SAMPLE OFFER LETTER FOR TENURE TRACK FACULTY APPOINTMENT Offer letters may be personalized for the individual appointee. Italics in this template reflect portions of letter that will need individualized information.


Dear XX:

I am pleased to extend a formal offer to you for the position of (Assistant, Associate) Professor in the (Department, Division, School, Program) at the University of Wyoming. The appointment is a tenure-track position at an academic year salary of XXX plus fringe benefits (see attachment) valued at approximately XXX, for a total compensation package valued at nearly XXX. (If appropriate, insert statement here if the position carries X years of credit toward tenure.) The effective date of this appointment will be XXX. University of Wyoming policies and practices dictate that your tenure decision must be made no later than the XXX academic year. Tenure, if granted, would be effective XXX.

This offer includes XXXX in start-up funds, payable over a XX year period. All reimbursable moving expenses should be budgeted in the total startup funds; please save all receipts. Reimbursement for moving expenses will be processed once you are officially on the payroll, and processing normally requires 2 to 3 weeks. University of Wyoming employees are paid on the last working day of the month; hence your first paycheck will be XXX. Please note that insurance coverage takes effect XXX. Coverage is not automatic so you must enroll for coverage in person with the insurance office on campus.

Responsibilities associated with this appointment include (specify here: e.g., teaching courses, research/creative activity, undergraduate and graduate student advising, and service in accordance with the policy of the College and University). (If appropriate include additional expectations here: e.g., [1] Please note that is includes distance education and off- campus, evening and/or weekend duties. [2] Interdisciplinary/inter-professional research and teaching is highly valued in the College of XX and we urge your participation in such activities. [3] You may also be asked to participate in student recruitment or teaching of First Year Seminar and/or honors classes.) Please see a draft of the faculty job description. Allocation of effort included in a job description may be revised during the term of your employment. We can discuss your job duties in further detail upon your acceptance of the position.

You will be expected to attend new faculty orientations during August 20XX. Two orientations are hosted by the Office of the Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs; one is designed for all new university academic personnel and the second will focus on the reappointment, tenure and promotion review process. Dates for these orientations are XX

Updated 9/20/17 (or have not yet been determined). For more details, see (If appropriate, add a statement here about college and/or department specific orientations.) New faculty are also encouraged to attend seminars on teaching conducted through the year by the Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning (

You can find supplemental information for prospective academic personnel on the Office of Academic Affairs website ( This site contains information critical to your employment. By following the link for prospective faculty you can find information on employee benefits, background checks, faculty governance, as well as other topics of importance to your future at UW.

This position, like all University positions, is subject to available resources. All appointments and reappointments of tenure-track faculty are governed by University Regulations, as may be amended from time to time, which can be found at generalcounsel/current-uw-regulations-and-presidential-directives/ index.html, and the policies set forth in University Regulation 5-803, Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Procedures for University Faculty. I encourage you to review this regulation. It can be found at %20updates%202015/uw-reg-5-803.pdf. (If appropriate, add: This appointment is also contingent on whether you are permitted to work legally in the United States and on completion of a background screening.) (If appropriate, add: It is also contingent on whether you are permitted to work legally in the United States and on completion of a background screening. DELETE if neither statement is appropriate.)

If you agree to accept this offer and its conditions, please returned a signed copy of this offer letter no later than XXX in order for this offer to remain in effect. Following approval by the appropriate University officials and the University Trustees, you will receive a letter from the Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs confirming your appointment. Prior to the Trustees acting on your hire, a copy of your transcript must be received by the Vice President for Academic Affairs directly from the institution that granted your highest degree. Please request this be done as soon as possible.

Please call me at (307) 766-XXXX if you need further clarification on any part of this offer.



I, ______accept this offer for the position of (Assistant, Associate) Professor.


Updated 9/20/17 Signature Date

Updated 9/20/17