1 the subject matter in that answer. occupy my mind in the Kenneth the works. Willoughby endless future. It The nature of that m#elaq„ P.O. Box would be like final mystical state seems 317 1 SEARCH FOR  That Newbrough pliable and formable SANITY used "laughing Dear Ray: _ to almost any shape gas" to put himself In the year 1923, and concept. Our into a trance in Germany was christian concepts of order to write engulfed in a frenzy of heaven and hell seem statement, let's go inflation, which almost as fluid. This the books they soared prices to very pliability each other. And this astronomical figures. shatters the rigidity seems to be a act To mail a postcard, of many orthodox 1 deduce from then, it cost three imited xperiences. people no matter true t at, i e us, not billion marks, and the what they are rigid al¡ spirits think alike, price for a single loaf about-religion all are educated alike. of bread was ten the way to UFO To reject any of them billion marks. The extraterrestrials. So simply because German mark, at the problem then they disagree would that time, amounted becomes not the face us with that to about the literal interpretation oid argument, which equivalent of what a of these great works is the "true" quarter coin bought but the abstract one? indizzier-and America. Savings he's of wisdom and laws whic Never take a thing faith. Be responsible gotten to the point 3i; ty to A creation where he can't throuehout eterna. remember whether the Creator is We are left with a he'a "forever unattainable thing that seems to 4 ing in or coming and changg and expression must Iearn the out. Isn't it a fact, Vat with more profundity than a STAR TREK when "greed and of tools and instruments to detect that avance" wallow in experience forever. sullied minds, problem of finding meaning for that common sena of us wants to contra meaning taus outside ofITHE SECRET diminishes reality that he andDOCTRINE is pretty proportionately? other scientists haveobvious to me-the From FORUM No. constructed, someonespirit authors of both 41, Feb. 1968, I'm must restructure thatdisagree. And why quoting your reply tp reality closer to theshouldn't they? a letter from Ruth E. actuality indicated byNeither can possibly Speaker: "Today we those instruments.be in possession of the are witnessing an What are theultimate truth, unless increase of wage mechanics of payment which is not they are the Creator. • If you want my restructuring thatAnd the Creator has 28 opinion, 1 feel that realityl' In answering 2

creature from another world. We are left asking what s the real nature of this thing? It takes U s o many forms and shapes whenever the situation appears to demand a new rt of expression or environment. This is confusing to many of u who were raised in an educational system which taught us to know and exist in a literal and logical world. We are facing a seeming new world which is not what our brains and senses tell us exista. Perhaps there is a due in the two words, realiU and actuali We have learned to think that all tJ. exista ls á'reality". Perhaps this la only partly true. The sum total of all creation may form a reality for the CREATOR whoever and whatever it is. But, at our leve¡ our perception of e iefs. Let's just assume that the creation may form only one of an,~ Creator is the onlv reality. And sin infinite number of realities': Hence we see that actuality may form the reality of the CREATOR, but our perception,,, . o f reality may form only one infinitesimal part of actuality. because obviously we never will. Our The aboye seems to be one of the un erstanding of things wili grow reasons that science fashions all types forever as we exist forever and

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