Wireless Enhanced 911 Advisory Board Meeting

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Wireless Enhanced 911 Advisory Board Meeting

Wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 Advisory Board Meeting Holiday Inn Select at the Pyramids 3850 Depauw Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana

December 9, 2009

Minutes of the Meeting

Board Members Present: Chairman Richard Mourdock, Treasurer of State Greg Hohlier, ATT, Wireless Carrier Representative Larry Jones, Verizon Wireless, Wireless Carrier Representative Harold Williams, PSAP Representative, Jasper County Sheriff Dept Lori Forrer, PSAP Representative, Cass County Communications Brad Meixell, PSAP Representative, Clark County E9-1-1 Michael Schulte, Centennial, Wireless Carrier Representative

Others Present: Kenneth D. Lowden, ENP, Executive Director, Indiana Wireless 9-1-1 Board Delvan Roehling, Treasurer of State Office Vicki Pool, Treasurer of State Office Cory Kihlstrom, Designee for Larry Jones, Verizon Wireless, Wireless Carrier Representative Clayton Miller, Attorney at Law, Bamberger Foreman Oswald and Hahn, LLP Barry Ritter, Wayne County Communications Mark Grady, INdigital telecom James Kinney, INdigital telecom Jon Whirledge, INdigital telecom Brian Rumsey, INdigital telecom Roger Fisher, INdigital telecom Rick Caldwell, ATT Rod Humphrey, London Witte Group Ben Duke, London Witte Group Bob Currier, Intrado

I. Chairman Mourdock called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. Chairman Mourdock recognized that a quorum was present and the meeting notice was posted in accordance with Indiana’s open door law as a public meeting. All 7 Board members were present.

II. Chairman Mourdock then asked for approval of the October 21, 2009 meeting minutes and advised a copy of the minutes had been distributed in advance. A copy of the minutes was also in the meeting packets.

a.A. A motion by Harold Williams to approve the October 21, 2009 minutes as presented was seconded by Lori Forrer. a.B. Motion Passed 7-0

Approved June 3, 2010 P a g e | 1 III. Chairman Mourdock then recognized Vicki Pool to present the financial report. Chairman Mourdock advised that a copy of the report was in the Board packets. The report was presented with no additional comments being received concerning the report.

IV. Executive Director Lowden reported that Indiana’s 911 Federal Grant request had been approved. The total approved was 1,563,140.38. The counties will now be able to start spending the funds. Vicki Pool and Delvan Roehling from the Treasurer’s office will be doing the input of the information into the Federal CCR system (Case Management System) next week. This system allows us to process claims. Also Wayne County and the 9 member consortium will open bids on their grant project December 16th. After they award their purchase of equipment Director Lowden expects the amount awarded to counties to change. Each county now has 3 years to spend the funding received.

V. Mark Grady was recognized to provide a final report on the 511 Toll Road interagency project.

Mr. Grady gave a brief summary of the Indiana Toll Road (ITR) project, and advised the Board that the ITR was now fully integrated into the IN911 network, and that separately, and in conjunction with the Indiana Department of Transportation, 511 service had been developed and put in place. Dual (511 and 911) road signs are being installed to provide guidance to the travelling public.

VI. Mark Grady was recognized to provide the quarterly update report. Copies of the complete report were made available to the board and all members in attendance. Mr. Grady reviewed the executive summary and noted there were no major concerns or issues to report.

Mr. Grady presented a status report on the overall project progress, and indicated that with the exception of the 40 counties served by AT&T, (where a direct connection had not yet been established) all project elements had been completed, and that INdigital was requesting the release and payout of the retention amount.

Chairman Mourdock then asked for a motion to approve INdigital’s request for payment of the retainage amount in the amount of $40,649.76.

a.A. A motion was made by Brad Meixell to approve the request and a second by Harold Williams. The motion passed 7-0

Mr. Grady concluded his report, and responded to questions concerning two new service items that were in the report. Item 19B is the Network and PSAP Tool Kit, a browser based statistics and reporting tool that INdigital had developed to provide detailed call information. This reporting tool had identified several trends in wireless 911 traffic.

Mr. Grady responsed to several questions concerning who would have access to the toolkit, and how it would be used to improve 911.

In addition, Mr. Grady explained INdigital’s work on a text.instant messaging service platform, (Item 19A in the report) and advised the Board that the development had been refined with the publication of several new Internet Engineering Task Force standards. An open discussion of the service offering, how it would be developed and how it may be implemented took place. Chairman Mourdock then asked for 2 volunteers to work with INdigital and report back to the Board at the next meeting concerning the 2 new projects INdigital has developed. (Text Messaging and PSAP Tool Kit) Brad Meixell and Greg Holier were appointed by Chairman Mourdock.

VII. Chairman Mourdock then recognized Clayton Miller to report on pending legal issues. a.A. Mr. Miller reported that we were still waiting on the decision from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in the INdigital/Indiana Wireless Advisory Board cause 43499 seeking direction connection to ATT PSAP equipment. The case has been fully briefed and a hearing was held. We are waiting on the Commission order. a.B. The next 4 cases are concerning a company that has now been identified publically as TracFone. a.B.i. The oldest case from June 2008 was initiated by the board at the IURC against TracFone alleging that TracFone is not fully paying the Indiana 911 fee. No hearing has been held in this proceeding. a.B.ii. The second case was filed by TracFone against the Board in the Marion Superior Court. TracFone has started taking depositions and more are scheduled. Chairman Mourdock, Director Lowden, Larry Jones and Mike Schulte have been deposed. The judge in the case has scheduled a hearing for October 2010 if the case is not resolved before the hearing date. a.B.iii. The third and fourth cases have been filed by TracFone at the IURC. Both are seeking relief via commission order. One petition is requesting that TracFone be designated an Eligible Telecommunication Carrier (ETC) status in the state of Indiana. The other petition requests a Certificate of Territorial Authority (CTA). The CTA is a type of business license that all Communication Service Providers active in the state are required to have.

Both cases have been consolidated at the IURC and both cases are still pending. The board will be filing testimony and exhibits before the hearing. The CTA hearing has been scheduled for late December of 2009.

VIII. Chairman Mourdock then explained that he had asked Director Lowden to work with a committee of about 20 people in an attempt to come to a consensus and develop key, critical points regarding 911 legislation for 2010. He reported that in the 2009 session all attempts were defeated because no consensus had been developed. This group has been meeting for about 8 months. The group consists of representatives from the Indiana Sheriffs Association, NENA, County Government, the Telecom Industry, County Commissioners, Chiefs of Police and four legislators. A report will be made at the PSAP meeting to be held after the Board meeting.

IX. Chairman Mourdock then announced that the full board will go into executive session to discuss the pending litigation issues as authored by IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(2)(B) immediately after the Board Meeting.

X. The Chairman then asked for a motion to adjourn.

a.A. A motion was made by Lori Forrer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM

Approved June 3, 2010 P a g e | 3

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