Sustainability & Environmental Advisory Group (SEAG)
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SEAG Paper 1 28 Sept 2011 The University of Edinburgh
Sustainability & Environmental Advisory Group (SEAG) 34th Meeting 09:00-11:30am Wed 8 June 2011, Raeburn Room, Old College Members / Invitees: Prof Mary Bownes (Convener) Vice-Principal, Public Engagement MB Karen Bowman Director of Procurement KB Angus Currie Director of Estates & Buildings AC Prof Mayank Dutia School of Biomedical Sciences, CMVM MD Jon Gorringe Director of Finance JG Sheila Gupta Director of HR SG Sam Hansford EUSA Vice President (Services) (2010/11) SHa Prof Pete Higgins Moray House School of Education, CHSS (Vice Convener) PH Tom Higgison Business Development, Edinburgh Research and Innovation TH Prof Steve Hillier Vice-Principal, International SH Dr Andy Kerr Director of Edinburgh Centre on Climate Change, CSE AK Angela Lewthwaite Estates & Buildings (Secretary) AL Ryan Mackie EUSA Chief Executive RM Francesca Miller Edinburgh College of Art Student President (2010/11) FM Prof Michael Northcott School of Divinity, CHSS MN Nigel Paul Director of Corporate Services NP Dr Sue Rigby Assistant Principal for Taught Postgraduate Programmes SR Prof Martin Siegert Assistant Principal for Energy and Climate Change MS David Somervell Sustainability Adviser, Estates & Buildings DS Dr Neil Thin School of Social and Political Science, CHSS NT Rob Tomlinson Head of Media and Communications, CAM RT Welcome: Dr Sue Rigby, Philippa Faulkner EUSA VPS-elect (2011/12), In Attendance: George Sked for Karen Bowman, Davy Gray, EUSA Environmental Coordinator for Ryan Mackie, Philippa Faulkner, EUSA Vice-President (Services) 2011/12; Anna Borthwick attending for Rob Tomlinson Apologies: Karen Bowman, Prof Mayank Dutia, Sheila Gupta, Prof Pete Higgins, Nigel Paul, Rob Tomlinson Corresponding members: Dr Kenneth Amaeshi, Dr Helen Cameron, Liesl Elder, Prof Tim Hayward, Prof Gareth Leng, Iain Macwhirter, Prof Stephen Osborne, Prof Jan Webb.
MINUTE [All business “open” unless noted. Papers at]
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1 Minute of last Meeting 23 March was agreed as an accurate record.
1.1 Actions taken since last meeting not otherwise on the agenda - Paper 1.1 SEAG received a short presentation on the Edinburgh Sustainability website . Of particular note was the release of the first online annual Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report with Highlights published at!fileManager/UoE%20SRS%20Highlights%202009-10.pdf The Convener requested that thanks be conveyed to all who contributed to this project. AL (Minute Item 2.1) Impact Plans - SEAG members were requested to note that all seven of the UK Research Councils required impact plans to be submitted as part of an application for funding. These plans were necessary to enable Research Councils to be able to demonstrate the impact of the research they fund in order to ensure they continue to get financial support from the UK Government's science budget. SEAG was advised to disseminate to UoE staff this information and following link to appropriate colleagues. development/dossier-of-successful-applications/Impact%20Plans/Impact%20Plans.html All (Minute Item 4) Proposed Fair Trade Academic Network [FTAN] SEAG noted and welcomed the new Corporate Responsibility and Governance (CRG) network which was launched on 11 May 2011 at the Business School. Dr Kenneth Amaeshi (Senior Lecturer in Strategy and International Business would lead the network which would deal with interdisciplinary research projects and joint publications. The network would focus on the broad role of business in society and bring colleagues together to share ideas. See A paper on how the proposed fair trade network would work with the above CRG network will be presented by Dr Amaeshi to SEAG in September 2011. SEAG also welcomed Dr Amaeshi’s offer to give one of the lectures in the Our Changing World series this autumn.
2 Implementing the Social Responsibility & Sustainability Strategy 2010-20 – Paper 2 SEAG noted Paper 2 and fully supported the SRS Implementation Plan Progress Log mechanism as a valuable monitoring tool which should continue. SEAG commended achieving 75 out of 86 separate actions during the year and noted the balance would be carried forward or mainstreamed. Of particular commendation was the establishment of the Sustainability website. The Convener requested that thanks be conveyed to Transition DS Edinburgh University, Dawn Ellis and her team. The following comments on the Log for SRS Implementation Plan 2010/11 were noted:- 4.4.1 – Implementation of Climate Action Plan (CAP) and energy budget devolution. (P. 6) A CAP Working Group, convened by Assistant Director of Estates and Buildings had been set up to review the overall planning and resource required to deliver the Plan. 4.10.1 – Develop and implement site specific travel plans supporting sustainable active travel - Scottish Government had made a request that all higher education institutions should return data relating to existing fleet of vehicles. Colleagues were alerted that a letter would be sent out to Heads of Schools and Units to capture the existing fleet in the very near future. DS 5.1.2 – Establish a ‘New Enlightenment’ programme of public engagement across multiple disciplines with local community, city-region and other partners to discuss, understand and respond to global challenges and their implications. (page 9). SEAG agreed to carry forward 5.1.2 into the SRS Implementation Plan 2011/12.
D:\Docs\2018-04-08\0d34ae7a434efe8b8562421d3af73f42.doc Page 2 of 5 AL SEAG agreed that a meeting to discuss public engagement events programme be held with SH/AK/CAM/Heather Rea and Neil Thin. Update: New series title now proposed as “Scottish Global Relations Forum”
2.1 Progress Log for SRS Implementation Plan 2010/11 – Annex 1 SEAG endorsed the Progress log for SRS Implementation Plan 2010/11 [Paper 2 Annex 1). SEAG was encouraged to disseminate the information to colleagues.
2.2 Draft SRS Implementation Plan 2011/12 – Annex 2 SEAG reviewed the proposed actions and tasks in the draft SRS Implementation Plan 2011-12 and agreed to provide to DS/AL via email the following:- 1. Description of any planned actions that complement the plan eg Innovative Learning week 2. Ideas that would be in conflict with other plans 3. Names of people who could input into particular areas All 4. Comment on the Proposed Actions and further additions and to prioritise the combined list. SEAG was advised that the tasks under “D. Campus” would be delegated to the SEAG-Ops. 3 Formalising the annual cycle of SRS-related actions- Paper 3 SEAG noted the paper and welcomed the reformed Engagement Task Group that would deliver the SRS communication plan for the coming year. SEAG was advised that GASP were working on a new Strategic Plan and members were tasked to engage and see how they All could influence the Plan. SEAG endorsed the Communications Task Group, subject to inviting a member from EUSA’s communication team and a member from Communications and Marketing [CAM] to join the group. AL would write to the former group thanking them for their contribution. AL SEAG noted that this framework might provide the basis of a formal Sustainability Management System ISO14001 that would be capable of measuring and monitoring SRS. SEAG was advised that a refreshed ‘Highlights’ report would be presented to the November DS meeting. [Paper 3 – Annex 2 - SEAG Planning Calendar – First Draft - Pg 4 ref Annex 2 SEAG further endorsed that this item be added to the SRS Implementation Plan 2011-12. DS
4 Proposed revised guidance on SRS Reporting by Colleges and Support Groups - Paper 4 SEAG reviewed and endorsed the guidance and noted that Colleges and Support Groups would be requested to complete their SRS audit reports earlier to align with SRS report due in All November 2011. SEAG was requested to encourage Colleges and Support Groups to report emerging ideas and priorities for inclusion in the SRS Implementation Plan.
5 Recommendations from Learning for Change Task Group [LCTG] - Paper 5 SEAG debated the paper which presented the recommendation from the Learning for Change Task Group held on 26 April 2011. SEAG agreed that the Task Group needed to deliberate further and bring forward a re-crafted paper that would provide a framework in purpose, language and outcomes in order for academic colleagues to gain ownership. The framework required students to understand better the pressures that employers would be under when they have to tackle SRS issues. SR Dr Sue Rigby agreed to progress the proposal with Prof Pete Higgins. (Convener of LCTG). SEAG agreed that the Task Group should continue to meet to provide and implement recommendations and looked forward to an interim report at the next meeting.
6 UN Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development Paper 6 SEAG noted an updated paper which presented a proposal of establishing a ‘Regional Centre
D:\Docs\2018-04-08\0d34ae7a434efe8b8562421d3af73f42.doc Page 3 of 5 of Expertise’. The material could be downloaded from the internet and would explain the procedures and application process. The visit on 12th-17th June 2011 of Prof Charles Hopkins who is the UNESCO Chair for the international network ‘Re-orienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainable Development’ provides an opportunity to discuss this in detail and to seek his advice on the process. Several meetings with him were planned. A meeting with senior staff of the University (Vice Principal Mary Bownes and Assistant Principal Sue Rigby) and Peter Higgins had been planned for 13th June. Further meetings on 13th and 14th would take place with Scottish Government officials and with staff from a range of relevant and interested NGOs in Scotland. Peter Higgins held initial preparatory meetings with most of these officials and NGO staff. SEAG requested that a report be brought to a subsequent meeting that would provide the benefits to the University on establishing a Centre. The call for applications can be found at: PH
7 UNESCO Conference: “Reorienting Teacher Education to address SD” Paper 7 SEAG noted the following: York University, Toronto, Canada had agreed to host the 2012 meeting. The event could be timed to be a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Rio Accord, which would have considerable advantages in facilitating video-conferencing with events in Rio de Janeiro. The conferences were biennial, therefore, the visit on 12th-17th June 2011 of Prof Hopkins would provide a good opportunity to discuss the prospect of the 2014 conference which could be held in Edinburgh. This would coincide with the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Estimated invitees would be around 200-300. Several meetings with Prof Hopkins are planned for 13th and 14th June, these would involve a range of potentially interested parties from the University, Scottish Government and Scottish NGOs, and this could form part of the agenda. PH A recommendation on whether to proceed or not will be brought to the next SEAG meeting.
ITEMS FOR INFORMATION / NOTE 8 Paper 8 Publication of the University’s first SRS Highlights 2009/10 SEAG noted: The University had published the first online Sustainability Report prepared following the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework. A short summary 8-pager had been published which captured some of the Highlights achieved against the Social Responsibility and Sustainability agenda in 2009/10 SEAG encouraged colleagues to view the online Sustainability Report 2009/10 at as it evidences the achievements of the University.
9 Sustainable Procurement Action Plan – Update Paper 9 SEAG noted the progress in the current sustainable procurement targets for the Sustainability and Social Responsibility Strategy 2010-20 (Paper 6 App 1 March SEAG). SEAG commended Procurement in its role as a leader in procurement best practices. The Scottish Government and the health sector had shown interest and wished to explore further with a view to adopting the practices. Of further commendation was: Fair Trade website -
D:\Docs\2018-04-08\0d34ae7a434efe8b8562421d3af73f42.doc Page 4 of 5 Printing Services achieved gold level in the inaugural Sustainability Awards. The outcome of Outstanding Procurement Team at Times Higher Leadership and Management Awards is announced on 16 June.
10 Edinburgh Sustainability Awards 2011 - joint venture between the University of Paper 10 Edinburgh, EUSA and the National Union of Students. SEAG noted the successful first year of the Edinburgh Sustainability Awards. The positive and negative aspects of the 2010/11 campaign were discussed and the direction of the Edinburgh Sustainability Awards for 2011/12 was agreed.
11 Times Higher Education Sustainability Award 2011 & Green Gown Awards 2011 Paper 11 SEAG endorsed that the University should pursue both submissions and agreed that a Working Group be established to plan ahead of these submissions. DS/SR/PH/TH/AL AL
Next meeting: 2-4:30pm Wed 28 Sept – Room 1.07, Main Library, George Square
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