How to use GpxSonar, ActiveSync and GSAK with the “Dell Axim” and other Windows Mobile devices.

Written by “Walkabout 2”

With “Special Thanks” to Steve Brown and his wife, without their help the following never would have been drafted.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Install ActiveSync on your computer and make certain that it is working with your handheld device. 2. Conduct a Google search for GPX Sonar. Once at the site: a. In the lower right corner you will find a section called “Links” b. Select “Download GPXSonar-PPC 2003 (.EXE)” c. Select Run d. Restart you computer. Note: The program is free but you are asked to donate $20.00 via Pay Pal. This program is well worth the $20. 3. Install GPXSonar on your Handheld using ActiveSync. 4. Conduct a Google search for GSAK download and install on your PC. Basically follow the same steps as in 2 and follow the on screen directions. 5. Request a Pocket Query from 6. Import the query into GSAK. The importation is different for different operating systems but is easy and on screen pop-up helps solve any difficulty you might have. 7. Attach your handheld to the computer and complete the following: a. Select Tools b. Select Options c. A long list will show up in a dialog box. Read down the list until you come to File. d. There is a box in front of File. Place your cursor in this box and left click. This will place a check mark in the box. e. A dialog box will appear. Read it and if you agree select OK. f. The warning box will disappear. In the dialog box that remains select OK. g. Go to your Desk Top and verify that the file has been created. h. Make a note of where this file is or copy the file name to your clipboard for later use. 8. Go to GSAK a. Select File b. Select Export c. Select GPX\LOC file d. A box now appears do the following in this box i. Place a check in the GPX box. It is in the upper left-hand corner. ii. In the middle of the dialog box you will see a box title “File Name to Create.” 1. In this box write or paste the file name of where you want the export sent. This is how mine looked: a. C:\Documents and Settings\Lee Waits\My Documents\WM_Lee_Waits My Documents\PocketPC.gpx 2. In the box marked setting (lower left corner) select Save. This will bring up a box in which you can write the name of the file. I wrote “Pocket PC” for ease in remembering, but you can use any that you want. 3. Select Generate. Note: You may have a warning come up that the file cannot be found. If this happens go back to step 8.d.ii.1 and edit as necessary. 9. You will now have a file sitting in the folder you created in step 7. 10. Sync your handheld with the computer and the data from GSAK will be placed on your handheld.