Soil having acceptable free swelling index (non expensive soils) shall be used up to 500 mm below sub-grade/embankment top.  Fill material having soluble sulphate content exceeding 1.9 gm of sulphate per litre (As per BS: 1377 test 10) not to be deposited with 500 mm in contact with concrete structure or cement bound materials forming part of permanent work.  Fill material having total sulphate content exceeding 0.5% by mass. (Tested as per BS: 1377 test 9) shall not be deposited with 500 mm of metallic item forming part of Permanent Work.  The maximum size of coarse material in earth mixture shall not exceed 75 mm for embankment fill and 50 mm for sub grade fill.  Soil material shall satisfy density requirement as per table given below.

Maximum Laboratory dry unit weight S.N Type of Work. when tested as per IS: 2720 (Part 8). 1. Embankments up to 3.0 m high not subjected to extensive Not less than 15.2 KN/cum or 1.52 gm /cc. flooding. 2. Embankment exceeding 3.0 m ht. or embankment of any Not less than 16.0 KN/cum 1.6 gm/cc. or 1.6 gm/cc height subject to long period of inundation. 3. Sub grade and earthen shoulder / backfill Not less than 17.5 KN/cum or 1.75 gm/cc

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 33- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Note: Materials used shall satisfy design CBR i.e. soaked CBR shall not be less than 10% for Heavy weight fill material. This table is not applicable for light weight fill material.

9.2.1 Compaction Requirement The Embankment /sub grade material shall be compacted in one or more layer as per contract. The compacted field density shall meet minimum density requirement as per table given below. Relative Compaction % of max. S.N Type of work/material. Laboratories dry density as per IS: 2720(Part 8) 1. Sub grade and earthen shoulder. Not less than 97% 2. Embankment. Not less than 95% 3. Expansive Soil. Not allowed. Sub grade and 500 mm portion just below sub grade. Remaining portion of embankment. Not less than 90% Note: – The CBR value 4 days soaked shall not be less than 10% or as per Concession Agreement.

9.2.2 Tolerance All works performed shall conform to the lines grade cross-section and dimensions shown on the drawings. The tolerance for surface level shall be +20mm or -25 mm.

9.2.3 Check List The Supervision Consultant’s shall check the following before permitting the execution of work.  The material is from approved borrow area.  The materials conform to acceptance criteria as listed above.  The gradation of material is with in approved envelope.  The MDD and OMC has been evaluated and approved test result available.  The CBR value is as specified as per approved pavement design.  Moisture meter (duly calibrated) is available at site to measure pre compaction moisture content.  All Engineering plants / equipment required for day work should be in working condition.  Proper setting out has been carried out and additional control points have been marked on ground to control levels etc. TBM xxxx verified.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 34- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

9.3 SURFACE/SUB-SURFACE DRAINS 9.3.1 Material A. Pipe  Perforated pipes of metal / asbestos cement / cement concrete / PVC as per contract.  Internal diameter of pipes shall not be less then 100 mm.  Perforation shall be on one half of circumference and conform to spacing and size as shown in drawing or mentioned in contract.  Size of hole shall not be more than half of D85 size of material surrounding the pipe.  Subject to being minimum size of hole shall not be less than 3 mm and maximum not more than 6 mm. B. Back Fills Material  It shall be tough, hard, durable and round particles. For free draining sand-gravel or crushed stone material shall be used.  It shall be free from organic material, clay balls or other deleterious matter.  Where soil met with in the trench is of fine-grained type, (i.e. silt, clay or mixture there of) the back fill material shall conform to class I grading set out in table below.  Where soil met with in the trench is of coarse silt to medium sand or sandy type. The back fill material shall correspond to class II grading set out in table below.  Where soil met with in the trench is gravely sand, the back fill material shall correspond to class III grading set out in table below.

% passing by weight Sieve Size in mm. Class I Class II Class III 53.00 - - 100 45.00 - - 97-100 26.50 - 100 - 22.40 - 95-100 58-100 11.20 100 48-100 20-60 5.60 92-100 28-54 4-32 2.80 83-100 20-35 0-10 1.40 59-96 - 0-5 0.710 35-80 6-18 - 0.355 14-40 2-9 - 0.180 3-15 - - 0.090 0-5 0-4 0-3

C. Geo-synthetic  Geo-synthetics shall be as per Specification.  The Geo-textile fabric shall be of woven or non-woven fabric consistency of long-chain polymeric or yarn such as polypropylene or polyester or combination there of formed into stable networked such that filaments or yarns retain their relative position to each other.  Shall conform to BS: 6906(part 1) or ASTMD 4632.  Apparent opening size shall satisfy the following –  Soil with 50% or less particles by wt. passing IS sieve 75 micron, apparent, opening size less than 0.6 mm.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 35- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Soil more than 50% particle by wt. passing IS sieve 75 micron, apparent, opening size less than 0.927 mm.  Allow water to flow through it at right angles with principal plane, in either direction at rate not less than 10 Liters/m2/sec under constant head of water 100 mm deferekd in accordance to ASTM D-4491 or BS:6906 (Part 3)  Minimum puncture resistance of 200 N in accordance with BS 6906 (Part 4) or ASTM D 4833.  Minimum tear resistance shall be 150 N in accordance with ASTM D4533. D. Aggregate drains  Aggregate for drains shall be durable gravel, stone or slag free from vegetable matter and other deleterious substances.  Aggregate conforming to type ‘B’ grading, as set in table below shall be used where drain is likely to get block slowly.  Aggregate conforming to type ‘A’ grading, as set in table below shall be adopted for wider range. % Passing by weight Sieve size in mm Type A Type B 63.00 - 100 37.5 100 85-100 19.00 - 0-20 9.5 45-100 0-5 3.35 25-45 - 0.600 8-45 - 0.150 0-10 - 0.075 0-5 -

9.3.2 Check List  Geo-synthetic is approved by (Engineer) and conforms to relevant code.  Over lapping between rolls shall not be less than 450 mm.  Enough roll, are available to carry out days work.  (Engineer) has approved Aggregate Drain grading and material is available at work site in enough quantities.  Adequate Engineering plants/ equipment and work force is available to execute days plan work. 9.4 REINFORCEMENT EARTH 9.4.1 Material A. Reinforcing Element  Geotextile shall conform to specification covered in GRI: GG3 or BIS or ISO 9002.  Aluminium alloy strip shall conform to BS: 1470 quality 5454 in the H24 condition.

 Copper strips shall conform to BS: 2870 quality C101 or C102 in 1/2H condition and shall have 0.2% proof stress of not less than 180 N/mm2.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 36- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Carbon steel strip shall comply with BSEN:10025:1993 of Grade S355 JR of quality KHR 34/20P or quality 50/35 P each having a silicon content of not less than 0.25% and not more than 0.4%. The fabricated element shall be galvanized in accordance with BS: 729 and average zinc coating weight for any individual test area shall not be less than 1000 gm/sqm.  Stainless steel strips shall comply with BS: 1449 (part 2) quality 316 S 31 or 3/6 S 33 except that material shall be cold rolled to provide. 0.2% proof stress should not be less than 400 N/Sq mm and the tensile strength should not be less than 540 N/sqm.  Steel lugs shall comply with BSEN 100025:1993 of Grade S355JR.  All metallic components buried in soil shall be of electrolytically compatible materials. B. Earth Fill  Fill material for reinforced earth structures shall have an angle of interface friction between the compacted fill and reinforcing element of not less than 25 0C/35o measured in accordance with IS: 13326 (part 1) and shall be concession less.  Soil should be pre-dominantly coarse grain not more than 10% of particles shall pass 0.075 mm sieve.  Soil should be free from salt, which react chemically or electrically with reinforcing elements is an adverse manner. D. Facia Material  Reinforced concrete (cast insitu or pre-cast) slab.  PCC form fill hollow block pre-cast  Masonry construction, Rubble facia.  Other proprietary and patented proven system. 9.4.2 Checklist  Reinforce element conform to relevant code and as approved by Engineer.  Back fill earth is from approved borrow area.  Test has been conducted to ensure that minimum inter face angle of friction is not less than 250c/35oand soil is cohesion less.  Facia Material is as per approved drawing.  The technical literature of approved firm is available and studied in detail.  All material, stone, engineering plant/equipment and work force at site is available to carry our days planned work.  MDD and OMC of back fill material have been determined and available.  All safety precautions taken to avoid damage of reinforce element by Rollers and dumper.  Drainage material layer to be provided as per drawing to allow free draining of reinforced fill. 9.4.3 Compaction The compacted thickness of layer shall not be more than 200 mm. The compacted density shall not be less than 95% of MDD determined in Laboratory as per IS:2720 (Part 8)

9.4.4 Tolerance

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 37- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 The tolerance in surface levels for sub grade level shall be + 20 mm or -25 mm or as approved by Engineer for each layer. 9.5 GRANULAR SUB BASE 9.5.1 Material  Material used shall be crushed stone, natural sand or combination thereof.  Material shall be free from organic or other deleterious constituent.  Material shall have a 10% fines value of 50 KN or more when tested in compliance with BS: 812 (part 111) and water absorption of coarse aggregate should not be more than 2% when teste in compliance with IS 2386 (Part 3) 2% soundness test shall be carried out as per IS: 383.  Gradation adopted for work shall conform to following table.

Grading For Close-Graded Granular Sub-Base % By weight passing the IS sieve IS Sieve size in mm. Grading I Grading II Grading III. 75.00 100 - - 53.00 80-100 100 - 26.50 55-90 70-100 100 9.50 35-65 50-80 65-95 4.75 25-55 40-65 50-80 2.36 20-40 30-50 40-65 0.425 10-25 15-25 20-35 0.075 3-10 3-10 3-10 CBR 30 25 20 Grading For Coarse Graded Granular Sub-Base % By weight passing the IS sieve IS Sieve in mm. Grading I Grading II Grading III. 75.00 100 - - 53.00 - 100 - 26.50 55-75 50-80 100 9.50 - - - 4.75 10-30 15-35 25-45 2.36 - - - 0.425 - - - 0.075 <10 <10 <10 CBR (Min) 30 25 20 Note: Material passing through 0.425 mm sieve for all the three gradings when tested according IS : 2720 (part 5, shall have LL &

PI > 25 and 6% respectively.

9.5.2 Compaction The compacted thickness of layer shall not be more than 100 mm when smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 KN weights is used. The compacted thickness can be increased to 225 mm when vibratory roller of minimum 80 to 100 Km static weight plain drain or pad foot-drum or heavy pneumatic tyre roller of minimum 200-300 KN weight having minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 KN/square meter or equivalent capacity roller capable of achieving required compaction. The compacted density shall not be less than 98% of MDD found in laboratory as per IS 2720 (part 8) 9.5.3 Tolerance

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 38- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 The surface level shall be achieved as shown in drawing. However the final layer shall be with in tolerance of + 10 mm or -20mm. 9.5.4 Check List  Material incorporated in work is from approved source.  The gradation of mix as per approved envelope.  MDD and OMC have been worked out in laboratory.  Rapid Moisture Meter is available at site in working condition.  Adequate Engineering plants/equipments and manpower is available at site to complete the days planned work.

9.6 WET MIX MACADAM 9.6.1 Material  Course aggregate shall be crushed stone  The principal property of crushed aggregate shall be as under.  LAA value not more than 40%  AIV Value not more than 30%  Combine flakiness and elongation indices (total) not more than 30%.  If water absorption of coarse aggregate is more than 2% soundness test shall be carried out as per IS: 2386(part 5). The gradation of aggregate shall conform to following table IS Sieve in mm. % by wt. passing IS sieve. 53.00 100 45.00 95-100 26.50 - 22.40 60-80 11.20 40-60 4.75 25-40 2.36 15-30 0.60 8-22 0.075 0-8 Note: Material passing sieve 0.425 mm shall have plasticity index (PI) not exceeding 6. 9.6.2 Compaction  The mix shall be laid by use of paver finisher or motor grader to even thickness.  The single compacted thickness of 100 mm shall be achieved by using 80-100 KN smooth wheel rollers.  For single compacted thickness up to 200 mm, vibratory roller with minimum wt of 80-100 KN or equivalent capacities shall be used.  Speed of roller shall not be more than 5 km/hr when working in compaction mode.  The field-tested compacted density shall not be less than 98% of laboratory MDD. 9.6.3 Tolerances The surface of compacted layer shall be with in tolerance level of +10 mm to –10mm for machine laid or +15mm to -15mm for manually laid for each layer. 9.6.4 Check List

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 39- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Material used is from-approved quarry and conform to physical properties as mentioned in above section.  The gradation of mix is as per approved design mix for optimum bulk density.  MDD and OMC of mix have been predetermined in the laboratory.  Wet Mix Macadam Plant and paver finisher has been inspected and certified to be in working condition.  Adequate Engineering plants / equipment and work force is available to complete the days planned work.  Rapid moisture meter is available at site to check field moisture before compaction.  If surface irregularities are more than 12 mm when checked with 3-meter straight edge shall be ratified immediately.  After completion of compaction finished layer shall be well closed i.e. free from ridges, cracks and loose material.  All defective work shall be made good to the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.

9.7 PRIME COAT 9.7.1 Material The primer shall be bitumen emulsion, complying with IS 8887 of type and grade as specified in the contract or as directed by the Engineer. 9.7.2 Application  Bituminous primer shall not be applied on wet surface or during dust storm or when weather is foggy, rainy or windy.  The surface on which prime coat is being spray shall be free from loose dust particle or any extraneous material. If required mechanical broom shall be used to remove all unwanted loose material from surface.  The primer shall not be applied when temperature in shade is less than 100C  The surface to be primed shall be swept clean, from dust and shall be dry.  Primer shall be used by using mechanical approved spraying distributor.  The application rate of primer shall be 6-9 Kg/10 Sq.m. or as per contract.  The primed surfaced shall be kept for curing for minimum 24 hrs.  If primer is not absorbed with in 24 hours then minimum quantity of sand shall be spread to blot the excessive primer. 9.7.3 Checklist  Only approved primer is used.  Mechanical spray unit is duly inspected and calibrated prior to spraying and certified for workability.  Supervision Consultant shall approve the rate of spray as per contract.  The temperature of primer for spray shall be checked at the time of spray.  Primed surface shall be left for curing for a period not less than 24 hours.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 40- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 9.8 TACK COAT

9.8.1 Material The primer shall be bitumen emulsion, complying with IS 8887 of type and grade as specified in the contract or as directed by the Engineer. 9.8.2 Application  The surface on which the tack coat is to be applied shall be cleaned of dust and any extraneous materials before application by using mechanical broom or any other approved equipment/method as specified in contract.  The binder shall be heated to temp of 200C-700C in tank mounted on mechanical sprayer self propelled or towed.  The binder shall be applied at the rate of 2 to 2.5 Kg/10 Sq.m.  The tack coat shall be left to cure until all the volatiles have evaporated before permitting succeeding construction activity. 9.8.2 Check List  Binder used as tack coat is as per contract specification.  The surface over which tack coat is being sprayed is free from loose material and duly cleaned by power broom or by compressed air as an alternate method.  The mechanical sprayer has been inspected and prior trial conducted to establish the correct rate of spray.  The binder is heated between 20oC to 70oC before applying on prepared surface.  The pressure of binder is adequate to spray binder evenly and at specified rate.

9.9 DENSE GRADED BITUMINOUS MACADAM 9.9.1 Material Bitumen: The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of penetration grade S65 (60/70) as per IS: 73. Coarse Aggregates: It shall consist of crushed stone.  The Crushed aggregate shall be clean, strong, durable, and cubical in shape and free from disintegrated pieces, organic other deleterious matter and adherent coating.  Aggregate shall be hydrophobic (preferred) and of low porosity.

Aggregate gradation: The coarse and find aggregate (when filler is used) shall produce mixture to conform the grading as given in table below. Grading 1 2 Nominal aggregate size 40 mm. 25 mm Layer Thickness 80-100 mm 50-75 mm IS Sieve1 (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing 45 100 37.5 95-100 100 26.5 63-93 90-100

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 41- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 19 - 71-95 13.2 55-75 56-80 9.5 - - 4.75 38-54 38-54 2.36 28-42 28-42 1.18 - - 0.6 - - 0.3 7-21 7-21 0.15 - - 0.075 2-8 2-8 Bitumen content % by mass of total mix Min 4.0 Min 4.5 Bitumen grade (pen) 65 or 90 65 or 90 Note: – 1. The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve.

The physical properties of aggregate shall be as under.  LAA value shall not be more than 35%.  AIV value shall not be more than 27%.  Flakiness and elongation indices combine shall not be more than 30%.  Coating and Striping of Bitumen Aggregate Mixture shall not be less than 95% (retained).  Soundness -Loss with sodium sulphate, 5 cycles not more than 12%. And Loss with magnesium sulphate, 5 cycles not more than 18%.  Water absorption shall not be more than 2%. Filler: Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, hydrated lime or cement as and when required with the coniation of Engineer.  Filler material shall conform to grading envelop as under.

IS Sieve in mm % Passing by wt. 0.600 100 0.300 95-100 0.075 85-100  Filler material shall be free from organic impurities.  PI not greater than 4. PI is not applicable if filler is cement or lime  The combine gradation of coarse, fine and filler aggregate shall be with in envelope as give in this section. 9.9.2 Job Mix Design The material apart from conformity with grading and quality requirement for individual ingredients the mixture shall meet the following requirement.  Marshal stability (ASTM D-1559) at 60oC. 900 Kg  (Determined on Marshall specimen compacted by 75 compacted blows on each face).  Marshal flow (mm) 2-4  Percent Air Voids in mix (VIM). 3-6

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 42- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Minimum voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) 11.0-13.0  % Void in mineral aggregates filled by bitumen (VFB) 65-75 a) When Nominal agg.  Binder Content % by mass of total mix. Not less than 4.0%size is 25 m and layer thickness is between 50 – 70 m

b) 4.0% when nominal agg. size is 40mm an layer thickness is between 80 to 100

The Job Mix formula proposed to be used in work and shall give following additional details.  Source and location of all material.  Binder as % of wt. of total mix.  % of coarse, medium & fine aggregate as % by wt. of total aggregate including filler.  Single definite % passing each sieve for the mixed aggregate.  The result of test as enumerated above.  The test result of physical characteristics of aggregate to be used.  Mixing temperature and compacting temperature. 9.9.3 Tolerance on Job Mix Formula It is the responsibility of Contractor to produce a uniform mix conforming to the approved job mix formula subject to permissible variations of the individual % of the various ingredient. The variation are intended to apply to individual specimen shall be as under.

Permissible variation Description Base/binder course Wearing course Aggregate passing 19 mm sieve or larger  

Aggregate passing 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm  

Aggregate passing 4.75 mm  

Aggregate passing 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm  

Aggregate passing 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm  

Aggregate passing 0.075 mm  

Binder Content  

Mixing temperature C C

9.9.4 Laying of Mix  Temp. of binder shall not be more than 1500 C to 165o C in hot mix plant.  Temp. of dry aggregate in dryer shall be between 1500C to 1700C.  Temp. of final mix from hot mix plant shall be not more than 1650C  Temp. of mix boundary in paver shall be in the range of 1250C – 1600C.  The mix having temperature less than 1250C shall be rejected.  Temperature of mix prior to rolling shall not be more than 1300C  Rolling shall cease when temp of mix fall below 900C  Tank temp difference between binder and hot dry aggregate shall not differ more than 140C. 9.9.5 Tolerances The surface of compacted layer shall be with in tolerance level of +6 mm or –6 mm for each layer.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 43- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 9.9.6 Joints Longitudinal joints shall be avoided except at junction between slip road and ksks ksksks at interchanges or whe service roads merg with mainline or at entry exit points to Bus lay by. Longitudinal and traverse joint shall be constructed true to the delineating lines parallel to the centre line of road. Longitudinal and traverse joints shall be off set at least 250 mm for those in lower courses and the joint on top most layer shall not be allowed to fall with in wheel path. All traverse joints shall be cut vertically to the full thickness of previously laid layer with asphalt cutter and the surface painted with hot bitumen just before placing fresh material. Longitudinal joints shall be preferably hot joints. Cold longitudinal joints shall properly heated with joint heater to attain a suitable temperature of about 80 0C before laying the adjacent material. 9.9.7 Check List  The aggregate stored in cold bins conforms to required physical property of material as per relevant IS Code.  The aggregate in clod bins conform to approve gradation envelope.  The % of various aggregates is as per job mix formula.  Engineer has approved the Job mix formula.  The weighing scale of hot mix plant has been calibrated.  Temperature of binder in hot mix store tank do not exceed more than 1650C.  Temp of aggregate in dryer shall not exceed more than 1700C  Temp of bituminous mix. shall not exceed 1650C.  Bituminous mix having temp less than 1250C shall not be used in paver and shall be rejected.  Longitudinal joint shall be hot joint i.e. adjacent layer shall be laid prior to temp of existing surface is more than 800C to avoid cold jointing.  Transverse joints shall be cut vertically and hot bitumen applied/spayed.  The rolling of bituminous surface shall cease prior to temp of surface fall below 900C.  Gradation of aggregate, testing and casting of Marshall specimens to be done as per frequencies curved.

9.10 BC SURFACING (BITUMINOUS CONCRETE) 9.10.1 Material Bitumen: The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of penetration grade complying with Indian Standard Specification for paving bitumen, IS:73 and of penetration indicated in the gradation table as given in this section for bituminous concrete. Coarse Aggregate: It shall consist of crushed stone.  The Crushed aggregate shall be hard durable, cubical in shape, free from dust and soft or friables matter disintegrated pieces, organic other deleterious substances and adherent coating.  Aggregate shall be hydrophobic (preferred) and of low porosity. Physical properties of coarse aggregate shall be as under:  Grain size analysis – Maximum 5% passing 0.075mm sieve.  Flakiness and elongation index shall not be more than 30%.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 44- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  LAA value shall not be more than 30%.  AIV shall not be more than 24%.  Polished stone value shall not be less than 55%.  Water absorption should not be more than 2%.  Soundness – loss with sodium sulphate, 5 cycles not more than 12% and loss with Megnesium Sulphate, 5 cycles not more than 18%.  Coating and stripping of bitumen aggregate mixture shall not be less than 95% (retained).  Water sensitivity – Retained tensile strength min 80% (if coating of bitumen aggregate is less than 95%). Filler: Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as stone/rock dust, hydrated lime or cement as and when required with the conset ltation of Engineer.  Filler material shall conform to grading envelop as under.

IS Sieve in mm % Passing by not. 0.600 100 0.300 95-100 0.075 85-100  Filler material shall be free from organic impurities.  PI not greater than 4. PI is not applicable if filler is cement or lime  The combine gradation of coarse, fine and filler aggregate shall be with in envelope as give in table below.

Aggregate gradation including fine and filler shall as per table below: Grading 1 Nominal aggregate size 40 mm. Layer Thickness 80-100 mm IS Sieve1 (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing 45 37.5 26.5 100 19 79-100 13.2 59-79 9.5 52-72 4.75 35-55 2.36 28-44 1.18 20-34 0.6 15-27 0.3 10-20 0.15 5-13 0.075 2-8 Bitumen content % by mass of total mix2 5.0-6.0 Bitumen grade (pen) 65

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 45- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Note: – 1. The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve. 2. Determined by the Marshall method.

9.10.2 Job Mix Design  The quality of aggregate shall be in conformity with grading and quality requirement of individual ingredients.  The bituminous mix shall conform to requirement as described below.  Marshall stability (ASTM-D1559) determined (KN at 60oC) 900 Kg (Marshall specimen compacted by 75-compaction blow on each face)  Marshall flows (mm) 2-4  Percent air void in mix (VIM). 3-6  % Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA). Min 13.50%  % Voids in mineral aggregate filled by bitumen 65-75  Binder content % by wt of total mix Min 5.0-6.0%  Water sensitivity (ASTM D 1075) loss of Min 80%(retain)  Swell test (Asphalt Institute MS 2 ) 1.5%  Binder content shall be fixed as to achieve the requirement of mix set forth above Marshall method for arriving at binder content shall be adopted.

9.10.3 Permissible variations from job mix formula The proper proportioning of material in accordance with approved job mix formula shall be adhered to. However it is not possible to adhered to job mix formula hence variations are bound to occur. The % variation of various ingredients in the actual mix if any from the job mix formula shall not exceed following limit.

Permissible variation Description Base/binder course Wearing course Aggregate passing 19 mm sieve or larger  

Aggregate passing 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm  

Aggregate passing 4.75 mm  

Aggregate passing 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm  

Aggregate passing 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm  

Aggregate passing 0.075 mm  

Binder Content  

Mixing temperature C C

9.10.4 Laying & Compaction  Tank temp difference between binder and hot dry aggregate shall not differ more than 140C.  The temperature of mix lying shall be between 1250C – 1600C.  The mix having temperature below 1250C shall not be incorporated in work and rejected.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 46- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  The compaction shall commence when mix Temp. fall below 1300C.  The compaction shall cease when surface temperature fall bellow 900C.  Initial or breakdown rolling shall be done using 80-100 KN static wt smooth wheeled rollers.  Inter mediate rolling shall be done by using / pneumatic tyred roller with 9 wheel with tyre prese of at least 5.6 kg/sq. of 120-150 kN wt having a 80-100 KN dead weight vibratory roller can also be used.  Finish rolling shall be done with 60-80 KN wt. smooth wheeled tandem rollers to erase roller wheel marks.  Rolling operation shall be completed before mix temp falls below 900C.

9.10.5 Tolerance / Irregularities Surface furnish shall be as per the drawing. However following tolerance is permissible in final levels -Base course for flexible pavements ±6 mm. The longitudinal profile shall be checked with 3-meter straight edge at middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to centreline of road. The maximum permitted number of surface irregularities shall not exceed as per table given below. Surface of lay bys, service Surface of Carriageway Description of irregularities. area and all bituminous base and paved shoulders. courses. Irregularity 4 mm 7mm 4 mm 7 mm Length (m) 300 75 300 75 300 75 300 75 National Highways/ Expressways 20 9 2 1 40 18 4 2 The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and underside of a 3 m straight-edge when placed parallel with or right angles to the centre line of roads at points decided by engineer shall not be more than  Bituminous base courses 6 mm  Pavements surfaces 3 mm 9.10.6 Check List  The aggregate used in mix conforms to approved gradation and quality.  Hot mix plant has been properly calibrated.  All temperature sensors has been checked and rectified for its proper working.  All % of ingredient of Job Mix Formula are available at hot mix plant and properly feed into computer control system.  At site test are sampled and testing conducted as per frequencies prescribed in this Manual.  The final mix is as per approved job mix design.

9.11 BRICKS 9.11.1 Material  Burnt Clay bricks shall conform to the requirement of IS: 1077.  Bricks shall be free form cracks, flaws, and nodules of free linc.  Brick shall have smooth regular faces with sharp corner and emit clear ringing sound when stretch.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 47- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  The size may be according to local practice with in tolerance of ±5% when measured on 20 units simultaneously.  Cement to be used in mortar shall be OPC grade 43 as per IS: 8112. 9.11.2 Check List  Bricks used conform to IS: 1077.  Bricks in corporate in work is from approved source.

9.12 CONCRETE 9.12.1 Material A. Cement Cement shall be of proper grade and confirming to relevant IS Code i.e. 269, 0112, 12269 as per MORT&H specification and design entries only after approval of Engineer. B. Coarse Aggregate Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong dense, nonporous and durable pieces of crushed stone. Crushed aggregate shall be free form disintegrated stones, soft, flaky, elongated particles, salt, alkali vegetable matter & others deleterious materials and, which may attack steel reinforcement.  The LAA value shall not exceed 35%.  Flakiness index shall not exceed 35%  The water absorption of coarse and fine aggregate shall not be more than 2%.  Aggregate soundness shall conform to IS: 2386 (part 5) for 5 cycles.

CA gradation requirement for various nominal sizes shall be as under % By wt passing the sieve IS Sieve Size in mm Nominal size of coarse aggregate 40 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm 63.00 100 - - 40.00 95-100 100 - 20.00 30-70 95-100 100 12.50 - - 90-100 10.00 10-35 25-55 40-85 4.75 0-5 0-10 0-10

C. Sand/Fine Aggregate  Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, strong and durable pieces of crushed stone, crushed gravel or suitable combination of natural sand, crushed stone or gravel.  Fine aggregate shall be free from dust, lumps soft or flaky material, mica or other deleterious material, which may attack strength and durability of concrete or attack reinforcement steel.  Fine aggregate shall be free from alkali silica compound.  Fineness modulus of fine aggregate shall neither be less than 2 nor greater than 3.5.

Gradation of fine aggregate shall conform to following table

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 48- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 % By wt passing the sieve IS Sieve Size in mm Zone I Zone II Zone III 10.00 100 100 100 4.75 90-100 90-100 90-100 2.36 60-95 75-100 85-100 1.18 30-70 55-90 75-100 0.600 15-34 35-59 60-79 0.300 5-20 8-30 12-40 0.150 0-10 0-10 0-10

D. Steel Reinforcement/Un-tension Steel  Steel of S 240 grade shall conform to IS: 432 Part I. Mild Steel Bar.  Steel of S 415 grade shall conform to IS: 1786. HYSD / TMT Bar.  All steel shall be procured from organal producers, no re-rolled steel shall be incorporated in the works. Pre-stressing  Plain hard drawn steel wire shall conform to IS: 1785 (part I) and IS: 1785 (part II).  Cold drawn indented wire conforming to IS: 6003  High tensile steel bar conforming to IS: 2090.  Uncoated stress relieved strands conforming to IS: 6006.

E. Water  Water used for mixing and curing shall be clear and free from injurious amount of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials and other deleterious substance that may react to concrete or steel.  For mixing, curing sea water or water containing excessive salt shall not be permitted.  The quality of water shall conform to following norms.  To neutralise 200 ml sample of water using phenolphthalein as an indicator it should not require more than 2 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH.  To neutralise 200 ml sample of water using methyl orange as indicator is should not require more than 10 ml of 0.1 normal HCl.  Organic impurities. 200 mg/Lt.  Inorganic impurities 3000mg/Lt  Sulphate (as SO4) 500 mg/Lt.  Chlorides (Cl) 500 mg/Lt.  Suspended matter 2000 mg/lt.  In case of structure of lengths 30 m and below, the permissible limit of chlorides may be increased up to 1000 mg/lit and permissible of clause should be 250 mg/Lt for street having length of more than or equal to 30 m.  PH value shall not be less than 6. F. Admixture

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 49- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Admixture shall be used as per manufacture vs. recommendation to increase workability of concrete mix.  The chemical name and component shall be known before use.  Chloride contents if any shall be expressed as % of weight of admixture.  Value of dry material content, ash content and relative density of the admix which can be used for uniformly tests.  Admixture shall not increase entertainment air if it does so, than up to what extend.  If more than one admixture is recommended for use than ensure their compatibility.  Due to adding of Admixture their should not be increase risk of corrosion of the reinforcement or other embodiments.  Plasticiser’s (Admixture) shall conform to IS: 9103.  Admixture shall meet the requirements indicated for ‘water reducing admixture’.  The chloride content of admixture shall not exceed 0.2% when tested in accordance to IS: 6925. It shall also not increase maximum permissible limit of chloride content of all the constituent as indicated earlier i.e. for pre-stressed concrete it shall not exceed 0.06%  Admixture shall not affect uniformity of mix. Test shall be conducted to ensure that variation do not take place more than IS : 9103 recommendation.  Dry material content – to be with in 3% for of liquid and solid admixtures.  Ash content – to be with in 1% of value stated by manufacturer.

 Relative Density (for liquid admixture). To be with in 0.2% of value stated by manufacturer.  All tests shall be conducted in personally an Independent Laboratory and result compared with manufacturers data.

9.13 CONCRETE DESIGN MIX A. Grade of Concrete The grades of concrete shall be designated by the characteristic strength such as Specified characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm x 150 S.No. Grade designated mm cubes at 28 days, in mpa 1. M15 15 2. M20 20 3. M25 25 4. M30 30 5. M35 35 6. M40 40

Nominal Mix: Concrete used for minor bridges and culvert or other incidental construction where strength requirements are up to M20 only concrete mix may be prepared as ‘Nominal Mix’ as per drawing and approved of engssls. For concrete having characteristic strength more than M20 the concrete mix shall be prepared as DESIGN MIX. For bridges with pre-stressed concrete or those with individual span length more than 30 m shall have cement contents and water cement ratio as under.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 50- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 Minimum cement content and maximum water cement ratio:

Minimum cement content for all Max Water cement ratio Structural Member. Exposure conditions exposure conditions Kg/cum. Normal Severe a) PCC 360 0.45 0.45 b) RCC 400 0.45 0.40 c) PSC 400 0.40 0.40

Minimum strength of concrete for various purposes shall be as under.

Condition of Exposure S.No. Structural Member Moderate Severe 1. a) PCC member M25 M30 2. b) RCC number M35 M40 3. c) PSC number M35 M40 Requirement of consistency: Mix shall have consistency, which will allow proper placement and consolidation in the required position.

Optimum consistency for various types of structures shall be as given in table below: Slump S.No Type (mm) 1 Structure with exposed inclined surface requiring low slump concrete to allow proper compaction. 25 2 PCC 25 3 RCC structural with widely spaced reinforcement e.g. abutment, footing, well staining. Solid column, 40-50 piers 4 RCC structures with fair degree of congestion of reinforcement e.g. pier and abutment caps, wall, 50-75 thickness, 5 RCC & PSC structure with highly congestion of reinforcement e.g. deckslab girders, box girders, 75-125 walls with ksksksk <300 mm Under water concrete through tremie e.g. bottom plug, cast insksks piling 100-200

9.13.1 Design Procedure Target Mean Strength The characteristic strength (compressive strength) of concrete mix for 28 days shall be decided as per grade of mixes i.e. M10, M20, M25, M30, M35 M40, and M45 etc. Target Mean Strength of the specimen is = Characteristic strength + 1.64 * standard deviation. Standard deviation shall be chosen from relevant graph as given in IS: SP23 for concrete mix design, which depend upon quality and grade of mix to be achieved. Where sufficient data to satisfy mix design are not available, the initial design shall proceed as per Table below:

Current Margin Target Mean Strength S.No. Concrete Grade (mpa) (mpa) 1. M 15 10 25 2. M 20 10 30 3. M 25 11 36 4. M 30 12 42 5. M 35 12 47 6. M 40 12 52 7. M 45 13 58 8. M 50 13 63

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 51- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 9. M 55 14 69

. Fix the water cement ratio based upon the slump and compressive strength to be achieved. . Choose gradation zone of fine aggregate. . Make allowance for natural moisture content in aggregate (fine & coarse) and allowance to be made due to fine aggregate zone. . Conducts the quality tests on cement, water, admixture (if used) and coarse and fine aggregate and be sure that all the ingredients used in design conform to specifications. . Prepare mix with varying various parameters after confirmation of specified slump and cast nine type of mix. Six cubes each of three consecutive batching.

. Test the three specimen cubes at 28 days and three at an earlier age as required by MORT&H Specification. To determine strength achieved and work out SD (minimum of 30 specimens shall be tested) and entire result compiled. . Decide the final mix ratios and re-established its characteristics effectively. . On finalising concrete mix design detail report is made and submitted for review of Supervision Consultant. . A separate design mix report shall be made for each type of Grade Mix and for particular structure as per requirement. Engineer’s review & approval is sought before incorporation in work. Check List . Ensure that all ingredients including cement conform to specification. . Ensure that adequate quality of material is stacked at site (at least one day in advance). . Ensure that approved copy of Design Mix is available. . Ensure that all measuring devices of the equipment are checked, duly calibrated and certified by Supervision Consultant and also have been re-checked before commencement of work. . Cast specimens in sets for 7 & 28 days testing as per laid own frequency. The minimum no of cubes for each set shall be three in nos. the loss strength of sample shall be the arrange of the strength of 3 cubes. . If concreting is lasting more than final setting time ensure that adequate arrangement has been made to counter act heat of hydration i.e. sufficient no of tarpaulin/PVC sheet and ice/chilled water available at site to keep the temperature of mixed concrete below 350C. . Acceptance criterion should meet MORT&H and IS Specification both.

Bored Cast –in-Situ Piles In this section only additional requirement of material pertaining to driving pile and its tolerance etc are high lighted as main material i.e. Cement Concrete have already been discussed in earlier section in detail. Concreting . While concreting uncased pile voids in concrete shall be avoided

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 52- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . Sufficient head of concrete shall be maintained at least 6.0 m head of concrete to prevent inflow of soil and water into concrete. . To ensure compaction by hydraulic static heads, rate of placing concrete shall not be les than 6m(length of pile) per hour. . Concreting shall not be taken up if specific gravity of bottom slurry is more than 1.2 g/cc and drilling mud shall be maintained at 1.5 m above ground level. . Minimise softening of soil by excessive watering. . Uncased cast insitu piles shall not be allowed where mudflow condition exist. . Drilling mud i.e. Bentonite suspension level shall be maintained above surrounding ground water level to ensure stability of strata. . Tremie diameter shall be of 150mm to 200mm for concreting. . Tremie should have uniform and smooth cross section in side. . Tremie shall be withdrawn slowly ensuring adequate height of concrete outside the tremie pipe at stages of withdrawal. . Tremie shall be water tight through out its length. . Tremie hopper attached to its head shall have watertight connections. . Tremie pipe shall be lowered to the bottom of borehole allowing drilling mud to rise inside it before concreting. . Tremie pipe shall always be kept full of concrete and shall penetrate well in to concrete in borehole with adequate margin of safety against accidental with drawl if pipe is surged to discharge the concrete. . It is desirable for very long or large diameter pile to use retarded plasticiser in concrete. Bentonite Where bentonite suspension is used to maintain stability of borehole, it shall have following minimum passing criteria of MORT&H Specification . Density of bentonite suspension shall not be less than 1.05 g/cc. . The marsh viscosity between 30 to 40. . The pH value shall be between 9.5 to 12 . The silt contents shall be less than 1 %. . The liquid limit of bentonite shall not be less than 400 %. Tolerances . Variation in cross section dimensions shall be between –10mm and + 450 mm . Variation from vertical shall be with in 1 in 50. . Variation in final position of head in plan shall not be more than 50 mm. . Variation of level at top of pile shall be with in ± 25 mm. Checklist . Check and ensure that boring bearing of pile is correct. . Check that boring arrange kskkss has been approved by Supervision Consultant and duly checked for its serviceability and in good condition to carry out day’s work without interrupted. . All essential tool, Bentonite slurry pumps and storage tanks have been checked.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 53- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . The equipment and other required tools etc. are well stocked, well maintained and available at site in working condition. . Ensure that test kit to test mud slurry is available at site. . Check tremie for watertight jointing and smoothness. The minimum diameter of tremie shall not be less than 150 mm. . Ensure that copy of approved concrete design mix is available and material brought for concreting is from approved stock only. . Water used is from approved source only and water test results are available. . Ensure that contractor has brought sufficient quantity of cube mould to collect concrete samples as per QAP to impart quality assurance. . The Concrete Mixture has weigh batching arrangement and duly tested for its accuracy. . Ensure that concrete mixture deployed at site are capable of delivering quality concrete up to minimum 6m of length of bore pile per hours. . Ensure that bore hole is flushed of loose mud i.e. density of in going mud slurry is same as that out coming mud. . Concreting shall not be permitted if density of bottom bentonite slurry is more than 1.2 g/cc. 9.14 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS 9.14.1 Material . Elastomeric bearing shall consist of one or more internal layers of elastomer bonded internal steel laminates by the process of vulcanisation. . Chloroprene (CR) shall be used only in manufacture of bearing. . Grade of raw elastomer shall have low crystallisation rates and adequate shelf life. . No reclaimed rubber or vulcanised waste or natural rubber shall be used in manufacture of bearing. . The raw elastomer content of the compound shall not be lower than 60% by its weight. Ash content shall not be more than 5% (tested as per ASTM D297 sub-section 10).  Elastomer shall conform to properties as narrated below Value of characteristic Properties Unit Test method specified 1. Physical a. Hardness IRHD IS: 3400 (Part II) 60 ± 5 b. Minimum Tensile Strength MPa IS: 3400 (Part I) 17 c. Minimum Elongation at break % IS: 3400 (Part I) 400 2. Mechanical a. Maximum Compression set % IS: 3400 (Part X); Duration CR 0-24.2 35 hrs’ Temp 1000C± 10C 3. Accelerated Aging IS: 3400 (Part IV); Duration CR 70 Hrs’ Temp 1000C± 10C a. Maximum change in hardness IRHD ±15 b. Maximum change in tensile strength % -15 c. Maximum change in elongation % -40 . Shear modulus of bearing shall neither be less than 0.8 Mpa nor greater than 1.2 mpa . Adhesive strength of elastomer to steel plate shall not be less than 7KN/m when tested in accordance with IS: 3400 (Part XIV) . The ozone resistance of elastomer shall not be less than 20% 40± 1 degree clecus , 96 and 50 pph by volume when tested in accordance with IS: 3400 (Part XX).

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 54- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . Elastomer bearing with steel laminates shall be casted as single unit in a mould and vlcansed under heat and pressure. Tolerances Bearing fabricated shall not surpass tolerances as under S.No Item Tolerance 1 Over all plan dimension -0., +6 mm 2 Total bearing thickness -0, +5mm 3 Parallelism a. Of top surface of bearing with respect to bottom surface as datum 1 in 200 b. Of one side surface with respect to other as datum 1 in 100 4 a. Thickness of individual internal layer of elastomer ±20%(max. of 2mm) b. Thickness of individual outer layer -0, +1 mm 5 a. Plan dimension of laminates -3, +0 b. Thickness of laminates ±10% c. Parallelism of laminate with respect to bearing base as datum 1 in 100

Acceptance criteria for Specification Supervision Consultant shall satisfy him self that manufacturer has installed system process and test facilities required for quality product. . All control tests shall be conducted at manufacturer plant and cost of test to be borne by manufacturer. . Manufacturer shall get prior approval of Supervision Consultant for testing programme on confirmation of IE. . Any test conducted after 180 days of manufacturing shall required special approval of Supervision Consultant with the consent of IE. . Acceptance level of testing shall be level I i.e. higher level of inspection and manufacturer to manufacture two extra bearing for each lot to be tested. . All tests shall be conducted in presence of Supervision Consultant to satisfy the requirement. . Acceptance shall be made lot by lot. A lot for level I testing shall consist of minimum 24 nos. of units. . Acceptance testing for level means . All bearings shall be visually inspected for any defect in surface, finish, shape or any other superficial defects. . All bearing of lot shall conform to tolerance as brought out in earlier of this section. . All bearing shall be subject to axial load of 15 mpa in steps and held constant while visually examination for defects like misalignment of reinforcing plate, poor bond between laminate / steel interface, variation in thickness, superficial defects and low stiffness. Procedure for test on complete bearing Two bearing shall be selected at random from lot. This shall be taken out of accepted lot and tested for . Shear modulus . Elastic modulus . Adhesive strength . Ultimate compressive strength Manufacturer shall certify for each lot of bearing under acceptance which shall include following . An approved quality control system was in operation during production period

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 55- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . Acceptance verified from quality control records that shall be made available to the inspector or field Engineer on demand. . Certified copy of test conducted on elastomer used in production such as raw elastomer, ash contents etc. . The final certificate shall be submitted as per Appendix 3 of IRC: 83(Part II). Check List . Ensure that elastomer conform to relevant code. . Ensure that all certificates of testing are lot wise as per Appendix 3 of IRC: 83 (Part II). . Ensure that certificate has been issued earlier than 180 days of production date. . Ensure that storage and handling has not caused damages to bearing and bearing dimensions are with in tolerances.

Pot Bearing Material A. Steel . Structural steel shall conform to IS: 226 and IS: 2062 as applicable . Cast steel shall conform to Gr 280 W 520 M of IS: 1030, 0.3 to 0.5% copper may be added to increase the corrosion resistance properties. . Stain less steel shall conform to AISI: 304 or XO 4 of IS: 6911 for ordinary application. . For adverse/corrosive environment the stainless steel shall conform to AISI: 316L or 02 Cr 17 Ni 12 Mo2 0f IS: 6911. B. PTFE (Poly Tera Flgoro Ethylene) . PTFE shall be of unfilled pure virgin quality . It shall be free sintered. . Mechanical properties of unfilled PTFE shall complied with BS:3784, Grade A C. Elastomer The confine / elastomer inside pot shall have following properties Value of the characteristic S.No. Properties Unit Test Method specified 1 Hardness IRHD IS: 3400 (PartII) 50 +5 2 Min.Tensile strength MPa IS: 3400 (PartI) 15.5 3 Mechanical Properties Refer table under 9.14.1

Fabrication . Pot type bearing shall consist of metal piston supported by disc or un-reinforced elastomer confine / with in a metal cylinder to take care of rotation. . For horizontal movement sliding surface of PTFE pads sliding against stainless mating surfaces may be provided with a system of sealing rings. . Pot bearing shall consist of cast steel assemblies or fabricated structural steel assemblies. . The surface mating with PTFE in sliding pair shall be corrosion resistant stainless steel. The stainless steel shall overlap PTFE after full movement on all sides and continuous welding along edges shall bond it. Engineer if desired can approve adhesive or any other bonding.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 56- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . PTFE modular sheets of the sliding pair shall be located by confinement assisted by bonding. Confined PTFE shall be recessed into metal backing plate. The shoulders of recess shall be sharp and square to restrict flow of PTFE. . The thickness of PTFE shall not be less than 4.5 mm with projection above the recess not exceeding 2.0 mm. When piston is subject to tilting, the seal must slide along the wall and alter its shape according to angle of tilt. It must be sufficiently rigid to bridge the gap between piston and the wall of the pot. The % of area of lubrication cavities to the gross areas shall not exceed 25%. The depth of the cavities shall not exceed 2.0mm. . The diameter to thickness ratio of the confined elastomer shall not exceed 15. The surface confined elastomer shall be smooth. . A seal shall be provided to prevent extrusion of confine elastomer between the piston and pot wall. . Stay functional under loads and rotations acting on it. . Additional seal may be provided to prevent dust entry. . Hardness of piston and pot wall at their contact region shall be minimum 350 BHN to reduce wear. . The surface finish of the pot base in contact with confined elastomer shall be very smooth. . All bearing shall be installed with anchor and screw or similar device such that while replacing the bearings can be removed with minimum lifting of superstructure. . External surface of assemblies shall be completely cleaned by sand blasting and dust shall be removed from surface using clear and dry compressed air or brush after which suitable coating shall be applied. . Pot bearing shall be shop assembled as per drawing in manufacturer workshop to ensure proper fitting of all parts. Tolerances Since pot bearings are manufactured in workshop as per drawing and there may be defects in fabrication and such defect ought to not exceed the tolerance a s per table given below S.No. Item 1 Plan dimensions -0 to +5mm 2 Overall height -0 to +3 mm 3 Height of elastomer ±5 percent 4 Height of any steel component a. Machined -0 to +1 mm b. Un Machined Class 2 of IS: 4897 5 Stainless steel sliding surfaces a. Flatness 0.0004L(L-Length direction of measument b. Surface finish Ra≤0.25 pm as per IS: 3073

a) Acceptance Criteria . All bearings shall be checked for over all dimensions . All bearing shall be load tested to 1.1 times maximum design capacity including seismic force . Bearing tested at higher load cannot be used. . A pair of bearing selected at random will under go testing in order to determine the coefficient of friction ’μ’ and it shall be ≤ 0.05 at design load. . Two bearing selected at random shall be tested for permissible rotations. b) Check List

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 57- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . Ensure that pot-bearing dimension is as per drawing and duly certified by engineer. . Ensure that bearing used satisfies for the function it has been designed for. . Bearing shall be loaded after ensuring that bedding material has developed sufficient strength. . Temporary clamps and shims shall removal only when bearing is required to permit movement. . Only permitted tolerance shall be allowed during installation. . Formwork around bearing shall be carefully sealed to prevent leakages. . Care shall be taken to prevent tilting, displacement etc. under weight of wet concrete. . Bearing shall be protected during concreting. . Any mortar contaminating the bearing shall be completely removed before it sets in.

9.15. PRESTRESSING 9.15.1 Material A. Concrete . Approved concrete mix design for required grade of steel is available and so initial standard deviation value assured on minimum 30 specimen. . Adequate quantities of ingredient and testing/sampling equipments are available at site to carry out days planned work. B. Steel . An adequate quantity of steel for reinforcement and for Priestess is available at site. . Cold Rolled Cold Annealed Sheathing ducts conforming to IS: 513 are available in requisite quantity. C. Anchorage . Anchorage shall conform to BS:4447. . Manufacturers test certificate from approved laboratory duly approved by SC are available. . Anchorage does not suffer form mechanical damages and are properly protected. . Anchorage component are free from mortar and loose rust and any other deleterious coating. . Swages pre-stressing strand and bottom heads of pre-stressing wire shall develop strength of at least 95% of specified breaking load. D. Positioning . Pre-stressing Tendons shall be accurately located and maintained is position both vertically and horizontally. . Tendons shall be so arranged that they a smooth profile with out sudden bend or kinks. . Location of pre-stressing cashed shall be such as to facilitate early placement and vibration of concrete between tendons. . As far as possible high capacity tendons shall be used to reduce nos. of cable and thereby eliminating the necessity of grouping. . The selected profiles of tendons shall be such that anchorages are not located in top disk surface. . The clear vertical and horizontal distance between any two cables shall in no case be less than 100 mm anywhere along the length of super structure.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 58- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06 . Sheathing shall be placed in correct position and profile by providing suitable ladder and spacers at interval of approx. 1.0 . Sheathing shall be tied rigidly with such ladder and spacers. So that does not get disturbed and change its profile during concreting. . Sheathing in which permanent tendon will not be in place during concreting shall have temporary taken inserted. . Temporary tendon shall be pulled out before threading the permanent tender into place by special threading mechanical or other contrivance. . Where possible tendon shall not be placed until immediately prior to stressing. . Tendons shall be handle with care to avoid damages or contaminated to either tendons or the sheathing. . Any tendon damaged or contaminated shall be cleaned or replaced. E. Tensioning Equipment . All Tensioning equipment shall be procured from authorized manufacturers duly approved by Supervision Consultant. . Hydraulic Jacks shall be power driven unless. . Otherwise approved by engineer. . Attachment meant for pre-stressing steel to jack shall be safe and secure. . Where tendon constitute of more than one wire stand their employ a single multiple stressing. . Suitable facilities for handling and attaching the multiple jacks to the tendons shall be provided. . Tensioning equipment shall be such that it can apply controlled total force gradually on the concrete without inducing dangerous secondary stress in steel anchorage or concrete. . All dynamometer and pressure gauges including master gang shall be calibrated by an approved. Laboratory immediately prior to use and duly approved by Supervision Consultant. All meters and gauges shall be got recalibrated & checked at least once in 90 days. . Means shall be provided for direct measurement of the force by use of dynamometer/pressure gauges fitted in hydraulic system to determine pressures in jack. . Linear measurement facility shall also be provided to measure extension of pre-stressing cable to the nearest mm and any sleep of gripping devices at transfer. . Pressure gauges shall be concentric scale type gauges accurate with in 2% of their full capacity. . The gauge shall be so selected that when tendon is stressed to 75% of its breaking load. . Gauge reading shall be between 50-80% of its full capacity. . Post tensioning force shall be applied gradually and steadily. . Applied force and elongations shall be measured all the time. . It shall be ensured that in no case, load is applied to the concrete before it attains the specified strength as per drawing.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 59- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


10.1 TEST PROCEDURE The test on materials shall be conducted at laid down frequencies as per section 8. The IS/BS/AASHTO/IRC code as mentioned in section 7. The Test result shall be forwarded duly compiled along with test results.

10.2 FORM WORK Contractor shall submit methodology for execution of temporary work along with detail drawing it any for approval of IE. The temporary work can commence only once IE has approved methodology in writing. However Contractor cannot be absorbed of his responsibility for not executing work as per ‘Good Engineering Practice’ even if IE has approved particular task methodology. Contractor shall take all safety measure to ensure the safety to: . Structure . Equipment . Manpower. If accident takes place then Contractor shall immediately take remedial action or safe guarding measures to minimise damages/losses. The costs of damages/losses etc are to be borne by Contractor.

10.3 EQUIPMENT/PLANTS All Engineering equipments/plants shall be kept in good working condition with reliability of max than 95%. However when work is in progress Contractor shall have following stand by arrangement. . Stand by Equipment/plant. . Repair team with fast moving spares. . Enough FOL for interruption work.

10.4 WORKSHOP FACILITY Contractor must ensure that he establishes static as well mobile workshop so that day’s work is completed unhindered. To achieve this goal contractor shall have: . All relevant technical literature available in workshop . Well-qualified technical employed. . Fast running sparer are well stoked. . Any major repair shall be completed in shortest possible time. . Caution % of major assemblies of plants/equipment shall be kept in reserve. . All rubberised/Washer and other perishable spare shall be kept well stoked.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 60- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

10.5 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 10.5.1 Material All material brought to site for instructor of using in work shall conform to relevant IS/IRC/AASHTO/BS code (This has been brought in section 7). Material shall be tested at regular frequencies as per section 8. Materials do not conform to relevant IS/IRC/AASHTO/BS shall be deemed to be rejected and shall be removed from the work site. 10.5.2 Testing The Tests on executed item of work shall be conducted as per section 7&8. The testing result shall be duly combined and submitted to IE as per requirement. Only those test results that are not accepted by IE, contractor shall be resubmitted after carryout rectification as directed or remove unsuitable item of work from site to spoils and replace with fresh approved material. 10.5.3 Non – Conforming Reports The purpose of NCR is to establish how to control nonconformity that does not conform to specify requirements, and to prevent them from unintended use or installation, which occur at the site during construction. The construction activities carried out by EPC contractor at site are not conforming base on QA/QC Plan as well as construction drawing and required corrective measure should instruct to the field engineer at site for corrective action of particular items. If the instruction given by SC overlook in such incident Non conformity of such work should be issued to the EPC contractor. The EPC contractor should take immediate action by repaired or reworked, which are taken cause of nonconformity. If necessary, to implement the corrective action to eliminate the cause of non-conformities and to prevent recurrence shall be established.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 61- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06


ORGANIZATION NON-CONFORMANCE REPORT Doc No.: GAMUDA - WCT Revision: Exact Location : Laboratory at : NCR No: - Others : Date of NCR: - Type of Inspection and Testing: Material description :


------Reported by originator Date

NCR Received By : ………….Date ……….. Proposed Disposition to be submitted by this Date………...


Use-As-Is Rework Repair Removal Replace Reject/Scrap Return to Supplier

Or Any Other Proposal :-

………………………….. ……………….. …………….. ………………. ………… Approved disposition shall Prepared By: Date Approved By: Date be completed by this DATE (Contractor) (S.C.)

PROPOSED Acceptable Not - Acceptable DISPOSITION COMPLETED Comments: - ……………………… ……………… Reviewed By: Date : Close Out By:………………………………… Date: Verified and Closed Out By QA/QC ………………. NCR (Explanatory Note) 1. SC teams by means of NCR shall report problems, defects or deficiencies identified during construction. 2. NCR shall be raised for problems defects or deficiencies encountered in the following areas: -  Defective construction materials including rejected materials found at site / stock.  Substandard workmanship of construction works at any stage of construction.  Failure of materials, finished works or structures to meet specified test requirements.  Deviation from approved methodology (method statement)  Deviation from Drawing  Use of unapproved machineries and equipment  Safety issues  Environment issues  Traffic issues

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 62- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06  Any other issues, in the opinion of the S.C. are not within the accepted bounds of good industry practice. 3. All NCR raised on site shall be issued to the respective construction manager. Alternatively the process owner shall receive the NCR to initiate corrective action (i.e. the purchasing officer in the procurement dept. for rejected material) 4. Where the NCR has a design implication, the corrective action proposed by construction manager to rectify the non-compliance shall require the approval of the design consultant prior to its implementation. 5. The originators of the NCR all verify the corrective action for its effectiveness before closing out. 6. The construction manager shall ensure that the NCR is closed out within the agreed time frame for disposal. 7. Defiance in addressing NCR (Preparation of proposed disposition / corrective action) or defiance in implementation of approved disposition / corrective action within agreed time frame shall lead to the issuance of STOP WORK ORDER.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 63- Client : National Highway Authority of India . Document: OMP/IP-QA Project: Nagaon to Dharamtul Section of NH-37 in Assam Revision: 0 Date: 24.03.06

Addendum to Quality Assurance Guidelines 11


- Project quality control and co-ordination of two laboratories of Km 516 and Km 579 are controlled by central laboratory at Galsi Km 546.

- Day to day testing activities for construction / manufactured material, the suitability test conducted by three laboratories under the guidance of overall quality control in charge from central Lab at Galsi Km 546.

- Overall quality control in charge of all the three laboratories are controlling other site laboratory from a single point at Km 546, Galsi laboratory.

- Test report preparing on verification of SC from all the three laboratories at Km 516, Km 579 and central laboratory and test report submitting to QC in charge for further necessary action to central laboratory within one Week.

- RFI generates by G-WCT and copy to Central Lab. The central Laboratory separates the RFI and distribute to all three Laboratories for work execution accordingly. A copy of the RFI retained in Central Laboratory for monitoring purpose.

- The organogram of material and quality control with duties and responsibility of three laboratory staff is enclosed in Annex A.

- A quality control flow chart is enclosed in Annex B. The co-ordination / communication between G-WCT, MAPEX, LASA, IE and all three Q.C. Laboratories are furnished.

Supervision Consultant: Lea Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. - 64-

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