Minutes NAD Master Guide Committee April 6, 2010 – Columbus Ohio

Officers present Chair — Debra Brill - NAD - [email protected] Secretary — James Black - NAD - [email protected] Vice-Secretary — Manny Cruz – NAD – [email protected] Recording Secretary — Glen Milam – NAD/Chesapeake (non-member) [email protected]

Members present Carla Wakefield — Rocky Mt. (MAU) – [email protected] Mark Wakefield — Rocky Mt. (MAU) – [email protected] Jasmine Hoyt — Northeastern (AU) – [email protected] Terry Dodge — Michigan (LU) - [email protected] Rogers Johnson — Southwestern Reg. (SWU) – [email protected] Glorimar Wharton — Southern NE (AU) - [email protected] Bob Wong — Southern Calif. (PU) - [email protected] Bill Wood — Atlantic Union - [email protected] Velma Morgan — Ontario (SDAinC) – [email protected] Ernestine Lockett — Southeastern (SU) – [email protected]

Unsure if member or guest Roy Butler — Bermuda (AU) – [email protected] Cyril Millet — Ontario (SDAinC) – [email protected] Arnold & Dixie Plata — Historians - [email protected] Patrick Carter — South Atlantic (SU) - [email protected]

Guests Gene Clapp — Texas (SWU) – [email protected] Joe White — Georgia Cumber. (SU) - [email protected] Lyle Petry — GeorgiaCum (SU) – [email protected] Jeff Wines — Minnesota (MAU) – [email protected] Sandra Mit-Chelle — AEC (CU) – [email protected]

Prayer – James Black

2010.1 Voted To approve the Feb. 12, 2008 minutes with the correction of the motion numbers to read 08 rather than 09.

Announcement James will send out copies of minutes from the 2004 Denver meeting and the 2008 Dallas meeting, as well as other pertinent documents. Reports Atlantic Union: Three conferences have active Master Guide programs. The other three only promote on an individual club basis. Two have huge Master Guide Investitures each year. SNEC and AU had a Master Guide Camporee recently. SNEC has developed their own Master Guide manual.

Mid-America: Seeking a new union director. Only RMC has a Master Guide coordinator. They hold Master Guide training events each year. Currently surveying churches to ascertain numbers of active Master Guides. They attempted to start a Master Guide class at AUC. 30 people signed up.

Pacific: Has three different clubs. Challenges are dealing with the different cultural groups who want to do their own style. SC holds Master Guide classes. Requires a portfolio to prove completion.

Southern: Mixed bag. Searching for more organization. GCC’s main focus is on Master Guide’s in Pathfinders. SA has a Master Guide club in each of three states, which encourages chapters in each church or district. They hold two events each year, a Master Guide day, and Master Guide retreat at Cuhutta Springs.

SDACC: Several conferences promote Master Guide, but not as strong as desired. Ontario is training 12 pastors to earn their Master Guide. Launching a Master Guide council.

CU – AEC has no conference-wide program, but this year they did have statewide training. PC has a large Hispanic Master Guide program going.

SWU – Two conferences with Master Guide programs. ALC and Texas. Texas has a bilingual Master Guide coordinator. 30 to 40 churches have Master Guide clubs that are highly structured. Master Guide’s also have a Camporee. Master Guide’s assist at all major Adventurer and Pathfinder events.

LU – MC has training programs at conference and union level meetings. Many LRC members attend the Union level training event. TLT training has really strengthened the Master Guide program.

NPC – UCC has a very strong program. OC had training for about 35 Master Guide’s last year.

Announcement We need to develop a structure and framework that will allow the Master Guide program to grow in NAD.

Discussion There is a great cry from the field to make clear separation from Pathfinders and Adventurers. It is crucial that we help people understand that a Master Guide is a servant to the whole church, not the top level Pathfinder.

What are the issues and concerns beyond the list provided by NAD?

o There is no basic framework for a Master Guide club in NAD. o There are situations where you have Master Guide’s in a PF club and receive training from PF, while others go through the Master Guide club. In some cases they are cleared by very different standards. o The current curriculum does not include church heritage or church doctrine. (Not sure that it true.) o Need true cross ministry training, in multiple ministry branches. Can you require Master Guide’s to take training in all ministries, only on, or several of a longer list? o Real issues with transplants who want to run their old program here. At the end of the day this is the North American Division. o Master Guide must be a core of knowledge. o Uniform issues also include availability and cost.

The GC is supposed to provide a general template that has to be flexible for use in other parts of the world. We need to make recommendations to the GC.

The NAD has no idea how many Master Guides are in the division. We need to start collecting the data. The NAD sees itself as a direct partner with each conference. We would like to create a registry of active Master Guides.

We are trying to avoid problems with modifications to materials and logos that are under copyright by NAD/GC. Be careful when considering those kinds of actions.

Establish focus groups: o Structure – constitution, procedures and guidelines o Resources – curriculum, web, communications etc. o Uniform -

NAD will put out a timeline for process and first reporting back. Conference call on Tuesday, September 14, 3:00 pm EST.

Focus Group Structure: Joe White, Ernestine Lockett, Terry Dodge, Lyle Petry o Looking for early records of MG structure o Job description o Recertification’s o Conf. Call May 6, 9:00 pm EST. Resources: Dixie Plata, Jazmin Hoyt, Glorimar Wharton, Glen Milam o Curriculum o Website o Flag o MG Song o MG Pledge & Law o Job Description o Renewals for current Master Guides o Recertification for inactive Master Guides o Transfer verification and orientation for immigrant Master Guides o Specialties of ministry: Adventurer, Pathfinders, Etc. o Communications (e-mail, e-news) Uniform: Mark Wakefield, Roy Butler, Carla Wakefield, Velma Morgan, Sandra Mit-Chelle, Bob Wong, Gene Clapp, Rogers Johnson o Clarification on who is to wear the uniform and when o Insignia, patches, scarves o Change color to a neutral, non-historic color o E-mail further ideas to Carla with a conference call later.

Prayer Debra Brill