Support The Irish Ferries Workers!

Irish Ferries management intends to replace all its current workers with foreign agency workers on vastly reduced rates of pay of around €3.50 an hour - substantially below Ireland's legal minimum wage of €7.65 for an adult worker. This is despite operating profits last year totalling €14.6m. For once we agree with Bertie Ahern in calling this “totally unacceptable”. However, we’re still waiting on him taking action on the matter. Irish and foreign workers deserve better. All workers should be treated fairly, and enjoy the same rights as every other worker in Ireland. No worker should be exploited in this way. If this is not stopped now, it will provide a precedent for other companies in Ireland who also believe they can treat Irish people like shit in the interest of profit. A race to the bottom

The action of the Irish Ferries management is part of a ‘race to the bottom’ caused and supported by neo-liberal policies of our government and the European Union. Under neo-liberalism workers are expected to be more flexible and more competitive. This translates into attacks upon workers’ rights so that companies may use and treat people as they wish, like they do in countries that do not enjoy our hard won rights. Migrant workers deserve our solidarity and our rights too.

Unfortunately, much of this is imposed through EU law and policies over which we have no control. This includes valuing the free movement of capital over the rights and conditions of working people. It results in privatisation and de-regulation. So rather than the EU increasing the rights of ordinary working people, it is decreasing them to a level competitive with countries like China or Eastern Europe. The EU constitution rejected by French and Dutch workers intends to build on this, and was one reason why workers of these countries voted no. Demands Or email: [email protected]

The Connolly Youth Movement support SIPTU in calling for: . Workers in Irish Ferries to be treated justly. . Workers in Irish Ferries to have the same rights and protection as every other worker in Ireland. . Workers whether national or non-national not to be forced to work long periods, compromising their own and passenger safety. . The government to act in accordance with the requirements of the International Labour Organisation and introduce legislation to protect workers on all ferries in Irish waters. We further demand

. Workers both inside and outside the EU to fight in defeating this strategy of ferry owners across Europe. . The building of solidarity with all ferry workers in Europe. . An international ban on flag of convenience shipping. What is the Connolly Youth Movement?

The Connolly Youth Movement (CYM) is an all-Ireland youth organisation fighting for socialism. We are made up of young workers and students and have a long history of articulating, raising, and fighting the many issues that workers face. The members of CYM are involved in different trade unions and continue to raise youth issues. When young people combine, our voice will be heard and our demands can be fought by our combined strength.

Please send me more information about the CYM: Name:……………………………………………………………………… Address:……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………….……………………………………………… Email:……………………………………………………………………….. Phone:…………………………. Mobile:………………………………….. Return to: Connolly Youth Movement, 7 Bloom Lane, Dublin 1.