TS503, Sec. 01 Instructor: Dr. Joel Lawrence
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TS503, Sec. 01 Instructor: Dr. Joel Lawrence Spring 2010 Phone: 651-638-6109 (W) March 29-June 4 651-486-2742 (H) Tuesday 1:00-5:00pm Email: [email protected] Office: F-204
TS 503 God the Holy Spirit
I. Catalogue Course Description
“A study of the person of the Holy Spirit and the application of the gift of salvation to the individual through the Spirit’s work, as well as a reflection on God’s purposes and activity in the church and in the culmination of history.”
II. Learner Outcomes
The course aims are for each student to: 1. Build on the foundation given in the TS501 and TS502 by exploring further principle themes in the Christian faith: the doctrine of Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), the Spirit’s work of applying salvation to our lives (Soteriology), the Church (Ecclesiology) and the world to come (Eschatology) 2. Develop the capacity to make connections across theological doctrines and see the interrelation of theological themes. 3. Develop and demonstrate transformational intellectual leadership, that is, the ability to engage in theological argumentation that is aimed at human transformation by presenting critical analysis and constructive responses to a particular doctrinal view. 4. Move into a deeper relation to God by the power of the Spirit of Christ in worshipful response to the eschatological calling of our Triune Creator, Savior and Sanctifier.
III. Required Reading
Grenz, Stanley. Theology for the Community of God. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Press, 1994. ISBN 0802847552
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti. Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in ecumenical, international and contextual perspective. Baker Academic, 2002. ISBN 080102448X TS503 – Spring 2010 – Lawrence 2
Yoder, John Howard. Body Politics. Herald Press, 2001. ISBN 0836191609 IV. Miscellaneous
Contacting the Professor: Please feel free to call me with any questions at work or at home (If calling at home, please call before 10 PM). You can also reach me by email, to which I will respond within 24 hours (most of the time ).
Inclusive Language: In accordance with Bethel Seminary policy, inclusive language is to be used in class discussion and papers.
Plagiarism zero tolerance policy: If a student is suspected of plagiarism, he or she will be called in for a discussion with the instructor. The onus will be on the student to demonstrate that the work is original. If plagiarism is discovered, the student will fail the class and be reported to the office of Student Life.
Academic Course Policies: Please familiarize yourself with the catalog requirements as specified in Academic Course Policies document found on the Syllabus page in Blackboard. You are responsible for this information, and any academic violations, such as plagiarism, will not be tolerated.
V. Late Work Policy
Late work will be deducted 3 points per day. No work will be accepted more than 1 week late. If you find yourself in an unexpected situation, please contact me.
*** Papers are due at the beginning of class. Any paper/reading assignment not submitted/finished by that time will be considered late.
VI. Course Requirements
1. Required Reading
Read carefully the portions of the books as assigned. At the end of the course you will report on the amount of reading you have completed. You should be able to put 100%, as long as you follow the reading assignment schedule.
Do not report the pages you have read, but the percentage read. Also, do not report what you intend to read, but what you have actually read.
Your reading only counts if you complete by the assigned time.
You will report your grade via Blackboard at the end of the course. I will not track you down to submit this grade. If you don’t submit it by the date on the course calendar, you will receive a zero for the assignment. TS503 – Spring 2010 – Lawrence 3
2. Critical Book Reviews
You will write two papers of approximately 1500 words each interacting with readings:
Paper #1: Broadening Horizons Paper: For this paper, you will be required to interact with a book written by a person of a different race/gender than you that engages one of the topics of this course. A suggested reading list will be provided, as well as more information in Blackboard. Another source for potential books/author’s is the Karkkainen text Pneumatology.
Paper #2: Yoder Reflection Paper: Interact with Yoder’s Body Politics. What do you think of his argument? How does his view of the church’s practices differ from yours? How? What have you learned from Yoder? How is this applicable to your ministry context?
3. Personal Interaction Paper The purpose of this paper is to encourage you to interact with a person or persons who have a different conception of the Spirit or the Church than you do. This will stretch your theological understanding by giving you the opportunity to engage in meaningful theological conversation with a person who believes differently than you do on theological matters. Pneumatology: If you are a charismatic, you would speak with a person who denies the charismatic gifts of the Spirit. Or, if you are a cessasionist, interact with a charismatic. Ecclesiology: Interact with a person who holds a different ecclesiological position than you. Perhaps a Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox person, or one from a different conception of church polity. This paper should be approximately 2000 words. The paper should begin with a brief section describing the interaction: When did it take place? Did you have just one meeting or numerous conversations? What was the gist of your conversations? What themes arose? Part 2 of the paper, which should be the more substantial portion, should contain your analysis of the conversations. What arguments were compelling against your view? What arguments did you set forth that you thought were helpful? How has your understanding of the Spirit or the Church been challenged? What are you basing your beliefs on?
4. Credo Paper The credo paper is a final, integrative project for this course. This paper will give you the opportunity to state your own beliefs regarding the doctrines covered in class, to see how these beliefs are dependent upon one another, and to analyze how these doctrinal beliefs are TS503 – Spring 2010 – Lawrence 4
foundational to your living out the gospel message of Jesus Christ. This paper should be approximately 3500 words.
1. First 1200 words: lay out your “statement of faith” on the main themes of this course.
2. Second 1200 words: analyze the interdependence of these themes: for example, How does the doctrine of the Holy Spirit impact your ecclesiology?
3. Last 1200 words: how do the doctrines that you have explored in this course and come to convictions about integrate into your life and ministry? How do these integrate with other courses you have taken in seminary?
*** Further guidance and examples of the credo paper will be given during class.
*** In addition to submitting this assignment to the course instructor, you are also required to upload your assignment to your Integrative Portfolio. For important uploading instructions, visit your Integrative Portfolio Blackboard course (GS002 or GS003). This requirement began in the fall quarter of 2008 and applies to all degree seeking students from that point forward.
Instructions for submitting papers: On all your papers, please include a cover sheet with the following information: Your name, the date, the title of the assignment that you are handing in, and the number of days the assignment is late if that is the case. To submit your paper, you are to use the Assignments Link in the Blackboard menu (N.B.: this is not the digital dropbox). Simply upload the paper using the links you will find when you click on the assignments tab in the Blackboard menu. Please save your file using as: your last name_assignment name.doc. For example, my Yoder book review would be saved as: lawrence_bodypolitics.doc
VII. Grading
The final grade will be based on: Assigned Reading: 15% Critical Book Reviews: 40% (20% each) Personal Interaction Paper: 20% Credo Paper: 25%
Grading Scale: A 96-100 B- 83-85 D+ 71-73 A- 92-95 C+ 80-82 D 68-70 B+ 89-91 C 77-79 D- 65-67 B 86-88 C- 74-76 F 0-64 VIII. Course Schedule
Class Date Lecture Title Readings Due Assignments Due
March 30 Introduction/The Person of the Spirit
April 6 Mission of the Grenz, Ch. 13; Spirit/Spirit in the Karkainnen; Trinity Broadening Horizons Text
April 13 Spiritus Creator Karkainnen; Broadening Horizons Text
April 20 Spiritus Recreator Karkainnen; Broadening Broadening Horizon’s Book Horizons Text Critique
April 27 Reading Week Yoder
May 4 Reading Week Yoder Yoder Book Critique (due May 6th by midnight)
May 11 Ecclesiology – Grenz, Ch.17-18 Defining the Church
May 18 Ecclesiology – The Grenz, Ch.19-20 Personal Interaction Mission of the Church Paper
May 25 Ecclesiology – The Grenz, Ch. 21-22 Church in the World/Polity
June 1 The Consummation of Grenz, Ch. 23-24 Credo Paper, the Spirit’s Work – Reading report (Due Eschatology June 4th by midnight)