Chapter 4 – The Atlantic World

Section 2: European Nations Settle North America (Textbook pg. 127~131)

European nations fought for control of North America

1494: The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the newly discovered lands between Spain & Portugal. Other European countries ignored the treaty, setting forth to build their own empires → resulted in a struggle for North America

As they weren’t able to find a direct route to the Pacific, the French, English & Dutch instead established colonies in North America

Name of Settlement: General Location:

Giovanni da Verrazzano – sailed to North America & searched for a sea route to the Pacific in 1524, discovered today’s New York harbor

Cartier – St. Laurence & Montreal

Samuel de Champlain – 1608. Founded Quebec = base of the French colonial empire in North America aka New France New France French claimed the entire Mississippi river valley

Early 1700s – New France covered most of Midwestern US & Eastern Canada

Settlers: Catholic priests & single men Main economic activity = the fur trade The English Arrive in North America company of London investors, in 1607 reached Coast of Virginia New Netherland Settlement of Jamestown: England’s first permanent settlement settlers more interested in finding gold than agriculture farmers then discovered tobacco → profitable cash crop

The pilgrims founded the 2nd English colony, Plymouth Massachusetts Bay colonists sought religious freedom

Puritans sought religious freedom from England’s Anglican Church thus established larger colony near Massachusetts Bay Aimed to build a model community as an example for Christian followers